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      • Borobudur Agency

        Borobudur Agency act to represent Indonesian publishers and authors for children’s and young adult books; picture books; comic books; fiction: novels, literary works; non-fiction: cookbooks, fashion (especially Muslim wear for women), social studies, Indonesian arts and culture, as well as interactive digital textbooks and software. We facilitate members of IKAPI, book publishers who assign the agency to promote their rights for overseas licensing, and accordingly promote the works of Indonesian authors for international readership.

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      • Bollati Boringhieri editore S.r.l. a socio unico

        Our publishing company was founded in 1957 by Paolo Boringhieri focusing on science, mythology and ethnology. In 1987 Giulio Bollati joined the company, taking with him his expertise in history, philosophy , and literary fiction.Since then , the two souls of the publisher scientific studies and humanities have followed intertwined paths.  In 2009 Bollati Boringhieri was a cquired by Gruppo editoriale Mauri Spagnol (GeMS) a group including 11 publishing companiesand 20 imprints. On the non fiction side, we are strongly interested in every project that shows human comprehensive history.  Gems of our list include, among others Edmund de Waal , Jim Al Khalili, Nick Bostrom, Adam Rutherford, Hannah Fry,Jonathan Gottschall , Frank Close, Max Tegmark.

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      • Trusted Partner

        Ni un pelo de tonto

        by Hillel Lerman

        Ni un pelo de tonto: por qué terminamos justamente donde debemos terminar por Hillel Lerman Ted y Jimmy acaban de completar sus estudios en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Georgetown. Están a punto de dejar la habitación estudiantil que comparten y de regresar a casa, pero discuten. Jimmy afirma que en unos pocos años será senador. Su padre es un afamado abogado y promocionará la elección de su hijo. Ted dice que de ninguna manera, que Jimmy no es apto para ser senador. El profesor Carter, muy admirado por sus dos ex estudiantes, casualmente pasaba cerca y ellos le preguntaron si en efecto, existe algo así como ser «apto para ser senador» y si piensa que Jimmy será capaz de cristalizar su ambición. Carter les responde con una propuesta muy inusual: acompañarlo en un viaje alrededor del mundo durante dos semanas en distintos lugares del globo, para ayudar a impulsar su investigación. « La interrogante sobre Jimmy», dice, «es mucho más amplia, ya que concierne a principios básicos e importantes, que determinan el camino que las personas emprenden en sus vidas. Esto nos ayudará a entender por qué George es un conductor de autobús que se pasa los días en viajes de ida y vuelta entre Washington y Baltimore y por qué Edward es el embajador británico en Egipto. También nos brindará una respuesta a la pregunta que inicialmente plantearon». Lo que el profesor Carter se abstiene de mencionar es que se está jugando toda su carrera académica por estos dos estudiantes.El motivo real de la invitación, es que Carter necesita desesperadamente ayudar a probar una teoría que ha desarrollado, de la que sus colegas de la facultad se mofan.« Decidan rápido», les pide.« Partiremos pronto…» Esta inspiradora novela insiste con ingenio en la noción de que no hay una verdadera diferencia entre un profesor universitario y un bedel y que lo único que difiere son sus profesiones. A diferencia de lo que nos han hecho creer, nadie es más inteligente que otro y de la misma manera, nadie es más tonto que los demás.La gente es solo eso, gente.La mujer china inclinada sobre una parcela de arroz, tal como el presidente del Tribunal Supremo, tiene anhelos, ambiciones y sueños, siente felicidad, tristeza y dolor. Esta verdad aparentemente obvia se presenta de manera clara y convincente en este fascinante relato, que cautiva la mente y la imaginación del lector desde el principio hasta el sorprendente final. Se trata de un viaje de descubrimientos cuyo destino es el ser humano y que evita caminos trillados y examina conceptos familiares como igualdad y racismo desde un punto de vista totalmente diferente. Esta búsqueda desafiante lleva al lector de los barrios bajos de Bombay a un campo de fútbol en Buenos Aires, de ahí al barrio Borough Park de Brooklyn y de ahí a la Biblioteca del Congreso en la ciudad de Washington. Una escena tras otra, el hilo del relato se va aclarando gradualmente hasta revelar el código que lleva a los seres humanos a los lugares en los que se encuentran en la vida. ?Por qué George es conductor de autobús, mientras que Edward es embajador? Ni un pelo de tonto brinda la respuesta.   Hillel Lerman es ingeniero industrial, dirigió varias empresas start-up desde sus comienzos, algunas de las cuales lograron salidas de éxito y también estableció tres compañías start-up por iniciativa propia. Hace muchos años que se interesa en la filosofía, en particular en el ámbito de la determinación y la libre elección. El autor está casado, tiene cuatro hijos y un número creciente de nietos.Escribió este libro durante un viaje de negocios obedeciendo a un impulso repentino, sin motivación financiera ni de ningún otro tipo.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        December 2017

