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      • Adriana Hidalgo editora

        Adriana Hidalgo editora is one of the most prestigious publishing houses in Argentina, with great recognition in Latin America and Spain. Founded in 1999, it specializes in literature, essays, philosophy, art and illustrated books. It publishes both argentine and translated authors. Its catalogue currently holds more than 400 titles and it stands out for its literary profile and for the constant discovery of new authors. In 2009, and with our publishing house’s 10th year’s anniversary, Pípala was created: an illustrated book’s imprint of Adriana Hidalgo editora Pípala is now an independent imprint for illustrated books for both children and adults, based on a powerful catalogue that is in permanent development. It publishes translated works from all over the world (Corea, France, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, etc.) as well as original works in Spanish from Latin American and Spanish writers and illustrators.

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      • Suug Productions

        Kontexte, Blickwinkel, Sichtachsen und Perspektivwechsel Was wir machen Das Internet sollte Zugang zu Wissen organisieren und ist ein Werkzeug zum Austausch von Ideen, Visionen und Lösungen. – Suug Productions kreiert Projekte mit Sinn – und dem Anspruch, die Welt durch neue und ungewöhnliche Kontexte, Blickwinkel, Sichtachsen und Perspektivwechsel zu einem etwas reizvolleren Ort zu machen.

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 1991


        Das grosse Lehr- und Übungsbuch

        by Trevisan, Adriano

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        April 2017

        Biocontrol Agents

        Entomopathogenic and Slug Parasitic Nematodes

        by Mahfouz M M Abd-Elgawad, Tarique Hassan Askary, James Coupland, Sergei E Spiridonov, J Gulsar Banu, I Cannayane, K Sankari Meena, S.S. Hussaini, Francesca De Luca, M.M.E. Saleh, Atef Sayed Abdel-Razek, Salma Javed, Christos I Rumbos, Christos G Athanassiou, Nazir Javed, Muhammad Kamran, Huma Abbas, Glen Stevens, Ed Lewis, Qing Yu, Fengcheng Sun, Achinelly María Fernanda, Camino Nora, Eliceche Daiana, Salas Augusto, Rusconi Matías, Luis Garrigós Leite, Vanessa Andaló, Claudia Dolinski, Alcides Moino Junior, Elder Simões, Edson Tadeu Iede, C Sankaranarayanan, Shahina Fayyaz, Firoza Kazi, Tabassum Ara Khanum, J L Hatting, A P Malan, Eustachio Tarasco, Adriano Ragni, Giovanna Curto, Jolanta Kowalska, Congli Wang, Chunjie Li, Tiffany Baiocchi, Adler R Dillman, S Subramanian, M Muthulakshmi, Jirí Nermut, Vladimír Puža, David M Glen, Irma Tandingan De Ley, Rory J Mc Donnell, Timothy D Paine, Žiga Laznik, Stanislav Trdan, M Nagesh, Balachander Manohar, Shailesha Arakalagud Nanjundaiah, Raghura

