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      • Praphansarn Publishing Co., Ltd.

        Praphansarn Publishing is a well-known publisher, established since 1961. With our experiences and history within the Thai Publishing market, we are one of the experts. Praphansarn Publishing publishes both Fiction, Non-fiction, Young Adults and Children books. We have altogether 3 other imprints: Woman Publisher, Rainbow Publisher and Asian Manga. Each imprints specialised in its own speciality.

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      • Trusted Partner

        The Practice of Pharmacy

        Textbook for pharmacy interns Handbook for the pharmacy

        by Dr. Michael Sax, founded by Dr. Herbert Gebler and Dr. Gerd Kindl

        After pharmacy studies have ended, the fascinating world of the pharmacy awaits – simultaneously varied and challenging. This is no problem with this well-established standard work to hand! The 7th edition, with a new editor and new structure, goes through the various stages of pharmacy operation. Beginning with the social mandate to supply medicines and then considering the organisational and economic orientation of a pharmacy, one delves ever deeper into its inner workings. In every area, the appropriate specific information can be found about pharmaceutical law and practice – whether this concerns the back office, over-the-counter medicines, dispensary and dispensing, or the supply of care homes, or preparation of cytotoxic drugs. In addition to the important topic “Dispensing of drugs and medical devices on prescription”, particular attention is paid to the principal activity in the pharmacy – giving advice on self-medication. The contents are based on the regulations for registration of pharmacists and the guidelines of the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists for the practical training of pharmacy interns in the pharmacy. The Practice of Pharmacy safely navigates the user through the practical training year and is the ideal preparation for the 3rd State Examination! Returnees, pharmacies that provide training and pharmacists of many years’ experience, will also benefit from this textbook and reference work.

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        Phytotherapy in Equine Practice

        Pocket guide

        by Dr. Herbert Konrad

        Lemon balm tea for competition anxiety, cottonwood bark for myositis, devil’s claw root for laminitis – yes, herbal preparations promote healing in horses too! An experienced veterinarian has gathered together the skills of his holistic treatment - Profiles of herbal drugs: Therapy-relevant characteristics of the medicinal plants - Veterinary practice: Examination, repertorisation (finding the suitable remedy), treatment plan, calculation of the dose for a horse, including examples of equine patients - Indications: Proven phytotherapeutic agents for the most common diseases This book shows that even chronic cases or those refractory to conventional medicine can be successfully treated with the healing power of plants.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2020

        Veterinary Ethics in Practice

        by James W Yeates

        Veterinary Ethics in Practice gives non-specialist veterinary professionals an introduction to ethics. It helps readers to think about, and discuss, ethical dilemmas and viewpoints faced by practitioners in their daily practice. The book: · Is an important primer and introduction to basic ethical dilemmas. · Helps improve ethical reasoning, through the use of numerous worked examples, leading to increased confidence in decisions and actions. · Explains key ethical concepts and terminology making the subject easier to understand. · Contains case studies which help bring real dilemmas to life. With carefully crafted themes and problem cases in farm animal, companion animal, equine, wildlife, zoo and laboratory settings, the book provides an important yet concise and accessible introduction to moral decision-making in veterinary practice.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2023

        Equine Thermography in Practice

        by Maria Soroko-Dubrovina, Mina C G Davies Morel

        Evidence-based and yet very practical, Equine Thermography in Practice discusses how to use the tool in the diagnosis of equine musculoskeletal injuries. It covers what the user can expect to see in normal versus injured horses, and gives guidelines for best practice. The book builds from basics covering the principles of thermography, then reviews its applications in equine veterinary medicine and the role of the technique regarding equestrian athletes and rehabilitation. Fully updated throughout with new references and additional illustrative case studies, this new edition: -- Covers advances made in thermography applications for rehabilitation, such as assessing the effectiveness of physical devices like lasers, magnetic therapy, shock wave therapy and cryotherapy with additional updated references - Includes new cases and thermographic images to illustrate improvements in the technology. - Updates knowledge on thermographic imaging technology. - Extensively illustrated and thoroughly referenced, this book is indispensable for both novice and experienced practitioners using the technique, including equine veterinarians, and equine physiotherapists and body work practitioners.

