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      • Leopold - Ploegsma - Condor

        Leopold was founded in 1923 and evolved into a children's-and young-adult publishing house in the 1950's. Leopoldestablishes a lot of collaborations with museums, different organizations and the government. The first children's book ever published is still in print: Johan Fabricius'Java Ho! The Adventures of Four Boys Amid Fire, Storm, and Shipwreck. Leopold hosts a lot of famous Dutch authors, for example the classic works of Tonke Dragt (The Letter for the King, The Secrets of the Wild Wood).Several popular brands are also published by Leopold, likeFrog(Max Velthuijs) andAlfie the Werewolf(Paul van Loon). The beautiful Leopold picture books by renowned illustrators like Annemarie van Haeringen, Wouter van Reek and Ingrid Godon are taking a flight due to the fantastic teamwork with museums. Not only classic authors and popular brands are a big part of Leopold. A younger generation of authors and illustrators is building a vast oeuvre. Books like Zeb.(Gideon Samson, Joren Joshua) andFright Night(Maren Stoffels) shake up the world of children's literature. Ploegsma has been part of the Dutch publishing scene for well over a hundred years. The publishing house was founded in 1905 by Johannes Ploegsma and has been specialising in children's books since the 1960's: adventurous and humorous fiction and non-fiction books for children of all ages. These include many classic titles, such as the books by Astrid Lindgren (Pippi Longstocking) and Arnold Lobel (Frog and Toad), as well as books by contemporary and very popular authors like Mirjam Oldenhave(Mister Twister), Marjon Hoffman (Flora), Yvon Jaspers (Tess and Tommy), Reggie Naus (The Pirates Next Door), Vivian den Hollander, Janny van der Molen and Caja Cazemier. Many of these authors have been translated. Even though a lot has changed the past hundred years, Ploegsma's love for beautiful books is still going strong.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2018

        Peeping Leopard

        by Hu Liang

        “Peeping Leopard” is a collection of poetry reviews by Hu Liang. With profound theoretical literacy and extensive and in-depth reading experience, the author has commented on poems of 99 poets, who are representatives of contemporary Chinese poetry. The comments are fair and concise, with both profound and unique viewpoints and vivid writings. The author is therefore praised by the famous scholar Jing Wendong as "one of the few people who saved poetic criticism from the bottom."The author is familiar with Western modern criticism, is also good at Chinese classical poetics, and puts new poetry into specific cultural position, thus drawing a number of newer and more accurate conclusions. The author has a strong criticism of stylistic consciousness and has formed a unique discourse style.

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        July 2011

        Der libanesische Leopard


        by Christian Dorph, Simon Pasternak, Ulrich Sonnenberg

        Ein düsterer Trip in die Unterwelt der achtziger Jahre. Kopenhagen, Sommer 1985. Die junge Rikke Bülow wird ermordet in einer leer geräumten Wohnung aufgefunden. Sie ist mißbraucht worden. Kurz zuvor wurde sie in der Stadt mit einem arabischen Playboy gesehen. Ihr Bruder taucht mit Blut an der Kleidung auf, ihr Freund, ein Lyriker, ist spurlos verschwunden, und in ihrem Tagebuch ist von einem Mann namens Leopard die Rede, der eine unheimliche Macht über alle zu haben scheint. Als in Kopenhagen Anschläge auf die Synagoge und ein israelisches Reisebüro verübt werden und sich der dänische Geheimdienst einschaltet, bekommt der Fall eine neue Dimension. Eine tote junge Frau, die im SM-Milieu bekannt war, und ihr Freund, der sich der Verhaftung durch Selbstmord entzieht. Der Fall, den Erik Rohde und sein Team zu lösen haben, scheint schnell aufgeklärt zu sein. Aber dann erfährt Rohde, daß Rikke Bülow Lockvogel einer radikalen syrischen Gruppe war und Spuren bis ins geteilte Berlin und in den blutigen Bürgerkrieg von Beirut reichen.

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        Poetry (Children's/YA)

        I Wish I Had a Little Horse!

        by Oksana Krotiuk

        Why does the giraffe wear a beautiful dress and nine necklaces, why does the leopard have spots, why ia the ocean called the Pacific? Curious kids will find answers to all these questions in the new book of Oksana Krotiuk's rhymes.

