The black book of communism in Brazil
by Gustavo Marques
Inspired by 'The Black Book of Communism', published by Stéphane Courtois in France in 1997, this book written by the diplomat Gustavo Henrique Marques Bezerra, deals with the history of the communist movement and its influence on political and cultural life Brazilian since the advent anarchism and Marxism, in the late nineteenth century until the early 1990s, with the collapse of the communist regimes of Eastern Europe. The book, which has monumental characteristics - it is the result of over 10 years of intense historical extensive and thorough research on more than 400 titles from primary sources (interviews, memoirs, interviews, documents) and secondary, domestic and foreign. It is divided into six chapters with almost 900 pages and thousands of notes - places emphasis on generally omitted facts and / or little explored by Brazilian historiography, mostly on the left, revealing the "dark side" of the Communists and their allies in Brazil over the twentieth century.
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The audiobook is being converted for 2021 release. The ebook is still being produced. More than 1.000 units sold.
"Indispensable"; "Pioneering theme in Brazil" ; "Excellent" ; "The author writes masterfully" ; "A work that will certainly provoke controversies and discussions".
This title has achieved 4,9 stars by Amazon reviewers, with 93% 5 stars rating. Check here: Link to Amazon
Author Biography
Gustavo Henrique Marques Bezerra was born in Natal (RN) in 1974. He is a Diplomat since 2002, with a MD in Diplomacy from the Rio Branco Institute (IRBr), having served in Venezuela, Greece and Uruguay. Graduated in History, he is a Historicist with a predilection for political and military themes, especially on national and international revolutionary movements of the 20th century. He has other two books published: “Brazil-Cuba: political-diplomatic relations in the context of the Cold War” (2010) and “From the Revolution to the Reactivation: the Brazilian foreign policy and the Cuban question (1959-1986 ) ”(2012). He lives now in Brazilian's capital: Brasília (DC).
Copyright Information
Copyright (c) Jaguatirica, 2019
Editora Jaguatirica
The independent publisher Jaguatirica works since 2012 in the Brazilian market and has spread its wings to Portugal and USA, with Gato-Bravo Publishing and Felis Press Books labels. Today, the group has more than 400 titles in humanities, social sciences, fiction and literature, every one of them available in digital formats. The company is headquartered in Rio de Janeiro, with offices in Lisbon and New York. Jaguatirica has already sold rights to Sweden, Mexico and Portugal and we're looking for more partners primarily at Great Britain, France, Spain, Mexico, USA and United Arab Emirates. For license requests please contact:
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher Jaguatirica
- Publication Date October 2019
- Orginal LanguagePortuguese
- ISBN/Identifier 9788556622051
- Publication Country or regionBrazil
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 149 BRL
- Pages872
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleO livro negro do comunismo no Brasil
- Original Language AuthorsGustavo Marques
- Edition1
- Copyright Year2019
- Page size23x16 cm (23x16) cm
- Biblio NotesMore than 2.000 footnotes
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