De Vecchi/DVE - Confidential Concepts International Ltd.
We are from De Vecchi Ediciones / DVE, a publishing house with about 4000 titles in Spanish.
View Rights PortalWe are from De Vecchi Ediciones / DVE, a publishing house with about 4000 titles in Spanish.
View Rights PortalDer Concadora Verlag steht für inspirierende Medien und Veranstaltungen zu den Themen Mindful Leadership, Organisationsbezogenes Transformationsmanagement, Kommunikation und Mediation für Führungskräfte, BeraterInnen und MediatorInnen. Ein Schwerpunkt unserer Veröffentlichungen sind Medien zum Konfliktmanagement und zur systemischen Mediation.
View Rights PortalEn la ruta de la seda por Amnon Shamosh Amnon Shamosh, quien se dio a conocer como autor con la famosa saga familiar “Michel Ezra Safra y sus hijos” como también con docenas de cuentos cortos cautivantes que aparecieron en las colecciones tituladas “Mi hermana, la novia” y “Ruedas del mundo,” nos sorprende nuevamente con una novela moderna, brillante, y profunda. La historia gira alrededor de tradiciones de los antiguos tiempos y hechos históricos que se complementan. Todo ello mezclado con la imaginación de Shamosh, logra apasionar al lector. En el año 1400, el gran conquistador Timur Lang llega a la ciudad siria de Jalab (Aram de Soba) y desde ella envía diez familias judías de tintoreros de seda al exilio, desterrándolos a Samarkand, capital del imperio de Timur, en la ruta de la seda. Timur Lang también rapta vírgenes judías, y las retiene en sus harenes. Una de las vírgenes conquista el corazón del hijo de Timur, un hombre inteligente y creativo que gobierna bajo sus órdenes. El rey Elías, “hijo de la judía,” que fue criado en la fe islámica, embarca rumbo a España con el propósito de conocer y comprender el mundo cristiano y judío, en pleno apogeo en esa época en España. Elías, en busca de una identidad y también una novia, encuentra a ambas en Jalab, ciudad de sus ancestros maternos. Su joven esposa procede de la familia Dayan, con parentescos de la dinastía de la tribu de David. La novela está compuesta de tres líneas narrativas. La primera, acontece en el siglo quince y se centra principalmente en la familia real en el harén en Samarkand. La segunda, al principio del siglo veinte, en el barrio Bujaro de Jerusalén, donde inmigrantes de Bujaría y Jalab están apiñados juntos, y reciben la visita de los líderes de esta sociedad de nuevos judíos inmigrantes a la vecindad. La tercera línea narrativa acontece en la última década del siglo, con la inmigración masiva de judíos rusos; la historia se concentra en los inmigrantes Bujaros. El protagonista es Oshi Shauloff Ben-Shaul, nacido en el barrio Bujaro, cuya madre, de origen sirio (Jalab), es descendiente de la familia Dayan, anteriormente mencionada, y sus raíces pertenecen a una de las familias que fueron exiliadas de Jalab a Samarkand. Esta novela, emocionantemente erótica, mas refinada y moderada, tiene un estilo inmediato poderoso e inspirador – como esperamos de los trabajos de Amnon Shamosh.
Our forests are shrinking every year due to fires forestry. Trees and all life that inhabits them, from tiny microorganisms to families of birds and animals are destroyed by flames that in most cases, are caused by we, humans.
This book collects stories from several amazing girls! They are stories of achievements, overcoming, creating, developing self-esteem and much more! Based on an action on social media on the @meninasincriveis channels, we invited girls from all over Brazil to send us stories that narrated their experiences and focused on female empowerment. And for this network to continue to multiply, with each book sold, one will be donated to schools, organizations and girls directly.
O livro aborda as perspectivas contemporâneas da Análise OInstitucional, tanto do ponto de vista teórico, quanto da análise de experiências desenvolvidas em organizações públicas ou do terceiro setor. Na atualidade, vem ocorrendo uma série de retrocessos nas formas de organização social e política e na produção econômica e cultural, o que vem acentuando seu caráter autoritário, impactando as relações institucionais nos níveis do Estado, das organizações, dos movimentos sociais e dos grupos. Nesse momento, é possível perceber o advento de forças conservadoras que atuam para desconstruir conquistas fundamentais no âmbito dos direitos humanos e sociais, tornando-se obstáculo ao desenvolvimento da democracia e das instituições do bem-estar social, por meio do sucateamento dos sistemas públicos e do risco de alterações em leis conquistadas ao longo de décadas. Desse cenário, decorre a relevância e contemporaneidade destes escritos.
