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      • Edizioni Horti di Giano

        We are looking for that flame that ignites our authors’ emotions. We dream of an editorial world where those who deserve can express themselves freely and not thanks to a payment. Horti di Giano offers books with attention to the smallest detail, where Editing is the heart of a work done with passion and the publications are enriched by several hand-made illustrations, in order to give life to a book which is an artistic and complete experience. in every respect. You can find Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Horror, Thriller, Crime and Mistery, Coming-on-age novel, Poetry and Graphic Novel.

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      • Presses de Sciences Po

        Sciences Po University Press has a triple vocation: to publish research, to edit reference work for students, and to stimulate public and political debate. Founded in the 1950s by Sciences Po (Political Studies Institute of Paris), it has established itself as a leading university publisher. With more than 1,000 titles in its catalogue, Sciences Po University Press publishes the most advanced research in its areas of expertise: geopolitics, globalization and governance, trends in political life, societal change, gender theory and development and 20th century history.

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        Veterinary medicine
        May 2000

        Genetics of the Horse

        by Edited by Ann T Bowling, Anatoly Ruvinsky

        The theory and application of mammalian genetics have been evolving rapidly over the past two decades. This has given scientists fresh insight into the biological processes which affect the functions of the animal in question. This is the latest title in our successful series of genetics books. Reference book providing a comprehensive review of the current research in horse geneticsChapters written by international experts in the field Of worldwide relevance

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2019

        Twelve classic popular science courses

        by Wu Jingping

        The author of this book opened a class and interpreted 12 classic popular science works around the theme of "universe and man", which is both ethereal and realistic. At the same time, the book will broadcast the same popular science program "science classics interpretation course" broadcast on Himalayan FM.

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        Children's & YA


        by Javier Vásconez y Roger Ycaza

        Between glasses of whiskey, the city’s gloom adheres to the window of the Crystal Hotel. In one of its thirdfloor rooms, the gaze of Orfila, a former horse race reporter, is lost in the eyes of Amelia, who has come into his life to disturb his solitude.

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        September 2020

        Solving Equine Behaviour Problems

        An Equitation Science Approach

        by Rose M Scofield, Ali Thompson

        Horses can develop a range of behavioural problems, which if left untreated, could cause the relationship between horse and human to break down. With many different well-meaning opinions offered to solve such situations, it can be difficult to find the right path. In this book, Rose Scofield examines behavioural issues using the latest academic research. Offering practical solutions and with useful diagrams and photographs throughout, the book helps to protect and develop the horse-human relationship. It: - Addresses issues by circumstance, making it easy to find solutions to all your handling, groundwork, and riding problems; - Uses scientific research to investigate both the problems themselves and the methods tasked to solve them; - Includes illuminating case studies illustrating problems and how solutions work in practice. Beginning with an introduction to the main principles of equitation science, Solving Equine Behaviour Problems then covers over 30 major issues, including biting, kicking, separation anxiety, loading, shying, bucking and bolting. It provides key points, take home messages and scientific references, translating lessons from experimental science into practical help for both professionals and the horse enthusiast.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2021

        "Academician takes you to explore" popular science picture book: lovely big friend

        "Academician takes you to explore" popular science picture book:

        by Song Xian, Liu Zhe, He Ya

        "Academician Takes You to Explore" is a set of popular science picture books for children aged 6-12. The Shanghai Science and Technology Museum and the Beauty Science Team jointly planned this series of books. Relying on the content, through vivid stories and exquisite paintings, the scientists’ live lectures are adapted into interesting science picture books, so that young readers can appreciate the progress of cutting-edge scientific research in novel stories and pictures. This book mainly tells the story about elephant protection. While traveling to Xishuangbanna, the protagonist Mia ran into a baby elephant who accidentally broke into the farmland. Later, she followed the baby elephant into the territory of Asian elephants and learned about the living habits of elephants. Later, during a visit to the zoo, Mia learned the difference between Asian elephants and African elephants, and experienced the poaching of elephants in Africa. In the end, Mia became a volunteer for elephant conservation.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2021