        This book describes entomopathogenic and slug parasitic nematodes as potential biocontrol agents in crop insect and slug pest management. Addressing research on these two nematodes from tropical, subtropical and temperate countries, it covers the new techniques and major developments regarding mass production, formulation, application, commercialization and safety measures. Plans for future strategies to make these beneficial nematodes cost-effective and expand their use by including them in integrated pest management programmes in different agro-ecosystems are also discussed. Biocontrol Agents: Entomopathogenic and Slug Parasitic Nematodes provides a comprehensive review of the topic and is an essential resource for researchers, industry practitioners and advanced students in the fields of biological control and integrated pest management. ; This book gives a comprehensive account of entomopathogenic and slug parasitic nematodes as potential biocontrol agents in crop insect and slug pest management in tropical, subtropical and temerpate countries. It covers new techniques and plans for future strategies to make these nematodes cost-effective. ; PART I: BENEFICIAL NEMATODES AND CROP PROTECTION1: Beneficial Nematodes in Agroecosystem: A global perspective2: Beneficial Nematodes and the Changing Scope of Crop ProtectionPART II: ENTOMOPATHOGENIC NEMATODES - MORPHOLOGY, TAXONOMY, BIOLOGY AND DIVERSITY3: Entomopathogenic Nematodes of the families Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae: Morphology and Taxonomy4: Entomopathogenic Nematodes: General Biology and Behaviour5: Entomopathogenic Nematodes: Ecology, Diversity and Geographical Distribution6: Molecular Systematics and Phylogenetic reconstruction of Steinernema and HeterorhabditisPART III: ENTOMOPATHOGENIC NEMATODES AND THEIR SYMBIOTIC BACTERIA AGAINST CROP INSECT PESTS7: Efficacy of Entomopathogenic Nematodes against Lepidoptran Insect Pests8: Efficacy of Entomopathogenic Nematodes against Coleopteran Pests9: Efficacy of Entomopathogenic Nematodes against Dipteran Pests10: Control of Stored Grain Pests by Entomopathogenic Nematodes11: Toxic Secretions of Xenorhabdus and its Efficacy against Crop Insect Pests12: Toxic Secretions of Photorhabdus and its Efficacy against Crop Insect Pests13: Entomopathogenic Nematodes: Mass Production, Formulation and ApplicationPart IV: ROLE OF ENTOMOPATHOGENIC NEMATODES IN INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT14: Status of Entomopathogenic Nematodes in Integrated Pest Management Strategies in the USA15: Status of Entomopathogenic Nematodes in Integrated Pest Management Strategies in Canada16: Status of Entomopathogenic Nematodes in Integrated Pest Management Strategies in Argentina17: Status of Entomopathogenic Nematodes in Integrated Pest Management Strategies in Brazil18: Status of Entomopathogenic Nematodes in Integrated Pest Management Strategies in India19: Status of Entomopathogenic Nematodes in Integrated Pest Management Strategies in Pakistan20: Status of Entomopathogenic Nematodes in Integrated Pest Management Strategies in South Africa21: Status of Entomopathogenic Nematodes in Integrated Pest Management Strategies in Italy22: Status of Entomopathogenic Nematodes in Integrated Pest Management Strategies in Poland23: Status of Entomopathogenic Nematodes in Integrated Pest Management Strategies in China24: Status of Entomopathogenic Nematodes in Integrated Pest Management Strategies in EgyptPart V: GENETICS FOR ENHANCING EFFICACY IN ENTOMOPATHOGENIC NEMATODES25: Genetic Improvement of Entomopathogenic Nematodes for Enhanced Biological Control26: Breeding of Entomopathogenic Nematodes for enhanced Insect Pest suppressionPart VI: SLUG PARASITIC NEMATODES27: Slug Parasitic Nematodes: Biology, Parasitism, Production and Application28: The Discovery and Commercialization of a Slug Parasitic Nematode29: Phasmarhabditis: The Slug and Snail Parasitic Nematodes in North AmericaPart VII: COMMERCIALIZATION AND FUTURE PROSPECTS30: Compatibility between Entomopathogenic Nematodes and Phytopharmaceuticals31: Strategies for making Entomopathogenic Nematodes a Cost-Effective Biocontrol Agent32: Future thrusts in expanding the use of entomopathogenic and slug parasitic nematodes in agriculture

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2013

        Crime and Forgiveness

        The Death Penalty in the Mental Horizon of Christian Europe (14th–18th Century)

        by Adriano Prosperi

        During the centuries of the ‘long Middle Ages’, a great public spectacle gradually acquired a structure: death by justice. In the night between the 1st and 2nd May 2011, the President of the United States Barack Obama made a special appearance on television and announced to the nation and the world the death of Osama bin Laden. His first words were: ‘Justice has been done’ – ‘justice’, which in Italian has the same etymological root as the verb ‘giustiziare’, to execute. This single sentence brings out the fundamental question underlying the function of justice: is it a physical elimination of the criminal or a punishment which enables that person to repent and achieve moral regeneration? Is it an act of revenge or forgiveness? In the light of this history, Adriano Prosperi investigates the complex links with condemned people which our culture gradually established, until it eventually arrived at a Christianization of death as punishment: a public spectacle where the Christian cross occupies a central place in a great, cruel festival, and where the offering up of the criminal’s life was celebrated on the scaffold as a way of expiating the individual’s sins and purifying the community from evil.

