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      • Publishing House ACCA

        4 women, united by their love of children and books, founded Publishing House ACCA in 2013. We specialise in fiction, nonfiction and educationalliterature for children and teenagers. Our main priority is the popularisation of reading. We aim to create interesting, modern and beautiful books. Hence, we pay a lot of attention to scientific substantiation of content, good design and involvement of new technologies.We aspire to promote Ukrainian authors not only in Ukraine, but also abroad, because they are worth it.

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      • Personal & social issues
        October 2024

        Special Purpose Unit of OWF (Other Worlds Forces)

        by Yulita Ran and Maria Kryshtal

        When the eternal enemy, who constantly breaks agreements and promises, sets foot on their land once again, conscientious citizens are not the only ones who are ready to confront the mortal foe. The Special Purpose Unit OWF of OtherWorlds Forces has an inseparable connection with the land that needs protection. They do everything in their power and beyond so that the eternal enemy of Ukraine — the Russian invader — is defeated. Ukrainians do not give up. The fight continues on all fronts!

      • Children's & YA
        October 2021

        Superfood for Superheroes

        by Natalia Bushkovska and Larysa Chayka

        What nutrients are found in ordinary food? What are carbohydrates, proteins, fats and why do we need them? What are vitamins and how to use them correctly? What is junk food and how can it be replaced by healthy one? How to understand food labels? These questions might seem boring or hard, but not with this colourful illustrated encyclopaedia. It will invite kids to hop on an exciting journey around the food world and introduce them to the everyday superheroes and monsters they might know nothing about.    From learning interesting dietary facts and creating your own healthy snacks to actually implementing easy and delicious recipes — the child will be able to discover a scientifically reliable modern approach to a balanced nutrition put in simple words.

      • Social issues (Children's/YA)
        July 2021

        The Child of Cynocephali

        by Volodymyr Arenev and Oleksandr Prodan

        Marta knows that her father became the living dead because of the war her country started against their neighbours. But whoever he is, she still wants to save him. The girl would have turned to her school teacher, who’s always been supportive of her, but he has changed a lot and is behaving suspiciously, so Marta has to seek help from other people.   While captives are brought into the town, Marta watches as ordinary people, under the influence of defiant propaganda, begin to see the hostages as wild cynocephali. The girl detects an obvious lie and doesn’t want to put up with it. When she receives an offer to become an operative of the special service, Marta realises that she has been kept an eye on for a long time. Hoping to protect her family and friends, she accepts the offer.   Getting involved in all those hushed down intriguing stories, Marta wants to do the right thing and truly believes she can, but what IS right? What information source can she actually trust? She decides it’s best to rely on the withche’s guts and concentrate on saving her father, at least for now.

      • Children's & YA
        October 2024

        Ukrainian Traditional LOOK

        by Nelli Sharabarova and Ganna Baranova

        A unique artistic gift edition, that combines dimensional and digital interactive elements, invites its readers to explore the diversity of traditional Ukrainian garments and embellishments that represent various ethnic regions of Ukraine.    At first, readers will dive into emotionally captivating comic narratives about the main elements of Ukrainian attire. Along the way, they will be entertained and amused by opening 40 little cut-outs, which hide fascinating and authentic facts from the history of traditional Ukrainian dress. Into the bargain, you will find 30 blocks of AUGMENTED REALITY available through the Artivive app, which can be easily installed via a link.

      • Personal & social issues
        September 2024

        Mr Cross' Adventures. An Incredible Journey of a Dog-Wanderer

        by Leo Sulman and Roman Liubchenko

        How special an out-of-breed little puppy can really be? As it turns out, more special than he even thought himself. Being named Mr Cross (thanks to a birthmark on his forehead), he unexpectedly proves to be an around-the-world traveller, who faces many trials on land and in the ocean, in the big city and in the jungle, on a farm, on a train and even on a military base. As he escapes his perils, he finds friends and fends off enemies, and in the end, after several stormy years, he comes back to his beloved owner.    Each reader will be captivated by this debut novel, filled with action and vividly visualised.

