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      • Dr. Constantin Pana Buchverlag

        Aim of our publications is to provide generally understandable knowledge from philosophy, psychology and health to be able to reach a satisfied, healthy and happy life.

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      • Rights2 Consultants

        Ruth Tellis and Clare Hodder founded Rights2 to offer a unique consultancy service, bringing their collective experience of over 35 years in Rights management to provide practical, no-nonsense solutions to real-world rights issues for publishers of all sizes. They manage rights sales on behalf of Practical Inspiration Publishing ( in addition to running the Small Publisher Rights Showcase with the UK's Department for International Trade (

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      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        December 2012

        Hispanic and Lusophone women filmmakers

        Theory, practice and difference

        by Parvati Nair, Julian Gutierrez-Albilla

        This volume examines the films of Hispanic and Lusophone women filmmakers from the 1930s to the present day. It establishes productive connections between film practices across these geographical areas by identifying common areas of concern on the part of these female filmmakers. Focusing on aesthetic, theoretical and socio-historical analyses, it questions the manifest or latent gender and sexual politics that inform and structure the emerging cinematic productions by women filmmakers in Portugal, Spain, Latin America and the US. With a combination of scholars from the UK, the US, Spain and Latin America, the volume documents and interprets a fascinating corpus of films made by Hispanic and Lusophone women and proposes research strategies and methodologies that can expand our understanding of socio-cultural and psychic constructions of gender and sexual politics. An essential resource to rethink notions of gender identity and subjectivity, it is a unique contribution to Spanish and Latin American Film Studies and Film Studies. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Hispanic and Lusophone women filmmakers

        Theory, practice and difference

        by Parvati Nair, Julian Gutierrez-Albilla

        This volume examines the films of Hispanic and Lusophone women filmmakers from the 1930s to the present day. It establishes productive connections between film practices across these geographical areas by identifying common areas of concern on the part of these female filmmakers. Focusing on aesthetic, theoretical and socio-historical analyses, it questions the manifest or latent gender and sexual politics that inform and structure the emerging cinematic productions by women filmmakers in Portugal, Spain, Latin America and the US. With a combination of scholars from the UK, the US, Spain and Latin America, the volume documents and interprets a fascinating corpus of films made by Hispanic and Lusophone women and proposes research strategies and methodologies that can expand our understanding of socio-cultural and psychic constructions of gender and sexual politics. An essential resource to rethink notions of gender identity and subjectivity, it is a unique contribution to Spanish and Latin American Film Studies and Film Studies.

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        Mozart: El hombre detrás de la música

        by Amos Navon

        Mozart: El hombre detrás de la música, por Amos Navon La historia deja constancia de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart como alguien cuyas melodías parecen haber brotado de ángeles, que llegaban a su mente más rápido de lo que podía anotarlas. ?Cómo logró desarrollarse y superarse profesionalmente a pesar de las tragedias familiares: la muerte de cuatro de sus seis hijos y graves problemas de salud? ?Cómo logró ser el músico más prolífico en la Europa del siglo XVIII a pesar de sus graves problemas económicos y de la dificultad para encontrar un trabajo permanente remunerador? ?Qué fue lo que impulsó a este asombroso erudito musical? En Mozart: El hombre detrás de la música, el Dr. Amós Navón, flautista clásico y consumado biógrafo, responde a preguntas profundas e hipnóticas acerca del hombre detrás de la música. Para ello, examina los elementos en la vida de Mozart que forjaron su personalidad y determinaron su destino, a medida que el lector acompaña al genial compositor en la travesía que plasmará la creación de su poco reconocida obra maestra, la ópera seria Idomeneo. El autor también describe el extraordinario desarrollo de Mozart al escribir música para instrumentos de viento para virtuosos amigos. También examinamos la colaboración de Mozart con Lorenzo Da Ponte, el libretista de sus tres óperas más importantes: Las bodas de Fígaro, Don Giovanni y Cosi fan Tutte. Pero no se trata sencillamente de un árido examen de composición. Aprendemos a conocer al Mozart tan humano, a Constanza, quien a duras penas sobrevivió como la esposa de Mozart y la madre de sus hijos y que tras su muerte, dedicó su vida a mantener vivo el recuerdo de su esposo. El lector sufre al seguir las desdichas económicas de Mozart en la época en que vivió en Salzburgo y posteriormente en Viena, sus interacciones con el barón Raymond Wetzlar von Plankenstein e incluso sus «cartas de súplica» a Michael Puchberg. El completo relato de este ser intensamente humano refleja la dependencia de Mozart en épocas de necesidad económica, el rol de los juegos de azar en su vida diaria, su actitud hacia la religión y si su sueño supremo de vivir una vida próspera y burguesa alguna vez se hizo realidad.   Dr. Amós Navón, graduado de la Universidad de Tel Aviv y de la Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén. Distinguido biólogo, flautista y miembro de conjuntos de música de cámara reconocidos a nivel nacional, que ha publicando anteriormente tres libros de poesía.   En la tapa: retrato de perfil de W.A. Mozart por Hieronymus Löschenkohl, 1785.

