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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2009

        The Elizabethan conquest of Ireland

        The 1590s crisis

        by John McGurk

        This book is about the impact of the Nine Years' War on central and local government and society in the English and Welsh shires in the 1590s. It contains fascinating new insights into the centrality of Ireland to England's problems in the crucial last decade of Elizabeth I's reign. However, this is in no sense a conventional military history, but rather a history of the social impact of the war and the strains it put upon the Elizabethan government. Based on painstaking primary research, it also covers the recruitment of levies for Ireland, their shipping, their service in Ireland and the limited extent of aftercare given to the sick and the wounded. The book therefore helps towards an understanding of why the Elizabethan conquest took so long to complete and why it proved to be more severe than at first intended. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2025

        Conquest and resistance in West Africa

        The Jeandet Affair and the illusion of colonial justice

        by Ruth Ginio

        This book is an enthralling account of a legal scandal, which erupted in colonial Senegal in 1890 and reached the French metropolitan press and the parliament. The murder of a colonial administrator, Abel Jeandet, by one of his soldiers led to the brutal and illegal executions without trial of the killer and two local dignitaries. The volume follows the fascinating story of Ndiereby Ba, the widow of one of the dignitaries, who with the help of powerful métis men in the capital Saint Louis sued the French administrators who had supervised the executions for the murder of her husband. Through this captivating tale the book articulates the French expansion into West Africa, the resistance to colonial rule both violent and non-violent, and the lack of interest on the part of French politicians in the brutal conquest of a territory they know nothing about.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2013

        Gender, nation and conquest in the high Middle Ages

        Nest of Deheubarth

        by Susan Johns, Pamela Sharpe, Penny Summerfield, Lynn Abrams, Cordelia Beattie

        Nest of Deheubarth was one of the most notorious women of the Middle Ages, mistress of Henry I and many other men, famously beautiful and strong-willed, object of one of the most notorious abduction/elopements of the period and ancestress of one of the most famous dynasties in medieval Ireland, the Fitzgeralds. This volume sheds light on women, gender, imperialism and conquest in the Middle Ages. From it emerges a picture of a woman who, though remarkable, was not exceptional, representative not of a group of victims or pawns in the dramatic transformations of the high Middle Ages but powerful and decisive actors. The book examines beauty, love, sex and marriage and the interconnecting identities of Nest as wife/concubine/mistress, both at the time and in the centuries since her death, when for Welsh writers and other commentators she has proved a powerful symbol. ;

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        Children's & YA

        A Magical Christmas with the Snow Fairy

        by Stefanie Dahle

        Emmo would also like to celebrate Christmas for a change. He’s lucky that his best friend Gwendoline, the Snow Fairy, is there to help him with his preparations. A Christmas tree, presents, delicious biscuits, sweet-smelling baked apples, and of course glittering white snow - all in readiness for the most wonderful Christmas party the Silver Forest has ever seen. With Stefanie Dahle’s enchanting illustrations, this solid, read-aloud picture book will accompany big and little picture-book lovers through a wonderfully harmonious Advent and Christmas.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        July 2024

        False profits of ethical capital

        Finance, labour and the politics of risk

        by Claire Parfitt

        False profits of ethical capital is a thought-provoking approach to understanding stakeholder capitalism. Rather than focusing on the inadequacies of corporate responsibility, sustainable investment and consumer politics, this book grapples with the technical and rhetorical functions of ethical capital for profit and accumulation. It provides a unique and eclectic analysis of the political dynamics between finance, capital and labour, offering a refreshing perspective on struggles interlocking social, ecological and economic crises, and suggesting new ways of thinking about sustainability politics.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2016

        Die Wiederkehr der Illusion

        Der Film und die Kunst der Gegenwart

        by Gertrud Koch

        Die Ästhetik der Illusion wird zwar gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts verabschiedet, aber zur selben Zeit lässt der Film sie über die Hintertür wieder hinein. Von dort werden die ästhetischen Verfahren der Illusion in die anderen Künste reimportiert: auf Opern- und Theaterbühnen, in Galerien und Museen wird mit neuen Formen der Einbindung von Film und Video experimentiert. Vor dem Hintergrund dieser zeitgenössischen ästhetischen Praxis der Entgrenzung legt Gertrud Kochs filmtheoretische Studie die grundlegende Rolle des Films in der Illusionsästhetik frei und analysiert deren Verfahren anhand konkreter Beispiele unter anderem aus dem Bereich des zeitgenössischen (Musik-)Theaters (u.a. Heiner Goebbels und René Pollesch) und der Bildenden Kunst.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2024

