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      • Photo Travel Editions

        Photo Travel Editions is an italian independent Publishing House founded in 2018 and directed by Giovanni Marino. Books and reading are necessary tools to communicate beauty and to transmit memory and identity. In this context, Photo Travel Editions, develops as a natural evolution of a complex reality with the aim of giving voice to the need to spread and share the cultural tool par excellence, the book. Photo Travel Editions combines aspects of traditional publishing with the new modern publishing of E-books and audiobooks. The publishing project offers nonfiction books, contemporary fiction, poetry, photographic books and the re-edition of rare books.  Great attention is paid to emerging authors who will be offered the means to reach an increasingly important number of readers, giving them the opportunity to express themselves, communicate and excite through writing.

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2011

        Sich durchsetzen – aber richtig!

        5 Strategien für mehr Erfolg im Beruf

        by Dale Carnegie Training / Englisch Skiba, Carolin

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        Happy Fine Art Class

        by Children's Art Education

        Happy Fine Art Class is a fine art class that "creates happiness"! Here, a “Happy Fine Art Class” is being created. What is happiness? How to get happy? What is a happy fine art class like? Let us lead you to feel the happiness created by the Happy Fine Art Class of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. As an educator, the understanding and love for children is the foundation of art teaching. In this way, we can face every child who is full of ideas with a heart of tolerance and encouragement, and let them feel the warmth of helping and sharing with each other under the collaboration of the group.How to get happy? In fact, happiness is in the process of painting and other artistic creations.

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        April 2022

        FamilyFlow. Autogenes Training für Kinder

        by Sabine Seyffert, Michael Kamp, Ralf Kiwit

        Mit autogenem Training lernen Kinder, stressigen Situationen zu entkommen, sich zu beruhigen und zu entspannen. Sie machen die positive Erfahrung, ein mentales Werkzeug zu besitzen, mit dem sie es ohne fremde Hilfe schaffen, sich besser zu fühlen. Das stärkt ihr Selbstbewusstsein und erlaubt ihnen Konzentration, was zu besseren schulischen Leistungen führt – ohne Druck, sondern im Vertrauen auf die eigene innere Stärke. Eine altersgerechte spielerische Anleitung zum autogenen Training, das für Kinder wunderbar geeignet und – einmal gelernt – ein lebenslanger Begleiter für Balance und Wohlbefinden ist.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2016

        Great Power Speed: The Road to the Rise of China's High-speed Rail

        by High-speed rail experience

        This topic takes as a sample the glorious development history of high-speed rail, which is highly concentrated and represents China’s manufacturing industry catching up with the world’s advanced level. This vivid portrayal of characters reflects the spirit and core values of Chinese railway people's minds of the motherland, tenacious struggle, and brave climbing, fully interpreting China's democracy, independence and self-reliance, and realizing the Chinese dream of making the country and the people rich.

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        April 2022

        FamilyFlow. Autogenes Training für Kinder

        by Sabine Seyffert, Michael Kamp, Kristina Ballerstaedt

        "FamilyFlow. Autogenes Training für Kinder" von Sabine Seyffert bietet eine kindgerechte Einführung in das autogene Training, um Kindern zu helfen, Stress zu bewältigen und ihre innere Ruhe zu finden. Dieses Hörbuch ist speziell darauf ausgerichtet, jungen Zuhörern im Alter von 5 bis 7 Jahren durch einfache und spielerische Übungen Techniken zur Selbstberuhigung und Entspannung nahezubringen. Durch Geschichten wie "Ein Nachmittag im Zauberwald" und "Unterwegs mit der Traumwolke" lernen Kinder, wie sie durch mentale Techniken ihre eigene körperliche und emotionale Wahrnehmung steuern können. Das stärkt nicht nur ihr Selbstbewusstsein, sondern verbessert auch ihre Konzentrationsfähigkeit und schulische Leistungen, indem sie lernen, Druck und Stress eigenständig zu reduzieren. Effektive Stressbewältigung: Bietet Kindern praktische Techniken zur Selbstberuhigung.Förderung der Konzentration: Unterstützt verbesserte Aufmerksamkeit und Lernfähigkeiten. Stärkung des Selbstbewusstseins: Kinder erfahren, wie sie aus eigener Kraft ihre Emotionen regulieren können. Spielerisches Lernen: Einführung des autogenen Trainings durch unterhaltsame und fantasievolle Geschichten. Langfristige Vorteile: Vermittelt Fähigkeiten, die Kindern ein Leben lang helfen, Balance und Wohlbefinden zu bewahren.

