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      • VOLATILIUM / NEFELI publishing

        Volatilium is the international picture books offshoot of Nefeli Publishing, an established Greek publisher specializing in literary fiction, theatre, history, and art theory since 1979. Volatilium is also the younger sibling of Tsalapeteinos, Nefeli’s acclaimed picture books imprint launched in 2009. Tsalapeteinos has published works by renowned authors and illustrators like Wolf Erlbruch, Hervé Tullet, Marianne Dubuc, Erin E. Stead, Christoph Niemann, Greg Pizzoli, Célia Chauffrey, Émile Jadoul, Seng Soun Ratanavanh and Lisa d’Andrea among others. Volatilium is committed to presenting high quality picture books to a wide international audience.

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      • Verlag Europa-Lehrmittel Nourney, Vollmer GmbH & Co. KG

        Verlag Europa-Lehrmittel The publishing houses Europa-Lehrmittel and Pfanneberg are well known for teaching and learning materials for vocational training and further education. As our books are also in demand internationally, we have published some of our titles in English and French.

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 2022

        Emotional Well-being for Animal Welfare Professionals

        by Tamsin Durston

        This book examines the risks to the emotional well-being of animal welfare staff and veterinary professionals. It provides practical solutions, coping strategies and various techniques, as well as giving guidance on creating healthy coping strategies for the emotionally challenging work undertaken by anyone working directly with animals.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        March 2019

        Emotional Intelligence in Tourism and Hospitality

        by Erdogan Koc

        Emotional intelligence (EI) is the capability to recognize one's own emotions and those of others. The use of emotional information guides thinking and behavior, allowing adjustment of emotions to adapt to environments. As tourism and hospitality services are produced and consumed simultaneously, with a high level of contact between employees and customers, the development of EI of employees in tourism and hospitality establishments is vital. This book has a skills-based approach and explains how emotional intelligence can be developed in tourism and hospitality students and employees.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2013

        Michel aus Lönneberga 3. Michel bringt die Welt in Ordnung

        by Astrid Lindgren, Christine Gerlach, Mad Stolze, Heinz Rabe, Christine Stolze-Schwarze, Claudia Marnitz, Kurt Vethake

        Mit seinen runden blauen Augen und dem hellen wolligen Haar könnte man ihn fast für einen Engel halten - wenn er schläft. Aber wenn er nicht schläft, dann hat er mehr Unsinn im Kopf als irgendein anderer Junge in ganz Lönneberga oder ganz Småland oder ganz Schweden oder vielleicht sogar auf der ganzen Welt! Enthält die Geschichten "Als Michel Blutklößeteig über seinen Vater ausgoss und sein hundertstes Männchen schnitzte", "Als Michel den Kopf in die Suppenschüssel steckte", "Als Michel Klein-Ida an der Fahnenstange hochzog" und "Als Michel 'Das große Aufräumen von Katthult' veranstaltete und die Maduskan in der Wolfsgrube fing" aus der Buchgesamtausgabe "Immer dieser Michel".

      • Trusted Partner


        What is sex? Or: why don't we just let it be?

        by Bettina Stangneth

        Above all else, and despite all the enlightenment of the age, sex in the 21st century seems to be a problem. Abuse, MeToo, human trafficking, circumcision, role-playing, body cult... But if sex is a mere abyss for modern humans, then why not just let it be? We are the first generation that could actually do it without endangering the survival of the species. And voices are getting louder that once again call for abstinence in a supposedly over-sexualised society. Artificial insemination and artificially intelligent technology for the safe removal of instincts should finally pacify what humans cannot control: instinctive nature. Sex is not the epitome of our animal nature. Every attempt to control the animal in us, either by taming it or by freeing it from tamers in a sexual revolution, inevitably misses the point. Bettina Stangneth asks the quite simple question: what is sex? If every culture of prohibition has failed so far, clearer ideas are obviously needed. Even if we prefer to ignore it, attempts to establish a culture through desire instead of the cultivation of desire have been around for a long time. After all, if you don't want to learn to talk positively about sex, you can't talk meaningfully about coercion and violence.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2021

