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      • Secretos de un ausente


        El abogado más renombrado del país, dueño de uno de los estudios jurídicos más poderosos, fundado y dirigido durante décadas con mano de hierro, ha desaparecido sin más, del sanatorio donde era atendido por una dolencia cardíaca. Pide que no lo busquen, pero deja por detrás muchas cuestiones pendientes. Desaparece pero no se va de las vidas de sus allegados. Ha dejado sustitutos que actúen por él. Cecilia y Agustina, medias hermanas y sobrinas del ausente, de la noche a la mañana deberán lidiar con un estudio pródigo en cuestiones que desconocían, pese a trabajar allí durante años,  y que las ponen en riesgo. Descubrirán, entonces, que el mundo perfecto en el que han vivido no lo es tanto y que, tras las apariencias, muchos son muy diferentes de lo que pretenden mostrar. Sobre todo, en aquellos ámbitos en los que el poder, el dinero y el derecho se dan la mano. Surgen extraños adversarios que en parte se muestran y en parte permanecen en las sombras, que conocen más que suficiente de todo y de todos, como para moverse entre ellos y saber descargar sus extraños golpes. En un punto medio entre la intimidad psicologista y la ironía con rasgos costumbristas, desde sus primeras páginas el autor nos sitúa en un complejo universo de personajes y hechos de las más variadas especies. Todos, lanzados en pos de los secretos de quien ya no está, los que deberán descubrir para ponerse a salvo.

      • November 2016

        Residuos de amor

        by Mario Salazar Montero

        Kurzinformation ISBN 978-3-9525331-4-7 Titel “Residuos de Amor”. Mario Salazar Montero. Cuentos Nueve cuentos, en apariencia algo crudos o desconsiderados, la mayoría de ellos en torno a personajes femeninos en una ciudad populosa en Suramérica: adolescentes, secretarias, amas de casa, solteronas. También un travesti y un tarado. Los cuentos intentan narrar en primera persona sus experiencias con el afecto, el amor, la amistad, el pasado y el futuro. No siempre hay un final feliz esperando al lector, pero si de pronto un remedo de esperanza. Son Residuos de Amor. Mario Salazar Montero. Geboren in Kolumbien, Südamerika. Lebt seit vielen Jahren in der Schweiz. Schriftsteller und Ingenieur. Hat mehrere Romane und Kurzgeschichten veröffentlicht. Spanisch und Deutsch. Mehr zum Autor und seinem literarischen Werk unter

      • September 2027

        Las cuatro Paolinas Polinsky

        by Becky Rubinstein

        Description   Las Cuatro Paolinas Polinsky is a story that takes place in the Mexican Bajío, in the times of the poet Ramón López Velarde. This book narrates the adventures and lives of four generations of women whose existence takes place between the Porfiriato and post-revolutionary Mexico, whose physical and spiritual landscapes become extraordinary in after-dinner chats, in the interpretation of dreams, in poetry readings and mare trot journeys that mark not only the transit of the Polinskys, but of the entire country. The time of this story is marked by the memories of the Paolinas' ancestors, re-presented in the voice and stews of Doña Clementina and through the writing of Don Ramiro's Almanaque. In this novel, Becky Rubinstein recreates a beautiful provincial Mexico, but also a convulsive nation, full of fantastic characters that inhabit every corner and town in the interior of the country; A Mexico that has apparently vanished, but that survives in family stories and in the verses of López Velarde, in that soft homeland that not only saw the arrival of modernity, the train and the iron and concrete palaces, but also a violent social revolution that transformed everyone's walk on trotting roads, and later, on stumbling avenues infested by motorized vehicles. Welcome to this journey through time to recognize ourselves in the faces of each of the four Paolinas Polinsky.     Sinopsis Las Cuatro Paolinas Polinsky es una historia que ocurre en el bajío mexicano, en tiempos del poeta Ramón López Velarde. Este libro narra las aventuras y la vida de cuatro generaciones de mujeres cuya existencia transcurre entre el porfiriato y el México posrevolucionario, cuyos paisajes físicos y espirituales se vuelven extraordinarios en charlas de sobremesa, en la interpretación de los sueños, en lecturas de poemarios y enrecorridos a trote de yegua que van marcando no sólo el tránsito de las Polinsky, sino del país entero. El tiempo de esta historia lo pautan los recuerdos de los ancestros de las Paolinas, re-presentados en la voz y los guisos  de doña Clementina y a través de la escritura del Almanaque de don Ramiro. En esta novela, Becky Rubinstein, recrea un hermoso México provincial, pero también una nación convulsa, llena de personajes fantásticos que habitan en todos los rincones y pueblos del interior del país; un México que en apariencia se ha esfumado, pero que sobrevive en los relatos familiares y en los versos de López Velarde, en esa suave patria que no sólo vio la llegada de la modernidad, del tren y los palacios de hierro y concreto, sino también una violenta revolución social que transformó el andar de todos sobre caminos al trote, y después, sobre tropezadas avenidas infestadas por vehículos motorizados. Bienvenidos a este viaje por el tiempo para reconocernos en los rostros de cada una de la cuatro Paolinas Polinsky.

