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      • Sri Senbaga Pathippakam

        Sri Senbaga Pathippakam is one of the best publishers in Tamil language. We have published more than 1000 titles including ancient Sangam Tamil literature, research books in Tamil literature and language, mythological books, historical fiction and non-fiction, short stories, cooking books, etc. We also specialize in books for children, bilingual and trilingual dictionaries for the reference of students and general public. We publish Sahitya Academy & Tamilnadu government award winning books. One of our renowned books, 'Thirukkural', a scripture common to every walk of human life irrespective of gender, race or community is a must read for everyone on this planet. It is published in various sizes and design. 'Oviyakkural (Thirukkural with paintings)' portrays Tamil tradition and culture through paintings. Our religious publication about Vainavam and Saivam is popular among scholars. 'Kambar Kavi Inbam' portrays the beauty of poetry as described in Kambar's Ramayanam in Tamil language.

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      • Health & Personal Development

        Pause and Sense

        by Emily Atallah

        Thousands of people say things such as “I have no time”, “when did life pass me by”, or “I have nothing left to live for.” According to the WHO, nearly 700,000 people commit suicide every year, and conditions such as depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and lack of purpose are increasingly rooted in our societies, blocking our view to a life full of light and possibilities. In the age of instant connectivity, we have never been as disconnected, unmotivated and empty as we are now. In these pages, you will find 10 practical tools that will help you get unstuck, find your way through pain, and reconnect with your purpose towards a plentiful life. The book is divided in three sections that help you understand what is valuable about life, what we can give to the world as human beings, and how we can embrace challenges, increase connectivity with each other and increase our awareness. This book invites you to enrich your own life, through reflections that help you go deep inside, and examples of how others who when through similar experiences, got through them to live a happier, meaningful, and purposeful life.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2025

        Cinematic Ethnography

        Experiencing cultures through some audiovisual practices

        by Laurent Van Lancker

        Cinematic ethnography proposes an interdisciplinary approach to theories and practices at the intersection of art, anthropology and cinema. The book proposes a model of collective aesthetics and collaborative filmmaking, going beyond the straightforward representation of reality that is so prevalent in visual anthropology and film studies. This book explores the practices of filmmakers who utilise sensory collaborative approaches to convey diversity of knowledge. It affirms that the more we allow cinema to infuse audio-visual transmissions of reality, the more we might be able to experience the evoked reality. The book proposes a dialogic journey, inviting the reader to pause during the reading of the book to watch some of the author's films, which exemplify the discussed theories and practices. This innovative work from a practising filmmaker and visual anthropologist invites us to rethink how our cinematic practices, rather than aiming at factual representation and description, might instead contribute to a collaborative understanding of intercultural dialogue and shared knowledge. For those interested in visual anthropology, documentary film or broader questions about the nature of art and representation, Cinematic ethnography is a thought-provoking invitation to see - and tell - things differently.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2012

        Republican learning

        by Justin Champion

      • Trusted Partner
        June 1999


        Reisen in die Nacht. Stories

        by Herausgegeben von Champion, Sarah

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      • Trusted Partner
        May 2025

        Building Human Capital in Tourism and Hospitality

        Perspectives from theory and practice

        by Jorge Marques, Joana A Quintela, Marília Durão, Medéia Veríssimo

        Career development in the tourism and hospitality industry has attracted greater attention, leading to a higher recognition of the relevance of formal and industry-specific education and training. New career opportunities emerge as new challenges arise, urging for ongoing and renewed debates surrounding higher-level skills and the development and optimization of human capital. Building bridges between higher education institutions, the industry, and other relevant stakeholders - primarily via needs assessment, curriculum design, and monitoring of on-the-job training practices and processes - is critical to promoting the employability of a graduate-level skilled workforce. This book takes steps towards contributing to higher valuation of tourism and hospitality jobs by: combining theoretical and practical viewpoints from scholars, researchers, and practitioners, showcasing challenges and opportunities associated with managing human capital in tourism and hospitality, offering critical and reflective perspectives on competencies development, graduate employability, and improvement of human resource management practices. It will be of interest to researchers, students, teachers, and professionals who want to further explore the area of human capital in tourism and hospitality.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2023

        Spectacles and the Victorians

        Measuring, defining and shaping visual capacity

        by Gemma Almond-Brown

        This is the first full-length study of spectacles in the Victorian period. It examines how the Victorians shaped our understanding of functional visual capacity and the concept of 20:20 vision. Demonstrating how this unique assistive device can connect the histories of medicine, technology and disability, it charts how technology has influenced our understanding of sensory perception, both through the diagnostic methods used to measure visual impairment and the utility of spectacles to ameliorate its effects. Taking a material culture approach, the book assesses how the design of spectacles thwarted ophthalmologists' attempts to medicalise their distribution and use, as well as creating a mainstream marketable device on the high street.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        March 2019

        Emotional Intelligence in Tourism and Hospitality

        by Erdogan Koc

        Emotional intelligence (EI) is the capability to recognize one's own emotions and those of others. The use of emotional information guides thinking and behavior, allowing adjustment of emotions to adapt to environments. As tourism and hospitality services are produced and consumed simultaneously, with a high level of contact between employees and customers, the development of EI of employees in tourism and hospitality establishments is vital. This book has a skills-based approach and explains how emotional intelligence can be developed in tourism and hospitality students and employees.

