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        July 2024



        by Colin Niel, Thomas Wörtche, Anne Thomas

        In Bois Sec, einem kleinen, elenden Slum im Amazonasgebiet von Französisch-Guayana, lebt der zehnjährige Darwyne mit seiner Mutter Yolanda. Yolanda ist schön, stark und klug. Darwyne ist klein, ein wenig körperlich beeinträchtigt und meistens schmutzig. Er möchte so sehr von seiner Mutter geliebt werden, sie aber hält ihn für ein Monster. Sieben ihrer Liebhaber sind bis jetzt spurlos im Dschungel verschwunden. Ein achter, Jhonson, taucht gerade auf. Auch er bekommt keinen Draht zu Darwyne. Im Gegensatz zu Mathurine, einer Sozialarbeiterin, die versteht, dass Darwyne eine besondere Beziehung zur Natur hat, anscheinend mit den Tieren und den Pflanzen kommunizieren kann und dass er in der Tat »anders« ist, irgendetwas zwischen den Spezies. Und ihr drängt sich mit der Zeit der Verdacht auf, dass Darwyne womöglich mit dem Verschwinden der ersten sieben Lover etwas zu tun hat. Nach einem dramatischen Erdrutsch, der den Slum vernichtet, fliehen Yolanda und Jhonson ‒ ausgerechnet in den Dschungel ...

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2024

        Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement

        by Emlyn Williams, Chris Harwood, Colin Matheson

        This third edition of Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement provides a set of practical procedures to follow when planning, designing and analysing tree improvement trials. Using many fully worked examples, it outlines how to: design field, glasshouse and laboratory trials; efficiently collect and construct electronic data files; pre-process data, screening for data quality and outliers; analyse data from single and across-site trials; and interpret the results from statistical analyses. The authors address the many practical issues often faced in forest tree improvement trials and describe techniques that will efficiently give conclusive results. The techniques provided are applicable to the improvement of not only trees, but to crops in general. Building on the success of the second edition, this new edition has been fully revised to include the construction of p-rep and spatial designs using the commercially available software package for design generation (CycDesigN). For analysis of the examples, it provides online Genstat and SAS programs and a link to R programs.

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2025

        Dear Algorithm

        The Wed Luck Show

        by Michael Afenfia

        Two sisters living in two different cities, one in Port Harcourt, Nigeria and the other in Saskatoon, Canada have big announcements to make to their parents about marriage and finding love. While the older sister, Mondi appeared unsure of where she stood between convention and what she desired, her younger sister Yola was all set for an extreme adventure that threatened to tear their family apart.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2017

        Visions of empire

        Patriotism, popular culture and the city, 1870–1939

        by Brad Beaven

        The emergence of a vibrant imperial culture in British society from the 1890s both fascinated and appalled contemporaries. It has also consistently provoked controversy among historians. This book offers a ground-breaking perspective on how imperial culture was disseminated. It identifies the important synergies that grew between a new civic culture and the wider imperial project. Beaven shows that the ebb and flow of imperial enthusiasm was shaped through a fusion of local patriotism and a broader imperial identity. Imperial culture was neither generic nor unimportant but was instead multi-layered and recast to capture the concerns of a locality. The book draws on a rich seam of primary sources from three representative English cities. These case studies are considered against an extensive analysis of seminal and current historiography. This renders the book invaluable to those interested in the fields of imperialism, social and cultural history, popular culture, historical geography and urban history.

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        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        April 2017

