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      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2015

        Reading Robin Hood

        Content, form and reception in the outlaw myth

        by Stephen Knight, Anke Bernau

        Reading Robin Hood explores and explains stories about the mythic outlaw, who from the middle ages to the present stands up for the values of natural law and true justice. This analysis of the whole sequence of the adventures of Robin Hood first explores the medieval tradition from early poems into the long-surviving sung ballads, and also two variant Robins: the Scottish version, here named Rabbie Hood, and gentrified Robin, the exiled Earl of Huntington, now partnered by Lady Marian. The nineteenth century re-imagined medieval Robin as modern - he loved nature, Marian, England, and the rights of the ordinary man - and in novels and especially films he has developed further, into an international figure of freedom, just as Marian's role has grown in a modern feminist context. The vigour of the Robin Hood myth still reproduces itself, constantly with new forms and new meanings. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2016

        Klassiker zum Vorlesen. Robin Hood

        by Angie Westhoff, Stephan Pricken

        "Robin Hood" von Angie Westhoff verzaubert junge Leser*innen ab 4 Jahren mit den heldenhaften Taten des berühmten Gesetzlosen aus dem Sherwood Forest, der in einer Welt voller Ungerechtigkeit für das Gute kämpft. In diesem Kinderbuch werden die klassischen Geschichten von Robin Hood und seinen treuen Gefährten, wie dem mutigen Kampf gegen den Sheriff von Nottingham und ihren listigen Plänen zur Unterstützung der Armen, neu erzählt. Durch Westhoffs geschickte Adaption bleiben der Zauber und die Spannung der Originalerzählungen vollständig erhalten, während die Inhalte humorvoll und kindgerecht präsentiert werden. Die detailreichen Illustrationen im Buch fangen die mittelalterliche Atmosphäre Englands ein und verleihen den Charakteren Lebendigkeit. Dies lädt junge Leser und Zuhörer dazu ein, tief in die abenteuerliche Welt des Sherwood Forest einzutauchen. Die für Kinder optimierte Sprache und die Gliederung in kurze, fesselnde Kapitel sorgen für ein ideales Leseerlebnis, das zum gemeinsamen Entdecken einlädt. "Robin Hood" ist nicht nur ein Buch voller Abenteuer und Heldentum, sondern vermittelt auch essenzielle Werte wie Gerechtigkeit, Hilfsbereitschaft und den Stellenwert von Freundschaft und Gemeinschaft. Kindgerechte Adaption der Robin-Hood-Legende: Ein lehrreiches Abenteuer, das junge Zuhörer*innen ab 4 Jahren fasziniert und unterhält. Vermittlung wichtiger Werte: Die Geschichten rund um Robin Hood inspirieren zu Gerechtigkeit, Mut und Zusammenhalt. Visuelles Leseerlebnis: Farbenprächtige Illustrationen begleiten die erzählten Abenteuer und stimulieren die Fantasie. Ideal für Vorlesemomente: Dank kurzer Kapitel perfekt geeignet, um die Konzentration und Begeisterung der Kinder beim abendlichen Vorlesen zu wecken. Anregung der Vorstellungskraft: Fördert das Interesse an geschichtlichen Erzählungen und legendären Helden. Hochwertige Buchgestaltung: Mit atmosphärischen Bildern, die die unvergesslichen Geschichten von Robin Hood und seinen Gefährten eindrucksvoll zum Leben erwecken.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        June 2019

        China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation:

        Case Studies and Plans

        by Secretariat of the First China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo Organizing Committee

        China-Africa Economics and Trade Cooperation: Case Studies and Plans comes in 3 languages: Chinese(2 volumes), English(2 volumes), and French(2 volumes). This book series include 101 excellent case studies , which related to 21 Chinese provinces and cities and 31 countries in Africa, containing agriculture, manufacturing, commerce and trade, infrastructure, industrial parks, energy and mining, financing and other fields in China-Africa economic and trade cooperation. This set of books is practical and useful for all readers. In addition, the book gives the vivid interpretation on the concept of common prosperity, win-win cooperation, mutual negotiation and construction, shared innovation and progression of Belt and Road Initiative.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        April 2016

        The Red Shoe

        by Tang Sulan

        A red shoe missed the other one. He wanted a warm house, and met a greedy rat on the road. Could the rat help the red shoe to find his friend?

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2022

        Red Flowers

        by Shui Yunxian is a national first-class writer, a member of the 7th All-Committee of the China Writers Association, and also the honorary president of the Hunan Writers Association. He has been granted a special government allowance.

        Red Flowers tells the story of how, in the late 1960s, a group of college students, including the protagonist, came to the Dehua Electric Motor Manufacturing Factory, learned and practiced in the manufacturing workshop, and achieved personal development. For the protagonist, his master, who was nicknamed "Beard Mo," was both a master and a rival. Conflicts arose almost everywhere between the two. However, the conflicts also reflected their awe of ordinary work, pursuit of perfection, persistence in dreams, and flawless interpretation of the craftsmanship spirit.