We hug, kiss and cuddle when we are in love. We want to always be close to that special person and even surprise them with gifts. All these actions also take part in the animal kingdom, but not only that! Animals also present a range of endless strange behaviors that will leave you speechless: chases, choreographies and tricks are only some of the things animals do to flirt their mating partners in order to stay together. A book with a sense of humour, but with a scientific and theoretical basis, full of unusual and amusing facts that aim to arouse your curiosity through simple texts, but incorporating the terms used in this specific field, what will broaden the reader's lexicon.
“Let my exploits and failures be evidence of my efforts as a brave soldier, as an ardent lover. I have been fortunate, and before the shadow prevails, I decided to tell this story, which, like all others, is made of light and mud, on a fugitive course and at rest. You are always captive of knowing you are alive and of dying I don’t know when,” says the protagonist of this novel, Miguel Díaz de Aux. Miguelico, they call him, and very young he participates in the conquest of Mexico, in the company of his father, of the same name, and his brother, Fernando.Spanish and Indian at the same time, son of an Aragonese and a Taino mother, Miguelico made his destiny in the battles of war, life and love. He rides manatees in his native Haiti, participates as a soldier in the capture of Tenochtitlan, falls in love with Isabel Moctezuma, plants guava trees, travels with Cortés to the Hibueras and is in charge of burying Cuahtémoc in a place known only to him. Un reino igual a ti is a novel of adventure and love. Mauricio Carrera confirms, as he did in Fortuna, la mujer de la Conquista, that there are still stories to be told in that bloody and marvelous event that was the Conquest of Mexico. He does it with his usual style, where the real and the fantastic are united, where literature peeks into the great historical facts, where the characters persist in our memory and where there are many phrases to hold on to in order to better face the arduous and astonishing of existence. A novel that will undoubtedly find a place in your bookshelf, in your soul, in your heart. Que mis hazañas y fracasos evidencien mis afanes de valiente soldado, de ardoroso enamorado. He sido afortunado, y antes que la sombra se imponga, decidí contar esta historia, que como todas, está hecha de luz y fango, en curso fugitivo y en sosiego. Se es cautivo siempre de saberse vivo y de morir no sé cuándo”, afirma el protagonista de esta novela, Miguel Díaz de Aux. Miguelico, lo llaman, y participa muy joven de la Conquista de México, en compañía de su padre, de igual nombre, y de su hermano, Fernando.Español e indio al mismo tiempo, hijo de aragonés y de madre taína, Miguelico se hace un destino en las batallas de la guerra, de la vida, del amor. Monta manatíes en su natal Haití, participa como soldado en la toma de Tenochtitlan, enamora a Isabel Moctezuma, planta árboles de guayaba, viaja con Cortés a las Hibueras y es el encargado de enterrar, en un sitio sólo por conocido él, a Cuahtémoc.Un reino igual a ti es una novela de aventuras y de amores. Mauricio Carrera refrenda, al igual que lo hizo en Fortuna, la mujer de la Conquista, que aún hay historias por contar en ese hecho cruento y maravilloso que fue la Conquista de México. Lo hace con su acostumbrado estilo, donde lo real y lo fantástico se unen, donde la literatura se asoma en los grandes hechos históricos, donde los personajes persisten en nuestra memoria y donde hay muchas frases dónde asirse para afrontar mejor lo arduo y asombroso de la existencia.Una novela que, sin duda, se hará de un lugar en su librero, en su alma, en su corazón. Mónica Lavín: “Mauricio Carrera puede hacer lo que se le pega la gana en su arte narrativo”.Agustín Monsreal: “Es un múltiple forjador de tramas y anécdotas, pero fundamentalmente un exacto y versátil hacedor de personajes”.Eduardo Antonio Parra: “Su voz resulta fundamental para la literatura mexicana actual”.
