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      • Health & Personal Development

        Pause and Sense

        by Emily Atallah

        Thousands of people say things such as “I have no time”, “when did life pass me by”, or “I have nothing left to live for.” According to the WHO, nearly 700,000 people commit suicide every year, and conditions such as depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and lack of purpose are increasingly rooted in our societies, blocking our view to a life full of light and possibilities. In the age of instant connectivity, we have never been as disconnected, unmotivated and empty as we are now. In these pages, you will find 10 practical tools that will help you get unstuck, find your way through pain, and reconnect with your purpose towards a plentiful life. The book is divided in three sections that help you understand what is valuable about life, what we can give to the world as human beings, and how we can embrace challenges, increase connectivity with each other and increase our awareness. This book invites you to enrich your own life, through reflections that help you go deep inside, and examples of how others who when through similar experiences, got through them to live a happier, meaningful, and purposeful life.

      • Trusted Partner
        Horror & ghost stories, chillers (Children's/YA)
        October 2021

        El año de la rata

        by Jorge Alderete

        Our forests are shrinking every year due to fires forestry. Trees and all life that inhabits them, from tiny microorganisms to families of birds and animals are destroyed by flames that in most cases, are caused by we, humans.

      • Health & Personal Development

        And Then There Was Light

        by Blanca Rosa Gutiérrez

        Faced unexpectedly with Lyme Disease, Spanish Architect Blanca Rosa Gutiérrez must face illness and abandonment, while at the same time trying to take care of her two small children. She struggles to find help and treatment from doctors, until the combination of finding the right physician, and an iron will to overcome adversity through meditation and non traditional healing, puts her back on the road to full health. As the author says in her own words: "I wrote this book with a single purpose in mind: make it into a song of hope for anybody who is ill and feels defeated by pain, and have lost the will to live." This book is not about illness, is about recovery and new beginnings

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        The Gospel of Prosperity

        Literary and critical perspectives about the science of getting right quick

        by Luis Miguel Estrada

        In 2020, amidst the whirlwind of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ideas from books about the science of becoming a millionaire returned to Luis Miguel Estrada whom, since he left a financial job, has dedicated himself fully to literature. In this book, he thinks  some of the key questions raised by bestsellers from Napoleon Hill to Kiyosaki. Do we stop seeking money just because we pursue art? More importantly: regardless of what we do, how do we seek money? Why have narratives like positive thinking and the law of attraction become a universal language that gains strength during each economic crisis? Is there a link between bestsellers about the science of getting rich and great universal literature? This book attempts to answer these questions, beginning with the origins of books on becoming a millionaire, which delve into the agile 19th-century United States, transition through the fast-paced turn of the century, and explode in the years after the Great Depression. The journey continues with examples of wild successes (real-life fraudsters like Elizabeth Holmes or fictional criminals like Walter White from Breaking Bad) that prompt us to question the influence of success-at-any-cost ideas on popular culture, as well as their ethical limits. How can one reconcile readings, cultural products, and experiences that seem so distant? The broader reading audience responds more to "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill than to "The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck. Is there a way to read them alongside each other and emerge renewed from the experience? This book invites you on that adventure.

      • La verdad silenciada

        by Carolina del Pópolo

        Juanho es un niño conectado con una presencia sutil pero poderosa. En su adolescencia, guiado por una profunda intuición, descubre que el pasado de sus ancestros es oscuro. En Mendoza, la fortuna de la familia se ha edificado sobre los cimientos de la traición a sus orígenes y a su gente. Su abuelo y su tío han colaborado con el gobierno de la Italia fascista, han celebrado alianzas comerciales con el Vaticano y también con los nazis que luego se refugiaron en Argentina con la complicidad del gobierno de Perón. Pero también descubre otra presencia que se revela a través de la fotografía de un joven músico que muere en la Primera Guerra Mundial. La historia transcurre en Mendoza,  Sicilia, el Vaticano, Berlín, París, Buenos Aires y México, donde el amor de su vida debe exiliarse. Las creencias, las fiestas populares y los ritos del día de muertos cobran un significado especial para Juanho quien percibe que existen dos mundos que se abren en un juego que los enlaza: uno hostil, donde se consuman relaciones de poder y otro, en el que habita la música, el silencio y la lealtad a lo invisible e infinito.

