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      • Health & Personal Development

        And Then There Was Light

        by Blanca Rosa Gutiérrez

        Faced unexpectedly with Lyme Disease, Spanish Architect Blanca Rosa Gutiérrez must face illness and abandonment, while at the same time trying to take care of her two small children. She struggles to find help and treatment from doctors, until the combination of finding the right physician, and an iron will to overcome adversity through meditation and non traditional healing, puts her back on the road to full health. As the author says in her own words: "I wrote this book with a single purpose in mind: make it into a song of hope for anybody who is ill and feels defeated by pain, and have lost the will to live." This book is not about illness, is about recovery and new beginnings

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        En manos de otros

        Infancia y abandono en la Barcelona del siglo XV

        by Ximena Illanes Zubieta

        Este libro explica cómo fue el abandono de niñas y niños en la Barcelona del siglo XV, deteniéndose en tres etapas esenciales: la escena del abandono, el cuidado de los lactantes en manos de nodrizas y el aprendizaje en casas ajenas. En cada fase se revisan las condiciones de integración y marginación, la presencia de lo femenino y los relatos de amores y desamores. Las historias que aquí se recogen permiten comprender las diferentes dimensiones del abandono, acto que involucraba no solo a los infantes expuestos, sino también a su entorno. Los niños en su mayoría eran abandonados en las puertas del Hospital de la Santa Creu de Barcelona durante las horas menos transitadas para evitar el juicio social. Las cartas que acompañaban a los infantes reflejan el drama de la pobreza y, por ende, la incapacidad forzosa de las madres para asumir el rol de la crianza. Al reconstruir el contexto de la época, el lector tiene la posibilidad de realizar un ejercicio de empatía que vuelve el foco de atención al presente. Es inevitable percibir las duras realidades que se mantienen a lo largo del tiempo y el casi irreparable sufrimiento que causa la soledad en los primeros años de vida.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2020

        En tus manos

        Acompañar en la enfermedad y preparar una buena muerte

        by Jose Mª Avendaño

        Lo grande, lo importante, se esconde en lo pequeño, en la simplicidad, en el abandono. Así lo repite el autor, de una u otra manera, en su canto, porque este libro es un canto.Estas páginas nos hacen descubrir, en la memoria filial y creyente, la belleza de la creación y de la salvación encarnada en un pueblo de La Mancha, en la vida de un hombre sencillo, bueno, un campesino honrado y creyente sincero, en el escenario de una familia rural y piadosa.Unas memorias cristianas llenas de agradecimiento, de profundidad, de sentido. La historia que cuenta este libro no es fantasía, no es ficción, sino una historia real, la historia de Cándido.Nos encontramos con temas fundamentales de nuestra existencia: la vida, la familia, el sufrimiento, la muerte, el duelo, la orfandad, el acompañamiento de los que sufren, etc.El mejor camino para la aceptación del sufrimiento y de la muerte, para superar el duelo, es asumirlo, hacerlo parte de nuestra vida, comulgar con él con la certeza de que hemos vencido en el Aquel que murió y resucitó por nosotros.

      • June 2015

        Violencia de género y las respuestas de los sistemas penales

        by Encarna Bodelón (comp.)

        The problem of impunity and the devaluation of the rights of women who suffer sexist violence in intimate relationships is still present in European penal systems. The basic question is what differentiates sexist violence in the sphere of the couple from other types of violence. This type of violence in the sphere of the couple has nothing to do with what is known as injuries in the criminal sphere, but rather "gender violence, sexist violence, violence against women". The "problem" is not the women who report or do not report, but to what extent criminal treatment pursues the reported behaviors and protects women who suffer violence. In diverse contexts we will see common problems and remote solutions, but which coincide in not being yet ensuring the freedom of women. Our purpose is to advance in the construction of women's rights and denounce that the insufficient guarantee of the right to a life free of violence is an attack against all women, against all citizens and a burden of the patriarchal State.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2017


        A Tupi people from the Amazon forest

        by Eduardo Viveiros de Castro (author), Camila de Caux (author) and Guilherme Orlandini Heurich (author)

        Result of an academic research carried out in the 1980s by Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, this book was published in 1992, following an edition adapted for wider, non-specialized audiences who showed great interest in the Araweté way of life. This third edition, revised and expanded with new chapters based on recent studies, celebrates the thirtieth anniversary of the pioneering research by one of the most respected Brazilian anthropologists, and, above all, retrieves the struggle of this people to survive, resist and reinvent themselves without losing their culture.