        The Truth in your Lies

        by Julia Pauss, Moon Notes

        Mit schönem Farbschnitt in der Erstauflage – Lieferung je nach Verfügbarkeit Fake Dating vom Feinsten! Sie ist die Erbin einer der größten Hoteldynastien Amerikas, er ist ein Kleinkrimineller. Noelle will ihrem Vater ihren neuen Freund vorstellen, Memphis will die Reichen um ihren Schmuck erleichtern. In einer schicksalhaften Nacht auf einer Wohltätigkeitsveranstaltung prallen ihre Welten aufeinander. Alles, was schiefgehen kann, geht schief – und auf der Tanzfläche landet Noelle in den Armen von Memphis. Schon wenige Stunden später kursieren Fotos der beiden in der Boulevardpresse. Unter dem Druck ihres strengen Vaters behauptet Noelle, Memphis sei ihr neuer Partner. Wie soll sie ihrem Vater erklären, dass sie ihren echten Freund auf der Gala beim Fremdgehen erwischt hat, nur um kurz darauf mit einem Gangster zu tanzen? Doch ihre Notlüge schlägt höhere Wellen als gedacht: Ihr Vater besteht darauf, dass ihr vermeintlicher Freund mit auf den Familiensitz nach Colorado kommt, um ihn auf Herz und Nieren zu prüfen. Noelle bleibt nichts anderes übrig, als Memphis einen Deal vorzuschlagen … The Truth In Your Lies: Gegensätze ziehen sich an New Adult at it's best: Die aufregende Liebesgeschichte zwischen der reichen Hotelerbin Noelle und dem charmanten Gauner Memphis. Große Emotionen: Ein mitreißender Roman über Liebe, Selbstfindung und die Kraft, den eigenen Weg zu gehen – für Mädchen ab 16 Jahren. Voll im Trend: Mit den angesagten Tropes Fake Dating und Opposites attract. New Adult mit feministischem Twist: Eine starke Protagonistin auf der Reise zu sich selbst. Genial ausgestattet: Softcover mit Klappen, einem trendig illustrierten Farbschnitt in der Erstauflage und einem abtrennbaren Lesezeichen. The Truth In Your Lies entführt seine Leser*innen ab 16 Jahren in eine Welt der ganz großen Gefühle. Neben den beliebten Tropes „Fake Dating“ und „Opposites attract“ sorgt ein feministischer Twist für Tiefgang: Die Hotelerbin Noelle entwickelt sich von einer Frau, die ihre eigenen Bedürfnisse zurückstellt, zu einer selbstbewussten Persönlichkeit. Das perfekte Buch für Fans von New-Adult-Romanen!

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        by Manfred Geier

        Love is a long-burning issue of philosophy. From antiquity to the present day, people have philosophised about love, which reveals itself in a variety of forms and norms. But what really happens when philosophers not only philosophise, but also love, from the initial games of seduction to the culmination of sexual lust? With the aid of eleven biographical case studies, from Socrates and Augustine to Martin Heidegger and Michael Foucault, Manfred Geier, author of several biographies on philosophers, documents how without their erotic lust, the philosophers would not have become searchers of wisdom.

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        Historical fiction


        by Michael Römling

        Rome, 1570: gazette writer Michelangelo moves in as a tenant with rich courtesan Mercuria. During an illicit excavation he comes across a strange skeleton and uncovers a scandal, in which a former contract killer, now cardinal, plays the lead a leading role – together with Mercuria herself, who carries a terrible secret around with her.   Michael Römling carries us off into the splendid, chaotic, unholy Rome of the Renaissance popes and their courtesans. Strong women, unscrupulous men, intrigues, seduction and violence – an all-consuming reading trip.

