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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2023

        Via Ápia

        Roman | Eine Geschichte von Träumen und Albträumen in Rios Favela Rocinha

        by Geovani Martins, Nicolai von Schweder-Schreiner

        Auf der einen Straßenseite leben Douglas, Murilo und Biel in ihrem kleinen Apartment. Auf der anderen erstreckt sich Rio de Janeiros gigantische Rocinha Favela, dort wohnen die Brüder Wesley und Washington. Die Via Ápia markiert eine Grenze, doch gemeinsame Interessen verbinden die fünf jungen Männer: Fußball, Videospiele, Drogen. Schwankend zwischen Arbeitslosigkeit, stupiden Jobs, der strapaziösen Suche nach dem nächsten Joint und tosenden Funkpartys, versuchen die Anfang Zwanzigjährigen gerade, sich irgendwie ins Erwachsenenleben zu kämpfen – als eine Militärpolizeieinheit die Favela besetzt. Doch während nun rund um die Via Ápia die Schüsse hageln, wollen die, die sie ihre Heimat nennen, das pulsierende Leben der Favela nicht aufgeben. Der Staat kennt nur eine Antwort auf die Probleme Brasiliens – und dieser Roman stemmt sich mit seiner Vielfalt kraftvoller, einzigartiger Stimmen dagegen. Geovani Martins erzählt von Freundschaft und Frustration, von den Träumen und Albträumen junger Männer und von den absurden Auswirkungen des Kampfes gegen die Drogen.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2019

        Aus dem Schatten


        by Geovani Martins, Nicolai Schweder-Schreiner

        Jeder Schritt vor die Tür ein Spießrutenlauf, jede Begegnung mit der Polizei eine Schikane, jeder Blickkontakt ein Todesrisiko: Die Favelas von Rio de Janeiro sind harte Orte. Hier herrschen Armut und Brutalität. Hier leben die Ohnmächtigen und Verdammten. Und hier leben junge Menschen – sind sie Täter? Opfer? –, die mit all dem klarkommen müssen und sich ihre alltägliche Fragen stellen: Die Schusswaffen des Vaters mal ausprobieren? Wie kriegt man eine Frau rum? Wie wird man eine Leiche los? Wie rettet man eine Hexe? Wohin mit den Drogen, wenn eine Sondereinheit das Haus stürmt? Kindheit und Jugend im Zeichen von Gewalt und Diskriminierung – in dreizehn dichten, autobiographisch grundierten Geschichten von heikler Schönheit erschließt uns Geovani Martins das Leben in den Favelas. Und eine irritierende Welt, von der wir bislang kaum etwas wussten.

      • Trusted Partner
        Geography & the Environment
        June 2024

        Gendered urban violence among Brazilians

        Painful truths from Rio de Janeiro and London

        by Cathy McIlwaine, Paul Heritage, Miriam Krenzinger Azambuja, Moniza Rizzini Ansari, Eliana Sousa Silva, Yara Evans

        This book aims to examine the nature of and resistance to gendered urban violence among Brazilian women in London and in the favelas of Maré, Rio de Janeiro. Drawing on the conceptualisation of translocational gendered urban violence framework, it highlights the importance of examining direct forms of gender-based violence across private, public and transnational spheres as interlinked with structural, symbolic and infrastructural violence. The book also explores the embodied and spatialised nature of gendered urban violence, explored through artistic engagements and arts-based methods. In developing a translocational feminist tracing methodological and epistemological approach across the social sciences and the arts, the book argues for the importance of a collaborative approach among academic, civil society organisations, artists and creative researchers with a view to engendering empathetic transformation to address gendered urban violence in the long-term.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2006