        Emotional monasticism

        Affective piety in the eleventh-century monastery of John of Fécamp

        by Lauren Mancia

        Medievalists have long taught that highly emotional Christian devotion, often called 'affective piety', appeared in Europe after the twelfth century and was primarily practiced by communities of mendicants, lay people and women. Emotional monasticism challenges this view. The first study of affective piety in an eleventh-century monastic context, it traces the early history of affective devotion through the life and works of the earliest known writer of emotional prayers, John of Fécamp, abbot of the Norman monastery of Fécamp from 1028-78. Exposing the early medieval monastic roots of later medieval affective piety, the book casts a new light on the devotional life of monks in Europe before the twelfth century and redefines how medievalists should teach the history of Christianity.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2022

        Sex in echt

        Offene Antworten auf deine Fragen zu Liebe, Lust und Pubertät

        by Nadine Beck, Rosa Schilling, Sandra Bayer

        "Sex in echt" von Nadine Beck und Rosa Schilling ist ein innovatives Aufklärungsbuch, das Jugendliche auf ihrer Entdeckungsreise durch die Welt der Sexualität begleitet. Es richtet sich an Heranwachsende, die sich mitten in der Pubertät befinden – einer Zeit voller Veränderungen, Fragen und Unsicherheiten. Im Unterschied zu traditionellen Aufklärungsbüchern, die oft als trocken und veraltet wahrgenommen werden, schlägt "Sex in echt" einen frischen, direkten und unverkrampften Ton an. Die Autorinnen sprechen Themen an, die Jugendliche wirklich interessieren: von Dating und Beziehungen über Safer Sex und Verhütung bis hin zu Selbstbefriedigung und sexuellen Vorlieben. Das Buch behandelt auch die Vielfalt der Körper und die Schönheit jeder individuellen Sexualität, wobei es sich bewusst von Stereotypen und Vorurteilen distanziert. Das Werk zeichnet sich durch seine moderne und ansprechende Aufmachung aus, unterstützt durch die lebendigen Illustrationen von Sandra Bayer. Diese vermitteln eine positive und inklusive Botschaft, die Körpervielfalt und verschiedene sexuelle Orientierungen und Identitäten respektiert und wertschätzt. "Sex in echt" bietet nicht nur fundierte Informationen, sondern ermutigt Jugendliche auch dazu, ein selbstbestimmtes und positives Verhältnis zu ihrer Sexualität zu entwickeln. Es ist ein wertvoller Ratgeber, der junge Leserinnen und Leser dazu anregt, Fragen zu stellen, sich selbst zu erkunden und gesunde Beziehungen zu führen. Das Buch wurde für seine offene und einfühlsame Herangehensweise an das Thema Sexualität für den Deutschen Jugendliteraturpreis nominiert und hat sich damit als wichtige Ressource sowohl für Jugendliche als auch für Erwachsene etabliert. Moderne und direkte Ansprache: Spricht Jugendliche auf Augenhöhe an und vermeidet peinliche "Aufklärungsstunden". Umfassende Themenvielfalt: Deckt alle relevanten Bereiche ab, von körperlicher Entwicklung bis hin zu emotionalen Aspekten der Sexualität. Inklusiv und divers: Berücksichtigt eine breite Palette von Identitäten, Orientierungen und Körperbildern. Unterstützt durch Fachwissen: Bietet wissenschaftlich fundierte Informationen in einem jugendfreundlichen Format. Interaktives Layout: Mit ansprechenden Illustrationen und einem lebhaften Design, das zum Lesen und Entdecken einlädt. Empowerment und Selbstakzeptanz: Fördert ein positives Selbstbild und eine gesunde Einstellung zur Sexualität. Nominierung für den Deutschen Jugendliteraturpreis: Unterstreicht die Qualität und Relevanz des Buches. Wertvoll für Jugendliche und Erwachsene: Bietet wichtige Einblicke und fördert offene Gespräche über Sexualität in der Familie.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2006