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        Children's & young adult poetry, anthologies, annuals

        Snow Poems For Kids

        by Sashko Dermanskyi, Halyna Malyk, Mariand Savka and other

        Children love poems. So before Christmas, the Old Lion and a group of modern Ukrainian poets and illustrators created this elegant book to read in the family circle. Snow Poems for Kids are full of fun snow games, magical gifts from St. Nicholas and magical moments of Christmas and New Year. Also, the Old Lion reminds young readers to take care of birds and animals in winter. The collection includes poems by Mariana Savka, Halyna Malyk, Halyna Kirpa, Kateryna Mikhalitsyna, Oleksandr Dermanskyi, Ihor Kalynets, Oksana Lushchevska, Oksana Krotiuk, Hryhorii Falkovich, Tetiana Vynnyk, Yulia Smal, Natalia Poklad, Olesia Mamchych, Ivan Andrusiak , Oleksandr Orlov. Compiler - Natalka Maletych. Illustrated by: Dasha Rakova, Oksana-Olexandra Drachkovska, Yuliia Pylypchatina, Nataliia Oliynyk, Bohdana Bondar, Oksana Bula, Marta Koshulynska, Kateryna Sad.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Jean-Jacques Beineix

        by Philip Powrie

        This volume is the first to examine, in either French or English, the films of Jean-Jacques Beineix, often seen as the best example of the 1980s cinéma du look, with cult films, such as Diva and Betty Blue (37º 2 le matin) .. After an introduction which places Beineix in the context of the 1980s and the arguments centering on a postmodern cinema, the volume devotes a chapter to each of Beineix's feature films, including the film which marked his return to feature film making after a break of a decade, Mortel Transfert (2001). Prefaced by an excellent foreword by the director himself, which includes a broad condemnation of French critics. Includes many illustrations direct from the director's own collection, complementing the interviews Powrie made with him and his collaborators.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2023

        The illusion of the Burgundian state

        by Élodie Lecuppre-Desjardin, Christopher Fletcher

        On 25 January 1474, Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy, appeared before his subjects in Dijon. Robed in silk, gold and precious jewels and wearing a headpiece that gave the illusion of a crown, he made a speech in which he cryptically expressed his desire to become a king. Three years later, Charles was killed at the battle of Nancy, an event that plunged the Great Principality of Burgundy into chaos. This book, innovative and essential, not only explores Burgundian history and historiography but offers a complete synthesis about the nature of politics in this region, considered both from the north and the south. Focusing on political ideologies, a number of important issues are raised relating to the medieval state, the signification of the nation under the 'Ancien Regime', the role of warfare in the creation of political power and the impact of political loyalties in the exercise of government. In doing so, the book challenges a number of existing ideas about the Burgundian state.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2018

        Broken Bridge,Remnant Snow

        by Wang Xufeng

        “Ten Scenes in West Lake” is the work of Wang Xufeng, the famous writer and Mao Dun Literature Award winner, in the background of Hangzhou West Lake. It is a collection of novellas with the historical " Ten Scenes in West Lake " as the starting point. The ten novellas  are independent stories ,and are also connected to each other, forming a series of books that are saturated with the charm of Jiangnan. The book Broken Bridge,Remnant Snow is one of the novellas. The author uses the broken bridge scenic spots in the West Lake to tell the readers stories among the old man Xu Xuan and Xiao Bai, Xiao Qing and Master Hai. In the misty and rainy West Lake, a piece of past events begins.

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        Picture books, activity books & early learning material

        Who Will Make the Snow

        by Taras Prokhasko and Mariana Prokhasko

        Who Will Make the Snow', the book written by Taras Prokhasko and illustated by Mariana Prokhasko will delight readers with its fast-paced simplicity and timelessness. Following the adventures of a family of Moles from the Beech Tree Forest, readers will learn about their rich day-to-day life, the birth of their two newborns, and their adoption of a young rabbit, who brings new experiences for them all. This book will provide questions to discuss and answers to seek, and will likely become an essential book both at home and in classroom libraries.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2017

