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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2020

        Basic Monitoring in Canine and Feline Emergent Patients

        by Elizabeth J. Thomovsky, Paula A. Johnson, Aimee C. Brooks

        This book discusses the various basic monitoring techniques available for emergency patients. The book elaborates on and explains monitoring techniques that can be easily performed in basic ER clinics and primary care clinics. This includes blood pressure, capnography, ECGs, pulse oximetry, and point of care monitoring ranging from the physical exam to bedside diagnostic tests like PCV/TP, urine specific gravity, blood glucose, and lactate. Each chapter is structured in the following way: basic physiology as related to the monitor, how the monitor/piece of equipment works, pros and cons of the monitor/piece of equipment, when not to trust the monitor, and clinical applications/examples of how to use the monitor in clinical settings.

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        November 2020

        Techniques for Work with Plant and Soil Nematodes

        by Roland N Perry, David J Hunt, Sergei A Subbotin

        Techniques for Work with Plant and Soil Nematodes is an up-to-date, comprehensive book covering the practicalities of working with and studying soil and plant nematodes. Written by an international team of experts, this book is highly illustrated and provides thorough coverage of methods whilst allowing for relevant information to be located quickly. It includes the fundamental traditional techniques and new methodologies, covering: sampling; extraction; estimating numbers; handling, fixing, staining, mounting; culturing techniques; figure preparation, measurement and image processing; electron microscopy techniques; behavioural and physiological assays; and cytogenetic, biochemical and molecular biology techniques. This book is an essential resource for anyone involved in plant nematology needing to refer to a readily available methodology standard, including students of nematology and parasitology, university lecturers and researchers, diagnostic laboratories, and quarantine and advisory service personnel. It provides a much needed compendium of the spectrum of information needed to work with these microscopic organisms.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2019

        The Professional Handbook of Cider Tasting

        by Travis Alexander, Brianna Ewing

        In recent years, with the rise of the craft beverage movement, the cider industry has been through a period of rapid commercial and non-commercial growth. Tasting and quality control is a core aspect of successful cider making and it is essential for industry and researchers to characterize cider using a standard, quantifiable metric. This book is a research-based text for understanding both the theory and practice of effectively evaluating the sensory properties of cider. The Cider Tasting Professional Handbook includes content on the physiological basis of sensory evaluation, effective profiling of sensory evaluation, types and styles of cider, origins of cider quality attributes and direction for pairing cider with foods. The book also: - Covers a broad range of cider tasting techniques with associated technical explanations. - Provides data and research-driven information. - Contains sample sensory evaluation sheets, a tasting wheel, and guidance for creating fresh cider sensory standards and the utilization of various apple cultivars. Including a summary of the current global cider styles, this is an invaluable resource for commercial cidermakers, non-commercial cidermakers, students on cider production courses, researchers and other industry and stakeholder personnel.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biology, life sciences
        December 2015

        Analytical Techniques for Natural Product Research

        by Satyanshu Kumar

        Plants are important source of lead molecules for drug discovery. These lead molecules serve as starting materials for laboratory synthesis of drug as well a model for production of biologically active compounds. Phytochemical processing of raw plant materials is essentially required to optimize the concentration of known constituents and also to maintain their activities. Extraction techniques and analytical techniques have played critical roles in phytochemical processing of raw materials. Extraction technologies from conventional extraction to green extraction as well as analytical techniques from single technique to hyphenated/coupled techniques most frequently used in phytochemistry laboratories are covered in the book.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2025

        Stress-Resilient Crops

        Coordinated omics-CRISPR-nanotechnology strategies

        by Jen-Tsung Chen

        Climate change and the increase in environmental stress that it causes has made the need for more stress-tolerant crops to be developed worldwide. This book presents cutting-edge coordinated "omics-CRISPR-nanotechnology" strategies for combating diverse stressors and complicated or multiple stress conditions experienced by crops today. It covers both abiotic and biotic stresses including salinity, temperature, drought, heavy metals, pests and pathogens, and proposes ways to develop stress-tolerant crops with high-yield and high-quality traits through the integration or coordination of three mainstream technologies (multiple omics, CRISPR/Cas9, and nanotechnology). This book is a valuable reference and guide to crucial aspects of methods, applications, and future directions and it opens the door for students and researchers to efficiently view these critical subtopics of plant science and technology and inspire ideas for future experiments. These techniques will help create a more sustainable agriculture in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations and the Paris Agreement. The book: · Presents strategies for coordinating multiple omics, CRISPR/Cas9, and nanotechnology techniques for crop improvement · Describes ways to develop abiotic and biotic stress-tolerant crops · Summarizes current achievements in developing climate-smart agriculture