        Global Urban Agriculture

        by Antoinette M.G.A. WinklerPrins

        There has been growing attention paid to urban agriculture worldwide because of its role in making cities more environmentaly sustainable while also contributing to enhanced food access and social justice. This edited volume brings together current research and case studies concerning urban agriculture from both the Global North and the Global South. Its objective is to help bridge the long-standing divide between discussion of urban agriculture in the Global North and the Global South and to demonstrate that today there are greater areas of overlap than there are differences both theoretically and substantively, and that research in either area can help inform research in the other. The book covers the nature of urban agriculture and how it supports livelihoods, provides ecosystem services, and community development. It also considers urban agriculture and social capital, networks, and agro-biodiversity conservation. Concepts such as sustainability, resilience, adaptation and community, and the value of urban agriculture as a recreational resource are explored. It also examines, quite fundamentally, why people farm in the city and how urban agriculture can contribute to more sustainable cities in both the Global North and the Global South. Key Features: · One of the first volumes to bring together evidence from urban agriculture in the Global North and the Global South · Explores the contribution of urban agriculture to livelihoods, ecosystems and conservation · Numerous case studies examine a very diverse range of urban agriculture systems ; Urban agriculture is crucial to the environmental sustainability of cities, but the issues facing cities in the global north and south have been seen as unlinked. This book brings together evidence from both areas to highlight the interconnectedness and the contribution to social justice. ; 1: Defining and Theorizing Global Urban Agriculture2: A View from the South: Bringing Critical Planning Theory to Urban Agriculture3: Barriers and Benefits of North American Urban Agriculture4: A Survey of Urban Community Gardeners in the United States of America5: Gardens in the City: Community, Politics, and Place in San Diego, California6: “Growing Food is Hard Work:” The Labor Challenges of Urban Agriculture in Houston, Texas7: The Marketing of Vegetables Produced in Cities in Ghana: Implications and Trajectories8: Hunger for Justice: Building Sustainable and Equitable Communities in Massachusetts9: Sustainability’s Incomplete Circles: Towards a Just Food Politics in Austin, Texas and Havana, Cuba10: A Political Ecology of Community Gardens in Australia: From Local to Global Lessons11: Urban Agriculture as Adaptive Capacity: An Example from Senegal12: Intersection and Material Flow in Open-Space Urban Farms in Tanzania13: Relying on Urban Gardens for Survival within the Building of a Modern City in Colombia14: Regreening Kibera: How Urban Agriculture Changed the Physical and Social Environment of a Large Slum in Kenya15: Farm Fresh in the City: Urban Grassroots Food Distribution Networks in Finland16: The Appropriation of Space through ‘Communist Swarms:’ A Socio-Spatial Examination of Urban Apiculture in Washington, DC17: Urban Agriculture and the Re-Assembly of the City: Lessons from Wuhan, China18: The Contribution of Smallholder Irrigated Urban Agriculture Towards Household Food Security in Harare, Zimbabwe19: Community Gardens as Urban Social-Ecological Refuges in the Global North20: Global Urban Agriculture into the Future: Urban Cultivation as Accepted Practice

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2025

        White Hearts

        by Nnamdi Okose

        Two young boys seeking to be initiated into the order of warriors, find their lives upturned when an accident wakes a vengeful goddess. This story, weaved from the oral lore and magic of the Igbo takes the reader on a journey through the lake where mermaids and crocodiles contend for power. And through enchanted kingdoms ruled by mythical spirits. A curse has been unleashed that would cause the destruction of the world. An army of both humans and mythical creatures must be raised to defend the world. Only a white heart can lead this great army.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2024

        Genome Editing for Crop Improvement

        Theory and Methodology

        by Jameel M Al-Khayri, Muhammad N Sattar, Sudhir K. Sopory, Shri Mohan Jain

        Genome editing offers a powerful tool to significantly accelerate crop-breeding programs in order to develop new and improved varieties. It allows precise modification of an organism's DNA sequence, often by creating targeted double-strand breaks at specific locations. The CRISPR-Cas system has emerged as the preferred method of gene editing and offers a powerful technology for crop improvement. The use of CRISPR in plant research has led to significant improvements in crop performance in terms of yield, nutrition, stress tolerance and resistance against agricultural pests and diseases. This book explores the cutting-edge field of genome editing, its applications and potential to revolutionize the genetic improvement of crops. It includes: Foundational concepts and historical context of genome editing (GE). Structure and mechanisms of various genome editing techniques. Application of GE for trait improvements in plants. Regulatory, biosafety, and ethical considerations. This is a valuable resource for researchers in crop genetic improvement, graduate and postgraduate students in molecular biology and biotechnology programs, and professionals in the field.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2024