        Sex, politics and empire

        A postcolonial geography

        by Richard Phillips, Andrew Thompson, John Mackenzie, Caroline Wilding

        Colonial governments, institutions and companies recognised that in many ways the effective operation of the Empire depended upon sexual arrangements. For example, nuclear families serving agricultural colonization, and prostitutes working for single men who powered armies and plantations, mines and bureaucracies. For this reason they devised elaborate systems of sexual governance, such as attending to marriage and the family. However, they also devoted disproportionate energy to marking and policing the sexual margins. In Sex, Politics and Empire, Richard Phillips investigates controversies surrounding prostitution, homosexuality and the age of consent in the British Empire, and revolutionises our notions about the importance of sex as a nexus of imperial power relations. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Sex, politics and empire

        A postcolonial geography

        by Richard Phillips

        Colonial governments, institutions and companies recognised that in many ways the effective operation of the Empire depended upon sexual arrangements. For example, nuclear families serving agricultural colonization, and prostitutes working for single men who powered armies and plantations, mines and bureaucracies. For this reason they devised elaborate systems of sexual governance, such as attending to marriage and the family. However, they also devoted disproportionate energy to marking and policing the sexual margins. In Sex, Politics and Empire, Richard Phillips investigates controversies surrounding prostitution, homosexuality and the age of consent in the British Empire, and revolutionises our notions about the importance of sex as a nexus of imperial power relations.

      • Trusted Partner

        Rediscovering Sex

        From pressure to pleasure in bed - an excersise book for men

        by Michael Sztenc

        Penises are clever guys, sensitive and touchy. At least that’s what Michael Sztenc says. And as a sex and couples’ therapist who has worked on male sexuality for over 25 years, he should know. With practical exercises that have been tried and tested for years, he helps the men who come to him with their problems to develop a sense for their bodies and their own eroticism.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2025

        Emotional contagion

        The Aristotelian compassio in medieval medicine and philosophy

        by Béatrice Delaurenti, Graham Robert Edwards

        Yawning makes one yawn, crying makes one cry. In the same way, a shiver, appetite, sexual desire and confidence are transmitted from one person to another. These examples capture the contagion-like dimension of emotion, spreading rapidly among people with tangible behavioural manifestations. Emotional contagion still challenges scientific explanation, and philosophical, scientific and anthropological topics converge around this issue. In Medieval Latin, there is a specific name for this contagion: compassio ('compassion'). Etymologically, 'compassion' means the co-experience of a 'passion', involving an involuntary reaction of the soul or the body imitating the reactions of others. The book investigates how these topics were treated in medieval learned texts, and illuminates the twofold enigma, that of the trajectory of the term compassio, and that of explaining the phenomenon it denoted.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Meeting Emotional Needs in Intellectual Disability

        by Tanja Sappok / Sabine Zepperitz

        The book explores in detail how challenging behavior and mental health difficulties in people with ID arise when their basic emotional needs are not being met by those in the environment. Using individually tailored interventions, which complement existing models of care, practitioners can help to facilitate maturational processes and reduce behaviorthat is challenging to others. As a result, the “fit” of a person within his or her individual environment can be improved. Case examples throughout the book illuminate how thisapproach works by targeting interventions towards the person’sstage of emotional development.  Target group: For:• clinical psychologists and psychiatrists• occupational therapists• learning disability nurses• speech and language therapists• teachers in special education settings• parents and caregivers

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2013

        Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex

        by Jeff Wallace, Ruth Evans, John Whale

        Acknowledged by many feminists as the single most important theoretical work of the twentieth century, Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex (1949) nevertheless occupies an anomalous place in the feminist 'canon'. Yet it has had an undeniable impact, not only on the development of critiques of sexual politics but on twentieth-century western thinking about the concept of 'woman' in general. This collection of six new essays by scholars from the disciplines of French, English literature, history, cultural criticism, feminist theory and philosophy makes a valuable contribution to the task of re-reading and reassessing this enormously influential text for a new generation of feminist readers, and also for cultural theorists, for whom the question of 'the feminine' is at the centre of key debates in philosophy and postmodernity. The contributors provide a significantly new rethinking of the place of The Second Sex in cultural history and of women and representation, the role of 'fictions' and the problem of ethical agency in the work of the leading intellectual woman of this age. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2021