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        The Rules of Ukrainian Cooking

        by Eugenia Kuznetsova

        The Rules of Ukrainian Cooking (Cook in Sorrow) is a guide to Ukrainian cuisine written in an entertaining style of ironic ethnography. It is structured into thirty “recipes”, each exploring one aspect of the Ukrainian culinary tradition. From cooking Borsch (which is never perfect) to brewing homemade wine and hosting guests, the book provides an entertaining account of probably the most cherished aspect of Ukrainian culture. The Ultimate Guide to Ukrainian Cooking puts Ukrainian dishes in social context, offering readers insights about complicated relationship of Ukrainians with cooking, eating, their relatives and even uncovers true love to famous Kherson tomatoes, now under the Russian occupation. The book is beautifully designed and illustrated by a cohort of Ukrainian artists, who represent some of the most prominent names in Ukrainian contemporary book design.

      • Trusted Partner

        Who's gonna cook this food?

        women, housework and healthy diet

        by Bela Gil

        Today, after decades of scientific research and questioning of the fast-food industry, we know that ultra-processed foods are major promoters of chronic non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, as well as contributing to the destruction of nature, since they are based on monocultures of commodities such as soy, wheat, corn and sugar cane. We also know that home cooking with fresh or minimally processed ingredients is the best option for nourishing the body, strengthening regional cultures and respecting the environment. But, as Bela Gil asks in her new book, who is going to make this food? Based on this question, the chef, presenter and activist links healthy eating, feminism and domestic work, complexifying a debate ignored by cookbooks and cooking shows. Is it the housewife, the mother, the grandmother, the wife, the migrant domestic worker, the poor black woman from the periphery who will continue to have to man the stove? And who will make her food, her family's food? In Who's going to make this food?, Bela Gil criticizes the historical devaluation of the act of cooking, which has its roots in slavery, and calls for the payment of wages for domestic work, a theme of the work of thinkers such as Silvia Federici. “Is it right that, for a few to have fresh food and be healthy and free to pursue their dreams, many others have to make do with ultra-processed products that are bad for the body and the planet - and that's when they don't go hungry?”

      • Trusted Partner
        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure

        Influencers of Chinese Cuisine: The Story of Liang Jianyu

        by Dong Keping, Huang Jinglin

        Liang Jianyu is a master of Cantonese cuisine. He has not only inherited the essence of Cantonese cooking but also boldly innovated, blending traditional flavors with other culinary styles to create new and exciting tastes. The first part of this book takes us to South Canton, Liang's culinary birthplace, where we explore his rich personality and the hardships he overcame. The second part delves into Cantonese cooking techniques, sharing Liang's insights and emphasizing the importance of respecting ingredients with the principle of "preserving the original taste of fresh food." The third part showcases the creation of Liang's classic dishes, blending traditional masterpieces with unique innovations. Readers will enjoy fascinating biographical stories and have the opportunity to try Liang's recipes, experiencing the best of both worlds.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2021

        The art of The Faerie Queene

        by Richard Danson Brown

        The Art of The Faerie Queene is the first book centrally focused on the forms and poetic techniques employed by Spenser. It offers a sharp new perspective on Spenser by rereading The Faerie Queene as poetry which is at once absorbing, demanding and experimental. Instead of the traditional conservative model of Spenser as poet, this book presents the poem as radical, edgy and unconventional, thus proposing new ways of understanding the Elizabethan poetic Renaissance. The book moves from the individual words of the poem to metre, rhyme and stanza form onto its larger structures of canto and book. It will be of particular relevance to undergraduates studying Elizabethan poetry, graduate students and scholars of Renaissance poetry, for whom the formal aspect of the poetry has been a topic of growing relevance in recent years.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2020