        Transforming Travel

        Realising the potential of sustainable tourism

        by Jeremy Smith

        Transforming Travel combines stories from leading companies, interviews with pioneers and thinkers, along with thorough analysis of the industry's potential to make lasting, positive change. - A unique collection of case studies and stories of the most successful, inspirational, impactful and innovative travel businesses in the world. - A vital presentation of the latest research and statistics on the positive impacts and potential of transformative, sustainable tourism, - A positive and realistic vision of the scope of tourism to promote sustainable development at a time when travel and interaction with foreign cultures is facing numerous existential challenges. Written in a highly engaging style Transforming Travel presents an urgent argument for transforming tourism so it might reach its potential to promote tolerance, restore communities and regenerate habitats, while providing a vital guide for anyone looking to develop the successful sustainable tourism enterprises and destinations needed to do so.

      • Trusted Partner

        Nobody’s Fool (DE)

        by Hillel Lerman

        +   Enlarge Picture       Nobody’s Fool – Warum wir genau da landen, wo wir hingehören von Hillel Lerman Ted und Jimmy haben ihr Studium an der Georgetown University School of Law abgeschlossen.Sie sind gerade dabei, ihr Studentenwohnheim zu verlassen und wieder nach Hause zu fahren, da geraten sie in einen Streit.Jimmy behauptet, dass er in wenigen Jahren ein US-Senator sein wird.Sein Vater ist ein bekannter Anwalt, und er wird dafür sorgen, dass sein Sohn gewählt wird.Ted sagt, dass dies unmöglich sei. Jimmy sei kein Senator-Typ! Die beiden treffen Professor Carter, der von den beiden Ex-Studenten sehr verehrt wird.Sie fragen ihn, ob es überhaupt so etwas wie einen „Senatoren-Typ“ gibt und, wenn ja, ob er glaubt, dass Jimmy seinen ehrgeizigen Plan in die Realität umsetzen wird.Carters Antwort kommt in Form eines höchst ungewöhnlichen Vorschlags:Sie sollen ihn auf einer Reise um die Welt begleiten, bei der sie jeweils zwei Wochen an verschiedenen Orten bleiben, um seine Forschungen voranzutreiben.„Die Frage über Jimmy“, sagte er, „ist viel weitreichender.Sie betrifft extrem wichtige, grundlegende Prinzipien, die den Weg bestimmen, den Menschen in ihrem Leben einschlagen.“Sie lernen, warum George ein Busfahrer ist, der Tag für Tag zwischen Washington und Baltimore hin und her fährt, und warum Edward der britische Botschafter in Ägypten ist.Sie erhalten außerdem eine Antwort auf die Frage, die sie am Anfang ihres Abenteuer gestellt haben. Was Professor Carter jedoch nicht erwähnt, ist, dass er seine ganze akademische Karriere auf diese beiden Studenten setzt.Der wahre Grund für die Einladung ist, dass Carter dringend ihre Hilfe beim Nachweis einer Theorie braucht, die er entwickelt hat und die von seinen Kollegen in der Fakultät verspottet wird.„Entscheidet euch schnell“, sagt er ihnen.„Wir fahren in Kürze los...