      • Children's & YA

        How Do They Protect Themselves?

        by Clementina Equihua

        When animals feel threatened, they react or adapt to the new conditions of their environment to save their life. These behaviors can be innate, genetically programmed, or learned, and answer to the way animals interact with others and with the physical environment where they live. With this book, the little readers can learn about the survival strategies that animals use to adapt themselves to difficult conditions such as weather, vegetation, natural disasters, lack of food, and predators.

      • Children's & YA

        Animal Love

        A Crazy Flirt

        by Ángeles Quinteros, Ángeles Vargas

        We hug, kiss and cuddle when we are in love. We want to always be close to that special person and even surprise them with gifts. All these actions also take part in the animal kingdom, but not only that! Animals also present a range of endless strange behaviors that will leave you speechless: chases, choreographies and tricks are only some of the things animals do to flirt their mating partners in order to stay together. A book with a sense of humour, but with a scientific and theoretical basis, full of unusual and amusing facts that aim to arouse your curiosity through simple texts, but incorporating the terms used in this specific field, what will broaden the reader's lexicon.

      • Religion & beliefs
        April 2018

        28 cosas que debes saber sobre los ángeles

        by Díaz Latorre, José Ignacio

        In the spring of 2018 I was writing my second novel, "The Guardian of Omu", which by now and doing an exercise in temporal mysticism, I hope and wish that it has become a recognized "best seller". I was about a third of concluding the aforementioned novel, when one morning I dream, and I say exactly dream, with a rather vague scene in which the idea of ​​writing about the essence of angels materializes in my mind. It is at that moment when I regain consciousness and awake, but I decide to continue thinking about that dream, more than anything else because of the curiosity and exceptional nature of the event. I sing a sweet dream again, more than a dream, sleep it, I would say. In that diffuse period of space-time, I see clearly, as if it were a data transfer, a script of content that appears to my knowledge. A succession of clear and unequivocal ideas that I had never thought to ask myself before, and all of them, referring to the subject at hand here.At that moment I decide to get out of bed and sit in front of my computer. Approximately 60 minutes later I have written that dream or received script, or what do I know. After writing it all in a row, I decide to read it carefully and immediately afterwards I see that it really is the script of ideas that I must develop without wasting any more time. At that moment I decide to slice it and use it as an index.It is exactly the index of this book.

      • Personal & social issues: bullying, violence & abuse (Children's/YA)
        December 2018

        Bajo el paraguas azul

        by Martínez, Elena

        Youth novel about bullying and cyber-bullying in social networks, based on a real fact, with more than 10.000 readers in two years, only in Spain, and international awards for best inspirational novel: Latinos Books award (Los Angeles). A youthful novel that is a reference in Spain.