      • October 2019

        Parenting The Art of Caring and Loving Parenting. A proposal from the family resilience.

        by María Stella Rodríguez

        Este libro quiere aportar desde la resiliencia familiar a la tarea maravillosa de nuestros prodigar amor y cuidado a niños y jóvenes. Todos tenemos la obligación sagrada de cuidar la vida, cuando lo hacemos de forma consciente estamos paternando y maternando. Quien desarrolla esta actitud siente indignación ante los terribles atropellos a la infancia. Por ello es urgente que comprendamos y cambiemos los sistemas de creencias que limitan nuestra capacidad de amar y cuidar.

      • Fiction

        La certeza de los caminos

        by Daniela Rosset

        La certeza de los caminos es la necesaria continuación de Pasos Aparentes, novela en la que Gabriela Valier –buscando ser la hacedora de su propio destino- se dejaba encandilar por el mundo aparentemente perfecto que le ofrecía el capitán Diego Venturi. Pronto descubría la trastienda sucia de una historia que involucraba incluso a su propia familia y, cuando los secretos se revelaban con su fetidez, arrastraban a Gabriela hacia el abismo. En esta segunda parte, tras su matrimonio fallido con Diego Venturi, Gabriela regresa a Córdoba acompañada por su suegra y por su cuñado, Esteban Paz. Es mayo de 1940 y con sus escasos veintiún años, Gabriela carga con heridas y estigmas difíciles de superar. Pero su fuerza interior no se ha perdido y, a pesar de que fantasea con el retorno a su Paraná natal, pronto van abriéndose caminos a su paso con tonada cordobesa, y la figura de Esteban –invisible para ella hasta apenas un año atrás- crece, se fortalece y se agiganta a tal punto que se convierte en el nombre que no puede dejar de repetir. Animarse a cuestionar creencias propias y ajenas, desnudar hipocresías familiares, vencer prejuicios y liberarse del peso del deber ser será el desafío y el proceso de ambos si quieren recorrer juntos esos nuevos caminos.

      • December 2019


        by Mario Salazar Montero

        Kurzinformation ISBN 978-3-9525331-0-9 Titel "Cicatrices". Mario Salazar Montero. Novela En un remoto puerto fluvial de la selva húmeda tropical ubicada sobre la franja ecuatorial del planeta tierra, Odín A., hombre joven e internauta primerizo, decide convertirse en un Historiador Universal. Los recursos y medios digitales de los cuales dispone para lograrlo a duras penas le permiten rastrear la azarosa y enrevesada historia del país en donde nació. Descubre sin embargo en el intento la existencia de una inteligencia artificial y de algoritmos. Papelito, mujer joven, víctima sobreviviente de un conflicto armado, forzada a recorrer y enfrentar ese mismo país, guardaespaldas de ocupación, de remate boxeadora e inteligente, resuelve su vida a golpes y le funciona. A contracorriente de creencias heredadas y de raíces africanas en un país de mestizos renegados, ellos dos reclaman lo que les pertenece, se otorgan su derecho a vivir de un recurso natural, el Oro, que otros explotan impunes y abusivos. Su reivindicación es una ofensa grave para otros, se hace merecedora de un escarmiento ejemplar. Su instinto alerta y su inteligencia, combinados, descubren y persiguen una opción temeraria para redimirse que también podría incluir el amor, otro recurso escaso, desde luego si la opción escogida funciona, al menos por un tiempo. Mario Salazar Montero. Geboren in Kolumbien, Südamerika. Lebt seit vielen Jahren in der Schweiz. Schriftsteller und Ingenieur. Hat mehrere Romane und Kurzgeschichten veröffentlicht. Spanisch und Deutsch. Mehr zum Autor und seinem literarischen Werk unter

