Verlagsgruppe Patmos
The publihing group that captures the spirit of life
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Patmos - Thorbecke - Grünewald - Eschbach - Schwaben - Ver Sacrum
The list of Verlagsgruppe Patmos offers a wide range of titles, covering psychology, self-help, memoirs, parenting, spirituality, religion and theology, as well as gift books and children´s books, mostly for First Communion.
Our imprint Thorbecke specializes in books on cookery, lifestyle and gardening, on the one hand, as well as books on history and cultural history, on the other hand.
Licensing Information
To find out more about our authors, titles and agents, please visit our new foreign rights website at
You will be able to find English summaries, key selling points, up-tp-date informations on rights sold as well as biographies of our authors, illustrators and photographers. You can also view information sheets, synopses and sample translations.
Please don´t hesitate to contact us if you would like to receive advance materials, reading copies or any further information on our titles.
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