        Paradies verloren


        by Cees Nooteboom, Helga Beuningen

        Wer hat bloß die Engel aus der Welt verbannt, obwohl ich sie noch immer um mich spüre?« Ein überraschender Gedanke für eine junge Frau, die am eigenen Leibe erfahren mußte, daß unsere Welt »mehr mit der Hölle zu tun hat als mit dem Paradies«. Alma ist eines Abends auf einer ziellosen Fahrt durch São Paulo in die Favela Paraisópolis geraten und vergewaltigt worden. Um den Schatten zu bannen, reist sie mit ihrer Freundin Almut in das Land ihrer gemeinsamen Kindheitsträume, Australien, und begegnet in der Leere der Wüste einer Stille, die sie versöhnt. Doch die Traumzeit ist längst vergangen, die mythische Welt der Aborigines versunken: »Mein Australien war eine Fiktion.« Alma nimmt Abschied von den Reservaten des Garten Eden und macht die Welt zu ihrer Wüste – nicht ohne darin ihre Spuren zu hinterlassen. Ob von Füßen oder Flügeln: dem alternden Literaturkritiker, dessen Weg sie kreuzt, ist sie eine Offenbarung des Himmels. In seinem neuen Roman erbringt Cees Nooteboom den poetischen Beweis dafür, daß Phantasie Flügel verleiht und daß die Verstoßung aus dem Paradies das Beste war, das Gott für die Literatur hatte tun können. Denn Geschichten sind wie Engel, sie verkehren zwischen dem Irdischen und dem Imaginären, mit einer entscheidenden Einschränkung: die Passage verläuft nicht ohne Störungen, das ist ihr Ursprung. Der Irrfahrt Almas erwächst eine der schönsten Geschichten seit Miltons Dichtung über Adam und Eva.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        The Animal Mirror

        by Zakarías Zafra

        Tapachula, Chiapas: a small city on the southern border of Mexico bearing the weight of a continental migratory crisis. Migrants trapped between bureaucracy, misery, and violence. Tens of thousands of bodies halted in front of the invisible wall of the United States. This book seeks to explore migration from the inside out. Its field of exploration encompasses not only the physical border but also the narrator's personal experience as an immigrant in Mexico. It is a hybrid work that weaves through chronicles, personal essays, autobiography, and travel writing, considering the migratory phenomenon not just as a collapse but as a space for profound subjective elaboration. The story of a religious leader expelled from Angola, the adventures of a former Colombian guerrilla threatened by the dissident factions of the FARC, and the nostalgia of an exiled Sandinista from Daniel Ortega's dictatorship blend in a common chorus with the narrator’s voice, son of a father killed by the Venezuelan state and a mother seeking asylum in Mexico. More than a chronicle, "El espejo animal" seeks to be a spoken portrait of migration in Latin America. It is an artifact that enables and amplifies the voices of migrants where they cannot be heard.

      • Children's & YA

        Sebastian Bom and the white crocodile

        by Mónica Rodríguez, Illustrated by Isidro R. Esquivel

        Bastian is a child like any other child of the favela, except that he was born with spots that little by little have spread on his skin. His family is worried about him and Bastian does not understand why. His father finds a way to “cure” him even if this means putting himself in danger. An encounter with America, a girl whitter than the snow, prompts him to look for the white crocodile from Princess Titiaca’s legend. Bastian will turn his search into a discovery journey of who he really is. Will he be able to find his white crocodile?

      • Development studies
        June 2016

        Slumming It

        The Tourist Valorisation of Urban Poverty

        by Fabian Frenzel

        Have slums become 'cool'? More and more tourists from across the globe seem to think so as they discover favelas, ghettos, townships and barrios on leisurely visits. But while slum tourism often evokes moral outrage, critics rarely ask about what motivates this tourism, or what wider consequences and effects it initiates. In this provocative book, Fabian Frenzel investigates the lure that slums exert on their better-off visitors, looking at the many ways in which this curious form of attraction ignites changes both in the slums themselves and on the world stage. Covering slums ranging from Rio de Janeiro to Bangkok, and multiple cities in South Africa, Kenya and India, Slumming It examines the roots and consequences of a growing phenomenon whose effects have ranged from gentrification and urban policy reform to the organization of international development and poverty alleviation. Controversially, Frenzel argues that the rise of slum tourism has drawn attention to important global justice issues, and is far more complex than we initially acknowledged.

      • The Arts
        April 2018


        by Fernão Pessoa Ramos and Sheila Schvarzman (editors)

        This second volume of New History of Brazilian Cinema covers Brazilian cinema from the postwar period up to the present, discussing the Cinema Novo and Cinema Marginal movements, the state-owned producer Embrafilme, pornochanchada (soft-core sex comedies) and the crisis and revival of Brazilian film production from the late 1980s to the mid-1990s, ending with an overview of experimental filmmaking, documentary film and contemporary film fiction up to 2016. Ebook version brings additional texts: “Brazilian New Cinema (1960-1972)”, by Bertrand Ficamos, and the extensive filmography “Brazilian films released from 1969 to 2016”, by Luiz Felipe Miranda