      • Trusted Partner


        The Path to Non-Judgmental Love

        by Red Hawk

        Self Remembering: The Path to Non-Judgmental Love is a companion piece to the author’s previous book Self Observation: The Awakening of Conscience, also from Hohm Press, which is fast becoming a classic. Taken together, they present the most detailed examination of the practice available in English. Red Hawk clearly points out that self remembering is only one half of a foundational spiritual practice called “self observation/self remembering.” Where other authors/teachers have gone wrong in the past is to take only one half of this practice and consider it the whole, entire unto itself. There has not been a book-length study on self remembering that examines the practice from the many angles that Red Hawk’s does. His chapters cover such diverse yet integrated topics as: the Removal of Self Importance; Kaya Sadhana or the wisdom of the body; and Separation Grief, i.e., addressing the terror of our current situation without denial or dramatics.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Dance of the Wild

        by Richa Jha and Ruchi Mhasane

        Little Shilu loves to dance around naked. She wants to be like the animals; like Pirate, her cat. When her grandmother Nannu says she can’t because she is now a big girl, Shilu gets down to understanding why she can’t. Peppered with Nannu’s loving chiding, intimate grandma-granddaughter bonding over conversations, and a heart-to-heart between the mother and this little inquisitive daughter, this book is a reflection of the wild and free nature of childhood.  Rhuchi Mhasane’s soft evocative illustrations rendered in pencil with watercolour, and put together digitally, create a dreamlike charm. Richa Jha’s gentle, affectionate and lyrical text takes the reader into the mind of the little girl who can’t wait to get the answers to her ‘Why can’t I?’

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2024

        Belfast punk and the Troubles: An oral history

        by Fearghus Roulston

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2014

        The Beijing Drifters

        by Tan Xilin

        This is an autobiographical memoir of a Beijing drifter. The book takes the author as a true experience of the North drift tribe as the main content, with the author's career struggle as the main line, and Xin Er's love as a vice-line, focusing on the author in the CCTV as extra-section director, after the column is withdrawn and End of the experience of the North drift and in the meantime and Xin Er from the beautiful encounter, dedication fell in love to emotion derailed, and finally sadly break up the love life, revealing the media as the representative of many North drift ethnic identity embarrassment and hard-won. The book closely linked to the "drifting" word, not only a real record of the Northern drift ethnic working life, at the same time reflects this group in the huge psychological gap between dreams and reality, a true description of the generation of North Drift carrying sweet dreams struggle Story and dream course.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        Solving Equine Behaviour Problems

        An Equitation Science Approach

        by Rose M Scofield, Ali Thompson

        Horses can develop a range of behavioural problems, which if left untreated, could cause the relationship between horse and human to break down. With many different well-meaning opinions offered to solve such situations, it can be difficult to find the right path. In this book, Rose Scofield examines behavioural issues using the latest academic research. Offering practical solutions and with useful diagrams and photographs throughout, the book helps to protect and develop the horse-human relationship. It: - Addresses issues by circumstance, making it easy to find solutions to all your handling, groundwork, and riding problems; - Uses scientific research to investigate both the problems themselves and the methods tasked to solve them; - Includes illuminating case studies illustrating problems and how solutions work in practice. Beginning with an introduction to the main principles of equitation science, Solving Equine Behaviour Problems then covers over 30 major issues, including biting, kicking, separation anxiety, loading, shying, bucking and bolting. It provides key points, take home messages and scientific references, translating lessons from experimental science into practical help for both professionals and the horse enthusiast.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        March 2022

        Ruby Fairygale und die Insel der Magie (Erstlese-Reihe, Band 1)

        Fantasy-Abenteuer mit Ruby Fairygale ab 7 Jahren

        by Marlene Jablonski, Kira Gembri / illustrated by Verena Körting

        Ruby Fairygale and the Island of Magic Ruby Fairygale's first adventure - lovingly and excitingly told, with many atmospheric illustrations• Feel-good fantasy for Story Time, Early Readers and Fans of "Ruby Fairygale"!• Written by Marlene Jablonski (“Liliane Susewind” Chapter book series), based on a synopsis by Kira Gembri• Strong female protagonist and lovingly developed characters, with a high sympathy factor8-year-old Ruby Fairygale lives on a small island near the west coast of Ireland. After school, she always helps her grandmother, who works as a veterinarian. But the two of them have a big secret: they know that there are not only animals on the island, but also magical mythical creatures that need their help.Summer vacation at last! Now Ruby can spend the whole day helping her grandma. The two of them not only take care of animals, but also fairies, goblins and other mythical creatures! It's not easy to keep this secret - especially from Briana, the most unfriendly girl in Ruby's class. When Bri's father's fishing nets are destroyed, Briana suspects a pack of seals and is determined to drive them away. But Ruby suspects that something else is behind this. Something completely magical ... And indeed: a little mermaid had become entangled in the fishing net! Can Ruby still stop Bri without revealing her secret?

