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      • Libra Libros Proyectos

        LIBRA LIBROS PROYECTOS S.A.S es una empresa colombiana, fundada en el año 2015. Su Editorial LIBRA LIBROS cuenta con lineas temáticas en la historia, música y patrimonio del Caribe colombiano. Se presta servicios a otras empresas o entidades privadas y públicas en realizar proyectos editoriales propios.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2018

        An Introduction to Philosophy of Library Science

        by Tang Liguang

        The mission of philosophy is to lead the trend of the times and history. The theoretical construction of philosophy of library science will also assume the historical responsibility of leading the development of contemporary library science theory and practice. This book takes Marx's practical materialism as the theoretical foundation, and examines the thinking mode and main issues of library philosophy, the view of practice and materialism, library dialectics, the labor of librarians and their alienation, the philosophical cultivation and creation of librarians, and such major theoretical issues including various contemporary issues, to a certain extent. Based on this, a theoretical framework based on practical materialism was attempted. This book is a comprehensive work written by the author on the basis of his works Study on Axiology of Library, Study on Ontology of Library,and Study on Epistemology of Library. It is suitable for all who care about library existence and development to read.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2023

        Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 99/2

        by Stephen Mossman, Cordelia Warr

        The John Rylands Library houses one of the finest collections of rare books, manuscripts and archives in the world. The collections span five millennia and cover a wide range of subjects, including art and archaeology; economic, social, political, religious and military history; literature, drama and music; science and medicine; theology and philosophy; travel and exploration. For over a century, the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library has published research that complements the Library's special collections. The editors invite the submission of articles in these fields and welcome discussion of in-progress projects.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2021

        Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 97/2

        by Stephen Mossman, Cordelia Warr

        The John Rylands Library houses one of the finest collections of rare books, manuscripts and archives in the world. The collections span five millennia and cover a wide range of subjects, including art and archaeology; economic, social, political, religious and military history; literature, drama and music; science and medicine; theology and philosophy; travel and exploration. For over a century, the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library has published research that complements the Library's special collections. The editors invite the submission of articles in these fields and welcome discussion of in-progress projects.

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        In the Footsteps of Enayat Al-Zayyat

        by Iman Mersal

        ‘In the Footsteps of Enayat Al-Zayyat’ is a book that traces the life of an unknown Egyptian writer who died in 1963, four years before the release of her only novel. The book does not follow a traditional style to present the biography of Al-Zayyat, or to restore consideration for a writer who was denied her rights. Mersal refuses to present a single story as if it is the truth and refuses to speak on behalf of the heroine or deal with her as a victim, but rather takes us on a journey to search for the individuality that is often marginalised in Arab societies. The book searches for a young woman whose family burned all her personal documents, including the draft of her second novel, and was completely absent in the collective archives.   The narration derives its uniqueness from its ability to combine different literary genres such as fictional narration, academic research, investigation, readings, interviews, fiction, and fragments of the autobiography of the author of the novel. The book deals with the differences between the individuality of Enayat, who was born into an aristocratic family, graduated from a German school and wrote her narration during the domination of the speeches of the Nasserism period, and that of Mersal, a middle-class woman who formed her consciousness in the 1990s and achieved some of what Enayat dreamed of achieving but remained haunted by her tragedy.   The book deals with important political, social and cultural issues, as we read the history of psychiatry in modern Egypt through the pills that Enayat swallowed to end her life on 3 January 1963, while her divorce summarises the continuing suffering of women with the Personal Status Law. We also see how the disappearance of a small square from her neighbourhood reveals the relationship between modernity and bureaucracy, and how the geography of Cairo changes, obliterated as the result of changes in political regimes. In the library of the German Archaeological Institute, where Enayat worked, we find an unwritten history of World War II and, in her unpublished second novel, we see unknown stories of German scientists fleeing Nazism to Cairo. We also see how Enayat’s neglected tomb reveals the life story of her great-grandfather, Ahmed Rashid Pasha, and the disasters buried in the genealogy tree.

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2002

        Chroma. Eulen:Spiegel

        Farbenlehre für Chamäleons. Deutsche Geschichte

        by Werner Fritsch, Cornelia Illius, Werner Fritsch, Bodleian Library, Werner Fritsch, Peter Iden, Stephanie Junge, Wolfgang Höbel, Hermann Bote, Markus Mayer