The revolutionary season of the "Primavera dei Popoli" would have been decisive for the Risorgimento’s mission. The liberal opening and the first parliamentary apprenticeship started the progressive disintegration of the Pre-unification States and a first consequent nationalization of the Italian space. Nonetheless, the 1848 also coincided with the conquest of public space: the proliferation and diffusion of newspapers concurred to radically modify revolutionary practice and, in many cases, to superimpose political militancy on journalistic militancy.Ferdinando Petruccelli della Gattina, Lucan, spearhead of the radical-democratic group, would have founded the most widely read, most widespread and most "guarded" newspaper of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies: «Il Mondo Vecchio e il Mondo Nuovo». La stagione rivoluzionaria della «Primavera dei popoli» sarebbe stata determinante per la missione risorgimentale. L'apertura liberale e il primo apprendistato parlamentare avviarono la progressiva disgregazione degli Stati Preunitari e una prima conseguente nazionalizzazione dello spazio italiano. Nondimeno il Quarantotto coincise anche con la conquista dello spazio pubblico: la proliferazione e diffusione dei giornali concorsero a modificare radicalmente la prassi rivoluzionaria e a sovrapporre, in molti casi, la militanza politica a quella giornalistica. Ferdinando Petruccelli della Gattina, lucano, punta di diamante del gruppo radical-democratico, avrebbe fondato il Giornale più letto, più diffuso e più "sorvegliato" del Regno delle Due Sicilie: «Il Mondo Vecchio e il Mondo Nuovo».
Dos tiempos coinciden en esta novela de Eduardo Lalo. El tiempo mítico y el histórico se entrecruzan en el relato de una montaña desde sus orígenes volcánicos hasta el presente. La que probablemente es la montaña más querida de los puertorriqueños, recupera aquí su nombre indígena y sirve de escenario para que fuerzas humanas y naturales luchen y se reconcilien, formen alianzas y defensas. Historia de Yuké es además un novedoso acercamiento a la conquista del Caribe, verdadero laboratorio para las posteriores incursiones europeas en el continente americano, que aquí es narrada lejos de las lógicas de los cronistas de Indias y de las historias eurocéntricas. Two times coincide in this novel by Eduardo Lalo. Mythical and historical time intersect in the story of a mountain from its volcanic origins to the present. What is probably the most beloved mountain of Puerto Ricans, here recovers its indigenous name and serves as a stage for human and natural forces to fight and reconcile, form alliances and defenses. History of Yuké is also a novel approach to the conquest of the Caribbean, a true laboratory for subsequent European incursions into the American continent, which is narrated here far from the logic of the chroniclers of the Indies and Eurocentric histories.
El lector conocerá sobre la circulación de libros entre los siglos XVI y XVII; el dinamismo del mundo impreso durante el siglo XIX y el papel del Estado en ese periodo; la modernización y especialización de los oficios y la formación de comunidades lectoras; así como la edición “independiente” y digital, y la venta de derechos de autores de literatura colombianos en el extranjero.
The fruit of an extensive research by Professor Percival Tirapeli, this richly illustrated work covers three centuries of Colonial and Baroque art, and is divided in three parts: “Colonial Urbanism”, “Ecclesiastical Architecture” and “Sacred Art – Furniture and Ornamentation”. “Colonial Urbanism” explains the differences and approximations of the layout and planned urbanism between Hispano-American and Portuguese-Brazilian cities. “Ecclesiastical Architecture” analyzes the cathedrals of the viceroyalties, the audiences and the Brazilian sees. The section “Sacred Art – Furniture and Ornamentation” completes the analysis of churches, examining their retable façades, the furniture of the altars and their ornamental complements, such as sculptures and paintings.
Since its very beginning, Christianity has been present in the Middle East. However, the rise of Islam toward the end of the seventh century and the political and linguistic dominion it exerted over that region has a deep impact on the area and the Christian communities. When Arabic became the language of culture, Christian authors adopted it in their writings. As a result of the ups and downs in their relation with Islam, there will be apocalyptic and apocryphal works in ancient Palestine monasteries, books by Melkite, Nestorian and Monophysite authors, dogmatic treatises and poetic compositions. Moreover, both the Bible and patristic, liturgical and hagiographical works were soon translated into Arabic. This literary activity took place not only in major centers such as Damascus, Baghdad and Cairo, but also in farther areas like Al-Andalus.