      • Picture books, activity books & early learning material
        September 2024

        Book of the Most Important Knowledge

        by Aliona Puliaeva and Oleksandra Snegiriova

        The series aims to help children master their very first skills and pieces of knowledge! This book contains 11 important topics that a child should become familiar with at a young age. The little one will learn to count up to five, distinguish colors and shapes; understand the emotions they may feel and the parts of their body; discover wild and domestic animals, along with other essential things. And they will go through all this journey side by side with a cheerful company of animals who, just like the child, explore the diversity of this vast world!

      • Children's & YA
        September 2024

        The Beast for Dina

        by Oleksiy Gedeonov and Maxim Rosenfeld

        A historical novel with the plot unravelling in mediaeval Kyiv. Although the city is mostly wooden and the St. Sophia Cathedral is still being built, Yaroslav the Wise is already giving away his daughter Elizabeth to the King of Norway, Harald III the Severe. The main character, a young girl named Dina, receives as a gift from her father a mysterious creature from distant lands, which turns out to be a mouse-hunting cat. Dina and her companions are in for many dangerous and fascinating adventures. She even has a hand in a genuine investigation involving forged Byzantine gold coins. After all, her uncle is a jeweller.    Each reader will be captivated by this historical dive, filled with action, just in time to realise that history is still all around us.

      • Personal & social issues
        September 2023

        First Sack. Old Panko and Magical Powers

        by Marko Teren and Maria Hristenko

        The main book character is an ordinary old man who thought his time to enjoy a peaceful placid life had finally come. But he couldn’t be more wrong. The Higher Powers decided to grant him magical skills, on top of his old age wisdom. He will definitely need them on the way full of thrilling and dangerous adventures that lies ahead. Is an old man sturdy enough to confront the fire-breathing birds? Or gather all the world envy to prevent this realm from falling into the very depths of hell?   Through the lens of Ukrainian archaic folklore, the mystic-philosophical fantasy cycle poses and answers fundamental questions about Good and Evil. It allows us to understand the foundations of Ukrainian national identity, the reason for their unwavering hope for a better future and their steadfast faith in the triumph of good. Each book in the series has its own unique artistic design that reflects one of the traditional Ukrainian crafts: wood carving, embroidering, blacksmithing, straw plaiting and pottery.

      • Personal & social issues
        August 2023

        The Mirror of Wishes

        by Yulita Ran and Valentyna Melnychuk

        One day, a famous collector’s widow brings an antique mirror to the restoration workshop of Milana’s father. The legend of the mirror says that it can grant wishes. And even though it seems silly at first, soon enough the mirror turns out to be genuinely magical. After proving its powers and fulfilling Milana’s wishes, the mirror becomes an asset for someone with a corrupted heart. As it gets stolen, the young detectives — Milana and her friend Nazar — are trying to find out who is behind this crime. Will it be possible to return the priceless thing before there’s any more damage?   This masterfully illustrated book shows us an example of good life choices and righteous priorities. It teaches kindness and compassion and prompts us to think about what is really important. Being told from the perspective of a child, the story explicitly shows how complicated the child’s feelings can be when growing up and facing grown-up challenges.

      • Social issues (Children's/YA)
        July 2024

        Strange Spring

        by Oleg Mykhaylov and Kateryna Gordienko

        This collection of four wonderful fairy tales helps children cope with difficult situations they sometimes face, including war, and provides answers to major questions kids may be burdened with. What should you do when you’re scared? Who can you rely on in times of trouble? At first, the heroes of the book may seem small, vulnerable and dependent. Yet their strength of spirit, soul and character is striking. Each hero is the true embodiment of human virtues!    The book aids parents in discussing fears, uncertainty and loss with their children. It also teaches kindness, mutual aid, sincerity, humanity, friendship, integrity and support — those most valuable things any human being cherishes.

      • Biography & True Stories
        August 2023

        Impressive Ukrainian Women

        by Iryna Baryshevska

        This book shares the stories of remarkable Ukrainian women who achieved worldwide recognition. Each story has its own heroine, who acts as a person of great spirit and phenomenal talent. You will learn the true stories of female rulers, musicians, aviators, actresses and scientists who broke many stereotypes and sparked off their sphere of interests; they risked and made sacrifices, they fought for their dreams and achieved success.     The book is crafted and written in such a way that it will engage both children and adults. It allows everyone to appreciate the immense contributions made by women throughout different eras in the fields of science, art, culture and sports. And most importantly, you will also learn about women who are making great history right now.

