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Promoted ContentBotany & plant sciencesMarch 2012
Invasive Plant Ecology and Management
Linking Processes to Practice
by Lesley R Morris, Samuel D Fuhlendorf, A Josh Leffler, Mark W Paschke, Valerie T Eviner, Joel R Brown, Stuart Hardegree, Nancy L Shaw, Beth A Newingham, Christopher A Call, Joseph M DiTomaso, Jeremy J James, Jane M Mangold, Steven G Whisenant. Edited by Thomas A Monaco, Roger L Sheley.
Bringing together ecology and management of invasive plants within natural and agricultural ecosystems, this book bridges the knowledge gap between the processes operating within ecosystems and the practices used to prevent, contain, control and eradicate invasive plant species. The book targets key processes that can be managed, the impact of invasive plants on these ecosystem processes and illustrates how adopting ecologically based principles can influence the ecosystem and lead to effective land management.
Promoted ContentNovember 2020
Grace. Das Mädchen mit den weißen Handschuhen
Roman | Ein berührender und dramatischer Roman über Grace Kelly
by Kerri Maher
Ein Märchen scheint wahr zu werden, als im April 1956 Grace Kelly den Fürsten Rainier von Monaco heiratet. In Hollywood war »die kühle Blonde« ein Star, sie ist die Lieblingsschauspielerin von Alfred Hitchcock, spielte an der Seite von Cary Grant, Gregory Peck und Gary Cooper. Und nun erobert sie mit ihrem Lächeln die Herzen der Monegassen und bringt internationales Flair in das kleine Fürstentum an der Côte d’Azur. Doch hinter den Kulissen ist längst nicht alles Gold, was glänzt; das glamouröse Leben hat auch Schattenseiten.Kerri Maher erzählt die Geschichte von Grace, die gegen den Willen der katholisch-konservativen Eltern nach New York ging, um Schauspielerin zu werden, und die sich in der männlich-dominierten Filmwelt behaupten musste für ihre Träume und ihre Freiheit …Ein berührender und dramatischer Roman über eine der faszinierendsten Frauen des 20. Jahrhunderts.
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November 2020Grace. Das Mädchen mit den weißen Handschuhen
Roman | Ein berührender und dramatischer Roman über Grace Kelly
by Kerri Maher, Claudia Feldmann
Ein Märchen scheint wahr zu werden, als im April 1956 Grace Kelly den Fürsten Rainier von Monaco heiratet. In Hollywood war »die kühle Blonde« ein Star, sie ist die Lieblingsschauspielerin von Alfred Hitchcock, spielte an der Seite von Cary Grant, Gregory Peck und Gary Cooper. Und nun erobert sie mit ihrem Lächeln die Herzen der Monegassen und bringt internationales Flair in das kleine Fürstentum an der Côte d’Azur. Doch hinter den Kulissen ist längst nicht alles Gold, was glänzt; das glamouröse Leben hat auch Schattenseiten.Kerri Maher erzählt die Geschichte von Grace, die gegen den Willen der katholisch-konservativen Eltern nach New York ging, um Schauspielerin zu werden, und die sich in der männlich-dominierten Filmwelt behaupten musste für ihre Träume und ihre Freiheit …Ein berührender und dramatischer Roman über eine der faszinierendsten Frauen des 20. Jahrhunderts.
