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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2018

        Summer Vacation in Nanjing

        by Zhou Rui

        Zhou Rui, a famous childhood literature writer, wrote this childhood novel in an autobiographical style. It sets the protagonist Qingning as the main clue. With the historical background of China in the 1950s and 1960s, it runs through historical events such as the Liberation War and the Cultural Revolution. The warmth of the strokes tells the love story of Qingning’s parents, his four brothers and sisters, and that his father who suffered in those historical turmoil had to send Qingning from Nanjing to grandparents’ home in Shanghai for fostering. Qingning could reunite with my parents only during the summer vacation. Despite all these uneasiness, he still managed to grow up well with the positive influence of his parents. It shows the joys and sorrows of oridinary people in the social turmoil during the special historical period.

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        Children with Behavioral Problems

        A Guide for Parents of Children with Rude, Angry, or Aggressive Behavior

        by Walter Matthys/ Christine Boersma

        Parents as well as those working with children can find themselves confronted with questions about children’s rude, angry, or downright aggressive behavior. This book seeks to inform parents, teachers, and other caregivers about behavioral issues, how to get to the bottom of the problem and evaluate whether external help should be sought. It provides practical tips that help reduce harmful behavior. This title can also be used in youth mental healthcare for psychoeducation.   Target Group: Parents, caregivers, teachers

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development
        April 2016

        Learning with Children

        by Fabian Grolimund

        The school years are a major challenge, not only for your child but also for you as a parent. You may be asking yourself questions like: • How can I motivate my child to study and learn? • How should I handle homework conflicts? • How can I help my child to become more independent? • What learning strategies are appropriate for primary school children? • How can I help if my child has problems with math, reading, or spelling? Answers to these and many other questions about homework, learning, and studying can be found in this book. It describes practical methods and effective strategies, and shows how providing just a little support can be a big help to your child.   Target Group: psychologists, education specialists, parents.

      • Trusted Partner

        Empty Lunch Box

        by Author: Ai Wen’er, Xing HuoIllustrator: Xing Huo

        Key Points: Touches in little wishes teach children to be kind and make the connections.   Brief content Coronavirus disease breaks out at a dizzying speed. A stray dog that used to rely on people’s feed now loses its food supply. Fortunately, a girl and her grandma, who often fed the dog, adopt it. The parents of the girl are both front-line medical workers who devote themselves to battling with the epidemic. During the time when the girl’s parents are far away, the dog is a comfort to her, accompanying her to wait for her parent’s victory and homecoming.    Reading Guidance This picture book illustrates the life in a community facing epidemic. The empty lunch box becomes a symbol of the empty street in the time of an epidemic. Therefore, filling up the empty lunch box symbolizes the emotions between humans and animals and the love among people. Flowers in the empty lunch box embodies the seed of hope sprouting in love.  Animals are human beings’ friends. This book on the one hand focuses on the epidemic situation and the community’s work. On the other hand, it guides children to care about life and pass on love to others.   Copyright Sold to America, France, German, Lebanon, Turkey, Belgium, Tunisia, Vietnam, Nepal, India,Thailand, Mongolia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Russia, Hungary, the UK ( 19countries)     For More Information of Big-eyes Heartwarming Series International Achievement, please refer to  (fetch code:9a53) Video of First Launch of Big-eyes Heartwarming Series in Gemany Version, please refer to     (fetch code: I9m7) Video of Germany Young readers reading Big eyes Heartwarming Series, please refer to           (fetch code: 9ptu) Promotion of Big eyes Heartwarming Series in Russian Version on Frankfurt Bookfair, please refer to    (fetch code: 0la4)

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2020

        Stanford Mother's Enlightenment of Multiple Thinking

        by Stanford Mother

        For parents, cultivating children's ability to face the future is a very important thing. This book provides parents with a new set of scientific thinking mode to build children's low-level abilities during the critical period of their children's preschool growth. The book consists of six chapters, including: independent learning ability, multi-dimensional thinking ability, continuous action ability, common imagination, deep influence, and life design ability. By reading this book, parents can practice 32 specific scientific thinking methods summarized by Stanford mothers with their children, and cultivate their children's 6 core abilities for the future. On the basis of helping children improve their thinking ability, they also help parents to improve themselves and guide the positive development of the whole family.

