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      • Clockwork Books

        Clockwork Books publishes for an African audience first, but we believe that our stories resonate with readers further afield. We would especially like to find new global audiences for our titles.

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      • Suug Productions

        Kontexte, Blickwinkel, Sichtachsen und Perspektivwechsel Was wir machen Das Internet sollte Zugang zu Wissen organisieren und ist ein Werkzeug zum Austausch von Ideen, Visionen und Lösungen. – Suug Productions kreiert Projekte mit Sinn – und dem Anspruch, die Welt durch neue und ungewöhnliche Kontexte, Blickwinkel, Sichtachsen und Perspektivwechsel zu einem etwas reizvolleren Ort zu machen.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        September 2023

        The Olive

        Botany and Production

        by Andrea Fabbri, Luciana Baldoni, Tiziano Caruso, Franco Famiani, Giovanni Agosteo, Barbera Giuseppe, Angjelina Belaj, Antonio Belcari, Karim Barkaoui, Giora Ben-Ari, Alon Ben-Gal, Giovanni Benelli, Rita Biasi, Iris Biton, Konstantinos Blazakis, Aureliano Bombarely, Antonio Brunori, Santa Olga Cacciola, Angelo Canale, Giovanni Caruso, Tiziano Caruso, Nicola Cinosi, Arnon Dag, Ran Erel, Daniela Farinelli, Louise Ferguson, Tommaso Ganino, Jesus A Gil-Ribes, Calero José Alfonso Gómez, Riccardo Gucci, Consolación Guerrero, Panagiotis Kalaitzis, Maurizio Lambardi, Lauri Pierre-Eric, Lorenzo León, Bianco Riccardo Lo, Enrico Maria Lodolini, Francisco Luque, Hanene Mairech, Picchi Malayka, Giulia Marino, Roberto Mariotti, Francesco Paolo Marra, G Medina-Alonso, José A Mercado, Maurizio Micheli, Soraya Mousavi, Monji Msallem, Dvora Namdar, Isabel Narváez, Elena Palomo-Ríos, Ruggero Petacchi, Pierluigi Pierantozzi, Malayka Samantha Picchi, Amalia Rosa Maria Piscopo, Fernando Pliego-Alfaro, Primo P

        The European or Mediterranean cultivated olive (Olea europaea L., subsp. europaea, var. europaea) is one of the most ancient cultivated fruit tree crops. Today, hundreds of olive varieties are grown to produce high-quality fruit for oil and for table olives consumption. The olive industry has undergone profound innovations in the past 30 years, due to scientific and technical advances, particularly in genomics, breeding, orchard management, mechanization and agro-ecology, although not all these developments are yet available to smaller producers. Olive cultivation has also spread to many countries outside the Mediterranean Basin, where it ihas been traditionally present for over 6,000 years. These new olive-growing countries are experiencing further expansion of the industry, due to increased awareness of the nutritional and health properties of extra virgin olive oil. This book is a much-needed update on olive biology and cultivation, with contributions from leading international experts, and includes: Biology Genetics and breeding Olive propagation and nursery Planting new olive orchards Horticultural management of olive orchards Plant protection Olive by-products (wood, leaves) Multifunctionality of olive groves and ecosystem services The Olive: Botany and Production is invaluable for researchers and students in horticulture and agriculture, as well as producers involved in olive orchard management.

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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2022

        Next-generation Sequencing and Agriculture

        by Philipp Bayer, David Edwards

        This book summarises the impacts that the genome sequencing revolution has had in all areas across animal and plant agriculture, including cattle, orphan crops, cash crops, and more, with reference to applications in many species and locations. It explains new techniques and their use in understanding epigenetics, breeding and conservation.

      • Trusted Partner

        The General History of Chinese Costume

        by Author: Liu Yonghua Illustrator: Liu Yonghua

        The General History of Clothing holds a large time span from the ancient Shang and Zhou Dynasties to the present, and the splendid clothing culture of China appears on the scroll of three meters. The scroll is designed to present on both sides. The front side shows the features of different clothes in different ages with the history of its handcraft, color blending, accessory and military. The back side shows the clothes features of each of china’s 56 nationalities. The Readers can lead the children to appreciate different culture charm and nourish the children’s cultural confident by researching different clothes.

      • Trusted Partner

        The General History of China

        by Author Lv Cha, Yang Zao; Illustrator: Lin Xin

        The General History of China holds a large time span from the ancient age to the present. It also holds a large space span from the transition of the territory, the transition of different dynasties, evolution of characters and the famous architecture in different periods to historical event, historical battles ,historical figures and locations. The book places the history of China in the global dimension by combining the significant events taking place in the world with the time axis and the concept of family, country and world. Its content includes many fields of society, politics, life, culture, technology and military. China’s history of 5000 years totally presents in the long scroll of 2.4meters. Following the paper and plots of time and space, the readers will learn the greatness and prosperity of China in the global view. The readers will feel the pulse of the history and experience the features of different dynasties.