      • Literature & Literary Studies

        Meksikaner Temes/Temas Mexicanos

        Y nos convertimos en migrantes

        by Moises Rubinstein Badash

        MEKSIKANER TEMES.Admiration and attachment for the new homeland, receptive and poetical, isMeksikaner Temes –Temas mexicanos-- text of Moisés Rubinstein Badash .Written no long after his arrival to the new land, from the now a days Bielorus, theautor absorbes with a Sharp and loving look, the contrasts of the country. Hediscovers the Mexico of the 30’s and the 40’s of past century, as a caressing andsimultaneously agressive; he signalizes the paradox of its enormous wealth andits luxuriant and desastrous poverty. A new homeland powerful andsimultaneously miserable.Rubinstein Badash writes in yiddish, the milenarist lenguage of the askenazi jews,the lenguaje close to their feelings. In yiddish he describes the fascination of thenew comers, dazzles by the “splendor of a pair of beatiful black eyes, of a heartfull of kindness, and infinite desires to live”. With talent and humor, the autorshares variable anecdotes about the streets of Mexico city, its colorfulness, itsmusic, about its inhabitants and its polititian. He even shows deep admiration forPresident Cárdenas.Now a days, in the whole world we witness waves of massive migration, rejectedand vexation, is enriching to witness the gratefullness of the migrants of the past,which arrived to Mexico, and being respected their desires and believes. Thelanguage barrier caused of the scarcity of publication, who may show theimpression of the first generations of mexican jews.. Today, thanks the acurrateand precise translation from yiddish tu spanish, yhe multi- awarded poet, writer andjournalist Becky Rubinstein , we can access this fascinating text, published byEdiciones del Lirio. Shulamit Goldsmit   MEKSIKANER TEMES. Admiración y amor por la nueva patria es lo que destila, de manera abierta ypoética, el texto de Moisés Rubinstein Badash en su libro Meksikaner Temes(Temas mexicanos). Escrito a poco tiempo de haber arribado a esta nueva tierra,desde la hoy Bielorrusia, el autor absorbe con mirada aguda y amorosa loscontrastes del país. Percibe al México de los años 30 y 40 del siglo xx como una nación acariciadora y agresiva; señala la paradoja de sus enormes riquezas y suapabullante pobreza. Una nueva patria poderosa y miserable a la vez.Rubinstein Badash escribe en idish, el idioma milenario de los judiosashkenazis; lalengua que le es cercana y en la que se siente capaz de volcar sus sentimientos. Enidish describe la fascinación de muchos de los recién llegados, deslumbrados por elfulgor esplendoroso de unos ojazos negros, de un corazón colmado de bondades ycon infinitas ganas de vivir. Con talento y humor, el autor relata anécdotas diversassobre las calles de la Ciudad de México, su colorido, su música, sobre sus habitantesy sus gobernantes. Muestra abiertamente su admiración por el presidente Cárdenas.Actualmente, que en el mundo entero se vive una oleada de migraciones masivas,rechazadas y vejadas, resulta enriquecedor escuchar el reconocimiento de aquellosque llegaron a un México receptor y respetuoso de sus anhelos y creencias. Labarrera del idioma ha sido causante de la escasez de publicaciones de muestren allector mexicano la impresión que aquel país en ciernes causó a las primerasgeneraciones de judíos mexicanos. Hoy, gracias a la atinada y feliz traducción quehace del idish al español la multipremiada poeta, escritora y periodista BeckyRubinstein, tenemos a nuestro alcance este entrañable texto, publicado porEdiciones del Lirio. Shulamit Goldsmit