      • Trusted Partner

        Your Psychological Complexes Is Your Eternal prison

        by Youssef Al-Hasani

        If you are not ready to face your reality, if you are running away from yourself and avoid facing yourself, then this book is not for you! In this book, you will be shocked by discovering many things and facts that you thought were part of the postulates of life. Also, this book will deal with many bold and realistic matters in our Arab societies that were not discussed in detail in the past, and it will be enough to cause a bout of awareness within you.Get ready for a unique journey that will enable you to see things differently, know your true self, your psychological complexes, and how to have a decent and real life.The book addresses the following points: How are we indoctrinated intellectual legacies? And to what extent does the influence of parents in shaping our id entity and our reactions? A detailed psychological analysis of the most important psychological complexes that exist in the aspects of relationships, work, money, Authority, love, and others. A detailed explanation of the methods of deception and emotional manipulation in relationships. How do we become mature? Why are we afraid of confrontation and expressing our thoughts? How do we overcome our fears? The relationship between the psychological complexes and gender.And many other things.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        February 2020

        Yoga with Cats

        by Maria van Bruggen

        Do you need an inspiration for your daily exercises, perhaps an intuitive message to raise your mood, and most importantly, to connect with your furry friends? Yoga with Cats, with its 33 exercises, will do all that and bring a smile to your face. Cats are your best friends and they are the true yoga masters. Take their help to pick up your yoga routine. Shuffle the pages and choose a pose, and enjoy yourself! Laugh and have as much fun as possible with your furry friends on your yoga journey. Yoga with Cats offers a unique experience to children and adults alike, a divinely funny book that cat lovers of all ages will adore.

      • Trusted Partner

        Fearless Parenting

        by Shulamit Blank & Orli Fuchs-Shabtai

        "Fearless Parenting" porte sur l'autorité parentale dans les temps modernes et sur son rôle essentiel dans l'éducation d’enfants autonomes, compatissants et vertueux et la prévention des troubles du comportement et, parfois, de graves troubles psychiatriques.La dernière génération a connu un contrecoup dans la discipline des enfants. Or, en tant que parents, nous devons discuter avec nos enfants de leur comportement. Nous évitons d'être durs avec eux de peur qu'ils nous privent de leur amour ou pire - qu'ils s'effondrent. Par conséquent, les familles d'aujourd'hui font face à de graves troubles du comportement à un âge plus précoce et les parents baissent les bras en signe d’abandon. Le thème principal et l'objectif de ce livre consistent à prouver que la création et l'application de limites raisonnables et appropriées, liées à l'instruction et à l'éducation, pourraient remédier aux relations parents/enfants et, à proprement parler, sauver la vie des enfants.Ce livre est unique dans la mesure où il présente de façon directe, simple et cependant profonde des études de cas réels et des situations fréquemment rencontrées, ainsi que des cas graves de toxicomanie, de délinquance et de troubles psychiques. Le traitement de tous ces cas présente une réaction positive à l'autorité et aux limites adaptées à la situation et au comportement spécifiques. Cet ouvrage contient de nombreuses références à la vie professionnelle pour le lecteur confirmé et s'inspire d'anciens philosophes et penseurs religieux.À propos des auteursShulamit Blank, docteure en médecine, est pédiatre et psychiatre spécialisée dans les troubles du comportement des enfants et des adolescents.En Israël, le Dr Blank est fondatrice et, depuis 1993, directrice générale d'un centre communautaire d’enseignement et de traitement des enfants et adolescents atteints de graves troubles psychiatriques et du comportement. C’est dans ce centre qu’elle parvient à appliquer ses méthodes en limitant l'hospitalisation et l'incarcération psychiatriques et en minimisant l'utilisation de médicaments psychiatriques grâce à une éducation et un enseignement adaptés aux problèmes spécifiques de l'enfant, que ce soient le TDAH, les troubles d'étude, etc.Orli Fuchs-Shabtai, est psychologue clinicienne. Elle a travaillé comme psychothérapeute pour adultes et dirige actuellement un programme national de prévention de la violence infantile.Les auteurs s'efforcent de suivre la sagesse antique de l'aphorisme biblique : « Instruis l'enfant selon la voie qu'il doit suivre; Et quand il sera vieux, il ne s'en détournera pas » (Proverbes 22:6).

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Holiday I Had to Take

        by Kateryna Yehorushkina (Author), Sonia Avdieieva (Illustrator)

        When the holidays draw near, schoolchildren begin to think about rest and travel. Sadly, this time, Vira's (Faith) holidays will be different due to the war. She, along with her parents and younger brother, has to move to the basement floor of their apartment building to hide from the bombardments. The family members do all they can to adapt to this new reality: they melt snow when they run out of water, try to warm themselves up by singing when they run out of heating, and reassure themselves that all the people close to them are safe when they cannot hear from them. The usual way of life seems like a distant memory, surviving perhaps only in our imagination or in computer games. Yet, even in these activities, and in supporting our loved ones, we can learn how to find a light inside that no missile will ever be able to reach. The Holiday I Had to Take is not only the moving story of Vira; readers of Kateryna Yehorushkina's book will also find advice and soothing practices from psychologist Svitlana Royz to support everyone finding themselves in difficult times   From 3 to 8 years, 2138 words. Rightsholders: Natalie Miroshnyk,