      • Trusted Partner

        Multiple Sclerosis

        by Pearl B. Werfel, Ron E. Franco-Durán, Linda J. Trettin

        This innovative book will help both mental health and medical professionals empower patients or clients to live well with multiple sclerosis (MS). It is a practical, evidence-based, culturally relevant guide to the most effective current medical, psychological, and neuropsychological diagnostic methods and interventions. The book describes a biopsychosocial, multidisciplinary, and integrative approach to treatment and provides information on psychological, mind-body, and complementary interventions for symptom management and to increase quality of life. Both seasoned practitioners and students will find this volume useful in helping clients cope with this complex, unpredictable, and chronic neurological disorder. Target Group: clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, counselors, students.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2021

        Bonbon and Blanket

        by Emily House

        A new children's picture book by author Emily House (of Earth Takes a Break) brings us the heartwarming tale of Bonbon and Blanket and the lengths we'll go to hold onto those we love. A great pick for a kids' bedtime storybook! Bonbon and Blanket’s friendship is full of fun and adventure, but the pair very soon discover that not every adventure is of their own choosing!

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2024

        Introduction to Animal and Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology

        by Victoria Aspinall, Melanie Cappello, Catherine Phillips

        A sound knowledge of anatomy and physiology is an essential basis for the effective clinical treatment of companion animals and farm animals alike. The fifth edition of this bestselling textbook continues to provide students with a comprehensive description of the anatomy and physiology of dogs, cats, birds, exotics, farmed animals, and horses. This new edition: Contains detailed descriptions of the systematic anatomy and physiology of a wide range of animal species with expanded bird coverage for the first time. Includes applied anatomy tips that relate theory to clinical practice. Considers anatomy education not only for veterinary science students, but also those studying wider animal science, animal behaviour, or agriculture. Newly enhanced with an online test-yourself course and augmented reality animations to view on your phone and bring the subject to life, this book is an essential and easy to understand introduction for all those embarking upon a veterinary, animal science or animal management career.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2015

        Gift of the Dark Mother Earth

        by Can Xue

        Gift of the Dark Mother Earth, the latest novel by Can Xue, is a profound metaphor of her hometown. It follows her usual magical style in the sense that it vividly unfolds the complex and delicate inner world of the characters. The story takes place in the remote Wuliqu School, with such distinctive characters as Teacher Meiyong, Zhang Danzhi, Yutian, Xiao Man, Uncle Yun and Sha Men presented one after another. The personality and human nature exposed through unique dialogues enable the readers to feel a return to simplicity so that they want to explore human soul and nature and start in-depth reading and thinking. The book depicts petty matters in a great age. The author’s ambition is to create a feeling for the pattern of the whole universe through the structure of an ordinary tree leaf, and to unify the arbitrarily split world through the narration of various folk sundries so that different characters can all become the center of this unity and their performance can have a universality. As the only Chinese writer who has won the Best Translated Book Award in the United States, Can Xue was nominated for the foreign novel prize of The Independent of the UK and shortlisted in the Neustadt International Prize for Literature of the US. As the Chinese woman writer, whose works have been translated and published the most abroad, Can Xue has been called the most creative Chinese writer by overseas critics.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2025

        Illustrated Garden Glossary

        by Enid Mayfield

        The Illustrated Garden Glossary is a comprehensive glossary of over 1000 terms related to gardening and horticulture, each supported by superb colour illustrations to aid understanding. The topics covered include plant classification, morphology and growth; plants from seeds; propagation; soil; compost; planting systems; pruning; pests and diseases; water and more. The glossary also explores terms relating to the history of gardens, from ancient Greece and Egypt, to gardens across Asia and the Middle East, and through to our modern-day urban farms. The Illustrated Garden Glossary is a must-have reference for gardeners, plant scientists, horticulturalists, students, libraries, ecologists and urban farmers.

      • Trusted Partner
        Family & relationships

        Bean Trellis, My Mother-in-law

        by Ma Ruifang

        As the Chinese saying goes, "mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law are natural enemies". However, Bean Trellis, My Mother-in-law depicts the close bond of the author as daughter-in-law with her mother-in-law for more than three decades. Wherein lies the secret?   "仁" Benevolence, "义" righteousness, "礼" courtesy, "智" wisdom, and "信" faith are constant beliefs of the Chinese people, which in the author's eyes are also the most admirable qualities of her mother-in-law, who is illiterate, yet hardworking, kind, and full of the wisdom of simple life. Her kindness and generosity is just the secret to the well-being of the whole family.   Aside from describing the unique in-law relationship, this book also looks at the ups and downs of a big Chinese family from the 1970s to the 2020s. With humorous and documentary storytelling, the author wrote her life stories just like chatting with neighbors under the bean trellis. It is all-encompassing, containing traditional Chinese wisdom about getting along with the world, educating children, and even cooking, which could provide new reading experiences and inspiration for all readers.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2023


