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      • Photo Travel Editions

        Photo Travel Editions is an italian independent Publishing House founded in 2018 and directed by Giovanni Marino. Books and reading are necessary tools to communicate beauty and to transmit memory and identity. In this context, Photo Travel Editions, develops as a natural evolution of a complex reality with the aim of giving voice to the need to spread and share the cultural tool par excellence, the book. Photo Travel Editions combines aspects of traditional publishing with the new modern publishing of E-books and audiobooks. The publishing project offers nonfiction books, contemporary fiction, poetry, photographic books and the re-edition of rare books.  Great attention is paid to emerging authors who will be offered the means to reach an increasingly important number of readers, giving them the opportunity to express themselves, communicate and excite through writing.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        December 2017

        Tourism and Leisure Behaviour in an Ageing World

        by Ian Patterson

        Tourism and Leisure Behaviour in an Ageing World, based on Ian Patterson's previously published Growing Older, provides an overview of the latest research concerning tourist behaviour and leisure needs of baby boomers, seniors, and older adults. With an increasingly ageing population, industry interest has intensified and there has been a corresponding explosion in related research activity. Covering marketplace trends that attract the older market, this new edition: - Provides an understanding of the older tourism and leisure market, discussing how to effectively provide for this expanding group; - Discusses growing areas such as independent travel, the leisure experience, cultural and heritage tourism, cruises, and health and wellness tourism; - Supplies case studies of tourism and leisure organizations successfully catering to the needs of the older market. This book is an invaluable resource for researchers and students interested in senior leisure and travel, a section with the money and the time to invest heavily in leisure and tourism activities. It can also be applied by professionals to improve their product offerings for this sector, which, while valuable, brings its own unique challenges.

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        Mountain · Twelve

        by ShaLuoShuangShu

        "Fu Long Ji" takes the Wuyun Mountain as the diverging point, and contains 12 stories such as "Moving Wood", "Forgetting Vine", "Hua Ren" and "Xue Pu". It tells the story of 12 kinds of strange flowers and herbs on the mountain. For example, in "Snow Puff", it starts from the perspective of the human protagonist "Granny" to tell the story of her getting together with "Snow Puff" because of fireworks. In the second half, it tells the story from the perspective of "Snow Puff" to tell what she thinks and does when she sees the heroine trapped in a fire. This book is not about love between men and women, but about human desires.This book illustrates the author's thoughts on human nature through a deeply interesting story and beautiful illustrations.

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        Snowflake River

        by Ben Ami Eliahu

        Snowflake River Eine Reise in den „Great Spirit“ von Ben Ami Eliahu Der „Great Spirit“ – der allen Menschen innewohnende Geist, der alle Emotionen und Gedanken bewahrt und für ihre Weitergabe über die Generationen sorgt – ist in Gefahr.– Er blutet aus. Die Folgen sind bereits spürbar: Eine rätselhafte Abkühlung der Körpertemperatur des Menschen geht um die Welt.  Omer, ein empfindlicher, intelligenter Junge, der unter dieser Erscheinung leidet, begibt sich auf die Spur des seltsamen Phänomens und gerät in ein weltweites, multidimensionales Abenteuer. Ein Wissenschaftler, der sein Gedächtnis verloren hat, zeigt ihm den „Geisterglanz“, das Material, das die Menschheit mit ihren rätselhaften Ursprüngen verbindet. Seltsame Wesenheiten begleiten Omer bis in die Tiefen unseres kollektiven Gedächtnisses und unserer Gedanken. Dort erfährt er von den überaus wichtigen Schneeflocken und erlernt, wie er aus allerhöchster Höhe auf den unendlichen Fluss des Lebens herabschauen kann. Denn nur von dort aus, allein und aus der Distanz, kann er das schreckliche Geheimnis verstehen. „Snowflake River“ ist ein Abenteuer und eine Allegorie auf eine Welt, die von der Gier beherrscht wird und dadurch aus ihrem empfindlichen Gleichgewicht geworfen wurde. In dieser sehr einfallsreichen, überraschenden und poetischen Geschichte beschreibt der Autor den Kampf zwischen Gut und Böse, Alt und Neu, freien Willem und Herrschaft, und betont die Macht der Einfachheit, Unschuld und Liebe. Dieses Buch ist gleichermaßen für erwachsene und junge Leser bestimmt. Ben Ami Eliahu , 46, ist verheiratet und hat eine Tochter. Er lebt in Israel und stammt aus einer indischen Familie. Der Roman wurde überwiegend in Indien geschrieben, in einer Hütte mitten im Wald. Im Verlauf der Arbeit an diesem Buch zog der Autor, von Beruf Softwareentwickler, aufs Land und gründete einen Weinbaubetrieb...