      • Literature & Literary Studies

        De la confesión nocturna

        by Carmen Nozal

        El último libro de la poeta Carmen Nozal titulado De la confesión nocturna posee dos partes en su estructura: De la Divinidad con forma y de la Divinidad sin forma. En él recurre a contraponer dos realidades desde la creencia y la escritura. Ella reconoce que esta forma puede ser múltiple o no; pero al mismo tiempo contrapone esta realidad en el ejercicio escritural; en la sección “De la Divinidad con forma”, la autora recurre a formas estróficas clásicas como sonetos, décimas, silvas entre otras, y en la segunda parte “De la Divinidad sin forma”, se desprende de los recursos clásicos y recurre al verso libre o al prosema para reflejar con igual tratamiento la vehemencia por Dios, cualquiera que sea su forma. Nuestra poeta, no sólo se sustenta en la Biblia y en los místicos españoles y latinoamericanos; también abreva y recorre otros paisajes y culturas. Cuando Carmen Nozal, poeta de oficio y dedicación, recibió el anhelado correo de la Fundación Fernando Rielo anunciándole su honroso puesto de finalista, se ubicaba a los poetas de acuerdo a su lugar de hábitat y la señalaban: Carmen Nozal-Cuauthémoc. Ahí la imagino en esas calles y avenidas de la Colonia Roma, donde afloran las librerías de viejo, entre el ruido de las calles, el caminar de las multitudes, los ruidos de los autos y del metro; las noticias, sus plantas creciendo en la pequeña huerta junto al balcón, entre sus cantos místicos y sus divinidades, con forma o sin forma, a las cuales hace su entrega, con destreza y belleza y aún en la terrena duda: “Pienso en la Divinidad, puede que no todos los días, pero casi. Quiero escribirle, sin embargo”. Javier Alvarado

      • Health & Personal Development


        Liderazgo en acción

        by Gonzalo Gallo González

        Relations. How is your relationship with the people around you? Are you one of those who change your way of being with certain people? This volume will show you the variables that exist in relationships and in communication between human beings, it will teach you to be more understanding, sensitive and respectful with others. Among other things, it also highlights the importance of knowing how to listen.

      • October 2019

        Keys to Creative and Innovative Religious Education

        by Óscar Armando Pérez Sayago

        Este libro brinda valiosas herramientas a padres y maestros sobre la nueva función cultural de la escuela en la enseñanza de la Educación Religiosa. Advierte respecto a la importancia de acompañar y orientar al estudiante para ayudar a comprender el hecho religioso, puesto que hoy más que nunca está expuesto a mucha información desestructurada e indiscriminada, a través de los medios de comunicación, que es importante discernir.

      • Health & Personal Development
        August 2014

        Orientación inicial


        by Guadalupe Baeza Gómez, Rafael Enríquez Raya

        Did you know that the brain is the most important organ in the human body? as the center of the nervous system it controls all the functions of the organism, both executive and autonomous, and all bodily processes are based on its proper functioning. For this reason, it is necessary to preserve it in the best possible way, since with the passing of time it tends to deteriorate and, therefore, to diminish its faculties. At the moment guide we will explain everything about this wonderful organ, we will deepen in the knowledge of its different functions; we will also indicate how to use the CDs that are part of the system and that contain the didactic exercises for hone your mental processes related to memory, attention, reasoning as well as skills increase verbal and visuospatial. Exercise in each of cognitive areas with exercises shows that here They offer, in addition to a guide to nutritional care to nurture good your brain. It is convenient that, as an introduction, do a preconception assessment (what you think about something or know of a certain topic), to achieve a greater understanding how this system works brain training, for that we will use a didactic material called table C-Q-A, which a Here we introduce you.

      • Philosophy

        Anthropology of Christian Vocation

        From Person to Person

        by Juan Manuel Cabiedas

        The question regarding how to guide one’s own life is among the most pressing and serious questions. Both in its sacred understanding, as referring to a trascendent call, and in its lay conception, that connects the feeling of happiness to one’s self-fulfillment, the word vocation expresses the right way that a person follows to succesfully lead his or her own life. This may be the reason why, when talking about vocation, the word echoes all the elements that make up the identity of the human being: corporeity and spirituality, intelligence and sensitivity, conscience and freedom, personal biography and collective history. Without vocation, the personal being is doomed to treat oneself and to be treated with indifference.