      • Fiction
        April 2024

        Moons of Instanbul

        by Sophie Goldberg

        Ventura, a beautiful young Turkish woman, travels to Mexico because her family has arranged her marriage to a fellow Sephardic immigrant. With a trunk full of hopes and traditions, she bravely faces the unknown, as she embarks on a surprising journey to start a new life, far from her homeland. The arrival, the nostalgia, the heart-wrenching uprooting and the adoption of a new homeland will mark her adventure as a migrant, until the long-awaited return to Turkey. Ventura will live each event with intensity and will season her days with the aromas, flavors, rhythms, colors and proverbs from the Far East. Amid recipes and customs inherited from her ancient culture, she will find the best antidote to homesickness, even if her memory cannot forget the Moons of Istanbul.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        February 2018

        Sustainable Bamboo Development

        by Zhu Zhaohua, Jin Wei

        This book presents over 40 cases of bamboo development across 22 major bamboo-industry countries and explores the knowledge gained from their successes and failures. It synthesises experiences and exchanges with country experts from international training courses and consultations, study tours, and seminars. Each case includes observations and summaries of discussions related to the development of bamboo-based industries in a healthy, sustainable way, and the facilitation of strategic and balanced development of bamboo in different global regions. Industrial and artisanal bamboo growing and processing is expanding worldwide and this book brings together key experiences to help inform future developments. This book provides an analysis of bamboo plant features, including strong renewability, fast-growing, and high biomass production. It also reviews important ecological functions of bamboos, such as water and soil conservation, carbon sink and storage, and adaptation to climate change, as well as addressing the diversified culture of bamboo and key issues affecting the sector. Sustainable Bamboo Development: - Is authored by an internationally recognised leading expert in the growth and use of bamboo - Takes a holistic view, covering technical, socio-economic, policy, cultural and business development - Provides practical knowledge to guide the development of bamboo sectors - Gives a clear idea and rich examples of what has been attempted in many countries - Acts as a roadmap for using bamboo as a poverty reduction and environmental security tool Highly illustrated and in full colour throughout, this book is an essential resource for all those interested in bamboo, from private sector investors to governmental and development agencies, academic researchers and students.

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2014


        by Constanza Gutiérrez

        Laura y sus compañeros son parte de la toma de un colegio para alumnos expulsados, donde es imposible saber qué año es, en qué provincia están y por qué empezó todo. Cada día sigue al anterior sin razón ni destino. Así, estos incompetentes parecen haber escapado de la violencia del Estado y la familia, pero no de la catástrofe inminente. Con una cómica y sombría mirada, esta novela construye la situación de una juventud inmóvil en medio de un contexto que les exige su participación.

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)
        May 2019

        Cuentos EX

        by Cristian Vázquez, David Gambarte, Constanza Ternicier, Paz Martín-Pozuelo, Juan Manuel Chávez, Sara Mañero, Fidel Masreal

        Who is not EX of something or someone? EX Stories brings together seven stories of encounters and disagreements that deliberate on the exceptionality of the routine and the spontaneity of the extravagant. Some of the inhabitants of this world of eccentricities are: a group of friends and acquaintances who settle their differences to find an exact moment and dissolve their opinions in the immensity of the unknown; an individual who excavates the banks of a foreign river while opening intimate underground galleries; some anonymous subjects who exclaustrate to demolish fears, demolish doubts and freely know themselves; a lady who exonerates an instinctive desire by giving a feeling oral form; a young man who accepts an absurd eventuality and learns to live with his bad luck; a man who excuses his wishes from the anguish of repetition or abandonment; and a pain-free poet idolized for penetrating uncertain abysses. The characters and voices in these stories exceed the limits of their own magnitude in search of an emotion, the jolt of which gives them the chance to explain themselves from a new exegesis.

