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      • Howard J. Erlichman

        The Roman Century: How a Determined People Launched the Greatest Empire in World History should be of interest to anyone who ponders the increasingly intense competition among the United States, China and Russia. The book places the spectacular Roman advance during a single “long” century (323-188 BCE) in a much wider geo-politico-economic context than existing works; explains how the Romans perfected a three-pronged blueprint of imperial conquest which had been devised by Philip II of Macedon; and incorporates timeless observations from the likes of Appian, Arrian, Clausewitz, Diodorus, Livy, Machiavelli, Plutarch, Polybius, Sun Tzu and Thucydides. The book also explains how the Romans generated a host of lessons to be studied by anyone concerned with the processes through which overseas empires are won and lost. The ebook edition is currently available on Amazon Kindle, Apple iTunes, B&N Nook and Rakuten Kobo.

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      • ibidem-Sachbuch

        ibidem-Sachbuch is the non-fiction section of ibidem Press. Here you will find a broad spectrum of non-fiction literature with interesting topics for the general public - from biographies and contemporary witness reports to political analyses.

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        Jack Clayton

        by Neil Sinyard

        In François Truffaut's opinion The Innocents was 'the best English film after Hitchcock goes to America'. Tennessee Williams said of The Great Gatsby: 'a film whose artistry even surpassed the original novel'. The maker of both films was Jack Clayton, one of the finest English directors of the post-war era and perhaps best remembered for the trail-blazing Room at the Top which brought a new sexual frankness and social realism to the British screen. This is the first full-length critical study of Clayton's work. The author has been able to consult and quote from the director's own private papers which illuminate Clayton's creative practices and artistic intentions. In addition to fresh analyses of the individual films, the book contains new material on Clayton's many unrealised projects and valuably includes his previously unpublished short story 'The Enchantment' - as poignant and revealing as the films themselves. This is a personal and fascinating account of the career and achievement of an important, much-loved director that should appeal to students and film enthusiasts.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        October 2021

        The pound and the fury

        by Jack Mosse

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        Cooking & food (Children's/YA)

        How to Open a Restaurant. A Magic Guide to the Restaurant Business

        by Masha Serdiuk

        An one-of-a-kind guide for children 9+ on how to open a restaurant. Created and published in cooperation with Dmitro Borysov, a famous Ukrainian chef and owner of a popular family of restaurants. This book teaches business thinking and takes the young readers behind the scenes of a successful restaurant network. What is a business model and how to create it? How to name your restaurant? How to equip a kitchen? Where to get money for your own restaurant? Adorably illustrated, this book is a pleasure to read even if you are not going to open a restaurant. Though, who knows?

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        June 2024

        Two Wrongs make a Right

        by Chloe Liese, Moon Notes

        Mit schönem Farbschnitt in der Erstauflage – Lieferung je nach Verfügbarkeit Fake-Date oder große Liebe – wer weiß das schon so genau? Jamie Westenberg und Bea Wilmot haben rein gar nichts gemeinsam außer den traumatischen Erinnerungen an ihre erste Begegnung. Doch als die Menschen, die ihnen am nächsten stehen, versuchen Amor zu spielen und sie zu einem Date überreden, wird den beiden klar, dass sie noch eine Gemeinsamkeit haben: ein unbestreitbares Bedürfnis nach Rache. Bald steht ihr Plan fest: Sie wollen ein falsches Date vortäuschen und ihre Freunde davon überzeugen, dass sie total verliebt sind. Es folgt ein spektakulär inszeniertes Schlussmachen, um dem Verkupplungswahn ein für alle Mal ein Ende zu setzen. Jamie und Bea legen den Auftritt ihres Lebens hin – doch je länger sie die Liebenden spielen, desto einfacher wird es. Lovestory zum Mitfiebern voll spannender Kontraste: „Two Wrongs make a Right“. Autorin Chloe Liese ließ sich von Shakespeares romantischer Komödie „Viel Lärm um nichts“ inspirieren – und schrieb eine sehr moderne, absolut hinreißende Story. Für New Adults ab 16 Jahren: sexy Liebesgeschichte um verbotene Gefühle und vermeintliche Gegensätze, die zu Verbündeten werden. Dieses Buch bringt dich mit viel Herzenswärme und Humor gleichzeitig zum Lachen und zum Weinen, denn: „Every way you were my opposite only made me want you more“. Eine neue BookTok-Entdeckung für alle Fans der Liebesromane von Ali Hazelwood und Helen Hoang. Genial ausgestattet in der Erstauflage: Softcover mit Klappen, trendig illustriertem Buchschnitt und coolem Lesezeichen zum Abtrennen.