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        June 2021

        Hallo, kleiner Bär!

        Ich hab dich so lieb

        by Loewe von Anfang an

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        At home with the poor

        Consumer behaviour and material culture in England, c. 1650-1850

        by Joseph Harley

        This book opens the doors to the homes of the forgotten poor and traces the goods they owned before, during and after the industrial revolution (c. 1650-1850). Using a vast and diverse range of sources, it gets to the very heart of what it meant to be 'poor' by examining the homes of the impoverished and mapping how numerous household goods became more widespread. As the book argues, poverty did not necessarily equate to owning very little and living in squalor. In fact, its novel findings show that most of the poor strove to improve their domestic spheres and that their demand for goods was so great that it was a driving force of the industrial revolution.

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        January 2023

        KoboldKroniken. Mission Glühelfe

        Das Kwest-Abenteuer von Clara-mit-C

        by Daniel Bleckmann, Thomas Hussung

        Vergiss Langeweile: Hier kommt dein Abenteuer-, Quest- und Escape-Mix. Clara-mit-C ist, die Heldin aus den KoboldKroniken, ist auf einer gefährlichen Mission – und ihr seid interaktiv dabei. Nach einem Streit mit Dario schlägt sich Clara allein durch Kwertz, die Welt der Kobolde. Sie muss Rätsel lösen und sich fiesen Kreaturen stellen. Noch ahnt sie nicht, dass sie mit ihrer Quest das Schicksal ihres Bruders Lennard und der anderen gefangenen Kinder entscheiden könnte … KoboldKroniken-Protagonist Dario skizziert und erzählt Clara-mit-Cs Geschichte auf witzige Weise mit vielen Illustrationen. Quest-Elemente treffen auf Escape-Room Adventure. Das heißt: Ihr, liebe Leser*innen, wählt, welchen Weg eure Heldin nimmt, entscheidet mit, was sie tun wird und stellt euch an Claras Seite ihrem Escape-Abenteuer. Game on, wie Dario sagen würde. Bist du bereit für die Mission Glühelfe? Das interaktive Rätselabenteuer in der Welt der KoboldKroniken. Weil Mädchen definitiv auch Games lieben! Spannende Escape-Elemente und Entscheidungs-Aufgaben, die du auch als Wenigleser*in feiern wirst. Ein cool illustriertes Escape Room-Spielebuch, in dem der Fun an erster Stelle steht. Die super Ergänzung für alle Fans der KoboldKroniken-Reihe.

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        Children's & YA

        Wild Claws (3). A Target for the Sharks

        by Max Held/ Timo Grubing

        While diving offshore, Logan, Charlotte and Jack discover a shipwreck. Very interesting – but extremely dangerous. Because while the friends are examining it, they are attacked by a shark! Then more and more sharks approach and circle the wreck, as if they are watching over it. What lies inside the sunken ship, and what secret is being concealed by the underwater explorer Thornton, who is staying as a guest at the Wild Claws sanctuary? When Logan dives again, the sharks attack and Logan is trapped in the wreck. His air supply is running short, and time is racing by. Can Jack and Charlotte rescue him in time?

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        Children's & YA
        December 2018

        The Tree Boy

        by Srididhya Venkat and Nayantara Surendranath

        Sid is a lonely boy who detests idle, lonely trees. He has good reasons though. At least he likes to think so. He does not notice the friendship between the dangling leaves, dancing to the song of the wind. He ignores countless birds returning to the safety of their comfy homes, nestled in the soft spots of rough branches, after a long day of collecting worms. So when he is called a brainless tree for missing a save in soccer at school, it is easy for him to decide he never wants to be a tree, until one morning he wakes up to have transformed into one. Srividhya Venkat spins a delectable fantasy around thinking twice about what you wish for, or not and depicts the transformation of Sid’s lonely life after he embraces the excitable voices of kids twisted in his vines and the ecosystem hovering above him. Nayantara Surendranath’s eccentric combination of art collage and digital creation expresses the refreshing quirks that breathe life into the tale.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2017

        It Is the Old Time that Brings Us Joy

        by Bai Hua

        This is a poetry collection of Bai Hua. It contains most representative works during 35 years of the poet’s creation. Bai Hua is one of the most excellent lyric poets in contemporary China. From the year 1979, he started poetry, essay, and critic writing, as well as translation of British and American literature.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2011