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        Nature, the natural world (Children's/YA)
        January 2023


        by Beatriz Gimenez de Ory

        Explore camouflage in this new addition to the Peekaboo series that introduces budding scientists to fun topics! This pop-up book is an invitation to discover 7 animals (arctic fox, owl butterfly, chameleon, sea dragon, urutaú bird, leopard, and leaf insect) hidden through riddle-verses. Sturdy pages with tiered layers cleverly slide with each page turn to reveal answers. From classic camouflage critters like the chameleon to lesser-known species like the sea dragon, readers will delight in discovering the creatures in this interactive guessing game. Includes fact-packed educational notes about camouflage.

      • Trusted Partner
        Animal stories (Children's/YA)
        October 2019

        Panthera Tigris

        by Sylvain Alzial, Hélène Rajcak

        Once upon a time there was a scientist. The scientist knew everything: the history of the Earth and the sky, of men and women. One day, he realized that he knew nothing about Bengal tigers! The scientist will venture into the remote jungle of India in search of the fearsome Panthera Tigris, accompanied by a local guide. Along the way, life will give hime an important wisdom message.

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        Becoming Corageous with Tiger Til

        A Training Program for Socially Insecure Children

        by Ahrens-Eipper, Sabine; Leplow, Bernd; Nelius, Katrin

        This guide provides parents, teachers, and educators with suggestions on how to support children who are trying to reduce shyness and social fears. It shows the reader how to help kids in everyday and crisis situations by using “The Story of Tiger Til” which can be found the annex.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Tale of the Old Lion

        by Mariana Savka (Author), Volodymyr Shtanko (Illustrator)

        The old Lion, tired of ruling, settles in glorious Lviv in a beautiful attic with windows overlooking Rynok Square. One day, during the rain, the ceiling of his apartment begins to leak. Someone has to repair it, and the old Lion asks his closest friends, Crocodile, Elephant, and Giraffe, for help. When they arrive in Lviv, amazing things start happening to them. This poetic tale is a true love letter to Lviv, where miracles happen almost every day.    From 3 to 6 years Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        July 2018

        Practical Feline Behaviour

        Understanding Cat Behaviour and Improving Welfare

        by Trudi Atkinson

        Practical Feline Behaviour contains all the relevant information that a veterinary nurse or technician needs to understand and handle the behaviour and welfare of house cats, and to offer safe and practical advice to clients. There have been ground-breaking advances in our understanding of feline behaviour in recent years and, to protect the welfare of cats, it is increasingly important that anyone involved with their care, especially those in a professional capacity, keep up to date with these developments. This approachable and down-to-earth text describes the internal and external influences on feline behaviour; on communication, learning, social behaviour, the relationship between behaviour and disease, and the cat - human relationship. It also provides practical advice on how the welfare of cats in our care may be protected and how behaviour problems should be addressed and how to avoid them. In this book Trudi Atkinson draws on her extensive experience as a veterinary nurse and a Certified Clinical Animal Behaviourist to provide a rapid reference and an intensely practical feline behaviour resource for owners, breeders, veterinary professionals, shelter and cattery workers and anyone involved in the care of our feline companions. - Practical, down to earth guide detailing all aspects of feline behaviour - Rapid reference for instant access to information - Written by a well-known animal behaviourist who has extensive experience in treating feline behaviour problems and in advising clients to protect the welfare of their cats - Includes a foreword by John Bradshaw, School of Veterinary Science at University of Bristol, UK

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        Tigerin und Leopard

        Erotische Erzählungen brasilianischer Autorinnen. (rororo erotic)

        by Herausgegeben von Mertin, Ray G

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        Chasing the Leopard Finding the Lion

        by Julie Wakeman Linn

        Sons of revolutionaries, a classic Huck Finn/Tom Sawyer duo must grow up and find themselves when President-for-Life Robert Mugabe tightens his grip on white landowners and plunges Zimbabwe into anarchy. Julie Wakeman-Linn's striking debut-part buddy road trip, part familial dramedy-focuses on two racially blended families as they outwit the world of diplomats, ex-pats, safari tourists, street rats, border guards, and the mercurial landscape. The result is an electrifying video capture of Africa in 1997 overflowing with intense color, tenacious characters, and riotous details.

