
Evidence Based Equine Nutrition

A Practical Approach For Professionals

by Teresa Hollands, Lizzie Drury


This book uniquely provides both the scientific basis of equine nutrition and the translation of that science into practical, day-to-day feeding advice. It summarises the latest research to provide readers with the evidence base needed to both confidently advise those who want to understand the science behind equine nutrition, and apply that evidence into practical advice for anyone who just wants to know how to feed horses. Both veterinary and animal science courses struggle to provide adequate nutrition training within their syllabuses. Much of the general information available is poorly explained and not evidence based. This book fills that gap, with the author team relaying over 50 cumulative years' experience teaching equine nutrition to both practising clinicians and students. Find answers to the most common queries and challenges encountered during nutritional consultations across 17 informative chapters, using typical case-based examples as experienced by the authors. Fully supported throughout with visual aids and photographic illustrations, they show how to easily increase compliance and understanding. Key topics covered include: How to take a diet history, including which forage and concentrates are most appropriate, and how to interpret the information on feed labels; How to take the horse's history, including workload, body weight and body fat scoring; Supporting achievable and sustainable fat loss in overweight horses; Appropriate rations across a range of performance disciplines and for breeding horses; Appropriate feeds and supplements for competition, including how to recognise potential hazards, signs of quality and issues of feed safety; How to use ration programmes, including a range of frequently asked questions for horses with specific nutritional requirements from allergies to obesity. A recommended resource to support the teaching of veterinary nutrition, this book should also be found on the bookshelf of all veterinarians, animal scientists, trainers, nutritionists, and nutritional advisors. This book includes forewords by Carl Lester, Honorary Fellow of the British Horse Society and recipient of an MBE for his services to Equestrianism, and Tim Mair, former President of the British Equine Veterinary Association.

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Author Biography

Teresa is an internationally renowned Clinical Equine Nutritionist, with over 30 years in practice. Teresa teaches equine nutrition at The School of Vet Med., University of Surrey to veterinary medicine and veterinary biosciences students, emphasising the importance of evidence-based practice, client communication, and nutrition as the fifth vital sign. Prior to this, she taught at most vet schools in the UK for over 20yrs, being appointed a Visiting Lecturer in Equine Nutrition at Nottingham School of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery. She also presented CPD and short courses across the world, providing training and support to vets and professional horse owners in the UK, USA, and Europe. Originally, Theresa was a Multi-Species Animal Nutritionist. Working in the feed industry, Teresa was a member of the Agricultural Industries Confederation Legal and Scientific Advisory Committee, was a founding member of the British Equine Trade Association Feed Committee, developed the original Feed Law Code of Practice, sat on the Pet Food Manufacturers Association Veterinary and Nutrition Advisory Committee, was an external industry advisor for numerous equine college undergraduate courses, and wrote a BTEC in nutrition for retailers.

Lizzie Drury is one of a new generation of nutritional scientists putting a friendly face and an uncomplicated attitude to a very grown-up and confusing subject! Having studied at Reading University, Lizzie graduated with an honours degree in 'Animal Science', which covered all areas of animal nutrition, from health, welfare through to physiology and biochemistry. Lizzie then went on to gain a Masters Degree in Equine Science and is one of only 8 Registered Equine Nutritionists in the U.K. Lizzie has followed her passion for horses and concentrated in equine nutrition, working in this field for over 20 years, working with Saracen Horse Feeds for 17 years as their 'Senior Equine Nutritionist'. Working within the equine industry and dividing time between research and product development, supporting clients from grass roots through to Team GB Olympic Gold Medal Winners and being a horse owner herself has made Lizzie much in demand because of her up to date practical knowledge, friendly and easy to follow advice that gets results.


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Bibliographic Information

  • Publisher/Imprint CABI / CAB International
  • Publication Date May 2023
  • Orginal LanguageEnglish
  • ISBN/Identifier 9781789245110 / 1789245117
  • Publication Country or regionUnited Kingdom
  • FormatPaperback
  • Primary Price 75 GBP
  • Pages616
  • ReadershipProfessional and Scholarly
  • Publish StatusPublished
  • Copyright Year2023
  • Dimensions246 X 189 mm
  • Reference Code4914

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