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development
        April 2018

        Parenting with Love and Wisdom

        by CNS

        This series  tells parents how to love and care their children from ages 0 to19. The authors are well-known and credentialedl children psychologists in China.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        A Childhood with ADHD

        by Daniela Chirici

        “Your child is out of control: they do whatever they want to you!” or “ADHD? There’s no such thing! You’re just not raising your child properly. The problem is you, not the child.” Do these phrases sound familiar to you? Are you questioning whether you are a good mother or father, since your child is not the way society demands and expects?  Daniela Chirici is familiar with both the attacks and with the self-doubt. Her oldest son was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) at an early age. For ten years, until her son reached the age of 19, she regularly wrote for the Swiss ADHD organization. In her texts, she describes how it is to be out and about with a child affected by ADHD and what it means for the whole family. For:• parents, grandparents, and other relatives of childrenaffected by ADHD• teachers• therapists• anyone who wants to find out more about ADHD

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        April 2021

        Aai and I

        by Mamta Nainy and Sanket Pethkar

        Aadya looks just like her mother (Aai)—same little nose, same delicate ears, same big eyes, and identical thick, long hair. But one day, Aai goes away to a big hospital with a promise to return before Aadya learns her next Math lesson. The long-awaited return shocks Aadya because now her mother looks completely unlike her. She wonders if Aai will ever greet her with her usual, cheery, ‘Hello! Mini-me.’ Or will Aadya have to take matters into her own hands just to hear that again?With lyrical prose and a tender touch, Aai and I is an empowering story of the bond between a mother and a daughter, and of the little one finding her own identity as she finds herself no longer 'looking' the same as her mother. Mamta Nainy captures with elan Aadya’s innocence, impatience, and dilemma, and Sanket Pethkar’s vibrant, gorgeous artwork brings to life a typical Indian household in the state of Maharashtra.

      • Ignite Your Heart

        77 Rituals

        by Cynthia Zak

        What is the temperature of your heart? Do you feel it? There is a melodic synchrony between breathing, emotions, and the brain; a rhythm that will allow you to turn each breath into a genuine act of gratitude. In this book, you will find 77 rituals, 77 powerful and simple practices to observe your mind, honor your name, change the narrative, connect with the elements, choose what you ingest at subtle and physical levels, manage your rest spaces, and fine-tune your vibratory frequency. 77 answers that invite you to action and conscious practice to recalibrate and awaken. Identify your heartbeat, find your pulse, awaken the unparalleled intelligence of the heart.

      • Trusted Partner
        Family & relationships

        Bean Trellis, My Mother-in-law

        by Ma Ruifang

        As the Chinese saying goes, "mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law are natural enemies". However, Bean Trellis, My Mother-in-law depicts the close bond of the author as daughter-in-law with her mother-in-law for more than three decades. Wherein lies the secret?   "仁" Benevolence, "义" righteousness, "礼" courtesy, "智" wisdom, and "信" faith are constant beliefs of the Chinese people, which in the author's eyes are also the most admirable qualities of her mother-in-law, who is illiterate, yet hardworking, kind, and full of the wisdom of simple life. Her kindness and generosity is just the secret to the well-being of the whole family.   Aside from describing the unique in-law relationship, this book also looks at the ups and downs of a big Chinese family from the 1970s to the 2020s. With humorous and documentary storytelling, the author wrote her life stories just like chatting with neighbors under the bean trellis. It is all-encompassing, containing traditional Chinese wisdom about getting along with the world, educating children, and even cooking, which could provide new reading experiences and inspiration for all readers.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2015

        Gift of the Dark Mother Earth

        by Can Xue

        Gift of the Dark Mother Earth, the latest novel by Can Xue, is a profound metaphor of her hometown. It follows her usual magical style in the sense that it vividly unfolds the complex and delicate inner world of the characters. The story takes place in the remote Wuliqu School, with such distinctive characters as Teacher Meiyong, Zhang Danzhi, Yutian, Xiao Man, Uncle Yun and Sha Men presented one after another. The personality and human nature exposed through unique dialogues enable the readers to feel a return to simplicity so that they want to explore human soul and nature and start in-depth reading and thinking. The book depicts petty matters in a great age. The author’s ambition is to create a feeling for the pattern of the whole universe through the structure of an ordinary tree leaf, and to unify the arbitrarily split world through the narration of various folk sundries so that different characters can all become the center of this unity and their performance can have a universality. As the only Chinese writer who has won the Best Translated Book Award in the United States, Can Xue was nominated for the foreign novel prize of The Independent of the UK and shortlisted in the Neustadt International Prize for Literature of the US. As the Chinese woman writer, whose works have been translated and published the most abroad, Can Xue has been called the most creative Chinese writer by overseas critics.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2024

