by Michael Römling
Rome, 1570: gazette writer Michelangelo moves in as a tenant with rich courtesan Mercuria. During an illicit excavation he comes across a strange skeleton and uncovers a scandal, in which a former contract killer, now cardinal, plays the lead a leading role – together with Mercuria herself, who carries a terrible secret around with her.
Michael Römling carries us off into the splendid, chaotic, unholy Rome of the Renaissance popes and their courtesans. Strong women, unscrupulous men, intrigues, seduction and violence – an all-consuming reading trip.
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Author Biography
Michael Römling was born in Soest in 1973. He studied history in Göttingen, Besançon and Rome. After completing his PhD, he founded a publishing company, and wrote many history books and historical novels for young readers. Since completing his dissertation and living in Rome for eight years, he feels closely connected to the Renaissance period.
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View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher/Imprint Rowohlt Verlag / Hundert Augen
- Orginal LanguageGerman
- Pages448
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusUnpublished
- Original Language TitleMERCURIA
- Original Language AuthorsGerman
- Copyright Year2020