La Pollera Ediciones
La Pollera's catalog includes narrative, essay, and chronicle of contemporary and classic authors.
View Rights PortalLa Pollera's catalog includes narrative, essay, and chronicle of contemporary and classic authors.
View Rights PortalLa Pollera publishes narrative, essay, and chronicle of contemporary and classic authors. They work with foreign authors, both in contemporary Latin American narrative and in the translation of some universal classic authors.
View Rights PortalSince the second half of the 20th Century, our agricultural bee pollinators have faced mounting threats from ecological disturbance and pan-global movement of pathogens and parasites. At the same time, the area of pollinator-dependent crops is increasing globally with no end in sight. Never before has so much been asked of our finite pool of bee pollinators. This book not only explores the evolutionary and ecologic bases of these dynamics, it translates this knowledge into practical research-based guidance for using bees to pollinate crops. It emphasizes conserving wild bee populations as well as culturing honey bees, bumble bees, and managed solitary bees. To cover such a range of biology, theory, and practice from the perspectives of both the pollinator and the crop, the book is divided into two volumes. Volume 1 focuses on bees, their biology, coevolution with flowering plants, foraging ecology and management, and gives practical ways to increase bee abundance and pollinating performance on the farm. Volume 2 (this volume) focuses on crops, with chapters addressing crop-specific requirements and bee pollination management recommendations. Both volumes are essential reading for farmers, horticulturists and gardeners, researchers and professionals working in insect ecology and conservation, and students of entomology and crop protection.
Wenn die gelbe Sonne brennt erzählt die Geschichte vom Verlust einer Liebe und gleichzeitig die Geschichte einer tiefen Lebenskrise, die einen Mann befällt, einen Schriftsteller, dessen Obsession ihn fast in den Abgrund geführt hätte. Was ihm bleibt, ist die Erinnerung an eine Frau – und die Möglichkeit, schreibend das Vergangene Revue passieren zu lassen. Geir Pollen schiebt die verschiedenen Zeitebenen übereinander und entzieht den Geschehnissen ihre Chronologie – weshalb sie seltsam entrückt erscheinen, fast zeitlos, traumgleich. Erinnerungsfragmente werden gegeneinandergestellt, miteinander verwoben, nehmen sich aus wie Steine eines großen, sich nie vollendenden Mosaiks. Und so handelt Wenn die gelbe Sonne brennt auch von der Unmöglichkeit, eine 'Geschichte zu einer Erfahrung' zu finden; das Gelebte verwandelt sich im Schreiben in ein Neues, Unbekanntes, Faszinierendes. Geir Pollen ist mit seinem neuen Roman ein Werk von so großer sprachlicher Kraft, emotionaler Komplexität und poetischer Dichte gelungen, daß ihn die norwegische Kritik wiederholt in die Nähe von Nabokov gerückt hat, ein melancholisch schönes, fein komponiertes Buch.
The collapse of the ubiquitous honey bee population during the past 20 years has caused a pollination vacuum for many crops. Surveys and grower experience indicate that a crisis exists in pollinator populations. This book is an accessible, practical and authoritative research-based guide to using bees for crop pollination. It emphasizes conserving feral bee populations as well as more traditional methods of culturing honey bees and other bees. It addresses the biology of pollination, culturing and managing bees for optimum crop pollination. Individual pollination requirements and recommendations for the world’s main crops are covered in 36 short chapters that make up the second part of the book.
Since the second half of the 20th Century, our agricultural bee pollinators have faced mounting threats from ecological disturbance and pan-global movement of pathogens and parasites. At the same time, the area of pollinator-dependent crops is increasing globally with no end in sight. Never before has so much been asked of our finite pool of bee pollinators. This book not only explores the evolutionary and ecologic bases of these dynamics, it translates this knowledge into practical research-based guidance for using bees to pollinate crops. It emphasizes conserving wild bee populations as well as culturing honey bees, bumble bees, and managed solitary bees. To cover such a range of biology, theory, and practice from the perspectives of both the pollinator and the crop, the book is divided into two volumes. Volume 1 focuses on bees, their biology, coevolution with plants, foraging ecology and management, and gives practical ways to increase bee abundance and pollinating performance on the farm. Volume 2 (also available from CABI) focuses on crops, with chapters addressing crop-specific requirements and bee pollination management recommendations. Both volumes will be essential reading for farmers, horticulturists and gardeners, researchers and professionals working in insect ecology and conservation, and students of entomology and crop protection.
