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        Botany & plant sciences
        July 1998

        Take-All Disease of Cereals

        A Regional Perspective

        by Geoffrey L Bateman, Richard J Gutteridge, Philippe Lucas, Anne E Osbourn, Elaine Ward. Edited by David Hornby.

        Take-all is the most important root disease of cereals worldwide and a major disease problem in northern European wheat-growing regions. It is regarded by many as an intractable problem because of the lack of economically-viable chemical controls and resistant cultivars. It remains one of the great challenges of plant pathology and serves as an ideal model for many of the problems of root diseases in general. This book, an initiative of the IACR/ADAS/Universities Cereal Root Pathology Group, is the first since 1981 to provide an up-to-date review of the practical aspects of take-all research. It contains the experience of several contributors with long and active careers in take-all research or the advisory services and includes a comprehensive worldwide bibliography of relevant literature published over the last 15 years. The book concentrates on Europe, particularly the UK and France, and this regional theme is developed through comparisons with approaches used in, for example, North America and Australia. Chapters deal with history, disease and epidemiology, take-all in relation to cereal production systems, strategies for management, the pathogens and related fungi, field techniques and future prospects. This book is essential reading for advanced students and professionals in cereal crop protection research and will be of interest to plant pathologists as well as agricultural advisors.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2025

        Living with lodgers

        Household economy and social relations in working-class Victorian England

        by Vicky Holmes

        For the Victorian working class, lodging in someone else's home was commonplace. Yet, despite their prevalence, lodgers and their householders have received little scholarly attention. Drawing on hundreds of coroners' inquests reported in the Victorian press, Living with lodgers traverses many domestic dwelling lodgings in England at this time, providing an extraordinary, intimate portrayal of the lives of the inhabitants therein.

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        September 2017

        Let the Sparrow Fly High

        The Open Sesame Series

        by Qi Zhi

        This series of book tells several interesting stories about a group of children adopting different animals. In raising them, they have overcome countless difficulties and thus learnt such spirits as teamwork, tolerance and thanksgiving. Despite their deep love for the animals, they still decide to let them return to nature.

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        Children's & YA

        The Holiday I Had to Take

        by Kateryna Yehorushkina (Author), Sonia Avdieieva (Illustrator)

        When the holidays draw near, schoolchildren begin to think about rest and travel. Sadly, this time, Vira's (Faith) holidays will be different due to the war. She, along with her parents and younger brother, has to move to the basement floor of their apartment building to hide from the bombardments. The family members do all they can to adapt to this new reality: they melt snow when they run out of water, try to warm themselves up by singing when they run out of heating, and reassure themselves that all the people close to them are safe when they cannot hear from them. The usual way of life seems like a distant memory, surviving perhaps only in our imagination or in computer games. Yet, even in these activities, and in supporting our loved ones, we can learn how to find a light inside that no missile will ever be able to reach. The Holiday I Had to Take is not only the moving story of Vira; readers of Kateryna Yehorushkina's book will also find advice and soothing practices from psychologist Svitlana Royz to support everyone finding themselves in difficult times   From 3 to 8 years, 2138 words. Rightsholders: Natalie Miroshnyk,

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        August 2018

        Let Them Eat Chaos / Sollen sie doch Chaos fressen


        by Johanna Wange, Kae Tempest

        Irgendwo in London, es ist 4:18 Uhr. Sieben Menschen liegen wach, gequält von Sorgen, Ängsten und Erinnerungen. Nacheinander lernen wir sie kennen, blicken auf ihre Leben: beschädigt, entfremdet, scheinbar ohne jede Hoffnung. Doch dann bricht ein Sturm über die Stadt herein, treibt die Einsamen und Verletzten auf die Straße und lässt sie erkennen, wie tief sie miteinander verbunden sind. Kae Tempests Langgedicht Let Them Eat Chaos ist nicht nur ein mitreißendes Sprachkunstwerk, sondern auch ein wütender Aufruf zum Handeln, gegen soziale Ungerechtigkeit, gegen Verrohung und politische Gewalt, für mehr Empathie, Gemeinsamkeit und Hoffnung im Chaos.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2018

        Let Them Eat Chaos / Sollen sie doch Chaos fressen


        by Kae Tempest, Johanna Davids

        Irgendwo in London, es ist 4.18 Uhr. Sieben Menschen liegen wach, gequält von Sorgen, Ängsten und Erinnerungen. Nacheinander lernen wir sie kennen, blicken auf ihre Leben: beschädigt, entfremdet, scheinbar ohne jede Hoffnung. Doch dann bricht ein Sturm über die Stadt herein, treibt die Einsamen und Verletzten auf die Straße und lässt sie erkennen, wie tief sie miteinander verbunden sind. Kate Tempests Langgedicht Let Them Eat Chaos ist nicht nur ein mitreißendes Sprachkunstwerk, sondern auch ein wütender Aufruf zum Handeln, gegen soziale Ungerechtigkeit, gegen Verrohung und politische Gewalt, für mehr Empathie, Gemeinsamkeit und Hoffnung im Chaos.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        June 2019

        China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation:

        Case Studies and Plans

        by Secretariat of the First China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo Organizing Committee

        China-Africa Economics and Trade Cooperation: Case Studies and Plans comes in 3 languages: Chinese(2 volumes), English(2 volumes), and French(2 volumes). This book series include 101 excellent case studies , which related to 21 Chinese provinces and cities and 31 countries in Africa, containing agriculture, manufacturing, commerce and trade, infrastructure, industrial parks, energy and mining, financing and other fields in China-Africa economic and trade cooperation. This set of books is practical and useful for all readers. In addition, the book gives the vivid interpretation on the concept of common prosperity, win-win cooperation, mutual negotiation and construction, shared innovation and progression of Belt and Road Initiative.

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        Biography & True Stories
        October 2019

        Take That

        by Rützel, Anja

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        January 1995

        Take That

        by Fischer, Jörg

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2025

        Let the dead speak

        Spiritualism in Australia

        by Andrew Singleton, Matt Tomlinson

        This book explores the historical and social dynamics of Spiritualism - a religious movement associated in the popular imagination with nineteenth-century parlour séances and ghost photography. It continues to be practised actively today in Australia, the UK, and USA. The authors draw on their deep fieldwork, interviews, and archival research to analyse Spiritualism's resilience and the enduring popular appeal of mediumship. There are three key contributions of the book: the first is that the scholarly study of "belief" should be rehabilitated. The authors propose a model of belief as a dialogue between claims to truth and commitments to institutions supporting those claims. The second is women's agency in Spiritualism. From the movement's beginnings, strong female leaders have decisively shaped its religious and political profile. The third is the need to analyse Australian Spiritualism as a distinct variant of a transnational Anglophone family of ritual practice.

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        January 2013

        Let the Death Live long

        by Chen Ximi

        The book is written by Chen Ximi, the wife of Chinese famous writer Shi Tiesheng. It is a heart-touching memorial essay collection. The death of Shi left Chen in endless loneliness, which made her start to make a effort to write this book. She tried to converse with the great philosopher in human history by reading, meditation, walking and writing, searching the meaning of void. By this way, she deepened her thinking, became a broad-minded woman, learnt to explore the meaning of life. The stylish writing skill and touching heart whisper is on the page .In her true and beautiful word, readers can find the meaning of life and death, love, honesty, solitary, time and life, feel the light of wisdom.

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        November 1995


        by Peter Lange

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