      • Fiction

        What Would the Pope Say?

        by Jaime Larrain

        Pope Francis is at a crossroads. The Catholic Church, still reeling from the cases of child abuse and the corruption scandals of the Vatican Bank, has an opportunity for redemption or for a final nail in the coffin, after the Pope’s closes advisor, Cardinal Bullbridge, is kidnapped. While the Pope ponders the destiny of the Church, Aum, the leader of the Chrysallis Team that in 2016 kidnapped business moghul Brian Feller, has set for himself the tremendous challenge of gathering the most important religious leaders of the world so they can witness The Experiment, a mysterious process that could breathe new life into the Catholic Faith. The Experiment was born in the island of Ithaca in 2010, thanks to the work of Aum and Father Thomas, the guardian of the Vatican´s secret files. The motivations of Aum and Thomas are not merely academic, there’s a much larger political agenda at play. Being 86 years of age, and with a very sick son, Aum rolls the dice and brings together the Dalai Lama, Pope Francis, historian Yuval Harari, philosopher Michael Onfray, and many others. But Cardinal Bullbridge wants to put an end to his, which he sees as a threat to the Papacy. And Commissioner Scorza, Vatican Chief of Security, is trying to solve the riddle while also dealing with some scandals of his own making. What Would the Pope Say? Is not just a history of the Vatican, it is the history of an ancient dream that can now become reality, a dream we all carry inside: a spirituality that goes beyond religions, and that is one and universal.

      • October 2019

        Meaningful breeding paths Educating from consistency

        by Clara Martínez Sánchez

        Si está al cuidado de niños y adolescentes, ya sea ​​padre o madre de familia, tía o tío, abuela o abuelo, prima o primo, o simplemente un cuidador o tutor, este libro le mostrar varios faros de sentido, es decir, le brindará luces que, al iluminar, le permitirán paso a paso ir descubriendo en cada uno de los capítulos las herramientas fundamentales para orientar la crianza que desea transmitir.

      • October 2019

        Parenting The Art of Caring and Loving Parenting. A proposal from the family resilience.

        by María Stella Rodríguez

        Este libro quiere aportar desde la resiliencia familiar a la tarea maravillosa de nuestros prodigar amor y cuidado a niños y jóvenes. Todos tenemos la obligación sagrada de cuidar la vida, cuando lo hacemos de forma consciente estamos paternando y maternando. Quien desarrolla esta actitud siente indignación ante los terribles atropellos a la infancia. Por ello es urgente que comprendamos y cambiemos los sistemas de creencias que limitan nuestra capacidad de amar y cuidar.

      • Teaching, Language & Reference

        Ciclo 1. Velocidad-percepción: desarrollo de habilidades perceptivas

        Sistema Integral de Lectura Rápida. Comprensión y memorización

        by María Guadalupe Baeza Gómez

        In this cycle Speed - perception: development of perceptual skills, you will significantly improve the speed of your reading thanks to the exercises of each lesson, whose main objective is that you achieve rapid perception of words, as well as identify and eliminate all those noises, distractions and bad habits that affect your reading process.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2019


        Policies of oblivion

        by Giselle Beiguelman

        Giselle Beiguelman assembles textual and visual essays in the field of the aesthetics of memory that gravitate around experimental works and research conducted in artistic interventions, in order to propose a reflection on the right to memory as opposed to the systematic policies of oblivion.

      • Fiction
        April 2017

        Los pecados de Victoria

        by Giovanna Zuluaga

        My knees were shaking so I collapsed face down on the rug, feeling its texture and a distant smell of lavender. I moved with his urgent pace, in a perfect and harmonious copulation, until we came almost at the same time. We remained silent, while our breath calmed down, his chest on my back, all his skin adhered to mine. [...] Victoria is not the ideal protagonist of a book, because she is far from being the perfect, virginal and innocent woman who abounds in contemporary stories. She has a love-hate relationship with sex and with men, as well as a vulnerable and masochistic personality. Classified by its author as a "dramatic erotic" book, "Victoria's Sins" is a story based on real events, it is told in first person, intimate, personal, sometimes exciting, because of the stories it narrates, and other times sad, because of the situations that the protagonist must confront in her desperate search for happiness.

      • Sagas
        August 2017

        O Onironauta

        Devaneio - Livro 01

        by Otaviano Lacet

        “Between reality and Dreaming, a third force emerged... capable of destroying both!” Allow yourself to embark on an epic journey through a universe hidden in the dreams of human consciousness. Endowed with incredible worlds and beings, heroes unlikely and powerful forces in the midst of the outbreak of war, this combination explosive promises to give the reader a unique experience to be lived in one breath! Together with Aziz Mandral, a frustrated and bankrupt young journalist, unveil dreamlike secrets of a reality that can only be seen with closed eyes. Travel with him through ‘lucid dreams’ showered with a lot of rock n ’roll, confusions and selfdiscoveries, all mixed with a dose of frank humor that will captivate from start to finish. Live a world where time is nothing more than a piece to be shaped by skillful hands, like Kazuo's - The Cartographer of Dreams. And if you still with your eyes closed, get drunk on Seiji's confused adventures Miura: a mercenary and warrior monk from the forests of Mt. Ōmine will drive through trails, at least, mindblowing! But don't be fooled by the charms of the dream world and don't whistle so loudly carefree songs, my dear Onironaut... for here you never know what that lurks behind the blackness of the night. Know that where the grass scorching sands are on the rise - and the term ‘nightmare’ gets new Meanings... Yes, a lifetime in one night ... this is the proposal, no less. But you're not a coward, are you? So sleep now: you are challenged to be won over!

