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      • VOLATILIUM / NEFELI publishing

        Volatilium is the international picture books offshoot of Nefeli Publishing, an established Greek publisher specializing in literary fiction, theatre, history, and art theory since 1979. Volatilium is also the younger sibling of Tsalapeteinos, Nefeli’s acclaimed picture books imprint launched in 2009. Tsalapeteinos has published works by renowned authors and illustrators like Wolf Erlbruch, Hervé Tullet, Marianne Dubuc, Erin E. Stead, Christoph Niemann, Greg Pizzoli, Célia Chauffrey, Émile Jadoul, Seng Soun Ratanavanh and Lisa d’Andrea among others. Volatilium is committed to presenting high quality picture books to a wide international audience.

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      • Spatterlight

        We manage rights for science-fiction and fantasy legend Jack Vane (1916 - 2013) and selected titles by Tanith Lee, Michael Shea, Matthew Hughes, and others.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2022

        Civic identity and public space

        Belfast since 1780

        by Dominic Bryan, Sean J. Connolly, John Nagle

        Civic identity and public space, focussing on Belfast, and bringing together the work of a historian and two social scientists, offers a new perspective on the sometimes lethal conflicts over parades, flags and other issues that continue to disrupt political life in Northern Ireland. It examines the emergence during the nineteenth century of the concept of public space and the development of new strategies for its regulation, the establishment, the new conditions created by the emergence in 1920 of a Northern Ireland state, of a near monopoly of public space enjoyed by Protestants and unionists, and the break down of that monopoly in more recent decades. Today policy makers and politicians struggle to devise a strategy for the management of public space in a divided city, while endeavouring to promote a new sense of civic identity that will transcend long-standing sectarian and political divisions.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        October 2023

        Charting space

        by Elize Mazadiego

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2023

        Sleep and its spaces in Middle English literature

        Emotions, ethics, dreams

        by Megan Leitch

        Middle English literature is intimately concerned with sleep and the spaces in which it takes place. In the medieval English imagination, sleep is an embodied and culturally determined act. It is both performed and interpreted by characters and contemporaries, subject to a particular habitus and understood through particular hermeneutic lenses. While illuminating the intersecting medical and moral discourses by which it is shaped, sleep also sheds light on subjects in favour of which it has hitherto been overlooked: what sleep can enable (dreams and dream poetry) or what it can stand in for or supersede (desire and sex). This book argues that sleep mediates thematic concerns and questions in ways that have ethical, affective and oneiric implications. At the same time, it offers important contributions to understanding different Middle English genres: romance, dream vision, drama and fabliau.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        August 2022

        Edmund Spenser and the romance of space

        by Tamsin Badcoe

        Edmund Spenser and the romance of space advances the exploration of literary space into new areas, firstly by taking advantage of recent interdisciplinary interests in the spatial qualities of early modern thought and culture, and secondly by reading literature concerning the art of cosmography and navigation alongside imaginative literature with the purpose of identifying shared modes and preoccupations. The book looks to the work of cultural and historical geographers in order to gauge the roles that aesthetic subjectivity and the imagination play in the development of geographical knowledge: contexts ultimately employed by the study to achieve a better understanding of the place of Ireland in Spenser's writing. The study also engages with recent ecocritical approaches to literary environments, such as coastlines, wetlands, and islands, thus framing fresh readings of Spenser's handling of mixed genres.

      • Trusted Partner
        Educational: Art & design

        Pensar el espacio. Reflejos, superficies y colores (Thinking the space. Reflections, sufaces and colors)

        by Chiara Carrer

        The line is the protagonist of this book. She explores the pages and forms figures, colors herself, creates landscapes, characters and, with them, stories that narrate the reflections and joys that creation brings. This book, the third in a growing collection, is a catalog of the possibilities that lie at the base of all art. In the blank pages of this book, lines, figures, shadows, textures, colors, unpublished worlds were born that, in their capricious forms, hide beings that reflect on everything visible, on everything that surrounds them and is the framework for their adventures, which are the adventures of creative thinking in all its simple splendor: space: line, movement, rhythm: seeing, looking, reading: imagining, thinking, doing. Here everything is created and everything is arranged for the creation of the reader, the artist.

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      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        March 2013

        Space and being in contemporary French cinema

        by James S. Williams

        This book brings together for the first time five French directors who have established themselves as among the most exciting and significant working today: Bruno Dumont, Robert Guédiguian, Laurent Cantet, Abdellatif Kechiche, and Claire Denis. Whatever their chosen habitats or shifting terrains, each of these highly distinctive auteurs has developed unique strategies of representation and framing that reflect a profound investment in the geophysical world. The book proposes that we think about cinematographic space in its many different forms simultaneously (screenspace, landscape, narrative space, soundscape, spectatorial space). Through a series of close and original readings of selected films, it posits a new 'space of the cinematic subject'. Accessible and wide-ranging, this volume opens up new areas of critical enquiry in the expanding interdisciplinary field of space studies. It will be of immediate interest to students and researchers working not only in film studies and film philosophy, but also in French/Francophone studies, postcolonial studies, gender and cultural studies. Listen to James S. Williams speaking about his book (Copy and paste the link into your browser) ;

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2020

        Space and Astronomy, Revised Edition

        Notable Research and Discoveries

        by Kyle Kirkland, Ph.D.

