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      • Verlagsgruppe Patmos

        Patmos - Thorbecke - Grünewald - Eschbach - Schwaben - Ver Sacrum The list of Verlagsgruppe Patmos offers a wide range of titles, covering psychology, self-help, memoirs, parenting, spirituality, religion and theology, as well as gift books and children´s books, mostly for First Communion. Our imprint Thorbecke specializes in books on cookery, lifestyle and gardening, on the one hand, as well as books on history and cultural history, on the other hand.

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      • Sri Senbaga Pathippakam

        Sri Senbaga Pathippakam is one of the best publishers in Tamil language. We have published more than 1000 titles including ancient Sangam Tamil literature, research books in Tamil literature and language, mythological books, historical fiction and non-fiction, short stories, cooking books, etc. We also specialize in books for children, bilingual and trilingual dictionaries for the reference of students and general public. We publish Sahitya Academy & Tamilnadu government award winning books. One of our renowned books, 'Thirukkural', a scripture common to every walk of human life irrespective of gender, race or community is a must read for everyone on this planet. It is published in various sizes and design. 'Oviyakkural (Thirukkural with paintings)' portrays Tamil tradition and culture through paintings. Our religious publication about Vainavam and Saivam is popular among scholars. 'Kambar Kavi Inbam' portrays the beauty of poetry as described in Kambar's Ramayanam in Tamil language.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2022

        Reconstructing lives

        by Vanja Kovacic

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2020

        Basic Monitoring in Canine and Feline Emergent Patients

        by Elizabeth J. Thomovsky, Paula A. Johnson, Aimee C. Brooks

        This book discusses the various basic monitoring techniques available for emergency patients. The book elaborates on and explains monitoring techniques that can be easily performed in basic ER clinics and primary care clinics. This includes blood pressure, capnography, ECGs, pulse oximetry, and point of care monitoring ranging from the physical exam to bedside diagnostic tests like PCV/TP, urine specific gravity, blood glucose, and lactate. Each chapter is structured in the following way: basic physiology as related to the monitor, how the monitor/piece of equipment works, pros and cons of the monitor/piece of equipment, when not to trust the monitor, and clinical applications/examples of how to use the monitor in clinical settings.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        June 2018

        Drug Profiles

        Recommendations for pharmaceutical consultation arranged by active ingredient

        by Dr. Joachim Framm, Almut Framm, Dr. Erika Heydel, Anke Mehrwald, Grit Schomacker, Dörte Stranz and Dr. Kirsten Lennecke

        For 20 years, Drug Profiles has provided pharmacies with the best possible preparation,whether for the initial patient consultation when a drug is first prescribed or for providing advice on self-medication.■ more than 300 completely revised profiles on the most common active substances■ pictograms illustrating proper administration■ colour-coded patient information■ 31 new substance profilesEnabling pharmacists to provide their patients with expert advice on drug therapy.New: Important information and suggested wording for the “special information”column in the standardized medication plan required by German law since 2016.

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2024

        Doing psychiatry in postwar Europe

        Practices, routines and experiences

        by Gundula Gahlen, Henriette Voelker, Volker Hess, Marianna Scarfone

        Doing psychiatry engages with the history of European psychiatry in the second half of the twentieth century through a close and fresh look at the practices that contributed to reshape the mental health field. Case studies from across Europe allow readers to appreciate how new 'ways of doing' contributed to transform the field, beyond the watchwords of deinstitutionalisation, the prescription of neuroleptics, centrality of patients and overcoming of asylum-era habits. Through a variety of sources and often adopting a small-scale perspective, the chapters take a close look at the way new practices emerged and at how they installed themselves, eventually facing resistance, injecting new purposes and contributing to enlarging psychiatry's fields of expertise, therefore blurring its once-more-defined boundaries.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Cancer Patient in the Pharmacy

        Advisory knowledge for pharmacy practice

        by Edited by Dr. Dorothee Dartsch

        The decision for cancer treatment has been taken and now a difficult time begins for the cancer patient: complex treatment regimens, side effects, fear. As a trusted confidant and competent point of contact in primary care, the pharmacist is called upon to play a key role. This collection of up-to-date articles provides support in the management of side effects from nausea to cardiotoxicity, gives assistance in interpreting warning signs of complications and highlights particular groups of patients such as pregnant women, geriatric, cachectic or palliative patients.

      • Trusted Partner

        Intoduction to Affect Phobia Therapy

        by Dr. Quin van Dam

        A fear of one’s own emotions can lead people to develop what has been termed emotion- or affect phobia. To deal with this specific kind of phobia, Affect Phobia Therapy (APT) has proven to be useful. In APT, psychodynamic, cognitive behavioral, and experimental techniques are combined to help the patient to learn to accept and manage emotions again. Research shows that especially people suffering from anxiety or depression and people with avoidant or dependent personality disorders benefit from this method. This book offers a practical explanation of this evidence-based therapeutic method. The eight chapters focus on all different aspects of APT and the underlying theoretical concepts are illustrated with example patient-therapist dialogues.   Target Group: psychologists, psychotherapists, students

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Martial races

        The military, race and masculinity in British imperial culture, 1857–1914

        by Heather Streets

        This book explores how and why Scottish Highlanders, Punjabi Sikhs, and Nepalese Gurkhas became identified as the British Empire's fiercest, most manly soldiers in nineteenth century discourse. As 'martial races' these men were believed to possess a biological or cultural disposition to the racial and masculine qualities necessary for the arts of war. Because of this, they were used as icons to promote recruitment in British and Indian armies - a phenomenon with important social and political effects in India, in Britain, and in the armies of the Empire. Martial Races bridges regional studies of South Asia and Britain while straddling the fields of racial theory, masculinity, imperialism, identity politics, and military studies. Of particular importance is the way it exposes the historical instability of racial categories based on colour and its insistence that historically specific ideologies of masculinity helped form the logic of imperial defence, thus wedding gender theory with military studies in unique ways. Moreover, Martial Races challenges the marginalisation of the British Army in histories of Victorian popular culture, and demonstrates the army's enduring impact on the regional cultures of the Highlands, the Punjab and Nepal. This unique study will make fascinating reading for higher level students and experts in imperial history, military history and gender history.