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A Partir de Rien
by Ron Adam
A Partir de RienUn thriller apocalyptique par Ron Adam Tout comme dans les tragédies grecques, l’Amérique va droit à la collision inévitable avec l’ultime menace : la combinaison fatale de l’Islam fanatique avec les armes nucléaires et les ressources énergétiques les plus riches du monde. Le 11 septembre 2001, Osama Bin Laden a démontré au monde comment on pouvait aisément retourner les dollars américains et la technologie des Etats-Unis et les utiliser comme un boomerang frappant droit au cœur de l’Amérique. Il est à la fois facile et terrible d’imaginer ce qui peut arriver si un tel zèle fanatique réussit à s’équiper de la puissance monstrueuse des armes nucléaires.Un coup d’œil rapide à la carte montre que les Etats-Unis ont appris la leçon et que les guerres en Afghanistan et en Iraq doivent juste refermer le cercle autour de la menace véritable – l’Iran.A Partir de Rien vous entraîne dans le tourbillon qui balaie le monde, depuis une guerre locale dans le Golfe Persique, en passant par un coup d’état militaire en Russie - la nouvelle ancienne alliée de l’Iran – jusqu’à un véritable holocauste nucléaire.L'équipe d'un sous-marin américain, constituée d'hommes uniquement, qui sans le vouloir, a joué un rôle actif dans la destruction de l’humanité, découvre au lendemain de la catastrophe que c’est sur ses épaules qu’incombe d’accomplir la tâche opposée – recréer la race humaine – A Partir de Rien. Après neuf mois passés sous l’eau, ils vont émerger vers une île lointaine du Pacifique sur laquelle les conditions peuvent de nouveau supporter la vie. Equipés des technologies les plus sophistiquées, ils emportent avec eux deux douzaines d’ovaires fertilisés congelés, qui sont chacun destinés à devenir une nouvelle Eve, et qui, ensemble, constitueront les mères d’une nouvelle humanité.Cependant les « Adams » sont malheureusement trop nombreux sur cette île ! Plus d’une centaine d’hommes attendent impatiemment que les 24 petites filles grandissent pour mûrir et devenir des femmes, et le combat pour prendre contrôle de cette précieuse « ressource » est par conséquent inévitable.Ces hommes découvrent que la nature humaine ne peut être changée. Même après la guerre ultime qui a tout détruit, l’homme continuera à se servir de la force pure pour obtenir ce qu’il veut et pour résoudre les disputes.En dépit de sa trame pessimiste, le livre est essentiellement optimiste et est guidé par la foi dans la loi de l’histoire : il se peut que les bons doivent souffrir et payer un lourd tribut mais, à la fin du compte, ils gagneront.L’auteur : un pilote de chasse, officier naval et ingénieur supérieur de Hi-Tech. Ron Adam a mené une carrière militaire impressionnante, du service dans un sous-marin et un torpilleur de la marine israélienne en passant par l’aviation israélienne comme pilote de chasse, capitaine sur un porte-avions, instructeur de vol et officier du personnel de guerre électronique. Possédant un diplôme d’ingénieur en électronique, Adam a dirigé un programme de défense de 1,2 milliards de dollars et a également fondé trois entreprises start-up dans le high-tech. Aujourd’hui, Adam est ingénieur-conseil supérieur dans les industries aéronautiques et il partage son temps entre la technique de haut niveau et l’écriture de livres et de scénarios. Il est marié et a trois enfants.
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September 2023Primary Health Care in Tanzania through a Health Systems Lens
A History of the Struggle for Universal Health Coverage
by Ntuli A. Kapologwe, James Tumaini Kengia, Eric van Praag, Japhet Killewo, Albino Kalolo, Maryam Amour, Mackfallen Anasel, Rutasha Dadi, Faisal Issa, Mwandu Kini Jiyenze, Godfrey Kacholi, Antony Kapesa, Leonard Katalambula, Anosisye M. Kesale, Stephen M. Kibusi, Amani Kikula, Erick Kitali, George Kiwango, Claud Kumalija, Hadija Kweka, Zarina Shamte Madabida, Abel Makubi, Chacha Marwa, Innocent Mboya, Romuald Mbwasi, William Mfuko, Chipole Mpelembe, Gemini J. Mtei, Oresto Michael Munishi, Castory Munishi, Elihuruma M. Nangawe, Harrieth P. Ndumwa, Frida N. Ngalesoni, Jackline E. Ngowi, Belinda J. Njiro, William Reuben, George M. Ruhago, Bakari Salum, Don De Savigny, Aifelo Sichalwe, Nathanael Sirili, Felix Sukums, Bruno F. Sunguya, Idda L. Swai, Marcel Tanner, Desderi Wengaa
Robust health care systems are paramount for the health, security, and prosperity of people and countries as a whole. This book provides for the first time a chronicle of the struggle for, and eventual success of, universal health coverage (UHC) in Tanzania. Beginning with an introduction to primary health care in the country, from its historical foundations to the major milestones of implementation, this book then considers stewardship of this important aspect of health systems over time. Written in a way to allow the application of lessons learned to other countries' contexts, this book covers: - Policy and governance issues such as leadership, human resources, and financing of health systems; - Practical aspects of health system delivery, including supply chains, community care, new technologies, and the integration of services for particular population groups; - The impact and mitigation of global events on health systems, such as resilience and preparedness in the light of disease outbreaks or climate change, and social, commercial, and political influences. Concluding with a look to the future, forecasting the changes and new solutions needed to adapt to a changing world, this book is a valuable reference for policy makers, global health practitioners, health system managers, researchers, students, and all those with an interest in primary health care and reforms - both in Tanzania and beyond.