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        Pharmaceutical Technician Training: the Connecticum

        Learning field-oriented and interdisciplinary 1st school year

        by Simone Gansewig and Dr. Robert Wulff

        Scenes from the life of a pharmaceutical technician in her everyday life in a shared flat and the pharmacy are the gimmicks (and cliffhangers) in this book on pharmaceutical technician training. These develop into their connections to everyday life in a pharmacy and to the pharmaceutical knowledge that is conveyed at pharmaceutical technician school classes. The work combines different media forms and learning types as “Connecticum”. Podcasts, videos, and worksheets that can be accessed via QR code, as well as references to literature and information sources, supplement the content and make learning more varied and interesting. This innovative workbook for pharmaceutical technician training – each school year is accompanied by its own volume - is the ideal partner for subject-oriented and interdisciplinary teaching. It is also suitable for practically-oriented, independent work and a review of the entire training content – with a guaranteed fun factor!

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        Health & Personal Development
        January 2017

        The Memo Training Program

        by Regula Everts, Barbara Ritter

        Memo is a circus elephant who lives in Switzerland, but because it is too cold for him there, he wants to return to his home country of Botswana. Unfortunately, though, Memo is very forgetful. So it’s a good thing that he has lots of friends among the other circus animals who teach him memory techniques to help him on his adventurous journey. Target Group: parents; teachers; social workers specializing in education; school psychological and medical services; psychiatric services for children; student teachers The memory training program with Memo the elephant is based on neuroscientific principles and has been developed, used, and successfully tested at the University Children’s Hospital in Bern, Switzerland. The program focuses on teaching effective memory strategies and improves the working memory. Its six simple units have been shown to produce sustainable improvement in learning in children from the age of seven. Memo Training is the product of a major research project conducted at the Inselspital in Bern by the neuropsychologists PD Dr. Regula Everts and Dr. Barbara Ritter.

      • Trusted Partner

        Compulsory Training. Preparing and blistering

        Pursuant to Art. 34 ApBetrO

        by Manuela Queckenberg

        If medicines are prepared or blistered in advance, this not only saves time during the course of nursing care but also prevents medication errors. Section 34 of the German Ordinance on the Operation of a Pharmacy (ApBetrO) regulates the procedure and at the same time stipulates staff training. This is the perfect tool to use! The whole field of preparing and blistering, presented on 43 slides: - Basics: definitions and statutory requirements - Requirements: rooms, staff, hygiene, and occupational safety and health - Prerequisites: quality and plausibility - Drug products: whitelist and blacklist - Manufacture: from deblistering to labelling The content of the 2nd edition has been updated. The volume now contains many new photos and illustrations. Training slides, explanatory text and the form for documenting the training can be found as usual on the tabletop display and for download. Whether new employees or old hands – everyone benefits!

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        Happiness Education

        by Yang Jiujun

        Writing from the angle of “what is happiness in education”, the author systematically elaborates on how to create the feeling of joy in education – which he describes as running a happy school and having teachers who enjoy teaching. This entire book takes a very down-to-earth approach towards the reader, and narrates about the “happiness” of education, explains profound insights in simple, easy to understand language, and boasts impressive readability. This book offers significant guidance towards professors, teaching, and life in general.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2009

        Im Sturm der Sinne

        Sie hatte ein dunkles Geheimnis - doch für ihn brach sie ihr Schweigen

        by Breeding, Cynthia / Übersetzt von Maronne, Lisa

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        September 2021

        Outline of New Family Education

        by Zhu Yongxin

        Professor Zhu Yongxin explained his ideal education from ten aspects, and from these ten aspects, he discussed how to realize the ideal school, the ideal teacher, the ideal principal, the ideal student, the ideal parent, and the ideal moral education. , Ideal intellectual education, ideal physical education, ideal aesthetic education and ideal labor technical education. Through these ten educational ideals, the author traces an ideal educational blueprint. At the same time, the author also discussed a series of forward-looking issues such as the ten major trends of China's basic education reform, the trends and characteristics of China's curriculum reform, the challenges and prospects of China's moral education.

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