“ Dieser inspirierende Roman legt Zeugnis dafür ab, dass es keinen wirklichen Unterschied zwischen einem Universitätsprofessor und einem Hausmeister gibt. Nur ihre Positionen unterscheiden sich.Das ist alles.Im Gegensatz zu dem, was zu glauben wir programmiert wurden, ist keine Person klüger als eine andere, und keine ist dümmer.Menschen sind nur Menschen.Die chinesische Frau, die sich im Reisfeld bückt – ebenso wie der oberste Richter des obersten Gerichts – alle haben Wünsche, Ambitionen und Träume, fühlen Freude, Trauer und Schmerz. Diese scheinbar offensichtliche Wahrheit wird klar und überzeugend in dieser faszinierenden Geschichte präsentiert, die den Leser von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite (mit ihrem überraschenden Ende) fesselt.Sie ist eine Entdeckungsreise in die Menschlichkeit. Sie führt abseits der ausgetretenen Pfade zu Begriffen wie Gleichheit und Rassismus aus einer völlig anderen Perspektive. Diese anspruchsvolle Reise führt den Leser aus den Slums von Bombay zu einem Fußballfeld in Buenos Aires, dann in das Stadtviertel Borough Park in Brooklyn, und von dort aus in die Library of Congress in Washington, DC. Szene für Szene entwickelt sich der Faden der Geschichte allmählich und enthüllt den Code, der Menschen an ihren Platz im Leben führt.Warum ist George ein Busfahrer und Edward ein britischer Botschafter?Nobodys Fool liefert die Antwort.   Hillel Lerman ist ein Industrie-Ingenieur, der eine Reihe von Startup-Unternehmen von Anfang an begleitet hat. Einige dieser Unternehmen sind sehr erfolgreich geworden. Er hat außerdem drei Startup-Unternehmen selbst gegründet.Seit vielen Jahren beschäftigt er sich mit Philosophie, vor allem im Bereich Prädetermination und freier Wille. Der Autor ist verheiratet, hat vier Kinder und eine wachsende Gruppe von Enkelkindern.Er schrieb dieses Buch auf einer Geschäftsreise, aus einem plötzlichen Impuls, ohne finanzielle oder andere Motivation.

      • Graphic novels

        Carne de cañón

        by Aroha Travé

        Everything happens in the borough. And nothing is good. Yanira and Kilian are still bratsbut they are ready for the worst. And the worst is about to happen.Kilian banged his head with the edge of the table and now he is bleeding so much thatyou can almost see his cerebellum. Yanira, his older sister, comes up with the help of thesmelly heavy metal guys from next door. Jose, meanwhile, remains abducted by his pianotoy. A battery piano toy. A fucking piano toy.This is how Carne de cañón begins. And the only sure thing is it ends up badly.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2018

        Berlin – City of Revolts

        by Michael Sontheimer / Peter Wensierski

        “If you don’t fight, you’re not living right.” This is what it says on the crumbling façade of a building in the Kreuzberg borough of Berlin. Berlin is a city that is filled with places that were once the scenes of varied revolts: the student movement in the West, dissidents in the East, and the squatters, punks and pirate-radio operators in both parts of the city. The resistance movements in divided Berlin were quite varied, since they were fighting against two fundamentally different systems. But the motivations and courageousness of these mostly youthful rebels had something in common too, revolting as they were against outdated hierarchies and authorities.Michael Sontheimer and Peter Wensierski, both longtime residents of Berlin, have drawn a map of the many revolts in their city. They give contemporary witnesses their say, offer a wealth of photos, and invite the reader on a walk through Berlin.You only see what you know.

