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Promoted ContentSeptember 1996
Auf dem Goldenen Berg
Eine chinesische Familie erobert Amerika
by See, Lisa / Englisch Pfeiffer, Thomas; Englisch Dierlamm, Helmut
Trusted PartnerJune 1992
Olive, Wein und Feige
Kulturhistorische Skizzen
by Victor Hehn, Klaus von See, Gabriele Seidel-Leimbach
Trusted Partner1989
Mütter an die Macht
Die neue Frauen-Bewegung
by Herausgegeben von Pass-Weingartz, Dorothee; Herausgegeben von Erler, Gisela
Trusted PartnerAugust 1998
In einem Netz aus Lotosblumen
by See, Lisa / Englisch Reppert-Bismarck, Leonie von
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Trusted PartnerTourism industryMay 2016
Heritage Tourism Destinations
Preservation, Communication and Development
by Edited by Maria D. Alvarez, Atila Yüksel, Frank Go
Heritage tourism is tied to myth making and stories; creative content that can be shared, stored, combined and manipulated, but that depends on a unique cultural or natural history. A significant section of the wider phenomenon that is cultural tourism, heritage tourism is a demand-driven industry that continues to be a subject of heated debate in academic circles. Beginning with an overview of the subject, this book considers the conservation and revitalization of heritage destinations, as well as the role local communities have in supporting an attraction. It then discusses product development and communication around the world, using new techniques such as social media and examples from food tourism and sporting events, before a final section reviews the planning and institutionalisation of heritage spaces. A timely conclusion subsequently considers the implications of developments such as globalisation, technological improvement and climate change upon these unique destinations. A valuable addition to the literature, this book is the first to bridge the gap between theory and practice, including the latest research and international case studies for researchers and practitioners in tourism and destination management.
Trusted PartnerNovember 1984
Werke in zeitlicher Folge. Frankfurter Ausgabe in zwölf Bänden
Vierter Band: 1886. Der Sohn der Magd I–IV. Die Kameraden (mit Variationen aus ›Marodeure‹)
by August Strindberg, Jörg Scherzer, Angelika Gundlach, Horst Brandl, Jörg Scherzer, Hans-Joachim Maass, Lars Dahlbäck, Olof Lagercrantz, Klaus See
Angelika Gundlach, geboren 1950 in Hamburg, lebte als freie Übersetzerin in Frankfurt am Main. Sie übertrug Texte aus dem Schwedischen, Dänischen, Norwegischen, Französischen und Englischen ins Deutsche. Gundlach starb am 18. August 2019 in Seligenstadt. *10.03.1911 geboren in Stockholm. 1930 Wehrdienst bei einem Infanterieregiment nach dem Besuch des privaten Sofie-Almqvist-Gymnasiums. Erkrankt schwer an einer Lungenentzündung. 1931 Studium der Geschichte und Philosophie in Stockholm, das er aber Studium auf Grund einer lebensbedrohenden Schwindsucht unterbrechen muß. Mehrere Sanatoriumsaufenthalte und lange Erholungsreisen durch Südeuropa folgen. 1934 Rückkehr nach Schweden. Seine erste Rezension und erste Gedichte wurden bereits 1933 in Schweden publiziert. Es folgen weitere Aufsätze, literaturwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, Tagebuchblätter; Anthologien, Reiseberichte, Essays, Übersetzungen und Verse, etc. 1940-1951 Rezensent bei "Svenska Dagbladet". 1942-1950 Rezensent bei "Bonniers Litterära Magasin". 1944-1945 Redaktion "Samtid och Framtid". 1945-1947 Redaktion "Vintergatan". 1951 Habilitationsschrift. 1951-1960 Leitung der Kulturredaktion von "Dagens Nyheter". 1956 Auszeichnung mit dem Bellmann-Preis. 1960-1975 Chefredakteur von "Dagens Nyheter". Die Zahl seiner Publikationen bricht mit dem Ende dieser Tätigkeit nicht ab. 1964 Auszeichnung mit dem Literaturpreis des Nordischen Rates. 1970 erhielt er eine Einladung für einen längeren Aufenthalt in der Volksrepublik China, über den er in seiner Zeitung berichtete. 23.07.02 stirbt im Alter von 91 Jahren in Drottningholm (Schweden).