      • Science fiction

        Psique La sombra del espíritu

        by Iván R. Sánchez

        Grace has been told what to do during her whole life. Her mother has dragged her from one place to another through life without any consideration for her. No one understands her and she lives constantly bored. In a twist of fate, she arrives in a big city. There she discovers friendship, love, but also who she is. Her father, who disappeared since she was very young, left her some letters to be handed out after her fifteenth birthday. Now, close to being sixteen, not only will she painfully discover what it means to grow older, but also what lies inside her. The horror will appear in her life with each day before that celebration. A spiral of events unleashed by the shadow of the spirit that promised her that from there on, nothing would be the same. This story, from the PSIQUE universe, tells the vicissitudes of a teenager tormented by a specter: her father. Enclosed by maternal protections. Subjected to the banality of a world she does not want to belong to. It is a reflection on life, freedom and family, within a background in which there are mysterious deaths and in which people are much more than they appear to be. A world where the mind can reach and overcome any limit.

      • Health & Personal Development

        Logro profesional y económico

        ¡Atrévete… ya! El cielo es el límite

        by Mariel Mambretti

        This volume, central to the work by location, is also central by content. We have already discussed the gifts of an attentive mind and a harmonious body. Here you will find the means to take advantage of these tools in a concrete way, and thus progress in the workplace and economically. In the first part, we spell out the keys to making a good initial impression and making your presence prevail in a cordial and convincing way at the same time. You will also find suggestions on time management, valuable concepts on how to acquire and sustain the habit of order, how to express yourself correctly and effectively, and everything related to establishing a good work methodology. The second part talks about the intimate relationship between work and wealth, and establishes what steps are necessary for all professional or work effort to bear fruit in a comfortable present and in a planned and solid future. From all this, you will draw conclusions that will strengthen not only your wishes for success, but also your real opportunities to achieve it, from now on ...

      • December 2019


        by Mario Salazar Montero

        Kurzinformation ISBN 978-3-9525331-0-9 Titel "Cicatrices". Mario Salazar Montero. Novela En un remoto puerto fluvial de la selva húmeda tropical ubicada sobre la franja ecuatorial del planeta tierra, Odín A., hombre joven e internauta primerizo, decide convertirse en un Historiador Universal. Los recursos y medios digitales de los cuales dispone para lograrlo a duras penas le permiten rastrear la azarosa y enrevesada historia del país en donde nació. Descubre sin embargo en el intento la existencia de una inteligencia artificial y de algoritmos. Papelito, mujer joven, víctima sobreviviente de un conflicto armado, forzada a recorrer y enfrentar ese mismo país, guardaespaldas de ocupación, de remate boxeadora e inteligente, resuelve su vida a golpes y le funciona. A contracorriente de creencias heredadas y de raíces africanas en un país de mestizos renegados, ellos dos reclaman lo que les pertenece, se otorgan su derecho a vivir de un recurso natural, el Oro, que otros explotan impunes y abusivos. Su reivindicación es una ofensa grave para otros, se hace merecedora de un escarmiento ejemplar. Su instinto alerta y su inteligencia, combinados, descubren y persiguen una opción temeraria para redimirse que también podría incluir el amor, otro recurso escaso, desde luego si la opción escogida funciona, al menos por un tiempo. Mario Salazar Montero. Geboren in Kolumbien, Südamerika. Lebt seit vielen Jahren in der Schweiz. Schriftsteller und Ingenieur. Hat mehrere Romane und Kurzgeschichten veröffentlicht. Spanisch und Deutsch. Mehr zum Autor und seinem literarischen Werk unter