      • Lifetyle & personal style guides

        New York Behind Closed Doors

        by Polly Devlin (author), Annie Schlechter (photographer)

        New York is a town of more quartiers and arondissements than Paris, more souks and bazaars than Ciro, a place of havens from overwhelming energy and of studios where that energy is generated. Above all else it is where everyone wants to make a mark. And for a lot of New Yorkers the biggest mark of all is the place they live in – no matter where that is in the infinite diversity of the astonishing tumbling ziggurat that is New York, spilling across its parks and rivers and neighbourhoods. The grand, spacious apartments that line Fifth Avenue across from Central Park on the East Side have an entirely different feel from those opposite, on Central Park West, pinned in its middle by the legendary Dakota building. From the great mansions of Frick and Harkness in Manhattan to the buildings on the flanks of Morningside, from the hipster apartments of Williamsburg and Dumbo to the delightful Victorian houses on Park Slope, every concept of living from gracious to frenetic is to be found in the fabulous five boroughs. This book looks at a cross-section of these great spaces for living created by New Yorkers. It’s about the art of architecture and the art of living in this seething city; it’s about the ambition and zest of New Yorkers for their surroundings and it’s about the stories connected to them – from the Morris-Jumel House, the oldest house in the borough of Manhattan and once George Washington's headquarters to the chutzpah of Julian Schnael perching a copy of a Venetian palazzo atop a Lower East Side building and the ingenious and beautiful ways of living an eco-existence in Brooklyn, this is visual and literary feast of great houses and apartments of New York past and present.

      • Fiction
        January 2017


        by David Alexander

        Co-Co-Caleevio is a crime novel that begins and ends on the mean streets of Gravesend, the toughest neighborhood of New York City's toughest borough and the heart of notorious West Brooklyn. It's a place where organized crime still rules and where wise guys have to think fast, hit hard or get whacked. In between, the novel crosses international boundaries and time zones with the speed of sound as West Brooklyn's most accomplished safe and loft burglar takes on a European job in order to pay back the markers held on him by boss of bosses Tony the Pug. This is a caper novel to end all caper novels, a non-stop pager-turner from start to finish, and one of Author David Alexander's boldest books ever. Authors don't come any better than David Alexander, and his tough-as-nails global thriller Co-Co-Caleevio represents his taking the fine art of mayhem to an exciting new level of accomplishment. The depth of insight into the world of the Mafia, black intelligence ops, tomb raiding tombaroli, historical arcana, exotic military technologies and the inner mainsprings of political intrigue -- to name but a few of this book's points of focus -- seems at times close to envisaging actual events.

      • Fiction

        The King of West Brooklyn

        by David Alexander

        The King of West Brooklyn is a crime novel that begins and ends on the mean streets of Gravesend, the toughest neighborhood of New York City's toughest borough and the heart of notorious West Brooklyn. It's a place where organized crime still rules and where wise guys have to think fast, hit hard or get whacked. In between, the novel crosses international boundaries and time zones with the speed of sound as West Brooklyn's most accomplished safe and loft burglar takes on a European job in order to pay back the markers held on him by boss of bosses Tony Pug. This is a caper novel to end all caper novels, a non-stop page-turner from start to finish, and one of Author David Aleander's boldest books ever. Authors don't come any better than David Alexander, and his tough-as-nails global thriller The King of West Brooklyn represents his taking the fine art of mayhem to an exciting new level of accomplishment. The depth of insight into the world of the Mafia, black intelligence ops, tomb raiding tombaroli, historical arcana, exotic military technologies and the inner mainsprings of political intrigue -- to name but a few of this book's points of focus -- seems at times close to envisaging actual events.

      • May 2011

        Puritan Village

        The Formation of a New England Town

        by Sumner Chilton Powell

        An award-winning study of Puritans and the formation of their towns.