      • Trusted Partner

        La Terreur des Bombes

        by Pr. H. Granot

        La Terreur des Bombes – La peur urbaine universelle par le Pr. H. Granot et le Dr. J. Levinson Dans leur étude innovante et si importante, les auteurs insistent sur la façon dont les organismes locaux peuvent répondre et surtout mitiger les effets des pires actes de terreur auxquels doivent faire face les autorités urbaines. Ils allient théorie et pratique, citant des incidents à travers le monde (y compris les attaques meurtrières du World Trade Center à New York et du Pentagone le 11 septembre 2001), tout en mettant l’accent sur l’expérience particulière d’Israël dans ce domaine. Etant donné l’augmentation certaine de la menace d’actes terroristes et l’importance croissante de la gestion de l’état d’urgence, la Terreur des Bombes procure une information sérieuse pour les officiels et les personnes devant répondre à des situations d’urgence et cherchant à comprendre l’une des menaces les plus dangereuses de la vie moderne.   Une édition japonaise de ce titre a été publiée à la fin de l'année 2005 par Namiki Shobo. L'édition en anglais pour l'Amérique du Nord a été publiée en avril 2009 par DEKEL en collaboration avec le KEY Publishing House Inc., Toronto, Canada.

      • Trusted Partner
        Health systems & services
        July 2015

        Making the patient-consumer

        by Alex Mold

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2014

        Zeng Guo Fan De Zheng Mian Yu Ce Mian

        by Zhang Hongjie

        This is textbook of Chinese political.The story tell us of how to move from the ideal to the reality, and have the guiding significance for young people.

      • Trusted Partner

        Harmed Not Cured

        Major medical and pharmaceutical scandals in Germany

        by Eckart Roloff and Karin Henke-Wendt

        Botched medications, malpractice, the transplant business: when doctors or pharmaceutical companies make mistakes or cross ethical boundaries, this often has serious consequences for patients. One example is thalidomide. Despite inadequate testing, the sleeping pill was marketed from 1957 to 1961, and caused a large number of pregnant women to give birth to children with severe deformities. Less well known, but no less scandalous, is the “Anti-D” affair in the former GDR, where, during 1978 and 1979, thousands of women and many children were infected with hepatitis C through contaminated immunoglobulins. This was not revealed until years later. This book presents 16 such cases – often the stuff of thrillers, but tragic at the same time. People who reach out for help, are instead deceived and harmed. All the more important are courageous and persistent patients and journalists, who have uncovered medical scandals, publicised them and taken the perpetrators to court. Without this, no-one would be learning from the mistakes.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2016

        Making Resources Count

        Practical Application of Resource Activation

        by Utta Deppe-Schmitz, Miriam Deubner-Böhme

        This title shows how resource activation can take place in behavioral therapy to enhance the patient’s well-being and improve problem solving processes. In resource oriented therapy, patients learn to regain sight of their resources since, unfortunately, many patients have lost sight of their resources so these cannot aid in the patient’s recovery and remains unused potential. Resource activation, therefore, has a positive impact on therapy. This practical handbook offers different interventions for resources activation for each phase of therapy and uses practical examples to outline the procedure. It introduces interventions for resource oriented therapy planning, activation of already existing resources, resource activation at the end of therapy as well as resource oriented therapy sessions. The CD contains worksheets and other materials that can be used to aid the described interventions. Target Group: psychotherapists, specialists in psychiatry and psychotherapie, specialists in psychosomatic medicine, clinical psychologists, psychological counselors, students and teachers of psychology.

      • Trusted Partner

        Fünf Minuten pro Patient

        Eine Studie über die Interaktionen in der ärztlichen Allgemeinpraxis

        by Enid Balint, J S Norell, Käte Hügel

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 2021

        The Patient Catchers

        How we are talked into illness

        by Michelle Hildebrandt

        The health market seems to have been unleashed, more and more actors, indications, methods compete for attention. Dr. Michelle Hildebrandt shows how companies, but also doctors and alternative medicine are “catching” patients out of economic interests – and how we are happy to put up with that. So more and more people are being treated unnecessarily or incorrectly with medicine and therapies, while at the same time rogue providers are propagating sometimes dangerous methods instead of calling for life-saving diagnostics. Knowledge is needed in order for patients to overcome their self-inflicted immaturity. Michelle Hildebrandt‘s book makes an important contribution to this.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1987

        Gesammelte Schriften in zehn Bänden

        5: Der Arzt und der Kranke. Stücke einer medizinischen Anthropologie

        by Viktor Weizsäcker, Peter Achilles, Dieter Janz, Martin Schrenk, Carl Friedrich Weizsäcker, Peter Achilles, Dieter Janz, Mechthilde Kütemeyer, Wilhelm Rimpau, Walter Schindler, Martin Schrenk

        Band 5 der Gesammelten Schriften vereinigt die frühen Arbeiten Viktor von Weizsäckers zur medizinischen Anthropologie von 1926 bis zum ersten zusammenfassenden Überblick 1933 (Ärztliche Fragen).

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