        Dedicated to the scientists who explore the frontiers of this rapidly advancing field, Space and Astronomy, Revised Edition explores a wide range of topics—from the evolution of galaxies to the potential colonization of space. This newly revised edition covers the latest developments in the field, as scientists learn more and more about space every day, making it an essential read for any student interested in the expansive field of space and astronomy. Chapters include: Extrasolar Planets—Worlds Beyond the Solar System Colonization in Space and On Other Worlds Traveling Among the Stars Gravitational Waves Formation and Evolution of Galaxies The Hidden Universe—Dark Matter and Dark Energy.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Space Shuttles

        by Joseph A. Angelo, Jr.

        Aimed at inspiring students in high school and college to become the space experts of tomorrow, this eBook discusses the history of the space shuttle, its basic features, missions—both successful and unsuccessful—involving space shuttles, and the legacy of the space shuttle missions. A wealth of images help bring the era of the space shuttle to life.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Living in Space

        by Joseph A. Angelo, Jr.

        Aimed at inspiring students in high school and college to become the space experts of tomorrow, this eBook describes in detail the challenges of living in outer space—including dealing with microgravity, wearing space suits, the hazards of space travel, space food, and radiation—complete with a wealth of images that help recreate the experience of living in space.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Space-Traveling Animals

        by Joseph A. Angelo, Jr.

        Aimed at inspiring students in high school and college to become the space experts of tomorrow, this eBook discusses and recounts the histories of the animals used in early space missions to test space travel technology, including the "astrochimps" and rhesus monkeys used in American test flights, the dogs used in Soviet tests, and 21st-century space research involving spiders, fish, and rodents.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Early Space Stations

        by Joseph A. Angelo, Jr.

        Aimed at inspiring students in high school and college to become the space experts of tomorrow, this eBook describes early efforts to build an orbiting space system designed to accommodate human habitation in space over a long period of time, including NASA's Skylab and Russia's Mir Space Station. A wealth of images help bring this period of history to life.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2007

        Time and Relative Dissertations in Space

        Critical Perspectives on Doctor Who

        by Edited by David Butler

        Time and relative dissertations in space takes the reader on a rich and varied study of one of the greatest television programmes of all time: Doctor Who. This book is the first study of Doctor Who to explore the Doctor's adventures in all their manifestations: on television, audio, in print and beyond. Although focusing on the original series (1963-89), the collection recognises that Doctor Who is a cultural phenomenon that has been 'told' in many ways through a myriad of texts. Combining essays from academics as well as practitioners who have contributed to the ongoing narrative of Doctor Who, the collection encourages debate with contrasting opinions on the strengths (and weaknesses) of the programme, offering a multi-perspective view of Doctor Who and the reasons for its endurance.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        The Gemini Project and Space Walks

        by Joseph A. Angelo, Jr.

        Aimed at inspiring students in high school and college to become the space experts of tomorrow, this eBook discusses the history of the Gemini Project, which built upon the accomplishments of the preceding Mercury Project by launching a maneuverable spacecraft with two crewmembers and by performing America's first spacewalk. Readers will find summaries of the missions, a detailed description of how the Gemini spacecraft worked, a wealth of images, and more.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Space Launch Vehicles

        by Joseph A. Angelo, Jr.

        This eBook explores the basic functions of a launch vehicle and offers examples of historically significant or currently operational rockets used to place objects into outer space. Special emphasis is given to past, current, and future American space launch vehicles, including the mighty Saturn V Moon rocket, NASA’s Space Shuttle fleet, the contemporary Delta IV and Atlas V launch vehicles, and NASA’s new Space Launch Vehicle (SLV). Readers will explore two famous rocket engineers who helped transform the use of powerful rockets into space launch vehicles: German-American Wernher von Braun (1912‒77) and Russian Korolev (1907-1966).

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2018

        Super Space Battleship

        by Yang Peng

        Yang Peng's alien series original science fiction works. The book continues Yang Peng's consistent style of creation—incredible imagination, extraordinary exaggeration, unrepeatable comedy, bizarre plots, sci-fi elements, relaxing, humorous, and thrilling fun. At the same time, courage, integrity, kindness, unity, patriotism, and environmental protection are integrated into the delightful storytelling. The theme is positive, setting a good example for the children. The "Dragon" super space warship crossed the universe wormhole. It took only a few minutes to reach the distant space of 1400 light years from the earth. A series of challenges are waiting for the "Dragon" teenagers, steel planet, cosmic disease, cosmic whales, elf kingdom, thunder kingdom, lightning country, illusion planet, nebula storm... Can they pass over all these challenges one after the one other?

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        The Mercury Project and Tiny Space Capsules

        by Joseph A. Angelo, Jr.

        Aimed at inspiring students in high school and college to become the space experts of tomorrow, this eBook discusses the history of the Mercury Project—the pioneering American effort to put a human being into orbit—with detailed summaries of the missions plus a wealth of images that bring the project to life.

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