      • May 2023

        Brunch with Brother Marcus

        Recipes from the Eastern Med

        by Tasos Gaitanos, Alex Large

        Brunch at Brother Marcus is a weekend institution in London, and here in their first book you can find out why. Tas and Alex take the flavours of the Eastern Med to make dishes worth getting out of bed for, from simple favourites like Menemen - a spicy scrambled eggs made with peppers and tomatoes - to the sublime: think Pulled Lamb Flatbreads or Rosti with Fried Chicken and Eggs. Brunch with Brother Marcus also features recipes to make your own yoghurt, pickles, salt beef and breads as well as a drinks chapter that delivers both smoothies and fortifying cocktails such as the Brother Mary, or the alcohol-free Pomegranate Ginger Beer (sure to put a skip in your step). And there are sweets too, including traditional Baklavadika and a truly divine Portokalopita, an extraordinary orange filo pastry cake. You won’t want to brunch with anyone else.

      • Humour
        December 2014

        All Together One At A Time

        by Bridget Rowley

        When you reach Tether's End, if possible, fork off and go somewhere else. We arrived at Tether's End, rather than choosing to go there. If you have been there yourself, you will know exactly what I mean. Situated in the north side of Seaport, the area retains a flaking Victorian elegance and even flakier residents. In fairness to those who have lived and loved in this place, I apologise, but then my view has been warped by the aliens who came to live with us at the Tether's End Rest Home.

      • Fiction

        Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms

        Stories and Essays

        by Tim McLoughlin

        In Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, Tim McLoughlin draws upon his three-decade career in the criminal justice system with his characteristic wit and his fascination with misfits and malfeasance. A lifetime living and working in New York City feeds short stories that evoke a landscape of characters rife with personal arrogance and misjudgment; and nonfiction essays about toeing the line when the line keeps disappearing. An opioid-addicted catsitter electronically eavesdrops on his neighbors only to hear devastating truths. A degenerate gambler stakes his life on a long shot because he sees three lucky numbers on the license plate of a passing car. In the nonfiction essays, we learn that the system plays a role in supporting vice, as long as it gets a cut. Altar boys compete to work weddings and funerals for tips in the shadow of predatory priests. Cops become robbers, and a mob boss just might be a civil rights icon. McLoughlin shines a light on worlds that few have access to. Always urban, often New York–centric, in his work a recurring theme is chronic displacement, people standing still in a city that is always changing. These are McLoughlin’s ghosts, these casualties of progress, and he holds them dear and celebrates them.

      • October 2013

        Local Government in Connecticut, Third Edition

        by Frank B. Connolly, other Roger L. Kemp, Philip K. Schenck

        Indispensable guide to the ins and outs of Connecticut local government

      • Biography & True Stories
        October 2020

        JOAN BAEZ

        The Last Leaf

        by Elizabeth Thomson

        Since she stepped onstage unannounced at the 1959 Newport Folk Festival, Joan Baez has occupied a singular place in popular music. Within three years, she had recorded three best-selling albums and had embarked on a tour of southern US campuses, playing to integrated audiences in an era of segregation. When Time magazine chronicled the folk revival in November 1962, her portrait was on the cover. Her voice was “as lustrous and rich as old gold.” She has mentored generations of singer-songwriters, most famously Bob Dylan. But Joan Baez has always been much more than simply a singer. Even before she joined Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. on the podium at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in August 1963, she had used her gift to bring solace and hope to people who had little of either. In words and deeds, Baez has consistently championed social justice, nonviolence the guiding principle of her life, and the causes for which she has campaigned are legion. Whether playing to integrated audiences in the American south during the years of segregation, in Latin America during the years of brutal dictatorships, or Sarajevo under siege, Baez offered “an act of love, sharing, witness and music”. Approaching 80, she has stepped down from the stage following a worldwide farewell tour and a final, Grammy-nominated album. She is now embarked on a new chapter of life—painting.Drawing on interviews with long-time friends and musical associates, and on conversations across four decades with Baez herself, Joan Baez: The Last Leaf is a celebration of a timeless figure whose music and influence will endure long after her voice is silenced. The Discography is by Grammy-nominated music historian Arthur Levy. "I don t think it is an exaggeration to say that this is a book destined to become the definitive word on the life and times of Joan Baez; put it on your list of this year's essential reads."Americana UK Author Elizabeth Thomson has written articles and interviews in newspapers and magazines around the world, including The Times and MOJO. A contributor to The New Grove Dictionary of Music & Musicians, Thomson is also the editor of Conclusions on the Wall: New Essays on Bob Dylan and the co-editor of The Dylan Companion.