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      • Trusted Partner
        May 2023

        Technology and Social Transformations in Hospitality, Tourism and Gastronomy

        South Asia Perspectives

        by Savita Sharma, Shivam Bhartiya

        This book explores the relationship between technology and social transformation in tourism, hospitality and gastronomy. It presents research and case studies, elaborating on benchmark practices adopted by tourism and hospitality professionals. In recent years, technology has transformed the tourism and hospitality industry; the chapters in this book cover areas such as guest experience and service quality, as well as operational areas such as housekeeping and waste management. Further social transformation in tourism is a result of drivers such as a growing interest in gastronomy and the use of social media; this is covered in the first part of the book. The second part outlines how communities may learn from these events. With contributions from academics, entrepreneurs, destination managers and government officials from the South Asia region, this book offers a real insight in to these areas of growing interest and provide a useful resource for those researching and studying within the areas of tourism development and hospitality.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 2006

        Die Olchis sind da


        by Erhard Dietl, Rainer Schmitt, Stephanie Kirchberger, Maritna Mank, Eva Michaelis, Robert Missler, Erhard Dietl, Dieter Faber, CSC creative sound conception, CSC creative sound conception, Frank Gustavus, Erhard Dietl

        Frech und lustig - einfach olchig! Das sind die Olchis! Grün, mit Hörhörnern und Knubbelnasen, stinkefaul und mit einem unbändigen Appetit auf Müll. Vor lauter Nichtstun kommen sie auf die verrücktesten Ideen! Der erste Band der Kultserie als Hörspiel mit den beliebten Olchi-Sprechern.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2006

        Die Olchis werden Fußballmeister


        by Erhard Dietl, Rainer Schmitt, Stephanie Kirchberger, Maritna Mank, Eva Michaelis, Robert Missler, Erhard Dietl, Dieter Faber, CSC creative sound conception, CSC creative sound conception, Frank Gustavus, Erhard Dietl

        Olchis vor, noch ein Tor! Was ist denn das? Als die Olchi-Kinder auf dem Müllberg einen alten Fußball finden, wissen sie nicht, was sie damit anfangen sollen. Vielleicht mit einer leckeren Soße verspeisen? Nur der Olchi-Opa kennt sich aus und weiß, wofür so ein Ball gut ist. Schließlich war er früher selbst mal Fußballspieler! Er schlägt den Olchis ein Freundschaftsspiel gegen den 1.FC Schmuddelfing vor. Aber haben die Olchis überhaupt eine Chance gegen diese Profis? Ein Hörspiel mit den beliebten Olchi-Sprechern

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2007

        Die Olchis ziehen um


        by Erhard Dietl, Rainer Schmitt, Stephanie Kirchberger, Maritna Mank, Eva Michaelis, Robert Missler, Erhard Dietl, Dieter Faber, Frank Oberpichler, CSC creative sound conception, CSC creative sound conception, Frank Gustavus, Erhard Dietl

        Wo stinkt es am meisten? Auf der Suche nach einem neuen Zuhause Umziehen? Die Olchis sind entsetzt, als ihre geliebte Müllkippe vom Amt für Umweltschutz auf einen Lastwagen verladen wird und verschwindet. Wo sollen die Olchis denn nun leben? Aber da hat Olchi-Papa eine gute Idee - und einen guten Riecher dazu! Hörspiel mit den bliebten Olchi-Sprechern.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2013

        Die Olchis und der blaue Nachbar


        by Erhard Dietl, Rainer Schmitt, Stephanie Kirchberger, Maritna Mank, Eva Michaelis, Robert Missler, Jens Wendland, Erhard Dietl, Dieter Faber, CSC creative sound conception, CSC creative sound conception, Frank Gustavus, Frank Gustavus, Erhard Dietl

        Schleime-Schlamm-und-Käsefuß: Die Olchis ziehen um. Die Olchis, die sich am liebsten von dem ernähren, was andere wegwerfen, sind schon wieder umgezogen. Diesmal auf eine ganz besondere Müllhalde. Da gibt es alles, was das Olchi-Herz begehrt: leere Bierdosen, gammelige Matratzen, rostige Schirmgestelle und ausrangierte Badewannen. Was es da aber am allermeisten gibt, das ist der blaue Nachbar. Der ist auch ein Olchi, aber schrecklich ordentlich. Nichts für Sauberkeitsfanatiker: Hörspiel mit den beliebten Olchi-Sprechern.

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