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        June 2022

        You make my Dreams

        by Gabriella Santos de Lima, Moon Notes

        In "You Make My Dreams" von Gabriella Santos de Lima folgen wir der 19-jährigen Audrey, die sich nichts sehnlicher wünscht, als Schauspielerin zu werden. Um ihren Traum zu verwirklichen, zieht sie von Florida nach New York, um an der renommierten Juilliard School of Performing Arts zu studieren, trotz ihrer Abneigung gegen die Stadt, die durch die Trennung von ihrer Mutter, einer Frau, die ihre Familie für ihre Karriere verlassen hat, verstärkt wird. In New York fühlt sich Audrey verloren und allein, bis sie durch ein anonymes Mailprogramm namens NewInYork Bennett29 kennenlernt. Trotz eines zunächst fast abweisenden Austauschs entwickelt sich schnell eine tiefe und persönliche Verbindung zwischen ihnen, die Audrey dazu bringt, ihre Wächter herunterzulassen und zu glauben, dass sie vielleicht doch nicht die Einzige mit Geheimnissen ist. Während die Beziehung zwischen Audrey und Bennett29 wächst, wird Audrey mit den Herausforderungen konfrontiert, die sowohl ihr Studium als auch das komplizierte Verhältnis zu ihrer Mutter und ihrer neuen Umgebung mit sich bringen. Der anonyme Austausch wird zu einem sicheren Hafen, in dem sie sich gegenseitig unterstützen und ermutigen, aber auch Audrey dazu bringen, sich ihren Ängsten und der Realität ihres Lebens in New York zu stellen. Das Mysterium um Bennetts wahre Identität und Audreys Kampf, ihre Träume zu verfolgen, während sie versucht, ihre Vergangenheit zu bewältigen und zu verstehen, was Familie und Liebe wirklich bedeuten, treibt die Handlung voran. "You Make My Dreams" ist eine Geschichte über das Erwachsenwerden, die Suche nach Identität und die Macht der Liebe und Freundschaft, die uns hilft, unsere tiefsten Träume zu verwirklichen. Entdecke die Welt der Schauspielkunst an der renommierten Juilliard School durch die Augen der jungen, ambitionierten Audrey. Eine Geschichte über Träume, Entschlossenheit und die unerwarteten Wendungen des Lebens. Tauche ein in die komplexe Dynamik zwischen persönlichen Ambitionen und familiären Bindungen. Erlebe eine moderne Liebesgeschichte, die sich in der Anonymität des Internets entfaltet. Begleite Audrey auf ihrer Reise der Selbstfindung, Konfrontation mit der Vergangenheit und dem Streben nach Vergebung. Für Fans von emotionalen Geschichten über junge Menschen an der Schwelle zum Erwachsenwerden. Ein Roman über die Kraft der Freundschaft, die Bedeutung von Vertrauen und die Suche nach der eigenen Identität. Faszinierendes Setting in New York City, das die Herausforderungen und Chancen des Großstadtlebens einfängt. Ein packendes Leseerlebnis, das zeigt, wie wichtig es ist, für seine Träume zu kämpfen und sich selbst treu zu bleiben.