      • Children's & YA
        February 2020

        Verbedíns: La profecía de los lienzos perdidos

        by Dalvareze

        The Silver siblings have separated. Daniela has stayed in Monte Varetto, without completely understanding the events that occurred in The Fortress; Andrés has embarked on a meaningless journey, which will bring him a lot of pain. The War of the Inks has restarted and the guys will have to see their lives get mixed up with a conflict that their entire family has tried to avoid unsuccessfully. Without knowing very well what to do, they will discover a truth that will drag them to the depths of an ancient prophecy and it will be in their hands to stop the liberation of the Natural Masters, and with it, the end of the world as we know it. In the second novel of Verbedíns the readers will find high doses of action, magic and conspiracy.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences


        Peligros y oportunidades de la megacrisis

        by Gastón Soublette

        ‘Manifiesto. Peligros y oportunidades de la megacrisis’ (Ediciones UC, 2020), nació con el estallido social de octubre y fue terminado en el contexto de la pandemia. El autor, así, destacado filósofo, musicólogo, esteta y escritor, reflexiona sobre la crisis social y política de Chile, la cual ha culminado con la entrada del coronavirus y conlleva el desafío de entender lo ocurrido para discernir sus causas más profundas.

      • Sports governing bodies
        October 2020

        Football and Fascism

        by Cristóbal Villalobos Salas

        Football is a game, a passion, a form of social gathering, a business; and, therefore, also an effective tool for controlling the masses. Thanks to its unrivaled ability to create myths and to the intrinsic epic of the game, this sport has been exploited since its dawn as mean of ideological propaganda as well as, more recently, for commercial uses. The first ones to realize its immense power of suggestion were perhaps the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century, who, in their eagerness to cut across all strata of society, used this popular discipline as a rudimentary but also powerful instrument of political marketing. These pages bring together the most meaningful episodes of this disturbing symbiosis between football and fascist dictatorships; anecdotes, feats —some tragic and others downright bizarre— in which football has been used as a blindfold to cover the eyes of the masses. It worked perfectly as a vehicle for indoctrination, fitting into the delirious propaganda designs conceived by the tyrants of those times. The book is divided into three parts: Mussolini's Italy and Hitler's Germany, Franco's Spain and Salazar's Portugal, as well as some Latin American dictatorships.

      • Fiction
        May 2020

        Bellum Cantabricum

        by José Manuel Aparicio

        FINALIST FOR EDHASA HISTORICAL FICTION AWARD 2020 CANTABRIA AGAINST ROMEThe year is 26 a. C. Once again, Roman Empire try to conquer the indomitable Cantabrians and Asturians, hardened warriors that mercilessly defend their impregnable lands.While fortified village of Bergida is being consumed in flames, Sekeios, Autrigon mercenary at the service of Rome, manages to flee to Roman camp after a serious incident with Gayo Antistio Veto, governos of Tarraconense province. Lost in enemy territory, he will be captured by Concan warriors, who will lead him to Aracillum, the Cantabrian resistance bastion.Governor has sworn to hunt him down. Sekeios is alone and he knows his flight means a journey of no return. So, he will have to kneel before the fearful leader Corocotta. If he wants to survive, he first will have to face the hatred and hostility of mountain people; and then, to brutal offensive of princeps Augusto’s legions, whose objective is none other than to take complete control of the Iberian Peninsula. However, between sweats, battles and the hunting of the wolf, he will know the love of Turennia ...Everything is envolved in conflict. A conflict that will test his own convictions and wishes during a battle for the survival of the last free local peoples of Hispania. A war that will change the destiny of the known world and Sekeios’ one. Until the last consequences.A magnificent and fast-paced historical fiction.

      • Fiction

        Dígalo sin miedo

        by Isa González

        Dígalo sin miedo compiles 12 stories that narrate secret games and adventures of the conscience in search of autonomy to find sexual fulfillment, enlightenment, freedom or even death ...

      • October 2019

        Keys to Creative and Innovative Religious Education

        by Óscar Armando Pérez Sayago

        Este libro brinda valiosas herramientas a padres y maestros sobre la nueva función cultural de la escuela en la enseñanza de la Educación Religiosa. Advierte respecto a la importancia de acompañar y orientar al estudiante para ayudar a comprender el hecho religioso, puesto que hoy más que nunca está expuesto a mucha información desestructurada e indiscriminada, a través de los medios de comunicación, que es importante discernir.