      • Humour
        August 2012

        The A Z of Being British

        by Brian Titrage

        As its cover suggests, The A to Z of Being British is an acerbic take on the state of modern Britain. Funny, insightful and eversoslightly nonPC, the book is split into 70 alphabetic sections. It covers a range of topics from the generic (e.g. democracy) to the specific (e.g. Jeremy Clarkson) and from the perennial (e.g. Wimbledon) to the very topical (e.g. banks). I’m very fair in my criticism, being equally disgusted with everyone and everything that gets a mention. That hasn’t stopped some from taking offence, however, so be warned – this is not a book for the fainthearted or the deeply patriotic. There are many good, kind, hardworking people of integrity in Britain, but my book isn;t about them. Instead, I wrote it for them. Or to be more precise I wrote it for me, but with them in mind. Not all good, kind, hardworking people of Britain will welcome it. Some already haven’t. That came as no surprise, because not everyone takes a balanced view. Patriotism distorts, just as power corrupts. My book isn’t fair either. It’s a caricature, Britain seen grotesque in the cruellest of funfair mirrors, a counterbalance to all those people who lead our Government and our industries who aren’t kind people of integrity, and who are doing very nicely thank you out of screwing the nation while telling us that Britain is still Great. Well, it isn’t, and The A to Z of Being British explains in the clearest possible terms why. It's catharsis. Enjoy!

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        The Korean-American Dream

        Portraits of a Successful Immigrant Community

        by James Flanigan

        Chairman Yang Ho Cho, head of Korean Air and Hanjin, talks of Los Angeles as a “microcosm of the United States—a land built of immigrants who want to do one thing: improve their lives.”In The Korean-American Dream, respected and distinguished business journalist James Flanigan uncovers the struggles and contributions of the people who have made Los Angeles the largest Korean city outside of Seoul.This intimate account illustrates how Korean immigrants have preserved their culture and history as well as adapted to the American culture of E Pluribus Unum, the radical promise of “out of many, one.” Flanigan shows how Los Angeles emerged as a capital of the Asia Pacific region.At less than 2 million, Korean Americans are a relatively small group compared to new Americans from China, the Philippines, and India. But with energy and drive, they are building landmarks in New York as well as L.A., lobbying for causes in Washington, founding businesses, heading universities and hospitals, and holding public office in all parts of the U.S.

      • Classic crime
        December 2012

        The Analyst

        by Brandon Rolfe

        Set in Victorian London, The Analyst follows a trail of intrigue in a realistic period setting reflecting a 'modern' scientific society that still drags a dark underside of squalid desolation. It tells of a grim struggle -- a tragedy -- of a man's sanity slipping away, gradually deteriorating to the point of him eventually going over the edge with horrendous consequences. His brain screamed. The room rapidly becoming claustrophobic, with the walls crushing in on his mind. If he remained here it would suffocate him, annihilate him. Destruction now reared up in his mind, a heaving black monster held back on naught but feeble leash. The novel is directed at the psychological conscience-probing mystery section of the fiction market, the main character's mental conflict, with its hauntingly mind-searching flashbacks, putting it into the Freudian/Hyde bracket.

      • Music


        An Illustrated Record

        by Mike Evans

        For more than four decades, Leonard Cohen’s mournful ballads of desire, heartbreak and lost faith have captivated audiences the world over. Since his death in November 2016, the awardwinning Canadian songwriter, novelist and poet is now more popular than ever. Cohen is revered as a cultural icon and master of his craft, and this is the first complete guide to his studio and live albums. Offering a comprehensive overview of each LP – from writing and recording through to release and legacy – Leonard Cohen: An Illustrated Record is a richly illustrated tribute to the body of recorded work that has made Cohen a legend in his own lifetime.

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