        "Academician takes you to explore" popular science picture book: Little monkey finds mother

        "Academician takes you to explore" popular science picture book:

        by Song Xian, Shen Yan

        "Academician Takes You to Explore" is a set of popular science picture books for children aged 6-12. The Shanghai Science and Technology Museum and the Beauty Science Team jointly planned this series of books. Relying on the content, through vivid stories and exquisite paintings, the scientists’ live lectures are adapted into interesting science picture books, so that young readers can appreciate the progress of cutting-edge scientific research in novel stories and pictures. This book mainly describes the development of primates and cloning technology. The story is introduced from the protagonist Mia and introduces various primates, including their relationship with us. In addition, the somatic cell clone monkey project led by Chinese scientists was also introduced, which was the first breakthrough in this biological frontier problem in the world.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2021

        "Academician takes you to explore" popular science picture book: a magical deep-sea oasis

        "Academician Takes You to Explore" Popular Science Picture Book

        by Song Xian, Zhu Wenwen, Jiang Zhenying

        "Academician Takes You to Explore" is a set of popular science picture books for children aged 6-12. The Shanghai Science and Technology Museum and the Beauty Science Team jointly planned this series of books. Relying on the content, through vivid stories and exquisite paintings, the scientists’ live lectures are adapted into interesting science picture books, so that young readers can appreciate the progress of cutting-edge scientific research in novel stories and pictures. This book mainly talks about deep sea exploration and submarine cold springs. The story begins with the protagonist Mia reading "Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea" and introduces the protagonist Alonas. It introduces today's deep diving technology, especially my country's "Jiaolong" and "Deep Sea Warrior". It also introduces the underwater world. Various creatures, oasis cold springs on the seabed, and iron-manganese nodules in the ocean’s treasures.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2023

        Evidence Based Equine Nutrition

        A Practical Approach For Professionals

        by Teresa Hollands, Lizzie Drury

        This book uniquely provides both the scientific basis of equine nutrition and the translation of that science into practical, day-to-day feeding advice. It summarises the latest research to provide readers with the evidence base needed to both confidently advise those who want to understand the science behind equine nutrition, and apply that evidence into practical advice for anyone who just wants to know how to feed horses. Both veterinary and animal science courses struggle to provide adequate nutrition training within their syllabuses. Much of the general information available is poorly explained and not evidence based. This book fills that gap, with the author team relaying over 50 cumulative years' experience teaching equine nutrition to both practising clinicians and students. Find answers to the most common queries and challenges encountered during nutritional consultations across 17 informative chapters, using typical case-based examples as experienced by the authors. Fully supported throughout with visual aids and photographic illustrations, they show how to easily increase compliance and understanding. Key topics covered include: How to take a diet history, including which forage and concentrates are most appropriate, and how to interpret the information on feed labels; How to take the horse's history, including workload, body weight and body fat scoring; Supporting achievable and sustainable fat loss in overweight horses; Appropriate rations across a range of performance disciplines and for breeding horses; Appropriate feeds and supplements for competition, including how to recognise potential hazards, signs of quality and issues of feed safety; How to use ration programmes, including a range of frequently asked questions for horses with specific nutritional requirements from allergies to obesity. A recommended resource to support the teaching of veterinary nutrition, this book should also be found on the bookshelf of all veterinarians, animal scientists, trainers, nutritionists, and nutritional advisors. This book includes forewords by Carl Lester, Honorary Fellow of the British Horse Society and recipient of an MBE for his services to Equestrianism, and Tim Mair, former President of the British Equine Veterinary Association.