        An Historical Atlas of Staffordshire

        by A. D. M. Phillips, C. B. Phillips

        Within its ancient boundaries, Staffordshire is a county of diverse and contrasting historic landscapes. World-renowned industrial complexes sit alongside agricultural systems; castles rub shoulders with urban-industrial housing; the cathedral centre of a vast diocese lies close to the birthplace of primitive Methodism; overtly planned landscapes mingle with the uplands of the Moorlands and the heathlands of Cannock Chase. These many and varied landscapes are both products and reflections of a multiplicity of histories, and students of the county have been keen to explore and relate these pasts. However, no systematic attempt has previously been made to express these accounts in spatial form. This book seeks to demonstrate by maps the various histories that contribute to the diversity of Staffordshire. With its succinct discussions and detailed map presentations of these themes, incorporating new thinking and recent research, the atlas provides an innovative and major contribution to the study of the history of Staffordshire. ;

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        June 2017

        Nehmt einander an

        Der ökumenische Weg der Evangelischen Kirche im Rheinland zwischen dem Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil und dem Reformationsjubiläum (1960–2017)

        by Herausgegeben von Link, Hans-Georg; Herausgegeben von Rudolph, Barbara

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        Adventure stories (Children's/YA)
        July 2017

        Adventures of Jamil

        by Mohammed Umar

        When Jamil was a boy growing up on the Tatasi Peninsula, the Twin Tragedy ‒ an earthquake and a volcanic eruption ‒ cut Tatasi off from the mainland, turning it into an island. Immediately afterwards, a sea monster emerged and terrorized the trapped inhabitants. Jamil and his friends each dream of being the one to slay the monster, and freeing the islanders from their fear and uncertainty.

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        April 2025

        Niche Tourism and Sustainability

        Perspectives, Practices and Prospects

        by Anna Farmaki, Pramendra Singh, Viana Hassan

        Niche tourism, also known as special interest tourism, refers to specialized tourism products offered to a small group of tourists. Examples include ecotourism, rural tourism, birdwatching tourism, dark tourism and motorcycle tourism. Regarded as the antidote to mass tourism, niche tourism has become particularly popular in recent years as a tourism developmental option that can address the problems caused by mass tourism including overtourism. It is commonly acknowledged that niche tourism fosters responsible tourism practices, minimizes negative tourism impacts and helps preserve the environment and culture of destinations; thereby, promoting sustainability in tourism. Likewise, niche tourism seems to be better equipped to address the needs and preferences of today's sophisticated and diverse tourist market. Despite these advantages, niche tourism development faces challenges such as overlap with mass tourism due to growing numbers of visitors, promotion of products that are not environmentally friendly and limited economic benefits being directed to the local community. This book is a collection of 12 conceptual and empirical chapters presenting niche tourism cases from around the world. It examines tourist behaviour and experiences, resident perspectives, implementation practices and future prospects, and contributes to the debate on tourism development and sustainability.

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        August 2025

        Insel-Kalender für das Jahr 2026

        Eine wunderbare Begleitung durch das große Rilke-Jubiläumsjahr

        by Rainer Maria Rilke, Clara Paul

        Anlässlich des 150. Geburtstags von Rainer Maria Rilke am 4. Dezember 2025 und seines 100. Todestages am 29. Dezember 2026 ehrt der Insel Verlag seinen bedeutenden Autor mit einem Kalender, der beide Jubiläen und daher 13 Monate umfasst: Er beginnt am 1.12.2025 und endet am 31.12.2026. In dem Kalender findet sich eine Auswahl seiner schönsten und bekanntesten Gedichte, von Der Panther bis Herbsttag, sowie seiner inspirierendsten und wirkungsmächtigsten Gedanken aus Briefe an einen jungen Dichter bis Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge. Mit einem Kalendarium, das Raum bietet für eigene Notizen und neben Daten, die für Rilke von Bedeutung waren, auch die Mondphasen verzeichnet. Im Anhang finden sich ein Übersichtskalender der Jahre 2026 und 2027, eine Tabelle der Schulferien sowie Platz für Adressen und Notizen. In eleganter Ausstattung, flexibel gebunden und mit Lesebändchen

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        October 2018

        Broken Bridge,Remnant Snow

        by Wang Xufeng

        “Ten Scenes in West Lake” is the work of Wang Xufeng, the famous writer and Mao Dun Literature Award winner, in the background of Hangzhou West Lake. It is a collection of novellas with the historical " Ten Scenes in West Lake " as the starting point. The ten novellas  are independent stories ,and are also connected to each other, forming a series of books that are saturated with the charm of Jiangnan. The book Broken Bridge,Remnant Snow is one of the novellas. The author uses the broken bridge scenic spots in the West Lake to tell the readers stories among the old man Xu Xuan and Xiao Bai, Xiao Qing and Master Hai. In the misty and rainy West Lake, a piece of past events begins.

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