        EULEN:SPIEGEL Deutsche GeschichteWerner Fritsch erschafft aus anarchischem Geist ein ganz eigenes Weltgebäude. Ärzte, Pfaffen, Braunschweiger Herzöge, Huren und Bauern: Keiner ist gegen den Witz und die Dreistigkeit Eulenspiegels gefeit. In der Figur des Eulenspiegel schlägt der Autor einen Bogen von den Märchen unserer Kindheit zu den Alpträumen unserer Gegenwart.Werner Fritschs EULEN:SPIEGEL ist ein liederliches Possenspiel, eine verhurte Narretei, eine Traumlandschaft, ein Zauberbogen.Uraufführung am 6. Januar 2002 am Staatstheater Braunschweig; Regie: Ernst M. Binder. CHROMA Farbenlehre für ChamäleonsManila, 1963, in einem Hotelzimmer. Die letzten Stunden im Leben des Gustaf Gründgens. Er ist nicht allein. Mephisto ist bei ihm. Gründgens hat diese Rolle 1932 zum letzten Mal gespielt. Die äußere Gestalt, die Maske, die er ihm zehnjahre später in seiner eigenen Inszenierung gab und die er fortan beibehielt, hat den teuflischen Begleiter des Faust zur zentralen Bühnenfigur des letzten Jahrhunderts gemacht und seine Person unauflöslich mit dieser Erscheinung verbunden. Dieses - sein - Geschöpf sitzt ihm nun gegenüber, sitzt ihm im Nacken, begleitet und treibt ihn gleichermaßen durch den letzten Film am Ende seines Lebens. Gründgens hat den Faust nie gespielt. Auf seiner letzten Reise werden die Rollen getauscht. Im Angesicht des Todes erscheint ihm Mephisto als jüngeres Alter ego, das ihm verweigert, sich weiter hinter seiner Maske zu verstecken.Uraufführung am 9. September 2000 auf der Expo Hannover (Produktion des Staatstheaters Darmstadt, Regie Thomas Krupa). Die Inszenierung wurde zum Berliner Theatertreffen 2001 eingeladen. TV-Aufzeichnung durch ZDF /3Sat.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2020

        Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 96/2

        by Stephen Mossman, Cordelia Warr

        The John Rylands Library houses one of the finest collections of rare books, manuscripts and archives in the world. The collections span five millennia and cover a wide range of subjects, including art and archaeology; economic, social, political, religious and military history; literature, drama and music; science and medicine; theology and philosophy; travel and exploration. For over a century, the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library has published research that complements the Library's special collections. The editors invite the submission of articles in these fields and welcome discussion of in-progress projects.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2022

        Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 98/2

        by Stephen Mossman, Cordelia Warr

        The John Rylands Library houses one of the finest collections of rare books, manuscripts and archives in the world. The collections span five millennia and cover a wide range of subjects, including art and archaeology; economic, social, political, religious and military history; literature, drama and music; science and medicine; theology and philosophy; travel and exploration. For over a century, the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library has published research that complements the Library's special collections. The editors invite the submission of articles in these fields and welcome discussion of in-progress projects.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2021

        Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 97/1

        Religion in Britain, 1660–1900: Essays in Honour of Peter B. Nockles

        by William Gibson, Geordan Hammond

        This special issue of the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library is dedicated to Peter Nockles. An expert on the Oxford Movement and the religious history of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Nockles was employed at the John Rylands Library from 1979 to 2016. During this time he extended his scholarly generosity and friendship to countless researchers. The issue features articles on a range of topics connected to Peter's scholarship and networks, including the Church of England (particularly High Churchmanship and the Oxford Movement), Catholicism, Methodism and Church-State conflict relating to the Church of Ireland.

      • Trusted Partner

        Huxiang Library -- Huxiang traditional patterns

        by Zuo Hanzhong

        Huxiang culture has a long history, extensive and profound, and is an important vein of the unique city characteristics in the middle age culture. Especially since modern times, a batch of Sanxiang British style, with its literature and military strategy. All powerful, please write a brilliant chapter of history, make Huxiang culture more colorful, far-reaching influence. In order to promote Huxiang culture and enligh10 future generations of Huxiang, Hunan Provincial Committee of CPC and Hunan Provincial People's Government decided to compile and publish a large series of books called Huxiang Library.

      • Trusted Partner

        Huxiang Library -- Huxiang puppets and shadow puppets

        by Yang Zhoumou

        Huxiang culture has a long history, extensive and profound, and is an important pulse of the unique regional characteristics of Chinese culture. In particular, since modern times, a series of heroes of Sanxiang have written a brilliant chapter of history, making Huxiang culture more colorful and far-reaching. In order to promote Huxiang culture and encourage future generations of Huxiang, Hunan Provincial Committee of CPC and Hunan Provincial People's Government decided to compile and publish a large series of books called Huxiang Library.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature: history & criticism

        The PostChornobyl Library: Ukrainian Postmodernism of the 1990s

        by Tamara Hundorova

        Having exploded on the margins of Europe, Chornobyl marked the end of the Soviet Union and tied the era of postmodernism in Western Europe with nuclear consciousness. The Post-Chornobyl Library in Tamara Hundorova’s book becomes a metaphor of a new Ukrainian literature of the 1990s, which emerges out of the Chornobyl nuclear trauma of the 26th of April, 1986. Ukrainian postmodernism turns into a writing of trauma and reflects the collisions of the post-Soviet time as well as the processes of decolonization of the national culture. A carnivalization of the apocalypse is the main paradigm of the post-Chornobyl text, which appeals to “homelessness” and the repetition of “the end of histories.” Ironic language game, polymorphism of characters, taboo breaking, and filling in the gaps of national culture testify to the fact that the Ukrainians were liberating themselves from the totalitarian past and entering the society of the spectacle. Along this way, the post-Chornobyl character turns into an ironist, meets with the Other, experiences a split of his or her self, and witnesses a shift of geo-cultural landscapes.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2022

        Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 98/1

        The Artist of the Future Age: William Blake, Neo-Romanticism, Counterculture and Now

        by Douglas Field

        This special issue of the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library is devoted to William Blake. It explores the British and European reception of Blake's work from the late nineteenth century to the present day, with a particular focus on the counterculture. Opening with two articles by the late Michael Horovitz, an important figure in the 'Blake Renaissance' of the 1960s, the issue goes on to investigate the ideological struggle over Blake in the early part of the twentieth century, with particular reference to W. B. Yeats. This is followed by articles on the artistic avant-garde and underground of the 1960s and on Blake's significance for science fiction authors of the 1970s. The issue closes with an article on the contemporary Belgian art collective maelstrÖm reEvolution.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2023

        Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 99/1

        The Aldine Edition of the Ancient Greek Epistolographers: Roots and Legacy

        by Julene Abad Del Vecchio

        This special issue of the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library is devoted to the Aldine edition of the Ancient Greek epistolographers. Published in Venice in 1499 by Aldus Manutius, the Aldine edition was the first printed edition of most of the thirty-six Greek letter collections that it contains. As such, it embodies the intersection between the medieval epistolary anthologies that predated it and the printed editions of Greek epistolographic collections that followed, which were primarily based on its text. In recent decades, the Aldien edition has been the subject of important works, which have sought to analyse its contents and sources. This issue explores the Aldine edition from three perspectives: its relationship to the epistolary collections found in medieval manuscripts, its relationship to the printed editions that followed it and its legacy and value for the modern scholar studying Ancient Greek epistolography.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2012

        The Library and archive collections of the University of Aberdeen

        An introduction and description

        by Edited by Iain Beaven, Peter Davidson and Jane Stevenson

        This volume commences with the the books and manuscripts given at the foundation of King's College in 1495, continues with the collections which accrued to Marischal College from its foundation in 1593, and comes together with the fusion of the two colleges in 1860 in the modern University of Aberdeen. From the beginning, the scope and focus of the University was international, and its developing collections represent a microcosm of the world of knowledge as it changed over the centuries. The University Colleges of Aberdeen have a distinct intellectual tradition: pragmatically tolerant in times of persecution; dissident from the religious and political policies of the Lowlands; looking outwards to the world of northern Europe and to the territories of the Jacobite diaspora. The book introduces one of the oldest continually-evolving academic library collections of the Anglophone world, surveys its history and includes a series of studies of items or collections of particular interest. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2011

        Library of Chinese Classics:The Complete Works of Tao Yuanming

        by Wang Rongpei

        Tao Yuanming is a poet in ancient China during the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Because of dissatisfaction with the reality, to go to work to farming. Longer than poetry and prose, more description of natural scenery and scenes of their living in rural areas, and some works expressed dissatisfaction with the corruption. "Greater China Library: Tao Yuanming set (Chinese-English comparison)" collected a total of more than 120 poems, essays and other 11 articles. Tao Yuanming's works, plain and natural, simple and unpretentious, have far-reaching impact in the history of literature and have been circulating in all countries in the world.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2022

        Acids and Bases, Third Edition

        by Kristi Lew

        Praise for the previous edition: "...clear and detailed...informative...comprehensive...will be [a] useful addition to most libraries."—School Library Journal Acids and bases are essential components of the natural world that play key roles in medicine and industry. They are used in the manufacturing of everyday items such as carbonated soft drinks, salad dressing, kitchen and bathroom cleaners, and fertilizers. But these compounds can also serve a dramatic function, such as in the sulfuric acid clouds of Venus. The informative Acids and Bases, Third Edition takes a closer look at these fascinating, yet contrasting, substances, giving concrete, real-world examples with numerous colorful illustrations.

      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        November 2014

        Riches of the Rylands

        The Special Collections of The University of Manchester Library

        by John Hodgson

        Riches of the Rylands explores and celebrates the outstanding Special Collections of The University of Manchester Library. These collections of rare books, manuscripts, archives, maps and visual materials are extraordinarily rich and diverse. They span 5,000 years and six continents, and include almost every format ever used for written communication. Many derive from the superlative collections purchased by Enriqueta Rylands for the magnificent library she founded as a memorial to her husband John. The book features over 150 key items from across the collections. Thirteen thematic chapters contain short essays on individual items by over sixty contributors - curators and experts in particular fields. Every item is beautifully illustrated in full colour and an extended introduction charts the history and context of the collections. Riches of the Rylands will appeal to a broad readership - lovers of books and libraries, and anyone interested in literature, art, history, the history of ideas and collecting. ;

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