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        The Arts
        September 2017

        100 Best Photographic Places in Western Hunan: A Photography Collection

        by Ma Shujun

        This book is an excellent photography collection of "Mysterious Xiangxi" Top 100 Tourism Photographic Places. The book contains 100 best photographic spots in western Hunan (Fenghuang County, Jishou City, Yongshun County, Longshan County, Guzhang County, Huayuan County, Luxi County, Baojing County) selected in this event. Each photo is presented with a brief description to the content of the photo, highlighting the history, humanities, and natural beauty of western Hunan.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2015

        A History of Western Historical Thought

        by Pei YU

        This book is an intellectual history of Western theory, it focuses on describing the thoughts development and process in different historical periods. It is guided by historical materialism to reveal the evolution of the western theories, and illuminates development of west history thoughts. To some extent, this book reflects Chinese history researchers’ recent development on western historic thoughts research.

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        May 1994


        Überlegungen zu einer Theorie des »sympathischen« und »natürlichen« Meinens und Verstehens

        by Helmuth Feilke

        Wie ist das fast »selbstverständliche« Funktionieren menschlicher Kommunikation möglich angesichts bzw. trotz der enormen Kontingenz, die erstens die individuelle Konstruktivität menschlicher Wahrnehmung und Kognition, zweitens die Generativität der grammatischen Kompetenz und drittens die Komplexität hochvariabler Kontexte für das Meinen und Verstehen eröffnen? Wie kommt angesichts dieser Spielräume eine hinreichend gleichsinnige Koonentierung der sozialen Akteure in der Kommunikation zustande? Inwiefern ist unsere sprachliche Kompetenz genau dieser Problematik angepaßt und durch sie bestimmt? Die Common sense-Kompetenz ist der Versuch, auf diese Fragen eine sprachwissenschaftliche Antwort zu geben. Zugleich wird damit der Anspruch erhoben, im Blick auf die Fragen des Zusammenhangs von Kommunikation, Kognition und Kompetenz die Sprachtheorie in ihr Recht zu setzen.

      • Trusted Partner

        Nobody’s Fool (DE)