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2019 - December 2024

        Concise history of China

        by Yang Ningyi,Zhao Shiyu, etc

        According to the chronological order, the book introduces the history of China from ancient times to modern society. It is rich in content, concise in writing and exquisite in pictures. It is a good book to understand the history of China.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2021

        The Red and the Black

        The Russian Revolution and the Black Atlantic

        by David Featherstone, Christian Høgsbjerg

        The Russian Revolution of 1917 was not just a world-historical event in its own right, but also struck powerful blows against racism and imperialism, and so inspired many black radicals internationally. This edited collection explores the implications of the creation of the Soviet Union and the Communist International for black and colonial liberation struggles across the African diaspora. It examines the critical intellectual influence of Marxism and Bolshevism on the current of revolutionary 'black internationalism' and analyses how 'Red October' was viewed within the contested articulations of different struggles against racism and colonialism. Challenging European-centred understandings of the Russian Revolution and the global left, The Red and the Black offers new insights on the relations between Communism, various lefts and anti-colonialisms across the Black Atlantic - including Garveyism and various other strands of Pan-Africanism. The volume makes a major and original intellectual contribution by making the relations between the Russian Revolution and the Black Atlantic central to debates on questions relating to racism, resistance and social change.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2023

        Love for Northeast China

        by Laoteng, whose real name is Teng Zhenfu, is a member of the Tenth Presidium of the China Writers Association and is currently the Party Secretary and Chairman of the Liaoning Writers Association. He has published ten novels, includingThe Northeast China, The Numerous Armed Conflicts,and The Forests of Beizhang;eight collections of novels, such as The Black Thrush and A City Without Crows; and three cultural essays, such as Confucian Notes. He has won the 15th and 16th Five-One Project Awards,respectively, and The Northeast China has been selected on the list of 2021 Chinese Good Books.

        "Never invest beyond theShanhai Pass", as the saying goes.The particular cultural environment and openness make the brain drain in Northeast China extremely serious. However, Miao Qing, a seemingly delicate doctoral student from a famous school, resolutely went northward because she had a personal plan thatwas related to both her father and herself, namely, to design a world-leading large aircraft. Her father once said that just as a poet without imagination must be a lousy poet, a country without advanced aircraft could never escape the fate of a backward country. For this reason, Miao Qing started her career atKunpeng Group, later went to Feiying Company to produce a leading small low-altitude aerial drone, and then sheplayed the leading role in the national G-31 project that designed a stealth supersonic aircraft and made a successful trial flight.

      • Trusted Partner

        Where to, little Eda?

        by Aneta Olkowska, Stefanie Ewald, Jule Kemmer, Laura Michelle Röder

        Every child has the right to grow upwithout violence! Maris’ story showshow children can react when they arephysically hurt.Maris finds herself in a children’s homewith her little red suitcase. This iswhere the story begins - in a place forchildren who have experienced physicalviolence. Maris will have to facemany questions over the next few days:Will she have to stay here forever? Whatwill happen to her family? Is it okay totalk about violence? And why are childrenbeing hurt? She searches for answerswith three new friends.The book provides parents, relatives,therapists and children with importantinformation on the topic of “physical violence”as well as practical tasks andexercises.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        February 2014

        Red Line

        by Samar Mahfouz BarrajIllustrated By: Mona Yakzan and Mira El-Myr

        Mazen, a young boy, is one day surprised by their neighbor Bassam shouting with anger in the street “My parking spot is a red line!” Does this mean he plans to paint the street red, asks Mazen to his mother? The mother explains to Mazen that what Bassam means is simply that no one is to park in his place. The notion is still vague to Mazen: Why red? Does it have anything to do with red traffic lights? The mother tries again “When something is a red line, it means that it is off limits to others”. In this illustrated album, Samar Barraj boldly addresses the delicate issue of child sexual abuse. Acknowledging the complexity of the boundary it tackles, the book determines it through examples the mother and child raise in their conversation. Mazen’s spontaneous remarks and comments point out the difficulty of defining this red line, and make of the book a realistic example of such a conversation. The illustrations develop the notion further, by representing situations in which the red line might be crossed – one may be on his bicycle, at his computer, or approached by a respectable-looking old man in the street. The body parts are not named, but are represented in a naïve drawing Mazen made, though the text insists on the importance of preserving the body as a whole. The colorful images and constant presence of the mother and parents make of the book a reassuring experience despite the gravity of the topic.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        March 2017

        Little Lotus

        by TANG Sulan

        Little Lotus tells the story of the growth of a little girl named Lotus. She was born in an impoverished and backward family, where her grandfather prefers boys to girls, her mother is always busy and indifferent, and her father is often outside home during Lotus’childhood. Therefore, Lotus has grown into a sensitive and stubborn girl. However, her grandmother is a loving and wise person, who has taught Lotus the importance of kindness, tolerance and diligence. It is her grandmother who lights up Lotus’early life. Little Lotus focuses on the growth of children in China’s countryside by incorporating the author’s personal experiences, and presents different facades of a Chinese-style childhood.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2017 - May 2018

        Red Tile, Black Tile

        by Cao Wenxuan

        An excellent novel for adolescents written on the basis of the author’s adult novel The Red Tiles. Set against the background in a 1970s countryside in China, a group of adolescents pass through middle school in a house with a red tile roof, and then complete high school in a house with a black tile roof. Under the red tiles and black tiles of this beautiful countryside, they experience the hardships of life and grow up together. This novel can be regarded as the sequel to Straw House .

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