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Exhibition catalogues & specific collectionsMarch 2011Mary Kelly
Projects, 1973–2010
by Edited by Dominique Heyes-Moore
Mary Kelly, we are told, was not a feminist artist, but a feminist who made art. Designed to accompany a major retrospective at the Whitworth Art Gallery, this book contains essays and interviews which show the implications of that distinction and also the legacy of feminists and feminism in relation to art. Challenging and beautiful, Kelly's artworks address questions of sexuality, identity and historical memory in the form of large-scale narrative installations. The works are agilely discussed in contributions by some of the luminary feminist art scholars of our time, including Janet Wolff, Laura Mulvey, Carol Mavor and Amelia Jones, making this collection an essential new text in the discourse on art, feminism, psychoanalysis and representation.
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LOGIC – A First Course
by Prof. A. Blum
LOGIC – A First Course Prof. A. Blum A rigorous first course in logic for students of philosophy. The book aims to teach a natural deduction technique and to give a thorough intuitive understanding of the metatheory of elementary logic. Prof. Blum, one of Israel’s leading philosophical logicians, has published over 40 articles on logic and related subjects in international journals, and is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Bar-Ilan University. 192 pages, 16.5X23.5 cm
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September 2024Bright Falls 3. Iris Kelly doesn't date
by Ashley Herring Blake, Moon Notes, Franca Fritz, Heinrich Koop
Mit schönem Farbschnitt in der Erstauflage – Lieferung je nach Verfügbarkeit Fake Dating vom Feinsten – humorvoll und prickelnd! Um Iris Kelly herum sind alle verliebt. Und sie freut sich für jeden von ihnen. Wirklich. Schließlich hat sie ja eine Karriere als Romance-Autorin gemacht. Leider sind ihr dabei die Ideen fürs Dating ausgegangen. Ein Abend in einer Bar mit einer sexy Fremden namens Stevie entwickelt sich zum schlimmsten One-Night-Stand, den Iris je hatte. Um sich abzulenken, bewirbt sie sich bei einer Theatergruppe - und trifft dort Stevie wieder. Diese bittet Iris, ihre Freundin zu spielen. Iris willigt skeptisch ein. Während die beiden so tun, als seien sie ein Paar, fängt es zwischen ihnen gewaltig zu knistern an. Und bald geht es nur noch darum, wer den ersten Schritt macht... Die prickelnde RomCom lässt die Herzen von New-Adult-Fans ab 16 Jahren höher schlagen. Der dritte Band der „Bright Falls“-Reihe von Ashley Herring Blake erzählt eine witzige und gefühlvolle LGBTQIA+-Story mit dem beliebten Trope „Fake Dating“. Eine smarte und humorvolle Romance über die Liebe zwischen zwei Frauen, die Leser*innen begeistern wird. Iris Kelly doesn't date: Band 3 der erfolgreichen Reihe „Bright Falls“ Gefühle, Liebe und LGBTQIA+: Eine prickelnde Romantic Comedy für Leser*innen ab 16 Jahren. Voll im Trend: Humorvolle Gay Romance mit dem beliebten Trope „Fake Dating“. Witzig und gefühlvoll: Eine New-Adult-Romance über die Wendungen des Lebens und die Magie der Liebe. Die TikTok-Sensation: Band 3 der „Bright Falls“-Reihe von der amerikanischen Bestsellerautorin Ashley Herring Blake, die einen TikTok-Hype ausgelöst hat. Genial ausgestattet in der Erstauflage: Softcover mit Klappen, trendig illustriertem Buchschnitt und coolem Lesezeichen zum Abtrennen. Die Romance für junge Frauen erzählt eine witzige und gefühlvolle LGBTQIA+-Geschichte über Iris Kelly und ihren desaströsen One-Night-Stand. Eine spicy RomCom für alle Fans von Alice Oseman und Casey McQuiston, die beweist, dass die Liebe oft dort zu finden ist, wo man sie am wenigsten erwartet.