        Simplified Cultivation Techniques of cotton

        by Wu Ruoyun

        Aiming at the current situation and problems of cotton production, this book introduces a series of light Simplified Cultivation Techniques of cotton, including the characteristics of cotton growth period, overview of light Simplified Cultivation of cotton, key techniques and modes of light Simplified Cultivation of cotton, management measures of different growth periods of cotton, technical regulations of light Simplified Cultivation of cotton, etc.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2021

        Cookbook of Suiyuan Garden

        by Yuan Mei

        Yuan Mei is a culinary expert with rich experience. His Cookbook of Suiyuan Garden is an important work that systematically introduces Chinese cooking skills and cuisines in southern and northern China. The gourmet’s Cookbook of Suiyuan Garden summarizes his 40 years of culinary practice. As an important masterpiece of Chinese food in the Qing Dynasty, it details the dietary habits and cooking skills in Jiangsu and Zhejiang during the Qianlong period with traditional Chinese essays, describes 326 popular cuisines from the 14th century to the 18th century in China, and introduces famous liquor and tea at that time.

      • Trusted Partner

        Jiu-Jitsu brésilien – Techniques de base et avancées

        by Fabio Duca Gurgel do Amaral

        Jiu-Jitsu brésilien – Techniques de base et avancées Par Fabio Duca Gurgel do Amaral Le jiu-jitsu, qui signifie littéralement « l’art doux », est une forme populaire d’autodéfense qui ne repose pas nécessairement sur la force physique et sur la puissance. Fabio Gurgel, sept fois champion du monde, nous présente une série complète en deux volumes (Techniques de base et Techniques avancées) qui introduit la simplicité dans les mouvements complexes de cet art martial, lorsqu’il nous révèle étape par étape les secrets du Jiu-Jitsu. Ces livres sont pleinement illustrés et simplifient les expressions techniques de la forme artistique, de façon à permettre à chaque étudiant d’apprendre et de s’améliorer. Au départ, le jiu-jitsu avait été développé pour les samurai, d’anciens guerriers qui n’avaient que peu d’armure, ou pas du tout, pour se défendre contre un ennemi plus puissant et mieux armé. Ainsi, le jiu-jitsu est le père des arts martiaux japonais, y compris le judo et l’aïkido, et il a influencé le karaté et d’autres styles d’arts martiaux. Il utilise des techniques de coups, de prises, de clés, de projections et d’esquives. Du point de vue mental, le jiu-jitsu enseigne la confiance en soi, accroît l’estime de soi-même, relâche le stress et augmente les facultés de concentration. Le jiu-jitsu emploie la physique et la science par les applications des moments et la connaissance de l’anatomie humaine pour venir à bout de tout agresseur en utilisant aussi peu d’effort et de force physique que possible. Le jiu-jitsu brésilien diffère du jiu-jitsu traditionnel par le fait qu’il a été développé dans un environnement et des lieux différents en réponse à des besoins différents. Cela a occasionné le développement de techniques supplémentaires qui correspondent mieux au combat sur le terrain et certaines nécessités appropriées pour affronter la violence dans la vie moderne. Aujourd’hui, le jiu-jitsu brésilien est réputé pour son excellent combat sur le terrain, le haut niveau de ses compétitions et de ses athlètes, ainsi que pour ses tactiques de pensée et de manœuvres. Sept fois champion du monde, Fabio Duca Gurgel do Amaral a commencé à pratiquer le jiu-jitsu à l’âge de 13 ans et a reçu sa ceinture noire à l’âge de 19 ans. Avec son maître, Romero Jacaré, il a fondé l’équipe Alliance Team, deux fois champion du monde, avec 40 académies à travers le monde – du Venezuela jusqu’à New York, et de la Finlande à l’Allemagne. Gurgel continue à enseigner dans sa propre académie à São Paulo et organise des séminaires à travers le monde. Il est le président de la Ligue Professionnelle du Jiu-jitsu. L'édition en anglais pour l'Amérique du Nord a été publiée en septembre 2008. L'édition tchèque a été publiée en septembre 2009. 176 pages ; 16.5 x 24 cm.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2016

        Language training for small moderators

        Children's Language Art Series Textbook

        by Guangzhou Aiyi Education and Training Institution

        This book is an extension of the "Children's Language Art Series Teaching Material-Language Skills Training for Little Hosts". Pinyin is added to facilitate learning and teaching. The teaching method is also more suitable for preschool children, through language training to exercise children's language expression ability. The book consists of two parts: basic knowledge and performance. Full color printing. The book core paper is 80 grams of Monken, which does not hurt the eyes.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        August 2020