      • Children's & YA
        October 2020

        Las profecías de Alcania

        by M.F. Medrano

        After several years of peace, darkness returns to raze with the five kingdoms and only the four Crystals of Hope, prophesied in Alcania, will be able to save Aucaseem from its destruction. The gene of evil has been passed from generation to generation, a powerful force has awakened and is pulling the strings to carry out its plan. Four young warriors, Seglan, Cafflan, Andria and Trehia, must overcome their own fears and face trials they never imagined to fulfill the prophecy and, thus, defeat the eternal enemy of the Empire. Can they do it? Will they find the strength to stop the war?

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        June 2022


        by Francisco Cabezas

        Carlos García is told in the newspaper that his name is too common. For this reason, when he begins to write the chronicles of FC Barcelona, he signs as K. Behind the mask of the pseudonym, the student who dreamed of newsrooms engulfed in smoke and screams at closing time begins his promising career without having left university. But dreams are seldom made of real material. Between football stadiums, ballpoint pen caps and lonely hotel rooms, K. imposes on himself a happiness that he will never own. The rise and fall of a legendary team, the decrepitude of a profession that only finds refuge in the big headlines and some journalists who hide behind their screens set a chronicle of chronicles in which the final result remains to be discovered. Soccer players, journalism or K. Who will accept the final defeat?




        Tras el término de la Guerra Civil de 1891, el desierto del Norte Grande chileno se ha convertido en tierra fértil para la llegada de aventureros, contrabandistas y bandoleros, todo en busca de un solo objetivo: obtener la riqueza que yace bajo el suelo atacameño. Allí, en medio de la pampa, las historias del Flaco, la Rubia y el Indio se entrecruzan, mientras la oficina salitrera Santa Fe se alza como el escenario perfecto para una trama marcada por la cuestión social, los engaños, la rapidez del gatillo y la sed de venganza

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2019

        The black book of communism in Brazil

        by Gustavo Marques

        Inspired by 'The Black Book of Communism', published by Stéphane Courtois in France in 1997, this book written by the diplomat Gustavo Henrique Marques Bezerra, deals with the history of the communist movement and its influence on political and cultural life Brazilian since the advent anarchism and Marxism, in the late nineteenth century until the early 1990s, with the collapse of the communist regimes of Eastern Europe. The book, which has monumental characteristics - it is the result of over 10 years of intense historical extensive and thorough research on more than 400 titles from primary sources (interviews, memoirs, interviews, documents) and secondary, domestic and foreign. It is divided into six chapters with almost 900 pages and thousands of notes - places emphasis on generally omitted facts and / or little explored by Brazilian historiography, mostly on the left, revealing the "dark side" of the Communists and their allies in Brazil over the twentieth century.

      • Libelo de Sangre

        by Sandra Aza

        Madrid, winter of 1620. The happiness of the marriage formed by Sebastián Castro, a renowned clerk of the Villa, and Margarita Carvajal staggers when both become the main suspects of a blood libel: lawsuits that blame the Jews for sacrificing Christian children to collect their blood and whose jurisdiction belongs to the Holy Inquisition. With the bonfire hanging over them, their son Alonso, a thirteen-year-old boy, begins a desperate search for a way to save them, a purpose that tears her out of her warm existence and shows her the ice of life. In spite of everything, three headlights turn on light in the shadows of her misfortune: friendship, hope and a dream. Friendship is provided by Juan and Antonio, two rogue vagabonds. Hope beats in a bag full of money that seems to be pulling the strings of destiny. And the dream awaits him in college, where he plans to study law, become a lawyer, and exercise a law capable of preventing innocent people like his parents from suffering the rigors of injustice. Blood Libel is a fascinating story of love and friendship set in Madrid during the Golden Age, a vibrant but bleak time in which, while faith in God lit hearts, crimes against it lit bonfires.

      • Haunted Tales

        by Edson Gabriel Garcia

        Stories that make your spine tingle! Jorginho’s girlfriend has disappeared for a week when he suddenly gets an invitation to meet her at the cemetery. A mannequin with eyes that appear to be alive strangely gains power over her creator. A young man is overwhelmed by the desire to own the most beautiful leather jacket he has ever seen – and will bitterly regret it . . . Edson Gabriel Garcia’s stories carry his readers away and leave them behind with goosebumps and a strange sensation.

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