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        July 2016

        The Last Love

        by Can Xue

        This novel by Can Xue presents a whole range of characters with strong personality, such as Joe, Maria, Vincent, Lisa, Reagan and Ida. They are full of vitality and are accordingly unsatisfied with their present status. They actively explore unknown field of life and firmly embark on the journey of spiritual exploration. The novel focuses the complicated and intertwining relationship between husbands, wives and lovers to uncover the hidden inner desire of each character. Boiling wild nature and advanced civilization collide with each other before they finally become one unity. For the readers, entering the world of these characters is like entering their own inner world.

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        Picture books, activity books & early learning material

        Who Will Make the Snow

        by Taras Prokhasko and Mariana Prokhasko

        Who Will Make the Snow', the book written by Taras Prokhasko and illustated by Mariana Prokhasko will delight readers with its fast-paced simplicity and timelessness. Following the adventures of a family of Moles from the Beech Tree Forest, readers will learn about their rich day-to-day life, the birth of their two newborns, and their adoption of a young rabbit, who brings new experiences for them all. This book will provide questions to discuss and answers to seek, and will likely become an essential book both at home and in classroom libraries.

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        The Barefoot Doctor

        by Can Xue

        The novel tells of the story about the growth of a barefoot doctor in a village. By means of the experiences of Sister Yi the barefoot doctor, Mi Yi, Hui Ju and other characters, the author manages to expose the real dependence relationship between man and nature, and between man and man, so as to construct a new kind of relationship in the future world from a brand-new perspective with lots of astounding descriptions. The scenes depicted in the novel belong to the future world, the plots, however, firmly stick to the reality. Thus the real and free conceptions in the novel are both down-to-earth and overwhelmingly shocking, from which every ordinary reader can find resonance and gain strength for life in it. Once again, the outlook of philosophy and nature of Can Xue has delicately and simply stood out in the novel in a literary way.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2023

        The penny politics of Victorian popular fiction

        by Rob Breton

        Penny politics offers a new way to read early Victorian popular fiction such as Jack Sheppard, Sweeney Todd, and The Mysteries of London. It locates forms of radical discourse in the popular literature that emerged simultaneously with Brittan's longest and most significant people's movement. It listens for echoes of Chartist fiction in popular fiction. The book rethinks the relationship between the popular and political, understanding that radical politics had popular appeal and that the lines separating a genuine radicalism from commercial success are complicated and never absolute. With archival work into Newgate calendars and Chartist periodicals, as well as media history and culture, it brings together histories of the popular and political so as to rewrite the radical canon.

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        Zoology & animal sciences
        July 1997

        Behaviour of Cattle

        by Jack L Albright

        In recent years there has been an increasing interest in the topic of farm animal behaviour. This is partly an academic interest on the part of behavioural and animal scientists, but also stems from the more applied aspects of the subject as it relates to animal welfare. It is also now better appreciated that behaviour and welfare of animals have a significant impact on health and production. This book provides a thorough review of our knowledge of cattle behaviour and how this can contribute to improve the care, management and well-being of cattle. Examples are drawn from around the world, and while there is some emphasis on dairy cattle, mention is made of beef, dual-purpose or draught cattle where appropriate. All of the key topics such as social, reproductive and feeding behaviour are covered with thorough reviews of the research literature. The book represents a valuable work for advanced students and research workers in animal, dairy and veterinary sciences, as well as zoologists and psychologists in applied ethology.

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        Children's stationery & miscellaneous items
        March 2022

        The Reading Journey

        A Writing Journal

        by The Otto Foundation

        The Reading Journey is a journal for your literary adventures. Join a group of furry and feathered friends for an exploration of the extraordinary world of words, stories, reading and writing. Designed by library designers, linguists and childhood experts, you can now plot your course through the Map of Memories. Join us for a ride on the Book Boat, the Poetry Plane and the Story Sled, Visit the Mountains of Meaning, the Gorge of Gorgeous Words, the Forest of Feelings, and the Desert of Dreams. The Reading Journey is an interactive journal that encourages joyous curiosity about the literary realm, using the written word as a medium to expand children’s horizons, to promote self knowledge, and to cultivate a love for reading.

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        January 1987

        Die Klarinette

        Yehudi Menuhins Musikführer

        by Brymer, Jack

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