      • History
        May 2019

        A Scattered Crowd

        Doctors and Peasants in Nineteenth-Century Italy

        by Adriano Prosperi

        With the rise of statistics, many modern states made it a tool of government and a link between the authorities and their subjects (or citizens). The case of Italy was that of a composite world where the early emergence of statistical science (with Melchiorre Gioia) was accompanied by many studies on the reality of the populations. Naples under the Bourbons and under the reign of Gioacchino Murat, and central-northern Italy under Napoleon, were the fields of application of studies which covered everything from folklore to material conditions. The growth of a high-level modern medical science, in contact with the scientific cultures of Germany, France and Britain, provided the new Italian nation with a means of analysing the social and sanitary problems of the country. A rich documentation of all this survives in the studies of the socio-sanitary conditions of the inhabitants of Italian towns and communes which began in the early nineteenth century and continued for nearly a century. The statistical study of sanitary and hygienic problems, commissioned by Italian governments and carried out by the corporation of local doctors highlighted the abject conditions in which most of the Italian population lived from many points of view: malnutrition, disease, alchoholism, illiteracy, high infant mortality, short average lifespan, devastating death rate from malaria, cholera, pellagra, etc. But the economic policy of the ruling classes – big landowners in the south and the entrepreneurial middle classes in the north – chose to turn Italy into an economic and military power, leaving the agricultural world to fend for itself. And medical science was split between those who, like Camillo Golgi, dedicated their lives to solving the problem of malaria, and those who, like Paolo Mantegazza, offered the culture of a rising middle class intriguing opportunities to explore the mysteries of pleasure and sexual hygiene.

      • History
        April 2016

        The Calling

        Stories of Jesuits in the 16th and 17th Centuries

        by Adriano Prosperi

        This book explains not who the Jesuits were, but how their awareness of having become Jesuits was constructed. It does so on the basis of a collection of documents which have often been referred to as ‘autobiographies’, in fact individual members’ accounts of how they received their calling. Each Jesuit had to describe in writing how the divine call had come to him, what signs had preceded it and how he had broken away from his ‘fleshly’ family to become a member of the Company. Their acute awareness of the definitive nature of the close pact they had established with God by becoming members of the army of the Lord, made the Jesuits new, unusual figures, unprecedented in the history of Christian religious orders: men trained to carry out arduous missions into the most distant countries of the world, in contact with unknown cultures, without any weakening of their ties with the Company; a classic case is Matteo Ricci. Accepting their calling meant adopting a special life, characterized by a modern form of asceticism: a total break with the past and their families, a readiness to go wherever they were sent, as new apostles.

      • Une Histoire du Velvet Underground

        by Prosperi Buri

        In 1964, who would've thought that an encounter between a young New Yorker with addictive tendencies, Lou Reed, and a pedantic Welsh multi-instrumentalist, John Cale, would lead to the creation of the most scandalous and decadent rock band of our time! Throw in a soul-searching junkie on guitar and a friend's little sister on drums and what do you get? Velvet Underground! In less than a decade they go on to shake up all musical, artistic and cultural norms, influencing generations of musicians. Author Prosperi Buri paints a picture of those years of noise and fury, of heroin flowing through veins at the famous Cafe Bizarre, of Nico's mournful voice, of Andy Warhol's ethereal allure and of this group of inspired, megalomaniac, spectacular musicians.

      • Religious & spiritual fiction
        March 2020

        Exu te ama

        by Adriano Paciello (author)

        Assassinados em decorrência de suas escolhas malditas, Pedro e seu irmão caíram. Cinquenta anos depois, Pedro reencarna e tem uma nova chance de aprender, enquanto seu irmão, torna-se o exu que o acompanha, com a missão de reencontrar Pedro e ajudá-lo a descobrir trajetos mais dignos, tentar mudar-lhe o futuro e dirimir novos enganos.Exu não é inquisidor, mas sim o portador da luz nas trevas, mas só a recebe quem merece. Um dia resgatado, agora cabe a ele resgatar, pois é este seu trabalho: separar espíritos obsessores dos dignos, apontar os espíritos de luz e desencaminhar os mal-intencionados.Exu é tudo isso e muito mais. Laroiê! Exu é mojubá!