      • Food & Drink
        April 2019

        Arepas colombianas: técnicas profesionales de cocina

        by Carlos Gaviria Arbeláez

        Sweet, salty or with a neutral flavor, arepas, an essential food in the diet of Colombians, are the protagonists in this book, which compiles the preparation techniques of 60 different types of arepas.   From a dough that is assembled in different ways, either freehand, with a cutter, stuffed with double dough, stuffed with double arepa, cooked on the grill, slabs, pots, ovens or fried, the arepas that are prepared in the different areas of the country are arracacha, rice, corn, fermented corn, peeled and threshed corn; yam, potato, banana, wheat and cassava. Round in shape and variable in size, arepas, too, vary according to the secondary ingredients that are added, such as milk, butter, cheese, pork fat, egg, meat or pea.   Easy to prepare, hot or cold, arepas are delicious at any time of the day; with coffee or chocolate, they always go well.

      • The natural world, country life & pets

        Natural Journey

        An encounter between Arts and Science

        by Josefina Hepp, Vivian Lavin, María José Arce

        “Natural Journey” aims to remove the old-fashioned tension between art and science in order to approach nature’s shapes and colors with astonishment and without being distracted from the main task: to learn from it and listen to its call in the midst of the climate crisis.  Botanical illustration is the art that allows us to enter the world of plants through our senses. But it is also a scientific record that provides botanists and scholars with subtle and precise representations that no technological device can reproduce.  A botanist, an illustrator and a journalist are touched by the journey led by other women who inspired them with their environmental sensitivity and awareness. When reading “Natural Journey”, you will be taken into a pleasant walk through six types of plants whose names take after their identifying characteristics. “Travelers”, some inspire and others move (without legs or wings), “dangerous”, even lethal, colors and characteristics that define them, “deceitful”, traps and camouflages to get what they want, “rebels”, those who dodge the rules, undisciplined, stubborn and defiant, and  “hungry” from the Plant to the Animal Kingdom,  nutrient-capture strategies, “flamboyant”, as emerged from delirium. The book also contains each plant’s data sheet and mapping.

      • July 2016

        Santo de palo

        by Mario Salazar Montero

        Kurzinformation ISBN 978-3-9525331-1-6 Titel “Santo de palo”. Mario Salazar Montero. Novela Existe sin duda alguna gente honesta en este mundo y en esta vida; gente admirable en quien confiar las vicisitudes íntimas y las incertidumbres, gente reconocible sin necesidad de alharaca de su parte, mortales comunes y corrientes, guiados por su propia experiencia, intuición y sufrimiento. Existe también desde luego otro tipo de consejeros, siempre en busca de reconocimiento, urgidos y ansiosos por obtener una aureola de bienhechores certificados, cueste lo que cueste, carentes de escrúpulos. A algunos entre estos últimos la suerte y la vida les sonrien, encuentran cómplices y adeptos, viven y mueren apestando a santidad comprada: son los inútiles “Santos de palo”; otros, menos afortunados, reciben a tiempo un merecido. Si el lugar geográfico donde los personajes que encarnan estas dos opciones de ayuda al prójimo es un pueblo a orillas del Océano Pacífico donde viven y conviven con sus protegidos o sus sometidos, un rincón perdido en las selvas tropicales de Suramérica, empobrecido y abusado, la selva no tiene en cuenta detalles de nacionalidad a la hora de castigar a su manera una santidad falsificada. Mario Salazar Montero. Geboren in Kolumbien, Südamerika. Lebt seit vielen Jahren in der Schweiz. Schriftsteller und Ingenieur. Hat mehrere Romane und Kurzgeschichten veröffentlicht. Spanisch und Deutsch. Mehr zum Autor und seinem literarischen Werk unter

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