        All your secret Songs

        by Nina Brenke, Moon Notes

        Mit schönem Farbschnitt in der Erstauflage – Lieferung je nach Verfügbarkeit Sing me your songs – show me your soul! Die Journalismus-Studentin Allie will ihr Praktikum bei der Irish Times erfolgreich abschließen. Doch dann schickt sie ihr Chef ausgerechnet mit einer Boyband auf Tour, deren Musik sie so gar nicht ausstehen kann – und deren Leadsänger sie neulich auch noch völlig ahnungslos im Club geküsst hat. Auch Conor ist alles andere als begeistert, dass ihn die Frau, die ihm zuvor gehörig den Kopf verdreht hat, nun auf Schritt und Tritt verfolgt. Immerhin könnte sie ihn schneller zu Fall bringen, als ihm lieb ist, sollte sie sein wohlgehütetes Geheimnis herausfinden. Erst als Conor entdeckt, dass auch Allie ein Geheimnis hat, öffnet er sich ihr langsam. Je mehr Zeit die beiden miteinander verbringen, desto bewusster wird ihnen, dass sie viel mehr verbindet, als sie auf den ersten Blick dachten. Und dass es häufig einen zweiten Blick braucht, um zu erkennen, welcher Mensch sich hinter seinen Geheimnissen verbirgt. Der romantische New-Adult-Roman lässt die Herzen von Romance-Fans ab 16 Jahren höher schlagen. Die emotionale Liebesgeschichte zwischen Allie und Conor steckt voller inspirierender Antworten auf die großen Fragen des Lebens. Eine gefühlvolle Enemies-to-Lovers-Geschichte, die junge Erwachsene auf ihrer Reise zu sich selbst begleitet. All your secret Songs: Wer bin ich, wer will ich sein und was bin ich bereit, dafür zu geben? Gefühle, Liebe und Musik: Eine aufregende Rockstar Romance für Leser*innen ab 16 Jahren. Mitreißend und emotional: Die packende Story erzählt, wie aus anfänglicher Abneigung eine tiefe Verbundenheit entstehen kann. Voll im Trend: Die beliebten Tropes „Enemies to Lovers“ und „Forced Proximity“ sorgen für prickelnde Spannung. Tolle Mischung: Die Welt der Musik und zwei Menschen auf der Suche nach ihrer eigenen Identität. Genial ausgestattet in der Erstauflage: Softcover mit Klappen, trendig illustriertem Buchschnitt und coolem Lesezeichen zum Abtrennen. Die New-Adult-Romance für junge Leser*innen ab 16 Jahren erzählt eine mitreißende Geschichte über wahre Liebe und den Mut, gegen alle Widerstände seinen eigenen Weg zu gehen. Und sich vielleicht nicht immer an die Regeln zu halten…

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2016

        Kill your Darling!

        13 Trennungsstorys, die Geschichte machten

        by Jennifer Wright, Jenny Merling

        Stell dir vor, du sitzt mit einer Packung Eiscreme in der einen, einer Flasche Gin in der anderen Hand auf dem Sofa, Tränen rinnen deine Wangen hinab und du wiederholst mantrahaft, wie sehr du deinen Ex geliebt hast. Lass dir gesagt sein: Es könnte viel schlimmer sein! Du könntest beispielsweise von deinem Verflossenen enthauptet werden, aus Rache fremde Männer kastrieren oder das Leben mit einer Sexpuppe verbringen. In Kill your Darling! präsentiert die New Yorker Journalistin Jennifer Wright die dreizehn skurrilsten und blutigsten Schlussmachepisoden der Geschichte – vom Massenmörder Nero bis hin zu Oskar Kokoschka –, boshaft-ironisch und doch mit der richtigen Dosis Empathie. Ein Buch für alle, die geliebt haben und verlassen wurden; für alle, die spätnachts zu viele Wut-E-Mails an ihre Verflossenen geschickt haben. Mit diesen Storys wird schnell klar: Was auch immer passiert ist, es hätte noch viel, viel schlimmer kommen können …

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        Kizere Wets The Bed

        by Safari Jean Marie Vianney

        Many children wet the bed.  This comic storybook takes us on the journey of Kizere trying to overcome it. Gladly, with the help from parents and friends, she overcame it.

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