      • Biography: general
        December 2020

        Carl’s Version

        A Fictionalised Biography

        by Andrea Pamparana

        Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) was an archaeologist of labyrinths of the human mind. He expanded the boundaries of depth psychology, beyond the horizons of Freudian psychoanalysis, reaching unexplored areas. He proposed an original model, still relevant today, of human life open to infinity. Jung’s thought can be shared or rejected, but it can’t be ignored. Carl’s Version is not an essay on analytical psychology, but a journey to discover the myth of the great psychiatrist, scientist and philosopher, through the technique of the novel. The book is enriched by an afterword – an interview with Adriano Pignatelli, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, member of the Jungian Association of Analytical Psychology – and by a glossary of Jungian terminology.

      • Tejo

        Juego de historias

        by CONRADO BOCCO

        Tejo es un entrelazado de tres historias presentadas con una literatura versátil. Cada una de ellas es dominada con un tono literario diferente. Es una novela conceptual en la que el autor juega con las letras, hechos y personajes desde la tapa hasta el Fin. El lector podrá ir saltando por los relatos o elegir solo uno de ellos. La historia de Adriano es divertida, juvenil; la de Camila es familiar y también histórica, de dramas y misterios, enclavada en la Argentina del 70. La de Extensísima de Los Milagros es un viaje a un tiempo desconocido, para descubrir los sucesos que vivió una civilización de nuestra Patagonia. A través de su mensaje,interpela a la sociedad actual. Tejo es una propuesta diferente, de la mano de una escritura ocurrente, profunda y emocionante, donde todos los hechos se conectan muy cerca del punto final.



        A new way to study history and current issues: learning the stories of people who did good. A book packed with real stories , anecdotes, current events, all tied together like superheroes adventures. Because all the 365 “pills” of this volume have a common ground: theirs heroes are super brave and super kind. From Rosa Parks to Galileo, from Giovanni falcone to Alan Turing: a collection of stories that will entertain, astonish, charm, and above all , inspire the reader. To dicover that great heroes do not exist just in the pages of comics, but can make therence in real life.

      • The Arts
        April 2018


        by Fernão Pessoa Ramos and Sheila Schvarzman (editors)

        In this series, a compilation of texts by researchers and specialists seeks to sketch an updated and detailed panorama of Brazilian cinema. In this first volume, Brazilian cinema is analyzed from the 1910s onwards, addressing silent movies, the beginning of sound film, the chanchada (musical comedies) and the independent cinema of Rio de Janeiro in the 1930s-1950s, and the educational role of cinema in Getúlio Vargas’s government. The book concludes with an essay on Companhia Cinematográfica Vera Cruz, an important Brazilian film studio of the 1950s. Ebook version brings aditional texts: “Cinema in Rio Grande do Sul (1918-1934), by Glenio Povoas, and “Massaini, producer and distributor (1935-1992): a lesser known aspect of Brazilian cinema”, by Luciano Ramos.

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)

        The Sicilian Woman's Daughter

        Four generations of mafia women

        by Linda Lo Scuro

        "If you loved My Brilliant Friend, The Godfather and Montalbano, you'll love this utterly gripping novel about women in organised crime in Sicily." Most victims of the mafia are the Sicilians themselves. The role of women both as perpetrators and victims has been grossly overlooked. Until now. As the daughter of Sicilian immigrants, in her teens Maria turns her back on her origins and fully embraces the English way of life. Notwithstanding her troubled and humble childhood in London, and backed up by her intelligence, beauty and sheer determination, she triumphantly works her way up to join the upper middle-class of British society. There she becomes a bastion of civility. But a minor incident wakes up feelings of revenge in her like those lurking in Maria's Sicilian origins. As she delves deeper into her mother's family history a murky past unravels, drawing Maria more and more into a mire of vendetta.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        The black sea of indifference

        by Liliana Segre / Filippo Civati

        Liliana Segre’s testimony and her political message are shared in this essay by Giuseppe Civati that reports her words and her teachings, on the occasion of her appointment as lifetime Italian Senator by Italian President Sergio Mattarella.Segre was expelled from school in 1938. She tried to flee Italy as an asylum seeker but was denied protection and was sent back. On January 30th, 1944 she was deported to Auschwitz with her father Alberto, who deceased in the concentration camp. In the last thirty years she has been promoting an extraordinary campaign against indifference and against racism in any form or aspect.Her undisputed, strong and clear words are a message for girls and boys, her «ideal grandchildren»: we must never lose our rights and respect for people.

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