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        Business & management
        November 2012

        Veterinary Practice Management

        by Catherine R Coates, Alan Jones, Michael W Coates

        Veterinarians are increasingly aware of the need to recognise they are working in a business enterprise. From operating as small practices twenty years ago, veterinary businesses are now run along sophisticated models and operate out of multi-million pound hospitals. Drawing together the latest information on practice management, this textbook provides practical and straightforward coverage of major elements, including client relationships and staff management, business and financial procedures, computer systems and project management. This book covers practice management topics as taught in veterinary schools worldwide, providing students with a textbook resource in this increasingly important subject. It is also a valuable source of information for newly qualified veterinarians, veterinarians interested in practice management and veterinary practice managers.

      • Trusted Partner
        Equine veterinary medicine
        May 2016

        Equine Thermography in Practice

        by Dr Maria Soroko, Mina C G Davies Morel

        Evidence-based and yet very practical, Equine Thermography in Practice discusses how to use the tool in the diagnosis of equine musculoskeletal injuries and what the user can expect to see in normal versus injured horses giving guidelines for best practice. The book builds from basics covering the principles of thermography and then its applications in equine veterinary medicine and the role of the technique regarding the equestrian athlete as well as in rehabilitation. Extensively illustrated and thoroughly referenced, this book is indispensable to novice and experienced practitioners using the technique, including: equine veterinarians and equine physiotherapists and body work practitioners.

      • Trusted Partner
        Human biology
        February 2020

        Antimicrobial Stewardship for Nursing Practice

        by Molly Courtenay, Enrique Castro-Sánchez, Bri?tte du Toit, Yolanda van Zyl, Maria Clara Padoveze, Ligia Maria Abraão, Rosely Moralez de Figueiredo, Jo McEwen, Heather Kennedy, Nykoma Hamilton, Emma Burnett, Valerie Ness, Fiona Gotterson, Elizabeth Manias, Rose Gallagher, Rita Olans, Susie Singleton, Joanne Bosanquet

        Multi-drug resistant infections are one of the greatest threats to human health, and with resistance on the rise, appropriate antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) is more important than ever. This book, written by nurses for nurses, provides a clear and concise approach to good practice in this vital area. It explores all aspects of AMS, explaining the practices that ensure the optimal use of antibiotics for the best clinical outcome, with both minimal toxicity to the patient and minimal impact on subsequent antimicrobial resistance. Written by a global team of experts, it covers infection prevention and control, antimicrobial resistance, diagnosis of infection and appropriate antimicrobial use, patient engagement, collaboration between professions and how to implement AMS in nursing practice. The first AMS textbook applied directly to nursing practice, and underpinned by a competency framework designed by the editor team, it includes learning tools such as objectives, practical case studies and questions throughout.

      • Trusted Partner

        Nutritional Practice Women and Men

        Concise advisory knowledge

        by Edited by Prof. Dr. Martin Smollich. With contributions by Birgit Blumenschein, Dr. oec. troph. Annett Hilbig, Julia Kugler, Dr. Claudia Laupert-Deick, Julia Sausmikat and PD Dr. Birgit-Christiane Zyriax

        This volume in the book series Nutritional Practice sheds light on gender-specific aspects of the prevention and treatment of dietary deficiencies in women and men. Part I presents the principles, with an overview of the sociocultural influences on nutritional behaviour and differences in dietary practice between women and men, which lead to relevant consequences for gender-specific communication about nutrition. Part II explains in practical detail the wide range of topics concerning nutrition in pregnancy and lactation. Part III focusses on aspects of nutrition in life situations and on diseases that exclusively or predominantly occur in women. In addition to the menopause, these include various psychogenic eating disorders, breast cancer and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

      • Trusted Partner

        Nutritional Practice Elderly People

        Concise advisory knowledge

        by Prof. Dr. Martin Smollich (ed.)

        The physiology and living conditions of people change as they grow old, whereas it is often more difficult to adapt eating habits to the new requirements. Psychological aspects come to the fore. The challenge for giving specific nutritional advice is therefore particularly great. This volume in the book series Nutritional Practice provides all the information needed for the competent care of elderly people. It deals with general aspects of nutrition in old age, as well as specific nutritional situations such as poor diet, dehydration, chewing and swallowing problems, dementia, mobility, oral and food hygiene or nutrition at the end of life. A further section is concerned with communal catering.