        by Hillel Lerman

        +   Enlarge Picture       Nobody’s Fool – Warum wir genau da landen, wo wir hingehören von Hillel Lerman Ted und Jimmy haben ihr Studium an der Georgetown University School of Law abgeschlossen.Sie sind gerade dabei, ihr Studentenwohnheim zu verlassen und wieder nach Hause zu fahren, da geraten sie in einen Streit.Jimmy behauptet, dass er in wenigen Jahren ein US-Senator sein wird.Sein Vater ist ein bekannter Anwalt, und er wird dafür sorgen, dass sein Sohn gewählt wird.Ted sagt, dass dies unmöglich sei. Jimmy sei kein Senator-Typ! Die beiden treffen Professor Carter, der von den beiden Ex-Studenten sehr verehrt wird.Sie fragen ihn, ob es überhaupt so etwas wie einen „Senatoren-Typ“ gibt und, wenn ja, ob er glaubt, dass Jimmy seinen ehrgeizigen Plan in die Realität umsetzen wird.Carters Antwort kommt in Form eines höchst ungewöhnlichen Vorschlags:Sie sollen ihn auf einer Reise um die Welt begleiten, bei der sie jeweils zwei Wochen an verschiedenen Orten bleiben, um seine Forschungen voranzutreiben.„Die Frage über Jimmy“, sagte er, „ist viel weitreichender.Sie betrifft extrem wichtige, grundlegende Prinzipien, die den Weg bestimmen, den Menschen in ihrem Leben einschlagen.“Sie lernen, warum George ein Busfahrer ist, der Tag für Tag zwischen Washington und Baltimore hin und her fährt, und warum Edward der britische Botschafter in Ägypten ist.Sie erhalten außerdem eine Antwort auf die Frage, die sie am Anfang ihres Abenteuer gestellt haben. Was Professor Carter jedoch nicht erwähnt, ist, dass er seine ganze akademische Karriere auf diese beiden Studenten setzt.Der wahre Grund für die Einladung ist, dass Carter dringend ihre Hilfe beim Nachweis einer Theorie braucht, die er entwickelt hat und die von seinen Kollegen in der Fakultät verspottet wird.„Entscheidet euch schnell“, sagt er ihnen.„Wir fahren in Kürze los...“ Dieser inspirierende Roman legt Zeugnis dafür ab, dass es keinen wirklichen Unterschied zwischen einem Universitätsprofessor und einem Hausmeister gibt. Nur ihre Positionen unterscheiden sich.Das ist alles.Im Gegensatz zu dem, was zu glauben wir programmiert wurden, ist keine Person klüger als eine andere, und keine ist dümmer.Menschen sind nur Menschen.Die chinesische Frau, die sich im Reisfeld bückt – ebenso wie der oberste Richter des obersten Gerichts – alle haben Wünsche, Ambitionen und Träume, fühlen Freude, Trauer und Schmerz. Diese scheinbar offensichtliche Wahrheit wird klar und überzeugend in dieser faszinierenden Geschichte präsentiert, die den Leser von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite (mit ihrem überraschenden Ende) fesselt.Sie ist eine Entdeckungsreise in die Menschlichkeit. Sie führt abseits der ausgetretenen Pfade zu Begriffen wie Gleichheit und Rassismus aus einer völlig anderen Perspektive. Diese anspruchsvolle Reise führt den Leser aus den Slums von Bombay zu einem Fußballfeld in Buenos Aires, dann in das Stadtviertel Borough Park in Brooklyn, und von dort aus in die Library of Congress in Washington, DC. Szene für Szene entwickelt sich der Faden der Geschichte allmählich und enthüllt den Code, der Menschen an ihren Platz im Leben führt.Warum ist George ein Busfahrer und Edward ein britischer Botschafter?Nobodys Fool liefert die Antwort.   Hillel Lerman ist ein Industrie-Ingenieur, der eine Reihe von Startup-Unternehmen von Anfang an begleitet hat. Einige dieser Unternehmen sind sehr erfolgreich geworden. Er hat außerdem drei Startup-Unternehmen selbst gegründet.Seit vielen Jahren beschäftigt er sich mit Philosophie, vor allem im Bereich Prädetermination und freier Wille. Der Autor ist verheiratet, hat vier Kinder und eine wachsende Gruppe von Enkelkindern.Er schrieb dieses Buch auf einer Geschäftsreise, aus einem plötzlichen Impuls, ohne finanzielle oder andere Motivation.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        Equine Endocrinology

        by François-René Bertin, Natalie S Fraser, Ali Thompson

        This book provides a practical, clinical approach to diagnosing, treating, and managing endocrine diseases in the horse. Each chapter uses the same structure to form a user-friendly tool of information and advice on aetiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, differential diagnosis, diagnosis and treatment for each endocrine disorder. The book covers: - diseases of the thyroid and parathyroid glands; - diseases of the hypothalamo-pituitary-thyroid and hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical axes; - diseases of the endocrine pancreas; - hyperlipaemia and lipid metabolism disorders; and - diseases of the female and male reproductive systems. Also including material on additional endocrinopathies such as diabetes and pheochromocytoma, this book is dedicated to the fast-moving field of equine endocrinology. Written by international experts in Australia and the USA, it collates their insights and experience into approaches that prove invaluable for general equine practitioners.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2012