      • Fiction

        Requiem for the Roses

        by Alejandra Ángeles

        Five young women - Alicia, Paula, Alondra, Constanza, and Marcela, are all cello students at the National Music Conservatory. They will run into a profesor who is obssessed with roses and young women, as much as he is obsessed with Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, which becomes the central leitmotif of Requien for the Roses, and the only common denominator between the women. Their five voices, and the voice of the professor, tell the story in a rhythm that closely follows Vivaldi’s score: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter are each one divided into three movements. The story follows the music. The novel is centered on the disappearance of three of the women – Alicia, Paula, and Alondra. Each one of them is a season: Alicia is Spring, Paula is Summer, and Alondra is Fall. Constanza, who is Winter, may or may not suffer the same destiny as their three predecessors. It may be up to her, or it may be up to the reader. While the destinies of Alicia, Paula, and Alondra has already been determined by their captor, and that of Constanza is up for grabs, Marcela, the fifth woman, search for answers as Alicia was her best friend. She immediately sets her eyes on the cello professor and his strange hobbies and habits.

      • Visitaciones

        by Olga Gutiérrez

        Se dice de la irradiación como la emisión de radiaciones luminosas, térmicas o magnéticas. Las palabras de alta actividad contienen elementos cuya irradiación se puede mantener durante siglos. Leer ATRITO en voz alta, direcciona a percibir la sonoridad potente. El mantra de una poética. Palabras no ordinarias, palabras de alienígena lenguaje, invenciones, reunión de sílabas para la ejecución gutural: nuevos sonidos. Partitura. Cántico. Abducción dicción. Algo conmociona por dentro con estas reverberaciones. Por alguna extraña razón, todo siempre coincide en una danza. Imagen: carátula: mantra sonoro. Radiaciones visuales donde lo Escheriano converge, rizoma. Radiaciones palabras emitidas desde cada página: El aire, el tacto, las acciones de las manos, la respiración: Anahata. No es necesario explicar la transmisión puesto que es, sucede. ATRITO potencia como cuando las grandes olas golpean contra las rocas. Una y otra vez. Así.

      • Personal & social issues: body & health (Children's/YA)

        Micaela's Confession

        by Cecilia Curbelo

        Micaela opens her Twitter and finds herself reading one word that destroys her: traitor. The worst part is that the accusation is from her best friend, Constanza. From that moment, she begins to relive the moments in history that caused her to act the way she did. In that journey of memories and thoughts, of struggles and confessions, very painful secrets will come to light. What will you do in the end? Her destiny depends on what you decide!

      • August 2023

        20,000 Leagues under the Sea

        by Jules Verne

        A thrilling classic of world literature With authentic illustrations that inspired the author himself With 10 special extras to take out and keep “You know, my friend, there is a monster out there... We will free the oceans of it! A very glorious mission... though very dangerous, too! It is one of those journeys from which one is not sure one will return home.” In the year 1867, the frigate Abraham Lincoln is sent on an expedition to hunt the mysterious, gigantic creature that has for some time been making the world’s oceans unsafe and has caused a great many shipwrecks. On board are the natural scientist Pierre Aronnax, his unflappable assistant Conseil and the intrepid whale hunter Ned Land. When the three men go overboard in a struggle with the monster, they learn its true nature. Together with Captain Nemo and his fantastical submarine the Nautilus, they embark on an adventure that takes them through the deeps and wonders of the seas. Jules Verne’s classic of world literature in an unabridged, modern translation with a helpful afterword and notes by Volker Deh. 10 beautifully designed extras take readers back to the period of the novel, bringing the story to life and providing fascinating background information. This collectors’ edition, with its detailed, thoughtful design and authentic illustrations that inspired the author himself, will make a handsome addition to anyone’s bookshelves.

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