      • Trusted Partner

        Nutritional Practice Infants, Children, Adolescents

        Concise advisory knowledge

        by Dr. Ute Alexy, Dr. Annett Hilbig and Frauke Lang. Edited by Prof. Dr. Martin Smollich

        Anyone giving responsible advice about questions on nutrition must have sound expert knowledge. This must not only be scientifically reliable, but must at the same time be relevant and practicable in the individual context. The concept behind the book series Nutritional Practice is to provide the necessary translation of current research results and guidelines into recommendations suitable for everyday use. In accordance with this consistent, practical approach, the focus is on the individual person in his or her particular stage in their life. The present volume is based on the various stages in life between infancy and adolescence. It therefore covers all questions about nutrition in health and disease from the first day of life to young adulthood

      • Trusted Partner

        Psychotropic Drugs in General Practice

        How to recognise, understand and treat patients successfully

        by PD Dr. Daniel Schüpbach and Dr. Otto Dietmaier

        The purpose of this book is to support general practitioners in finding the optimum, guideline-compliant therapy for their patients. The focus is on the clinical pictures of depression, psychosis as well as anxiety and sleep disorders and the handling of psychiatric emergencies. The reader will learn everything about the epidemiology, aetiology, diagnosis and medical treatment of these diseases, about switching therapy and about treatment in pregnancy and lactation. All the available psychotropic drugs and their pharmacological properties are described in detail – including key specific features of active substances and drug safety aspects. The table of substances in the appendix provides a clear summary of the information and simplifies the choice of the appropriate drug. The extras: - 13 factsheets with concise, summarised information to cope with tricky situations in the practice - The authors take the current treatment guidelines from Germany, Austria and Switzerland into account and name examples of proprietary medicinal products in the three countries.

      • Trusted Partner

        Theory and Clinical Practice of Modern Acupuncture and Moxibustion (in Chinese and English)

        by Chen Shaozong

        For decades, Prof. Chen Shaozong has been dedicating to the research on the modern acupuncture and moxibustion system that is different from the traditional paradigm. As early as 1990, he published Theory and Clinical Application of Modern Acupuncture and Moxibustion. The book is the prototype of the modern acupuncture and moxibustion system, though it contains merely 100,000 Chinese characters. 21 years later in 2011, Prof. Chen Shaozong published Modern Acupuncture and Moxibustion that contains nearly 1 million Chinese characters with more informative content and a more comprehensive theoretical system. At the same time, as acupuncture and moxibustion grows into a more international discipline, the European and American community of acupuncture and combustion is going beyond the study of traditional acupuncture and moxibustion to start exploring into the acupuncture and moxibustion system in the context of modern science and technology. In recent years, they have gradually developed "western acupuncture and moxibustion" represented by "dry needling". As a response to the huge challenges brought by the evolution of western acupuncture and moxibustion, we published the six-volume Modern Acupuncture and Moxibustion by Prof. Chen Shaozong in 2018. Containing more than 3 million Chinese characters, this book features richer content and a further improved theoretical system.   A few foreign universities have expressed their hope to have a compact edition of Modern Acupuncture and Moxibustion in Chinese and English languages based on the original edition so that they can use it as a textbook in teaching. This is how this Theory and Clinical Practice of Modern Acupuncture and Moxibustion (in Chinese and English) comes into being. It is believed that the publication of this book not only benefits the international exchange and communication on acupuncture and moxibustion, but also produces positive impact on the orientation of the discipline.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2021

        Practising shame

        Female honour in later medieval England

        by Mary C. Flannery, Anke Bernau, David Matthews

        Practicing shame investigates how the literature of medieval England encouraged women to safeguard their honour by cultivating hypervigilance against the possibility of sexual shame. A combination of inward reflection and outward comportment, this practice of 'shamefastness' was believed to reinforce women's chastity of mind and body, and to communicate that chastity to others by means of conventional gestures. The book uncovers the paradoxes and complications that emerged from these emotional practices, as well as the ways in which they were satirised and reappropriated by male authors. Working at the intersection of literary studies, gender studies and the history of emotions, it transforms our understanding of the ethical construction of femininity in the past and provides a new framework for thinking about honourable womanhood now and in the years to come.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2024

