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        January 2021

        Cancer nutrition and dietary guidance

        China Chronic Disease Nutrition and Dietary Guidance Series

        by Li Zengning

        The audio-visual products and series of books of "Nutrition and Dietary Guidance for Chronic Diseases in China" were compiled by the Nutrition and Metabolism Management Branch of the China Association for the Promotion of International Health Care and Nutrition and nine major hospitals. This book describes the relationship between various foods and tumors, and how to eat for tumor patients. Recent studies have proved that environmental factors may be an important factor in the incidence of tumors. Among them, eating habits, insufficient nutrient intake, excessive intake or imbalance between nutrients are all important aspects. The tumors affected by the above factors mainly include esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, bladder cancer and lung cancer. The pollutants in the diet, such as aflatoxin, aggravate the lack and imbalance of certain nutrients, thereby enhancing the carcinogenic effect. Nutrient intake is directly related to tumor occurrence, development, treatment effect, quality of life and survival period.

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        May 2022

        Feline Reproduction

        by Aime Johnson, Michelle Kutzler

        Cats are one of the most popular pets in the world, and as homes become smaller, and single-person households become more common, it is predicted that the numbers being bred and kept will only grow. In Feline Reproduction, the global author team cover all aspects of reproduction in the queen and the tom. Beginning with basic anatomy and normal reproduction, it goes on to cover practical knowledge about pregnancy, neonatal care, breeding soundness exams, and semen cryopreservation. It also includes an overview of factors, diseases, and abnormal conditions affecting reproduction, such as infertility, causes of abortion and contraception. Covering both pet patients and nondomestic species, this book provides a thorough grounding in feline reproduction for the general veterinary practitioner, veterinary student, animal scientist, and experienced cat breeder.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2021

        Workplace Health Handbook

        by Zhou Shenghua

        This book is organized and compiled by the Hunan Provincial Health Commission. The book is divided into seven chapters, covering the prevention and control of risk factors for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases (three highs, obesity, and hyperuricemia), common chronic diseases and management, and regular health check-ups. The significance of the prevention and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases and tumors, the performance and treatment of common cardiovascular and cerebrovascular emergencies, psychological adjustment and mental health, traditional Chinese medicine health preservation and health care, daily first aid tips, ideal health index target values, etc. Common chronic diseases involve coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, gout and other diseases. Health checkup involves regular follow-up visits for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, early screening for lung nodules and lung cancer, early screening for gastrointestinal tumors, thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer Diagnosis and treatment, early prevention and treatment of breast cancer.

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        The Serious Physician becomes a Serious Patien

        by Basil Porter

        The author, a pediatrician, begins his book with a description of his vivid memories of suffering from a bad case of appendicitis as a young child, He proceeds to describe a series of serious illnesses and trauma that affected him in his adult life: a missed tumor in his jaw, a train accident resulting in major damage to his spine and nervous system, and then the unexpected discovery of leukemia, all of which test his endurance as a patient. But what Prof. Porter so vividly presents is the additional challenge faced when the doctor becomes the patient. While stressing the amazing advances in medical technology and science that saved his life on a number of occasions, he draws attention to the lack of empathy from the professionals felt so frequently during his medical trials. As a physician, he has been frequently expected to tolerate his problems and to be a braver warrior than the average patient, when in reality, in such situations the doctor is still just a patient. The author suggests that much of the solution lies within each of us, and that a positive approach to life and good social support can do much to help us through adversity. This book is not a textbook for the medical profession, but rather the narrative confession of an senior physician who has had to face multiple testing experiences from the viewpoint of the patient. Basil Porter is a pediatrician with years of experience in both academic medicine settings and health systems management. He is an emeritus professor of the Faculty of Health Sciences of Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. He is also an accomplished violinist and violist. 184 pages, 13.5X20.5 Cm  Click the following link to view  the related article:

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        by Basil Porter

        ROLLENWECHSEL: Der seriöse Arzt wird zum seriösen Patienten Basil Porter  Der Autor, ein Kinderarzt, beginnt sein Buch mit einer Beschreibung seiner lebhaften Erinnerungen an einen schlimmen Fall von Blinddarmentzündung als kleines Kind. Er beschreibt weiterhin eine Reihe schwerer Krankheiten und Traumata, die er als Erwachsener hatte: einen unentdeckten Tumor im Kiefer, ein Zugunglück mit schwerwiegenden Schäden an Wirbelsäule und Nervensystem und dann die unerwartete Entdeckung einer Leukämie, die seine Leidensfähigkeit als Patient auf die Probe stellt. Besonders anschaulich stellt Prof. Porter die zusätzliche Herausforderung dar, die auftritt, wenn der Arzt selbst zum Patienten wird. Er schilderr die erstaunlichen Fortschritte in Medizintechnik und Wissenschaft, die ihm mehrfach das Leben gerettet haben, und macht auf die mangelnde Empathie der Fachleute aufmerksam, die er auf seinem Krankheitsweg so häufig verspürte. Als Arzt wurde von ihm häufig erwartet, dass er seine Probleme toleriert und tapferer ist als ein Durchschnittspatient. In Wirklichkeit ist der Arzt in solchen Situationen auch nicht mehr als ein Patient. Der Autor legt nahe, dass ein Großteil der Lösung in jedem von uns liegt und dass eine positive Einstellung zum Leben und eine gute soziale Unterstützung viel dazu beitragen können, dass wir Schwierigkeiten überwinden. Dieses Buch ist kein Lehrbuch für die Ärzteschaft, sondern das erzählerische Geständnis eines Oberarztes, der aus Sicht des Patienten mit mehreren Prüfungen im Leben konfrontiert war. Basil Porter ist ein Kinderarzt mit langjähriger Erfahrung in der akademischen Medizin und im Management von Gesundheitssystemen. Er ist emeritierter Professor an der Fakultät für Gesundheitswissenschaften der Ben-Gurion-Universität des Negev in Israel. Er ist außerdem ein versierter Geiger und Bratschist. Klicken Sie auf den folgenden Link, um den entsprechenden Artikel anzuzeigen:

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        The Wall

        by Andriy Tsaplienko

        In the fantastic novel by Andriy Tsaplienko, the reader faces two post-apocalyptic societies where one confidently paves the way for progressive development, and the other degrades. The author is convinced that mentality and everlasting traditions change very little over the centuries. The novel heroes, Ukrainians, and Russians, who bear bright national traits, are in constant tense antagonism. Their war goes on at several levels — from armed conflicts to clashes of souls and inner convictions. And the Wild Fields that remain after big and small confrontations are like unhealed wounds, cancer tumors: they continue to bleed, demonstrating to humanity that war produces only the war.

      • Children's & YA

        Mom's Bra

        by Edmée Pardo / Edgar Clement

        A girl whose body is starting to change, and who starts exploring herself with great curiosity, notices that her Mom's body is also changing. It all started when Mom noticed a lump in one of her breasts. Thus beings a journey of mutual self-exploration, unending love, compassion, and the joy of sharing the marvel that the body is, and the importance of self exploration for women to take care of their bodies.

      • Horticulture
        December 2022

        Canine Mammary Tumor

        by B.V. Sunil Kumar, Anuradha Sharma &, Yashpal Singh Malik

        Canine mammary tumor is an important concern among both owners and veterinarians. Though frequency of mammary tumors varies in different species, canines are the most frequently affected ones, with prevalence about 3 times higher than humans. The book presents information on different types of canine mammary tumors and their features, symptoms, their predisposing factors and molecular marker-based diagnosis and prognosis of tumors. It also highlights many other advanced diagnostic techniques and current trends in therapeutics and surgery for their efficient clinical management. The work lays emphasis on the importance of immunotherapeutics and upcoming and improved vaccines to cure these tumors. It will be useful for veterinary clinicians, students and researchers for their overall awareness.

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