      • Health & Personal Development

        Early emotional education

        by Gloria Latorre

        The family is the first modeler of interpersonal relationships. In it all the richness of the emotional world unfolds. That is why it is key to teach our children from birth to build their own path to inner well-being, through self-knowledge and the skills to manage their emotions. This will help them from the beginning of their lives to connect with the other from empathy and compassion. “This book offers us a journey to recognize the emotions in our relationships. On each page, it offers us pauses to reflect, realize and experiment, allowing true learning. It is a companion for travelers such as parents, teachers, psychologists and for all of us who work in accompaniment ”. Jorge Genzone, President of the Gestalt Association of Buenos Aires

      • Fiction

        What Would the Pope Say?

        by Jaime Larrain

        Pope Francis is at a crossroads. The Catholic Church, still reeling from the cases of child abuse and the corruption scandals of the Vatican Bank, has an opportunity for redemption or for a final nail in the coffin, after the Pope’s closes advisor, Cardinal Bullbridge, is kidnapped. While the Pope ponders the destiny of the Church, Aum, the leader of the Chrysallis Team that in 2016 kidnapped business moghul Brian Feller, has set for himself the tremendous challenge of gathering the most important religious leaders of the world so they can witness The Experiment, a mysterious process that could breathe new life into the Catholic Faith. The Experiment was born in the island of Ithaca in 2010, thanks to the work of Aum and Father Thomas, the guardian of the Vatican´s secret files. The motivations of Aum and Thomas are not merely academic, there’s a much larger political agenda at play. Being 86 years of age, and with a very sick son, Aum rolls the dice and brings together the Dalai Lama, Pope Francis, historian Yuval Harari, philosopher Michael Onfray, and many others. But Cardinal Bullbridge wants to put an end to his, which he sees as a threat to the Papacy. And Commissioner Scorza, Vatican Chief of Security, is trying to solve the riddle while also dealing with some scandals of his own making. What Would the Pope Say? Is not just a history of the Vatican, it is the history of an ancient dream that can now become reality, a dream we all carry inside: a spirituality that goes beyond religions, and that is one and universal.

      • Health & Personal Development

        Los frutos de la inteligencia emocional

        ¡Atrévete… ya! El cielo es el límite

        by Mariel Mambretti

        This volume will crown your journey, making you a participant in one of the greatest contributions that applied psychology made both to the business world and to all related areas of life: the value of emotional intelligence. From its definition to the means to make the most of it and achieve your ends, you will find the keys to making emotions not a stumbling block, but a weapon for job advancement.  Paying attention to the other, giving him a framework of trust and appreciation, stimulating him and accompanying his moods, have been revealed as essential points for the development of all productive activities. Today it is known that whoever smiles and knows how to relate well with their environment is the most capable of climbing positions of great responsibility in the workplace. You will also find suggestions aimed at ensuring that everything obtained in this field results in a particularly full life and suitable for enjoying what has been achieved. These pages are, then, the corollary to make your triumph comprehensive and lasting. Enjoy them!

      • Children's & young adult: general non-fiction


        Learn How People Celebrate in America

        by Ángeles Quinteros, Ángeles Vargas

        This book wants to celebrate the cultural richness that comes from the native people and from different migration processes that vitalize our whole continent. Along with an attractive design, based on illustrations and images, the objective is to encourage children to have a positive attitude towards reading a text of greater difficulty, and thus contribute to a comprehensive education, developing reading skills and the cultural heritage of little readers. At the same time you will discover shared experiences that unite us as one great nation—like slavery or the cycles of Mother Earth—which are remembered and celebrated in ways you would never have imagined. Find out and celebrate the most interesting and beautiful festivals in America, a continent full of colors!

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