Ecostacking is a new concept and approach which aims to maximize the benefits of ecosystem service providers in cropping systems to help achieve the goal of long-term sustainable agriculture and food production. The term "ecostacking" means combining synergistically the beneficial services of functional biodiversity from all levels and types. It is a comprehensive approach, where the various ecosystem service providers are fully integrated with the rest of the cropping system including agronomic practices. It is an approach which goes beyond conventional Integrated Pest Management practises, and attempts to take advantage of all the functional biodiversity of a system. The main focus of ecostacking is on maximizing ecosystem services for biological control and pollination from beneficial arthropods, but the approach also utilizes other invertebrates (e.g., earthworms) as well as beneficial vertebrates such as bats, birds and small mammals. Microbes also provide invaluable ecosystem services including pest, disease, and weed control, either directly as components of "suppressive soils" or as plant colonizers (as endophytes or as epiphytic microbial flora). The ecostacking approach also aims to maximize other nature-provided services such as maintenance of soil health and nutrient cycling. The Concept of Ecostacking is the first book in a series which introduces ecostacking concepts to the reader and explores how this approach can be used in a variety of ways and in different cropping systems. The book defines this new concept and shows, using illustrative case studies from around the world, how ecostacking principles can be successfully employed in cropping systems in the open field, in greenhouses and in forestry. This book: · will serve as inspiration for developing further applications of this breakthrough technology for sustainable agricultural production. · is a must-read for everyone with an interest in developing sustainable crop protection systems and ecosystem management. · has been written and edited by the world's leading experts in this new and exciting endeavour.
Insect and other pests cause major economic damage on fruit crops in the tropics. However, some insects are beneficial and have a role in pollinating flowers, thus enabling fruit set. This book reviews these injurious and beneficial organisims and how they might be controlled to enhance fruit production and quality.
Arthropod pests, pollinators, and natural enemies of pests have a great economic importance to human health and food supply worldwide. Arthropods use optical cues to find food and suitable oviposition sites, daily and seasonal activities, orientation and navigation. Most arthropods have compound eyes with receptors for UV light (peak sensitivity at 360 nm) and for green-yellow light (peak sensitivity at 520-540 nm). Many arthropods also have simple eyes (ocelli) that respond to changes in light intensity. Some arthropods can detect linearly polarized light and use it as an optical cue for oviposition sites, finding of hosts and navigation.The properties of the optical cue, such as wavelength, intensity, polarization, size, shape and contrast, greatly affect their response to the optical cue. Therefore, manipulation of optical cues can interfere or enhance arthropods' activities and development. UV light has been used to attract insects for monitoring and control. The patterns of UV reflected from flowers and plants affect arthropods' preference to visit them. The absence of UV light often deters arthropods and decreases their dispersal rate. UVB induces general stress in plants which may increase their resistance to arthropod pests. Green-yellow color induces landing and favors settling (arresting) of many plant feeding arthropods. High levels of reflected sunlight (above 25% of sun radiation) deters arthropods' landing and reduces settling. The recent use of monochromatic lights to increase crop yield, or to induce desirable plant characteristics, is expected to affect the activity of the associated arthropds as well. Optical manipulations are proposed as a part of an integrated pest management (IPM) program for open-field and protected crops, and for protecting the health of humans and domestic animals. This book contains up-to-date reviews of the published literature, some unpublished results of the authors, and suggestions for future research and development of this method.