      • Children's & YA
        August 2023

        Olbia. Winter of Changes

        by Oleksiy Gedeonov and Oleg Panchenko

        Over two thousand years ago, on the shores of the Euxine Pontus (the Black Sea), between Borysthenes and Hypanis, the city of Pontic Olbia flourished and thrived. The people of the city and the settlements nearby were busy with placid affairs of peaceful times: they grew bread, produced handicrafts, caught fish and traded with each other. None of them even imagined that there was a ruthless order, given somewhere in the metropolis, to conquer the entire Black Sea region and bind it under Macedonian rule. No one saw the army coming their way, and not just any army, but the most invincible one throughout the Oikumene. The Olbians faced a harsh choice: to fight or to surrender? Finally, the town chose resistance. But preparing peaceful land for war was no easy mission. Neither the residents of Olbia nor their neighbours were ready for the confrontation, especially for such a long and exhausting one.   We learn this story from an ordinary teenager, who happened to be a witness to the events and a participant in the resistance to the brutal invasion. It will transport us to the times of Macedonians, Hellenes and Scythians, to those ancient times that still beckon and inspire. And the possibility of finding traces of ancient Greek Olbia, which was swallowed by the sea and merciless time centuries ago, excites the imagination.

      • Children's & YA
        August 2024

        Offerings of the True

        by Natalia Gordienko and Lada Kasianenko

        When Stanislava confronts creatures she always thought to be the figments of her imagination, she realises that the worlds are not parallel but closely intertwined. In the human world, shapeshifters fulfil their duty, as their world cannot exist without humans as well.   The events of the novel unfold in modern Ukraine as Stanislava lives through the changes in her country. With overwhelming events unravelling in the background and in her personal life, she develops her innate gift and discovers her calling. However, the answer to the most important question has yet to be found.   Set in the modern rapidly changing world, this story is about the challenges of growing up and finding love, making true friends and staying loyal — to your true self and your calling, most of all.

      • Children's & YA
        October 2023

        FatherMotherSnow. Snowbook of Winter Miracles

        by Yulia Iliukha, Sergiy Pantiuk, Olga Migel, Sergiy Gridin, Yulita Ran, Marko Teren, Yulia Batkilina, Dmytro Zhuravel and Valentyna Melnychuk

        A Christmas collection of stories by Ukrainian writers.    Eight cosy winter stories about the most valuable things in the world — family, loyalty, love and happiness. Touching and sometimes even sad, yet amazing and encouraging narratives that would be best enjoyed under a warm blanket with your loved ones. And each of them gives every reader exactly what they need during the winter holidays: feeling of Miracle and Hope, regardless of their age.

      • Children's & YA

        Smart Mathematicians Series Lower Primary

        by The Editorial Team

        Smart Mathematicians magazines are designed to comply with the Singapore school Mathematics syllabus for Primary 1-6. Every copy of Smart Mathematicians is complies with the SINGAPORE MOE primary Math Syllabus with added Olympiad Maths quizzes. Smart Mathematicians opens up a world of fun and excitement in learning Mathematics without tears and drudgery.

      • Children's & YA

        Smart Mathematicians Series Upper Primary

        by The Editorial Team

        Smart Mathematicians magazines are designed to comply with the Singapore school Mathematics syllabus for Primary 1-6. Every copy of Smart Mathematicians is complies with the SINGAPORE MOE primary Math Syllabus with added Olympiad Maths quizzes. Smart Mathematicians opens up a world of fun and excitement in learning Mathematics without tears and drudgery.

      • Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        May 2013


        A Roadmap for Entrepreneurs and Leaders in The Digital Age

        by Declan Kavanagh

        Advantage is what creates value for your customers and your organisation. By having a focus on advantage and the sources of advantage through the life cycle of a business, whether it is commercial or not for profit ensures entrepreneurs and leaders minimise risk and maximise value. This book presents a framework called “The Business Advantage Model (BAM™)” that supports leaders in the identification, creation, proving, securing, leveraging and changing of advantage. It is about “Doing the right things, the right way at the right time” across every aspect of starting, scaling and readjusting a business. Its goal is to help create more high performing organisations.

      • Fun Experiments

        by Valeria Salandin

        Fun experiment book full of simple experiment to do at home

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