        Plant Breeding Technology

        Future Trends and Challenges

        by Zeba Khan

        This book highlights the latest and most exciting technological tools for plant breeding that are becoming the staple of all crop improvement programs. Using case studies and an evidence-based approach to examine the current status of each technique, the book discusses the challenges so far uncovered and future trends. Crop improvement relies on modulating the genes and genomic regions underlying key traits, either directly or indirectly. Direct approaches include overexpression, RNA interference, and genome editing, while conventional breeding constitutes the indirect approach. The integration of cutting-edge tools and technologies has the potential to expedite improvements in crop species. Innovations such as next-generation sequencing, high-throughput genotyping, precision editing, and the utilization of space technology to accelerate growth have opened new avenues in crop improvement programs, aimed at delivering new crop varieties capable of resilience to a variety of challenges. The book presents a systematic guide to various genomics approaches deployed for trait discovery and improvement in crop species. The chapters comprehensively cover each application, its advantages, and disadvantages, and its potential for improvement, supported by illustrative examples. The book: · Emphasizes the latest scientific and technological tools which are becoming the norm in all major crop improvement programs · Explores innovative approaches and cutting-edge technologies utilized in the development and improvement of climate-resilient crops. · Each chapter is supplemented with ample illustrations to clarify and summarize the key points and provides an easy-to-understand overview of the most important concepts, applications and advances in crop improvement technologies.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2017

        Sing, Sadness

        by Lan Lan

        This is a poem collection of modern Chinese poet Lan Lan, who chooses about 200 works from 1983-2014. Her poems are characterized with strong emotion, sharp thoughts, and lyrical expression.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Zhangjiajie·"The Country Is So Beautiful"

        by Zhangjiajie·"The Country Is So Beautiful" Editorial Board

        Zhangjiajie·"The Country Is So Beautiful" is a work organized and compiled by the Propaganda Department of the Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. "Extension" consists of 4 chapters. With a lot of little-known details, interesting stories and grand perspectives, the work restores the filming process and the national hit effect of "The Country Is So Beautiful" for readers. At the same time, through a large number of incisive reviews, multi-dimensional and multi-perspective Presents all aspects of this film and television drama.

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        January 2020

        Rise up!

        by Li, Amanda

        Von starken Kids und dem Mut, anders zu sein! Ungewöhnliche Geschichten von Schicksalsschlägen, Herausforderungen, Widerstand und einer neuen Zukunft. Greta Thunberg (Schweden): Ein Teenager ruft eine internationale Bewegung für den Klimaschutz ins Leben. Phiona Mutesi (Uganda): Ein kleines Mädchen kämpft sich aus den Slums und wird zum international gefeierten Schachprofi. Boyan Slat (Niederlande): Ein Teenager hilft mit seiner Erfindung, die Meere vom Plastikmüll zu befreien. Lizzie Velasques (USA): Ein durch Krankheit entstellter Teenager kämpft weltweit erfolgreich gegen Mobbing. William Kwamkwamba (USA): Ein Junge sichert die Stromversorgung in seinem Dorf, mit Schrott und einer Anleitung aus einem geliehenen Buch. Dieses Buch stellt coole und unglaublich starke Kids vor, die Schicksalsschläge meistern, ihre Not in Mut umwandeln und für ihre Ideale einstehen. Ob es um die Verwirklichung eines Lebenstraums geht oder um die Veränderung der Welt - sie alle lassen sich nicht von ihren Zielen abbringen. Mit Kurzbiografien von: Greta Thunberg, William Kamkwamba, Laura Dekker, Joel Kioko, Poorna Malavath, Boyan Slat, Yeonmi Park, Abraham Keita, Juliane Koepcke, Desmand Doss, Phiona Mutesi, Rain, Malala Yousafzai, Pelé, Molly Kelly, Ally Swinton, Lizzie Velásquez, Louis Braille, Bethany Hamilton, Mohamad Al Jounde, Pratima Sherpa, Kevin Breel, Frida Kahlo, Nona Siblings, Ellie Simmonds, Pierre Demalvilain, Juliana Ossa, Sheku Kanneh-Mason, Ayesha Farooq.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2024