        Read the Password that Understands the Ability of Children's Emotional Language

        by DUAN Rong

        The book is the main line, and learn the results of the predecessors of predecessors. From the topic empirical research perspective, the kindergartens build, implement, and support strategies with the help of the inheritance of children's emotional language expression. In terms of content, the forefront and innovation are emphasized in the integration of professional theory and practice, and more researchers, education managers and early childhood education practitioners are highly paying attention to the healthy development of children's emotions, promoting children's emotions, social development. Help first-line teacher clear emotional language expression ability, understand the design process, organizational strategy and course implementation of emotional language activities, and provide reference and reference to teachers through rich practical cases.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2022


        Fuckability, orgasm gap and #metoo

        by Henriette Hell

        Lust, a mortal sin? These times are over. In today's public perception, it is more likely for a boring sex life to be categorised as that. In statistical terms, people have never had as little sex with each other as they do today. And yet tips for a good sex life are to be found on every (digital) corner. Sex has mutated into a lifestyle product, and terms like 'fuckability' and 'MILF' trip lightly off our tongues. Henriette Hell takes a closer look at the thing about sex. She traces the history and genesis of 'sexual liberation', and sheds light on the 'cheating gene' and the #metoo debate. The author asks (and answers) the question of whether sex is becoming more and more antisocial and what actually still turns us on today. In doing so, she focuses on the former mortal sin of lust, which is inseparably linked to the systematic suppression of female lust (and its liberation).

      • Trusted Partner

        Why headless males are better lovers

        Sex and reproduction in the animal kingdom

        by Monika Niehaus / Michael Wink

        "Sex sells" also applies to evolution. Without sex, there is no genetic variation, and without genetic variation, there is no natural selection and evolution. When it comes to sex and reproduction, all animals have things in common, but there are also many variations. In this game of the sexes, everything revolves around the conflicts of interest between females and males, the diversity of mating systems, matriarchal and patriarchal communities and the securing of paternity, whether through beauty, song and dance or violence.

      • Trusted Partner

        Fieldwork in Ukrainian Sex

        by Oksana Zabuzhko

        Called “the most influential Ukrainian book since independence,” Oksana Zabuzhko’s Fieldwork in Ukrainian Sex became an international phenomenon when it shot to number one on the Ukrainian bestseller list and remained there throughout the 1990s. The sexual odyssey of the artist and poetess, unfolding in Ukraine and America at the end of the 20th century, turns into a true medieval mystery in which the heroine goes through the circles of recent Ukrainian history to meet the Devil face to face.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2021

        An Enlightenment Picture Book of Sex Education for Chinese Children

        by Zhang Dandan

        In the eyes of many Chinese parents, talking about "sex" with their children always feels ashamed to speak out. In fact, the younger the children, the higher their acceptance, the lower their shame, and the easier it is to grasp the true meaning of "sex and life". So, as parents, in what way should we tell children the origin of life, tell them the correct understanding of sexual organs, and avoid being sexually assaulted? "Growth and Sex for Children" starts with "sex and life", through the form of "picture book + cartoon", it uses scientific and childlike language to tell children a complete and systematic knowledge of sex education. In addition, the series also fully considers the sexual and psychological development of children aged 3-6. It integrates storytelling, fun, and knowledge. It is a growth book for parents and children to read together.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 1995

        The Age of Upheaval

        by David Brooks

        A study of one of the most intense and formative periods of modern political history. The years 1899-1914 witnessed a fundamental challenge to many Victorian values and institutions: Free Trade, the new Poor Law, the House of Lords, the Irish Union - all were under attack, while organized labour and the feminist movement displayed an unprecedented assertiveness and aggression. Drawing on a variety of sources, this work examines what made these years the most politically turbulent between the Chartist era and today. It emphasizes the long shadow cast by the South African War, and the challenges to national identity posed by imperialism and by the Irish nationalist movement. Consideration is also given to the 1906 Liberal landslide victory and the way in which this aroused expectations that could not always be fulfilled. The author offers his own perspectives on the leading figures of the day - Chamberlain, Balfour, Lloyd George, Asquith and Churchill. While the emphasis of the book is on political thought, the author also sets his discussion within the broader context of social and economic change. This study is designed for A' level and undergraduate students of Edwardian history. ;

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