        Tourism Planning and Development in Latin America

        by Carlos Monterrubio, Konstantinos Andriotis, Dimitrios Stylidis

        Despite the significance of tourism to the economic, social and environmental structures of Central and South America, little has been documented in the English literature about tourism in this sub-region, which in terms of population size, ranks fourth in the world with 652 million inhabitants. The first of its kind, this book focuses exclusively on tourism development, planning and their impacts in a wide number of Central and South American countries. It covers experiences, challenges, successful and unsuccessful stories, specific cases, and other tourism related issues of twelve countries in total. Each chapter is authored by scholars who have done extensive research on tourism in the countries covered. This book:Examines the impact of tourism development and planning within Latin American countries.Takes a multidisciplinary approach including Anthropology, Development, Economics, Ecology, Policy, Sociology and Tourism Planning and Management.Is the first book in English to offer an insight into extensive research undertaken within the region.This book will provide a valuable insight for tourism researchers, practitioners and decision-makers in private and public organisations, not only from the regions of Central, South and North America, but also individuals from other parts of the world who want a more encompassing view of global tourism. Table of contents Chapter 1: Strategies for regional tourism development in Argentina. A path with new initiatives for tourism dispersal policies Chapter 2: The commitment to sustainable tourism and the development of indigenous tourism in Chile Chapter 3: Tourism development in Colombia: between conflict and peace Chapter 4: Ecotourism development in Costa Rica Chapter 5: The challenges of natural and cultural heritages of Galapagos and Quito, Ecuador Chapter 6: Tourism development in Mexico Chapter 7: Panama, the "affordable exotic destination": planned tourism success and its unplanned consequences Chapter 8: The impacts of tourism in economic growth and development in Uruguay Chapter 9: Peru and Nicaragua: tourism development in postconflict eras Chapter 10: Ecuador and Panama: Lifestyle mobilities, the golden years and the quest for paradise

      • Trusted Partner
        Food & Drink

        Turning Meals into Art

        by Guo Lina

        Transform your dining table into a canvas with this collection of creative recipes. The author skillfully combines art forms with culinary techniques to create dishes that are true works of art, such as Monet's Water Lilies Noodle Soup, Forbidden City Tomato Scrambled Eggs, Blue Ocean Curry, and Northern Lights Snow Mochi. Each recipe is presented with beautiful images and detailed instructions, including tips to avoid common pitfalls and enhance flavors. Discover a new dimension of cooking and enjoy making food that turns everyday meals into shining masterpieces.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2020

        Cultivation techniques of traditional Chinese Medicine

        by Zhu Jiaoqi

        Based on 13 kinds of medicinal plants which are widely planted in southern provinces and have good market prospects at present, this book briefly describes the characteristics and industrial development status of 13 kinds of medicinal plants. Combined with the research results of Hunan Institute of agricultural environment ecology (Research Center of medicinal plants of Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences) in recent years, this book focuses on the standardized planting technology of 13 kinds of medicinal plants, including planting system, planting system, planting method, planting method and so on Cultivation methods, fertilizer and water management, integrated prevention and control of diseases, pests and weeds, and primary processing technology in producing area.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Mega Gajah Cooks for Her Class

        by Andy Bianchi

        Mega and her class are preparing for a parade. Mega wants to sew costumes but she can't because she doesn't have fingers. But Mega has a trunk and she is very good at cooking. She can do something that other kids in the class can't do!

      • Trusted Partner

        Does Movement Really Make Us Smart?

        by Petra Jansen, Stefanie Richter

        Media reports often praise movement as a cure-all. But apart from its undisputed positive effect on health, does movement really make us smarter? Consider a national football team, for example – are these excessively sports-driven players automatically the smartest people? Should we simply replace all school subjects with sports? The authors provide a detailed summary of the latest scientific findings on the influence of movement on cognitive ability. They describe the effects of movement, on old age, embodiment, emotion, school as well as other factors that influence cognition. Target Group: teachers, lecturers, psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, psychotherapists, movement therapists.

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