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Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesNovember 2024
Culture is bad for you
by Orian Brook, Dave O'Brien, Mark Taylor
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesNovember 2021
Culture is bad for you
Inequality in the cultural and creative industries
by Orian Brook, Dave O'Brien, Mark Taylor, Nneka Okoye
Trusted PartnerDecember 2005
Von Science zu Fiction
Wissenschaft mit anderen Worten
by Einleitung von Wünning, Ingrid; Beiträge von Djerassi, Carl; Beiträge von Fischer, Ernst Peter; Beiträge von Draesner, Ulrike; Beiträge von Borgmann, Wolfgang; Beiträge von Dahm, Ralf; Beiträge von Gassen, H.-G.; Beiträge von Fritz, Peter; Beiträge von Storch, Volker; Beiträge von Schneider, Karin; Beiträge von Brunke, Timo; Beiträge von Steiger, Nicole; Herausgegeben von Krottenthaler, Erwin; Herausgegeben von See, Claudia von
Trusted PartnerJanuary 2012
Auf dem Flughafen
Sachwissen für Erstleser
by Patchett, Fiona / Übersetzt von Grunewald, Harriet; Illustriert von King, Colin; Illustriert von McNee, Ian; Illustriert von Ruffle, Mark
Trusted PartnerNature, the natural world (Children's/YA)March 2020
Earth Takes a Break
by House, Emily
From children's book author Emily House comes a wonderful story that re-connects us with our planet. A modern fable inspired by recent events, Earth Takes a Break is a touching picture book jam-packed with fun illustrations and woven together with a message of hope. When Earth feels unwell, she goes to the doctor to ask for help. What the doctor prescribes seems impossible to Earth, until she wakes the next day to find a surprising change!
Trusted PartnerThe ArtsJanuary 2013
Chinese Arts and Crafts Masters
Cui Jie—Cross-stitch and Silk Barbola
by Zhou Nan
This set of book introduces 62 artists who were conferred “Chinese Arts and Crafts Master”. They all have their unique skills with outstanding contributions. Each book has an interview with the master to show the unique technique and design concept to the readers.
Trusted PartnerFood & Drink
Lam Chua: Travel Notes on Food
by Lam Chua
Lam Chua: Travel Notes on Food involves Mr. Chua's travel notes and random thoughts on his trip for savoring food. He experiences around the world from Moscow to Buenos Aires, feasting your eyes on European and American styles and customs; he travels around China from Dalian of Liaoning to Sheung Wan of Hong Kong, savoring local culture and cuisines; he talks about food from cup noodles and sauce to fish roes and curry, airing opinions and making comments in passionate language. Besides, the book is illustrated by the Hong Kong talented artist as well as Mr. Chua's dedicated illustrator Ms. Meilo So. Her loose, flowing, and easily recognizable style add more appeal and interest to the book.
Trusted Partner
Lam Chua: Travel Notes on Food 2
by Lam Chua
Lam Chua: Travel Notes on Food 2 is a sequel to Lam Chua: Travel Notes on Food, involving Mr. Chua's travel notes and random thoughts on his trip for savoring food, especially his new articles as well as his Weibo post about delicacies, anecdotes and scenery during 2018 to 2020. What Mr. Chua delivers to us in this book goes beyond just travelling and food, but more of his refreshing insight into life's ups and downs.
Trusted PartnerFictionAugust 2018
The Language of Go Chess
by Chu Fujin
This is a story about Chinese Go chess.The protagonist Xiao Wang lives in the North Lane. Go chess connects his life with other chess players such as Jiang Chong, Liu Yun, Tao Song, Chen Xiaodong and Chang Shuo. Through this novel, we see the modern life, the modern psychology and the modern society of China.