This second volume of New History of Brazilian Cinema covers Brazilian cinema from the postwar period up to the present, discussing the Cinema Novo and Cinema Marginal movements, the state-owned producer Embrafilme, pornochanchada (soft-core sex comedies) and the crisis and revival of Brazilian film production from the late 1980s to the mid-1990s, ending with an overview of experimental filmmaking, documentary film and contemporary film fiction up to 2016. Ebook version brings additional texts: “Brazilian New Cinema (1960-1972)”, by Bertrand Ficamos, and the extensive filmography “Brazilian films released from 1969 to 2016”, by Luiz Felipe Miranda
Non chiedete ad Axel Rombaldoni di guardare gli scacchi con occhi che non siano nuovi: semplicemente non ne è capace. Nella sua opera prima, il Grande Maestro pesarese condivide con il lettore il percorso che lo ha portato a vincere il titolo di Campione Italiano nel 2014 e ne trae utili strumenti per pianificare il proprio allenamento scacchistico. Il principale protagonista del libro è il ‘Cerchio degli Scacchi’, un innovativo strumento di autovalutazione sviluppato da Rombaldoni secondo i canoni della Programmazione Neuro-Linguistica (PNL). Non secondariamente, il libro è anche un’occasione per vedere da vicino alcune tra le migliori partite di Axel, uno degli scacchisti più fantasiosi d’Italia.
A lively book for those children who want to learn everything about the ancient Romans, Greeks end Egyptians. Many beautiful illustrations and fun comics throughout.
Organized by Fernanda Arêas Peixoto, professor at the Department of Anthropology of the University of São Paulo, and Adrián Gorelik, professor at the University of Quilmes, this book is the result of a collective research project about the cultural urban history in South America, which was developed by a group of South American researchers. Using as a compass the notion of “cultural arena”, this work performs a reflection on the city as a place of cultural germination, experimentation and resistance. Some cities – Buenos Aires, Santiago, Lima, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Salvador, Montevideo, among others – are studied in order to capture the intimate and inextricable relations between city and culture.
Tras el término de la Guerra Civil de 1891, el desierto del Norte Grande chileno se ha convertido en tierra fértil para la llegada de aventureros, contrabandistas y bandoleros, todo en busca de un solo objetivo: obtener la riqueza que yace bajo el suelo atacameño. Allí, en medio de la pampa, las historias del Flaco, la Rubia y el Indio se entrecruzan, mientras la oficina salitrera Santa Fe se alza como el escenario perfecto para una trama marcada por la cuestión social, los engaños, la rapidez del gatillo y la sed de venganza
The temptation par excellence, that craving that suddenly arises and we cannot fight it unless we satisfy it: the desire for chocolate. Perhaps it is because of this power that it is called the most loved food on the planet. Or perhaps it is because its cultivation, production and consumption - which has been growing strongly in the last 10 years - are spread across all continents. Napoleon Neri tells its story, starting with the plant and its fruit, from the pioneers of chocolate, to the birth of confectionery factories in the 19th century and then the great modern industries. He describes in detail the processing and transformation of cocoa beans, their beneficial properties, the sensory characteristics of the finished product, and spices everything up with a thousand anecdotes and curiosities that only those who have lived and worked in this world for so long can know.
Supernatural Terror set in the twenties. where seduction, desire y treason weaves a nightmarish fabric of mistery. THRILLER TERROR POLICE/CRIME Diego Felgueroso is a very vital libertine. His life is summed up in drinking, smoking and flirting with girls. He comes to town to work as trumpeter in a Cabaret and he falls for one of the dancers, the enigmatic Satanela. But what begins as a date turn out to be a ghostly encounter where he is taken from his body, confining him on another dimension. Seeking for revenge, Diego would do anything to come back and make Satanela pay for her treason. A window to the Europe of the 20th Simone’s drawing and colour are a masterpiece of light and shadows Thorough documentation that will make travel history lovers
Woman, empowerment and legacy, offers the possibility to discuss woman in a brazilian and overall scenario, their challenges, particularities, difficulties and the reflection and analysis of the unequal society that we face everyday. Through the choose of a strong theme like this, the author Silvana Mello, searches to contribute and leaves a positive mark for the future female generations.