        Botany, Production and Uses

        by Annette Richardson, Jeremy Burdon, Ross Ferguson

        Kiwifruit is one of the few fruit crops that has been successfully introduced to the marketplace and for which commercial production in several countries has expanded rapidly over the last 50 years. Kiwifruit science and production has advanced significantly during this time, with multiple new green-, yellow- and red-fleshed cultivars being commercialized while moving into the era of genomics, sustainability, digital technology and automation. This book reviews the scientific and technical information published on kiwifruit, their biology and management. It provides a comprehensive reference on kiwifruit, including their history, genetic material, culture, physiology, pest and disease control, and fruit consumption. Particular attention is given to recent threats and opportunities, including environmental issues, the disease Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae, new genetics, new growing areas and technology advances. Contributions from a wide range of international specialists ensure coverage of key aspects of kiwifruit and their culture in different environments. Of particular interest to academic researchers in horticulture, the book is also suitable for a wider audience including extension personnel, growers, consultants, and professional and technical staff associated with the kiwifruit industry.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2023

        Dad and I are going to space

        by Jacques Jabié (Author), Marysya Rudska (Illustrator)

        Mars mission is off.Starteam selection is over.My father and I are the candidates.In fact, Father is ready for space after his work,Still I am free at any time till the beginning of school.We should hurry up!   From 3 to 6 years, 587 words. Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2020

        Stanford Mother's Enlightenment of Multiple Thinking

        by Stanford Mother

        For parents, cultivating children's ability to face the future is a very important thing. This book provides parents with a new set of scientific thinking mode to build children's low-level abilities during the critical period of their children's preschool growth. The book consists of six chapters, including: independent learning ability, multi-dimensional thinking ability, continuous action ability, common imagination, deep influence, and life design ability. By reading this book, parents can practice 32 specific scientific thinking methods summarized by Stanford mothers with their children, and cultivate their children's 6 core abilities for the future. On the basis of helping children improve their thinking ability, they also help parents to improve themselves and guide the positive development of the whole family.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        My Dad and Me

        by Dmytro Kuzmenko (Author), Oksana Drachkovska (Illustrator)

        Who are the ghostinosours? What are clouds made of? How to prepare trubel and what may happen if you do not limit yourself and do everything you want? My Dad and Me’s main hero is about 4 years old and seeks to find answers to all these questions. His life is full of adventures: he is a dreamer and make-believer. He often disobeys his father and dislikes brushing his teeth. All in all, every young reader can find a bit of themselves in this little one. My Dad and Me is a treasure book of honest, warm-hearted stories about the close connection between father and son, about little things and great discoveries in the eyes of children, about trust and adventures they can share, and fundamentally, about mutual understanding. Even when someone can’t pronounce “r " yet!   From 6 to 9 years,  4883 words Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner
        Rural communities
        May 2002

        Contracting for Agricultural Extension

        International Case Studies and Emerging Practices

        by Edited by William M Rivera, Willem Zijp

        In many countries of the world agricultural extension services are shifting from the public to the private sector. Services are thus being contracted out, to improve the financing and delivery of agricultural knowledge.The book presents a range of case studies from Australia, Bangladesh, Chile, China, Germany, Mozambique, USA and others, that are presented to demonstrate the range of approaches. Topics covered include off-loading public sector extension delivery services, contracting to improve environmental services and farmers contracting for commercial advisory services.This volume presents work developed by the Agricultural Knowledge and Information Systems (AKIS) Thematic Group of the World Bank, in collaboration with the University of Maryland, to examine contracting for extension services.

      • Trusted Partner
        Rural communities
        April 2005

        Innovations in Rural Extension

        Case Studies from Bangladesh

        by Edited by Paul Van Mele, A Salahuddin, Noel P Magor

        During the past five years, the PETRRA (Poverty Elimination Through Rice Research Assistance) project has explored the development of innovative extension mechanisms through a learning-by-doing process with multiple service providers. Partnerships linked government, non-government and private sectors as appropriate. Topics addressed by the project include seed production and distribution systems, crop and soil fertility management, postharvest technologies, mobile pumps, aromatic rice and integrated rice-duck farming. The methods used include women-led group extension, whole family approach, participatory video, Going Public and picture songs. This book examines these approaches to extension and assesses their potential for replicability and scaling-up. It includes four thematic sections with people-centred case studies and a conclusion with practical applications of the transaction cost theory.

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        May 2017

        Building Agricultural Extension Capacity in Post-Conflict Settings

        Case Studies

        by Paul McNamara, Austen Moore

        This book (a) investigates the experiences and issues involved with rebuilding extension systems (including public sector, private sector, and non-governmental organization (NGO) extension) in post-conflict settings, (b) evaluates the impact of different extension policy approaches and practice in such settings, and (c) identifies the key elements needed to effectively rebuild agricultural extension systems and programs in post-conflict contexts. The chapters include country-specific case studies that provide a descriptive account but also analyze strategies, successes and failures, and lessons learned. A synthesis chapter examines insights and lessons learned across post-conflict settings, and identifies the elements and investments needed to rebuild extension systems and programmes in these contexts. ; This book investigates the experiences and issues involved with rebuilding extension systems n post-conflict settings. It evaluates the impact of different extension policy approaches and practice in such settings, and identifes the key elements needed to effectively rebuild agricultural extension systems and programs in post-conflict contexts

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