      • The Arts
        August 2019


        by Fernanda Arêas Peixoto and Adrián Gorelik (editors)

        Organized by Fernanda Arêas Peixoto, professor at the Department of Anthropology of the University of São Paulo, and Adrián Gorelik, professor at the University of Quilmes, this book is the result of a collective research project about the cultural urban history in South America, which was developed by a group of South American researchers. Using as a compass the notion of “cultural arena”, this work performs a reflection on the city as a place of cultural germination, experimentation and resistance. Some cities – Buenos Aires, Santiago, Lima, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Salvador, Montevideo, among others – are studied in order to capture the intimate and inextricable relations between city and culture.

      • Medicine: general issues

        Suburban Shaman

        Tales from Medicine's Frontline

        by Cecil Helman

        'To be a good doctor you have to be a compassionate chameleon, a shape shifter - a shaman. Even if your adaptation to your patients' world happens at an unconscious level you should always work within their system of ideas, never against it...' So writes Cecil Helman after 27 years as a family practitioner in the suburbs of North London interlaced with training and research as a medical anthropologist, comparing a wide variety of health systems. This unique combination of frontline health worker and detached academic informs the many stories that make up this fascinating book. It also informs the author's shared insights into what these stories can teach us about ourselves and our own attitudes to health and illness, whether we are deliverers or recipients of health care. With humour and gentle humaneness, Helman's colourful stories take the reader on a journey from apartheid South Africa, where he did his initial training, to the London of the early 1970s, where for a short time he foreswore medicine to become an anthropologist and poet; from ship's doctor on a Mediterranean cruise to family practitioner in London; from observer of curative trance dances in the favelas of Brazil to consulting with sangomas in South Africa. While trained in the Western tradition and with many years of practice in that system, Helman's anthropological insight leads him to view illness in a wider personal, social and cosmic context, considering elements beyond the purely physical, as do shamans and other traditional doctors. In pleading for this age-old holistic approach, he celebrates family medicine which 'in its quiet and unassuming way, and every day of the week, is still at the very frontline of human suffering'.

      • Mind, Body, Spirit

        Suburban Shaman

        Tales from Medicine's Front Line

        by Multiple Authors

        'To be a good doctor you have to be a compassionate chameleon, a shape shifter - a shaman. Even if your adaptation to your patients' world happens at an unconscious level you should always work within their system of ideas, never against it...' So writes Cecil Helman after 27 years as a family practitioner in the suburbs of North London interlaced with training and research as a medical anthropologist, comparing a wide variety of health systems. This unique combination of frontline health worker and detached academic informs the many stories that make up this fascinating book. It also informs the author's shared insights into what these stories can teach us about ourselves and our own attitudes to health and illness, whether we are deliverers or recipients of health care. With humour and gentle humaneness, Helman's colourful stories take the reader on a journey from apartheid South Africa, where he did his initial training, to the London of the early 1970s, where for a short time he foreswore medicine to become an anthropologist and poet; from ship's doctor on a Mediterranean cruise to family practitioner in London; from observer of curative trance dances in the favelas of Brazil to consulting with sangomas in South Africa. While trained in the Western tradition and with many years of practice in that system, Helman's anthropological insight leads him to view illness in a wider personal, social and cosmic context, considering elements beyond the purely physical, as do shamans and other traditional doctors. In pleading for this age-old holistic approach, he celebrates family medicine which 'in its quiet and unassuming way, and every day of the week, is still at the very frontline of human suffering'.

      • Poor rich Brazil. Stories from a big country that fails to become a great country