        Antiparasitic Drug Resistance in Veterinary Practice

        by Hafiz Muhammad Rizwan, Muhammad Ahsan Naeem, Muhammad Younus, Muhammad Sohail Sajid, Xi Chen, Haider Abbas, Tooba Abbas, S.W. Abbasi, Z. Afsheen, A. Ahmad

        Lack of clean water, inadequate sanitation, and insufficient infection prevention and control promote the spread of parasites. The discovery of antiparasitic drugs was considered a milestone in the veterinary and medical sciences, but their use has subsequently become limited due to the emergence of resistance. While plenty of attention has been given in human and animal health communities to the global threat of antimicrobial drug resistance, specific antiparasitic advice is less available. This book provides an in-depth view of the issue for parasitologists, pharmacologists and veterinary scientists. Specifically discussing antiparasitic drug resistance mechanisms and factors responsible for the problem, it covers: The physiological basis of parasitism; Resistance across protozoa, helminths, insects, mites and ticks; Molecular and phenotypic diagnostic methods; Practical strategies for mitigating resistance development. While it is clear that the veterinary field urgently requires the development of new antiparasitic drugs, of equal or even increased importance is the evaluation of alternative therapies and formulation of stringent policies to ensure appropriate drug use in veterinary practice. Highlighting the importance and development of resistance across different parasite groups, this book covers factors responsible for resistance development and advises strategies for effective stewardship and resistance mitigation.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2022

        Fungicides in Practice

        by Richard P. Oliver, Janna L Beckerman

        This is a guide for practitioners and scientists involved in fungicide research and use. It describes the principles underlying decisions about which fungicides to use, when to apply them, and what dose to use. Readers should be able to successfully interpret the labels and promotional material that comes with fungicides as well the regulatory restrictions that govern their use. The focus is on broadacre and horticultural crops, such as cereals, vines, soft and pome fruits. Based loosely on the 2014 edition of Fungicides in Crop Protection this book is significantly altered with new content and major revisions to all chapters. The contents include: · Fungicide markets, discovery and performance · Using fungicides to control diseases - seed treatments, foliar treatments, application methods · Crop-specific aspects of disease control, with case studies · Biological crop protection, and organic cultivation · Fungicide resistance · Legislation and regulation The audience comprises growers, agronomists and consultants who have decision making responsibility in broadacre and horticultural crop protection. The book will also appeal to researchers in agro chemical companies and in the public sector research who are involved in fungicide discovery and resistance management.

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        Nursing & ancillary services

        Person-centred Nursing Practice

        by Christoph von Dach, Hanna Mayer

        This is a reference book on the developmentof nursing practice in healthcarefacilities. The authors present person-centered nursing practice in itsbasic principles and with a model. Theydescribe paths, roles and examples of aperson-centered development culture.Using examples, they show how theconcept of person-centeredness canbe developed, planned, implemented,applied, evaluated, researched andtaught.

      • Trusted Partner

        German for Pharmaceutical Practice

        Communicate, research, present

        by Nadine Yvonne Sprecher, Annette Thomas, Annegret Lehmann and Anke Schichte. In collaboration with Christiane Schneider

        In the pharmacy, the staff communicate with customers, colleagues, the medical profession, sales representatives and nursing home staff. Pharmacy employees produce written information based on well-chosen sources and represent the pharmacy to the outside world through presentations, on social media, or with the help of flyers, posters and other promotional materials. All this presupposes the confident use of language, and is best trained in advance. Part A of this work provides assistance for the most diverse communicative requirements in the pharmacy. A short theoretical explanation is always followed by several tasks so that you can immediately put what you have learned into practice and try it out. The „Brief overview of grammar and language knowledge“ boxes point out linguistic stumbling blocks. Those who are not yet sure of the technical terms can make themselves fit in Part B. Here one learns how to conduct a good counselling interview according to the BAC guideline. Extensive lists of technical terms and their explanations suitable for everyday use – all arranged according to organ systems – contain the most important vocabulary for everyday pharmacy work. A totally practical German lesson!

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