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Children's & YAMarch 2020Amelie Trott and the Earth Watchers
by Moyra Irving
This is the extraordinary story of how one small girl stopped a planetary catastrophe. It’s a very timely book, written for the child in us all, with a forceful message about the power of young people to transform the world - a theme currently demonstrated by brave young heroes like Greta Thunberg. And with magical synchronicity, the very week Greta began her lone vigil outside the Swedish government last year, over 1,000 miles (1,897 km) away in the fictional world of books, Amelie Trott took to Parliament Square, London - on a mission to avert the End of the World. It’s a family drama with an international feel - set mainly in England but with episodes in Washington DC and around the world.
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LOGIC – A First Course
by Prof. A. Blum
A rigorous first course in logic for students of philosophy. The book aims to teach a natural deduction technique and to give a thorough intuitive understanding of the metatheory of elementary logic. Prof. Blum, one of Israel’s leading philosophical logicians, has published over 40 articles on logic and related subjects in international journals, and is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Bar-Ilan University. 192 pages, 16.5X23.5 cm
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Early learning / early learning conceptsOctober 2017Una cabeza distinta (A different head)
by Luis Panini, Chiara Carrer
This child tells us that he is not happy with the head that he has. He thinks it is a wrong head. The parents, after listening to him, take him to a specialist, who agrees with the little one. A mysterious man dressed in black supplies him with heads in exchange for his own. The child tries several, until he finds the one he was looking for. A reindeer head, a crocodile head, a whisk head: the narrator child and protagonist of this story tells us about his disagreement with the head he has and the vicissitudes that he has to go through to find the head with which he will finally agree: the head of a grown man, of a mathematician. This is a story of search for identity and growth, developed with fine fantasy and humor, with the wisdom of someone he has sought and perhaps already found.
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Born in A Great Era
by A Record of Changes in Contemporary Lifestyle
1978-2018, a big era. Reform and opening up have profoundly affected the changes in the way of life of the Chinese people. The manuscript replays the development of social life in China over the past 40 years of reform and opening up. It mainly sorts out the great changes in our lives in the past 40 years from the aspects of clothing, food, housing, market, love, and play. Adhering to the purpose of "a magazine and the body temperature of an era", the manuscript has a unique perspective and rich details, which can be regarded as a brief history of alternative life with warmth in this era.
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Humanities & Social SciencesApril 2022A new naval history
by Quintin Colville, James Davey, Katherine Parker, Elaine Chalus, Evan Wilson, Barbara Korte, Cicely Robinson, Cindy McCreery, Ellie Miles, Mary A. Conley, Jonathan Rayner, Daniel Spence, Emma Hanna, Ulrike Zimmerman, Max Jones, Jan Rüger
A New Naval History brings together the most significant and interdisciplinary approaches to contemporary naval history. The last few decades have witnessed a transformation in how this field is researched and understood and this volume captures the state of a field that continues to develop apace. It examines - through the prism of naval affairs - issues of nationhood and imperialism; the legacy of Nelson; the socio-cultural realities of life in ships and naval bases; and the processes of commemoration, journalism and stage-managed pageantry that plotted the interrelationship of ship and shore. This bold and original publication will be essential for undergraduate and postgraduate students of naval and maritime history. Beyond that, though, it marks an important intervention into wider historiographies that will be read by scholars from across the spectrum of social history, cultural studies and the analysis of national identity.