        Das fünfte Buch

        Neue Lebensläufe. 402 Geschichten

        by Alexander Kluge

        »Unsere Lebensläufe sind die Häuser, aus deren Fenstern wir Menschen die Welt deuten: ein Gefäß der Erfahrung für das literarisch Erzählbare.« Alexander Kluge Mit diesem Fünften Buch gelangt Alexander Kluges großes Erzählprojekt zu seinem Abschluß. In vier voraufgegangenen Bänden, der zweibändigen »Chronik der Gefühle« und den einbändigen Geschichtensammlungen »Die Lücke, die der Teufel läßt« sowie »Tür an Tür mit einem anderen Leben«, wurden seit dem Jahr 2000 die über sechs Jahrzehnte hinweg entstandenen Geschichten des Autors in großformatigen Bänden versammelt. Alle Geschichten, die darin nicht enthalten waren, werden diesem Eckband seines Lebenswerks nun auf neue Weise eingeschrieben: konzentriert und endgültig. Darüber hinaus aber führt »«Das fünfte Buch mit einer großen Gruppe »Neuer Lebensläufe« auf den Beginn von Kluges Laufbahn als Erzähler zurück. Seine »Lebensläufe« erschienen 1962, vor genau 50 Jahren. Und wieder nutzt dieser Erzähler sein bewährtes Gefäß: den »Lebenslauf« als das Gefäß aller Erfahrung – für Abgründe der Vernunft, für Brückenköpfe zu offenen Horizonten, für die realistisch-antirealistische Doppelnatur des Menschen und den inneren Partisanen in jedem von uns.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2021

        "Academician Takes You to Explore" Popular Science Picture Book: Looking for the Biggest Dinosaur

        "Academician Takes You to Explore" Popular Science Picture Book

        by Song Xian, He Xin

        "Academician Takes You to Explore" is a set of popular science picture books for children aged 6-12. The Shanghai Science and Technology Museum and the Beauty Science Team jointly planned this series of books. Relying on the content, through vivid stories and exquisite paintings, the scientists’ live lectures are adapted into interesting science picture books, so that young readers can appreciate the progress of cutting-edge scientific research in novel stories and pictures. This book mainly tells the knowledge of dinosaur archaeology and fossil research. The story starts with the protagonist Mia who wants to know where the largest thigh bone is in the world. It introduces the classification of dinosaurs, the environment in which dinosaurs live, how different types of dinosaurs evolved, and two famous paleontologists, Science and Marsh. Knowledge of fossil wars between the two.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2022

        Tourism Planning and Development in Western Europe

        by Konstantinos Andriotis, Carla Pinto Cardoso, Dimitrios Stylidis

        For many decades, Western European countries have undertaken diverse pathways in tourism development and planning. Most have experienced fast or even unlimited growth, resulting in overtourism and, now, the introduction of policies that respect the limits of communities and the sustainability of their resources. Focusing exclusively on tourism development, planning and policy, this book draws together new voices to discuss issues across Belgium, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the UK. It: - Provides both successful and unsuccessful case studies to illuminate real, practical solutions, developed by tourism scholars who are experts in their researched context countries. - Adopts a range of methodological approaches to cover diverse and less-covered areas such as industrial tourism, saltpans, natural and cultural heritage, and micro-destinations. - Considers post-COVID tourism and the significant role of tourism stakeholders in Western Europe's re-development. An invaluable collection for policy-makers, researchers and academics, this book is also an insightful source of engaging contemporary case studies for use in the classroom.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2021

        "Academician Takes You to Explore" Popular Science Picture Book: Going to Wetlands to Watch Birds

        "Academician Takes You to Explore" Popular Science Picture Book

        by Song Xian, He Xin, Lin Qiao

        "Academician Takes You to Explore" is a set of popular science picture books for children aged 6-12. The Shanghai Science and Technology Museum and the Beauty Science Team jointly planned this series of books. Relying on the content, through vivid stories and exquisite paintings, the scientists’ live lectures are adapted into interesting science picture books, so that young readers can appreciate the progress of cutting-edge scientific research in novel stories and pictures. This book mainly describes bird migration and ecological protection knowledge. The story begins with the protagonist Mia going on a wetland autumn tour. She finds the Aurora crow bird trapped in a bird net. After she rescues it, she takes it to find her mother. She learns about the migration of birds and the problems faced by the wetland along the way. , And finally succeeded in helping Aurora Ravens find her mother.

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