        Frontiers of the Caribbean

        by Philip Nanton, Gurminder Bhambra

        This book argues that the Caribbean frontier, usually assumed to have been eclipsed after colonial conquest, remains a powerful but unrecognised element of Caribbean island culture. Combining analytical and creative genres of writing, it explores historical and contemporary patterns of frontier change through a case study of the little-known Eastern Caribbean multi-island state of St Vincent and the Grenadines. Modern frontier traits are located in the wandering woodcutter, the squatter on government land and the mountainside ganja grower. But the frontier is also identified as part of global production that has shaped island tourism, the financial sector and patterns of migration.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        September 2019

        Winter Tourism

        Trends and Challenges

        by Ulrike Pröbstl-Haider, Harold Richins, Stefan Türk

        Winter tourism has seen increased levels of investment in recent times as new ski destinations develop and traditional skiing destinations merge to reduce economic risks by means of spatial distribution. Increasingly environmental issues in many established ski resorts, including certifications and adaptions of the management regime, and new mobility concepts to reduce CO2 emissions caused by the travel behavior of the winter tourists, are growing areas of consideration. This includes the importance of scenic beauty, nature and sustainable development as well as snow reliability and avalanche safety. Finally skiers themselves and their preferences (destination choice), need to be considered as part of demographic change and changing leisure time habits, in particular considering the Chinese market and its impact in the future. The book will explore these trends and discuss the different approaches and adaption strategies that are employed in the European Alpine region, North America, and Eastern Europe.

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        A Psychological Novel on Shellshock Victims

        by Hadassa Ashdot

        Army psychologist Hadassa Ashdot has written a moving novel about the healing power of love and desire, about blind hatred and killing that destroy all good, about the longing for limitless freedom as opposed to cultural and social restrictions and taboos, and about deep loss giving way to light and hope. The story revolves around three Israeli fighters: Nadav, a medic and disillusioned Kibbutz member, and his friends David, enlisted man and one of Israel's “socially disadvantaged”, and Osama, the unit commander who comes from a small Druze village and is a member of this unique minority that serves in the Israeli army. The three are hiding in a cypress forest in Lebanon, where Osama is critically wounded, waiting for an army helicopter to come and rescue them. During their four days of desperate anticipation, the forest where they have taken refuge becomes a fateful and symbolic death trap in which their lives and fates are intertwined. By the time the helicopter arrives, two of the men lay dead, and Nadav, the protagonist, experiences first-hand the trauma of losing friends to war. Shaken by his friends' deaths and the horrific war experience that has turned his world upside down, Nadav leaves Marianne, the girl he loves, and sets out on a trek of self-purification in the Himalayas. But no salvation awaits him there. After being buried in a snow avalanche, from which he was rescued bruised and broken, he sinks into darkness and depression, enduring years of living death in an abyss of despair. Love, ultimately, proves to be the light at the end of the tunnel through which Nadav makes his way back to life - love, the only force capable of healing the deep wound that the war bestowed upon him. Marianne, a Finnish volunteer at the kibbutz, is the woman Nadav loved and left; but she nevertheless accompanies him through the Himalayan snows to which he escapes in an attempt to free himself of the pain and guilt of his friends' deaths. Nadav rediscovers Marianne in the calm affection of middle age, in the snows of Finland, and she is the balm that finally helps soothe the wounds of war. About the author, Hadassa Ashdot, see Borrowed Identity.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        August 2025

        Translating Petrarch in early modern Britain

        Canzoniere and Triumphi, c. 1530–1650

        by Marie-Alice Belle, Riccardo Raimondo, Francesco Venturi

        Translating Petrarch in early modern Britain gathers twelve essays by international scholars focusing on the translation of Petrarch's vernacular verse (Canzoniere and Triumphi) into English, from the Tudor age to the mid-seventeenth century (and beyond). Approaching translation as an interpretive process, but also a mode of literary emulation and cultural engagement with Petrarch's prestigious precedent, the collection explores the complex and interconnected trajectories of both poetic works in English and Scottish literary milieux. While situating each translation in its distinct historical, material, and literary context, the essays trace the reception of Petrarch's works in early modern Britain through the combined processes of linguistic and metric innovation, literary imitation, musical adaptation and cultural and material 'domestication'. The collection sheds light on the origins and development of early modern English Petrarchism as part of wider transnational - and indeed, translational-European literary culture.

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