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2023

        Clouded Leopard of Silver Island

        by Mu Ling

        Red jackals are the prima donnas that maintain the ecological balance of the mountains and forests. However, a group of red jackals have been infected by rabies virus carried by domestic dogs and have become a horrible death in the forest. In order to save the red jackals, local scientists tried their best, but the result was not satisfactory. A series of thrilling stories tell us that nature is the best "instructor" for animals. To care for nature is to defend the common home of human beings and animals.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2024

        Nach einer Figurenwelt von Janosch. Warum ich dich so lieb habe

        by Florian Fickel, Johanna Seipelt

        Oh, wie schön ist Liebhaben! „Bär, hast du mich eigentlich lieb?“, fragt der kleine Tiger. „Natürlich!“, antwortet der kleine Bär. Da fängt der kleine Tiger an, die Streifen in seinem Fell zu verändern: Von längs zu quer, in Zickzack und Pünktchen bis er schließlich kunterbunt ist. Hat ihn der kleine Bär so auch noch lieb? Und warum hat er ihn eigentlich lieb? Dieses Pappbilderbuch für Kinder ab 3 Jahren erzählt eine emotionale Geschichte zum Thema Liebhaben, mit den beliebten Janosch-Figuren Tiger und Bär. Ein wunderbares Vorlesebuch voller Witz, Poesie und Herz – für alle, die sich lieb haben! Warum ich dich so lieb habe - eine kleine Liebeserklärung Emotionales Thema: Eine berührende Geschichte über das Liebhaben für Kinder ab 3 Jahren. Liebenswerte Protagonisten: Neue Abenteuer von Tiger und Bär mit Humor und Herz erzählt von Florian Fickel. Für Janosch-Fans: Mit liebevollen Illustrationen von Johanna Seipelt - originalgetreu angelehnt an die Figurenwelt von Janosch. Geprüfte Qualität: Das Buch unterliegt strengen Sicherheitsanforderungen und regelmäßigen Kontrollen nach europäischer Spielzeugsicherheitsrichtlinie. Die kleine Liebeserklärung von Tiger und Bär ist eine wunderbare Geschichte zum Thema Liebhaben für Kinder ab 3 Jahren. Dank des handlichen Formats eignet sich das niedliche Pappbilderbuch perfekt zum Vorlesen oder als Gute-Nacht-Geschichte. Ganz nach dem Motto: Ich hab‘ dich immer lieb – ganz egal, wie du aussiehst. Weil du bist, wie du bist!

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2000


        Ein literarisches Landschaftsbild

        by Ralf Nestmeyer

        Sizilien gehört seit jeher zu den klassischen Zielen der Kulturreisenden, und »Italien ohne Sizilien macht gar kein Bild in der Seele: hier ist erst der Schlüssel zu allem« stellte Johann Wolfgang Goethe in seiner Italienischen Reise fest. Goethes Reisebericht steht zusammen mit dem des Baron von Riedesel und Johann Gottfried Seumes Spaziergang nach Syrakus am Anfang der touristischen Erkundung der größten italienischen Insel. »Sizilien als Reiseziel« bildet den ersten Teil dieses Sizilien-Lesebuchs. Ein ganz anderes Bild vermitteln die Texte einheimischer Autoren im zweiten Teil, allen voran Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusas Der Leopard. Zusammen mit Giovanni Verga, Elio Vittorino, Leonardo Sciascia, Vincenzo Console und Gesualdo Bufalino gehört Lampedusa zu den Sizilianern, die die italienische Literatur entscheidend geprägt haben, und mit Luigi Pirandello und Giuseppe Quasimodo hat die Insel sogar zwei Nobelpreisträger hervorgebracht.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        Tiger fragt Warum?

        by Julia Boehme / Julia Bierkandt

        Tiger Asks Why?Theo and his cuddly toy Tiger are the very best of friends. They do everything together: Eating breakfast, getting dressed, going to kindergarten, playing, and reading. And Tiger has a question about everything: Why do we have to get up? Why are the other children allowed to play, too? And why does Theo have to brush his teeth? How good that Theo knows so much! And why do Theo and Tiger actually love each other so much? That's why!Julia Boehme lovingly narrates a story that humorously plays with children’s curiosity, atmospherically illustrated in a funny picture book that is very close to children's everyday lives,. About the special relationship between child and cuddly toy, Theo’s thirst for knowledge and questions children think about.

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