        Sustainable Ecological Restoration and Conservation in the Hindu-Kush Himalayan Region

        A Comprehensive Review

        by Zhanhuan Shang, Allan Degen, Devendra Gauchan, Madan Koirala, Muhammad Khalid Rafiq, Awais Iqbal, Binyu Luo, Dawei Zhang, Diwakar Adhikari, Dongmei Li, Furbe Lama, Haonan Guo, Hui Xu, Huma Ali, Jalal Hayat Khan, Jiayi He, Jie Lian, Mei Huang, Monika Ghimire, Narayan Prasad Gaire, Peipei Liu, Qinghui Fang, Ramesh Prasad Sapkota, Ramesh Raj Pant, Rashila Deshar, Ritika K.C, Rui Zhang, Rukhsanda Aziz, Srijana Khanal, Tianyun Qi, Udhab Raj Khadka, Usha Rai, Usman Ali, Wenyin Wang, Xiaoping Jing, Yamuna Ghale, Youyan Liu, Zhen Peng, Zhiqiang Dang

        The years 2021 to 2030 have been designated as "The United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration". Ecological restoration and biodiversity conservation efforts face unprecedented challenges, especially in developing countries and areas, such as the Hindu Kush-Himalayan (HKH) region. This huge HKH region, which includes areas in eight separate countries (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, India, China, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Bhutan), is a biodiversity hotspot with a vast array of ecosystems, landscapes, peoples and cultures. It is known as one of 'the pulses of the world'. However, the HKH is also the world's largest and poorest mountain region, where landscapes and environments have been severely damaged as a result of climate change and human activities. Coordinating conservation and restoration policies, sharing knowledge and funds, and maintaining livelihoods are major challenges and are in urgent need of improvement. This book details the past and current ecological problems in the HKH region, and the threats and challenges that ecosystems and local people face. It pays special attention to developments of transformative adaptations and presents examples of sustainable conservation and ecological restoration management practices. Three primary questions are addressed: (1) Do the existing conservation strategies of international organizations and government policies really protect ecosystems and solve biodiversity problems? (2) Can these management measures be one-time solutions? and (3) What is the strategic framework and scenario prognosis for the future based on the historical trajectory of ecological conservation and restoration in the region? This book is essential reading for ecologists and conservation biologists involved in large-scale ecological restoration projects, along with practitioners, graduate students, policy makers and international development workers.

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        Ella Arcangel

        Magic of Earth and Blood

        by Julius Villanueva (author and illustrator)

        Ella Arcangel: Magic of Earth and Blood follows the adventures of the titular hero, a 12 year old “mambabarang” living in the slums of Barangay Masikap. Ella has to walk the tightrope of helping her impoverished community deal with the supernatural, assisting the dispossessed spirits and elementals deal with the humans who are sharing their space, and fending off her own lack of resources. She won’t just battle supernatural monsters, but monsters with a badge and a uniform as she is caught in the middle of the unjust drug war.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2021

        Double Wahala, Double Trouble

        by Uchechukwu Peter Umezurike

        A woman chops off her finger to demonstrate her fidelity to her lover. A mother loses her mind upon discovering that her husband has left her and their only child. An artist seeks to unravel why his neighbour's face enchants him. A passenger on a bus acts as an emissary of death. Meet some of the characters in Double Wahala Double Trouble, a collection of eleven stories by the award-winning poet, short story writer, children's novelist, and literary scholar. In this stunning collection, Umezurike lures the reader into a journey of the absurd and the grisly to show us men and women struggling to live, desire, love, and thrive against the eddy of troubles in their world.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2024

        A Place Beyond the Heart

        by Irehobhude O. Iyioha

        A Place Beyond the Heart is a collection of short stories exploring issues at the intersection of war and love, terror and (dis)order, as well as identity, gender, and sexuality. The stories capture the lives of people facing personal, societal and transcultural challenges that define, transform, and ultimately create shifts in the way they see and experience the world.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2024

        Inventing the modern region

        by Talitha Ilacqua

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