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Literature & Literary StudiesJuly 2005Irvine Welsh
by Aaron Kelly, Daniel Lea
Irvine Welsh's fiction has defined an era, and this first full-length study provides a sustained textual and contextual analysis of all his work, from 'Trainspotting' and 'The Acid House' to 'Glue' and 'Porno'. A detailed chronological survey also considers the appropriateness of cultural, postmodern and postcolonial theories to Welsh's incendiary fiction. Kelly gives a fascinating insight into the writer's formal and political ambitions, placing him in the context of the 'brat pack' which exploded onto the Scottish literary scene in the 1990s. He explores the social, class and political conditioning of Welsh's early life, and its impact on his motivations for writing. Clearly written and accessible, this will be a key resource for students and academics alike. Choose 'Irvine Welsh'! ;
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Technology, Engineering & AgricultureSeptember 2018A History of Pesticides
by Graham A Matthews
In this fascinating book, Graham Matthews takes the reader through the history of the development and use of chemicals for control of pests, weeds, and vectors of disease. Prior to 1900 only a few chemicals had been employed as pesticides but in the early 1940s, as the Second World War raged, the insecticide DDT and the herbicide 2-4-D were developed. These changed everything. Since then, farmers have been using a growing list of insecticides, herbicides and fungicides to protect their crops. Their use has undoubtedly led to significant gains in agricultural production and reduction in disease transmission, but also to major problems: health concerns for both users of pesticides and the general public, the emergence of resistance in pest populations, and environmental problems. The book examines the development of legislation designed to control and restrict the use of pesticides, the emergence of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and the use of biological control agents as part of policy to protect the environment and encourage the sustainable use of pesticides. Finally, the use of new technologies in pest control are discussed including the use of genetic modification, targeted pesticide application and use of drones, alongside basic requirements for IPM such as crop rotations, close seasons and adoption of plant varieties with resistance to pests and diseases.
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The ArtsApril 2025Beautiful doom
The work of Dennis Kelly on stage and screen
by Jacqueline Bolton, Nicholas Holden
Dennis Kelly's award-winning plays have been translated into over thirty languages and produced on six continents. His endlessly inventive vision has produced a diverse body of work for a variety of audiences across a range of forms, genres, and media, from the Olivier and Tony Award-winning Matilda the Musical (2010), to the Channel Four cult-classic series Utopia. His 2008 play DNA, written for National Theatre Connections, is a set text on the AQA GCSE English Literature syllabus. This collection of essays written by leading scholars, teachers, and practitioners of theatre provides the first multi-authored study of Kelly's critically acclaimed oeuvre. Featuring an original interview with Kelly himself, this volume captures the full range and scope of his writing for stage and screen, from the quirky fringe debut Debris (2003) to the globally-distributed film adaptation of Matilda the Musical (2022).
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Literature & Literary StudiesOctober 2018Leaving Is a Return
by A Lai
“Leaving Is a Return” is the latest collection of essays by writer A Lai. It is divided into four series. The first part is “bronze years”: the meditation and recollection of the hometown. The second part is called “ideal country of vegetation”: a unique understanding of flowers and trees and Rural Movement, in the author's pen, it is an ideal country. The third part is “dust has not fallen”: it is the author's reading notes, as well as the knowledge of literature and reading experience. The fourth part is “music and poetry”: the author's creative experience and writing process and his understanding of many years of writing career. Leaving Is a Return gives us a lot of insights in seemingly ordinary things. The author compares the layers of the mountain to the "staircase" and says "My soul will go to heaven by stepping on these ladders." The author turns his eyes to nature and whispers with the vast world. These beautiful words can let us comprehend the spiritual space of A Lai.