        Storie di un paese grande che non riesce a diventare un grande paese

        by Franco Vaselli

        Tre ‘c’ a magnificarne le eccellenze: caffè, calcio, carnevale.E tre ‘p’ a marcarne le realtà scomode: pobres, pretos, prostitutas. Terra di inebrianti mulatte, di musiche dall'allegria contagiosa, di risorse naturali senza pari e di inimitabili campioni del calcio – da Pelé a Garrincha, da Zico a Sócrates.Ma anche terra delle favelas e degli squadroni della morte, delle mamme-bambine e delle enormi disparità sociali, del genocidio degli indi e della distruzione dell’Amazzonia. Un paese grande, il quinto al mondo, che da sempre aspira a diventare un grande paese e che, dai militari a Dilma Rousseff, questo ha sempre promesso ai suoi pazienti abitanti. Un paese in cui calcio, carnevale e sesso sono stati usati come narcotici per evitare la rivolta e le telenovelas come il circo dei romani, per divertire e distrarre la gente. In questo reportage ‘vissuto da dentro’, Franco Vaselli racconta i molti volti di un paese a lui caro e squarcia il velo sulle ipocrisie e gli stereotipi della più grande democrazia sudamericana, raccontando storie e personaggi che vi faranno conoscere meglio il Brasile, nel bene e nel male. Con l’obiettivo dichiarato di contribuire ad abbattere i troppi luoghi comuni che lo circondano.

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2020


        Society and culture in Dalcidio Jurandir

        by Willi Bolle

        This book presents an overview of Amazonian history and analyzes the novel Cycle of the Far North, by Dalcidio Jurandir, a work that represents the social inequality and exclusion inherent to Amazonian society. Willi Bolle rescues the work of this important, albeit unknown, author, emphasizing Dalcidio Jurandir’s contribution to our understanding of Amazonian culture. In his work, Jurandir describes the quotidian of those living in the periphery of society, and advocates, quite emphatically, quality education for the poor. He also registers the social dialect of the inhabitants of the Amazon, in a document of the cultural memory of the region.

      • Children's & YA

        The Boy and The Maestro

        by Ana Maria Machado

        The award-winning Brazilian author Ana Maria Machado, winner of countless national and international prizes, includes a selection for the White Ravens Catalogue, reappears in our catalogue with a jewel in the form of a book.  Remember that book that captivates us, when it addresses a delicate issue in a sensitive and surprising way? The Boy and the Maestro is an exciting story of the friendship between a boy who lives in a low-income community in the city of Rio de Janeiro, and a conductor who, When he recognizes the boy´s talent, starts encouraging him to develop his musical gift.    Themes such as child labor, a child´s abandonment by his father, the discovery of individual talents and basic musical concepts are all treated with great care in the text and portrayed with an incredible mix of colors and perspective in Vinicius Sabato´s illustrations.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2019


        by Adauto Novates (editor)

        The eleventh book in the series Mutations, Dissonances of progress discusses how the progress of technology brought undeniable benefits to humanity – such as advances in medicine and communication –, improving our daily life. On the other hand, it brought speed and superficiality to the relations of the human being with its surroundings, and degraded several aspects of current life with the exacerbation of individualism, the substitution of moral values, the overestimation of religious beliefs, the economy as the utmost referential of life in common, the knowledge of specialists to the detriment of thinkers. The essays in this volume analyze this situation and indicate paths for reflection.

      • Classic crime
        April 2018

        Ein MORDs-Team - Der Fall Marietta King 4: Das Echo des Schreis (Finale Case 1) / The Young Investigators - The Case of Marietta King 4: Echo of a scream (Finale Case 1)

        by Andras Suchanek

        Following Marek’s death, Mason, Olivia, Randy and Danielle are determined to unmask the murderer. The four investigators team up with Sonja to chase down several leads. But the earl (Barrington Coves Moriarty) and the murderer have plans of their own. A race against time begins that only one person can win...

      • November 2014

        Between Nostalgia and Apocalypse

        Popular Music and the Staging of Brazil

        by Daniel B. Sharp

        Chronicles the entanglement of traditional and experimental music in northeast Brazil

      • Biography & True Stories
        October 2020

        Lucia. The last message A mission from God to the world

        by Manuel Arouca

        ¿Crees que las personas, entre políticos, economistas, empresarios, científicos, ambientalistas, o incluso las nuevas tecnologías, serán capaces de mejorar, por sí mismas, el mundo y salvar el planeta Tierra? “Antonio es un calificado director de Hollywood que prepara una gran producción sobre las dramáticas alteraciones climáticas porque el mundo va a colapsar. En Hollywood, sorprende a todos mientras en una conferencia de prensa que la gran protagonista de su próxima película será una monja de clausura, de quien se dice que, en Fátima, se le apareció la Virgen María.Uno de los milagros atribuidos a la hermana Lucía encaja como un guante en la historia que Antonio va a desarrollar, descubriendo con sus investigaciones que en el fondo de la vida de Lucía hay un gran Misterio, un 'último mensaje', y un secreto simple que lo puede cambiar todo ”.

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