This is a practical guide to seed germination in oil palm for both breeding and genetic studies as well as commercial seed production. Oil palm is the top oil crop in the world and this manual provides step-by-step illustrated methods, written by practitioners actively engaged in oil palm seed production and breeding. Presenting sound practices based on scientific innovation and knowledge, this guide brings together the many aspects of seed germination in oil palm in one place. Promoting green, eco-friendly agriculture, this book covers: Health and safety considerations Pollination and harvesting Seed preparation, viability testing and moisture testing Seed processing for commercial production and breeding Based on experience and protocols, this is an invaluable manual for students and researchers in agriculture, plant breeders, growers and end users interested in the practicalities of oil palm seed production. It is also a valuable resource for training, for those entering a career in oil palm and as a reference for managers , to ensure best practices in maximising sustainability and production of this important crop.
The common fig Ficus carica L. is an ancient fruit native to the Mediterranean. Dried figs have been successfully produced and processed in arid regions with little sophisticated infrastructure for centuries. Figs are rich in fibre, trace minerals, polyphenols and vitamins, with higher nutrient levels than most fruits. Advances in agricultural production and postharvest technologies have not only improved the efficiency of dried fig production but have facilitated the development of both local and export high value fresh fig industries. The result is high quality fresh figs marketed internationally throughout the year. This book provides a comprehensive summary of fig growing, processing and marketing from a scientific and horticultural perspective. The nineteen chapters include in-depth discussions of: · History · Physiology · Breeding and Cultivars · Propagation · Site Selection and Orchard Establishment · Nutrition and Irrigation Management · Pollination Management · Integrated Pest Management · Greenhouse Production · Harvesting, Dried and Fresh Fig Processing · The Medicinal Uses of Figs · World Fig Markets The Fig: Botany, Production and Uses is a comprehensive applied resource for academic researchers, also producers, processors, and marketers of dried and fresh figs.
Despite many books on plant invasions, none has focused on the role of species interactions. This book is a comprehensive overview of how plant invasions are mediated by varied species interactions and how such invasions influence this important component of biodiversity which involves the interactions (the 'glue') among a community's species. Besides highlighting relevant findings, the book digs deeply into new methodologies to understand species interactions in plant invasions and how this can improve management of invaded communities. The book covers: - Main theories/hypotheses in plant invasion ecology that invoke species interactions - Plant invasions promoted by mutualistic interactions and release from enemies - Antagonistic interactions preventing or hindering plant invasions - Consequences of plant invasions on native species interactions and ecosystem functioning - The interaction network approach to understanding plant invasions - Importance of considering species interactions in managing plant invasions Future avenues of research are highlighted in a final chapter. Table of contents Part I: Background Chapter 1: Plant invasions: the role of biotic interactions – An overview Chapter 2: The role of biotic interactions in invasion ecology: theories and hypotheses Part II: Positive and negative interactions in the soil Chapter 3: Soil biota and non-native plant invasions Part III: Mutualistic interactions that promote plant invasions Chapter 4: Pollination interactions promoting plant invasions- Chapter 5: Seed dispersal interactions promoting plant invasions Chapter 6: Ungulates as dispersal vectors of non-native plants Chapter 7: The role of plant-plant facilitation in non-native plant invasions Chapter 8: How direct and indirect non-native interactions can promote plant invasions, lead to invasional meltdown, and inform management decisions Part IV: Antagonistic interactions that hinder plant invasions Chapter 9: Biotic resistance to plant invasions Chapter 10: EICA 2.0: A general model of enemy release and defence in plant and animal invasions Chapter 11: The role of pathogens in plant invasions Chapter 12: Direct and indirect effects of herbivores influencing plant invasions Part V: Consequences of plant invasions for biotic interactions among native species Chapter 13: Impacts of non-native plants on plant-pollinator interactions Chapter 14: The effect of non-native plant invasions on seed dispersal of native plants Chapter 15: Allelopathic disruptions of biotic interactions due to non-native plants Chapter 16: Competition between native and non-native plants Chapter 17: Indirect biotic interactions between non-native plants and native plants and animals Part VI: Novel techniques and experimental approaches in the study of plant invasions Chapter 18: How a network approach has advanced the field of plant invasion ecology Chapter 19: Molecular ecology of plant-microbial interactions during invasions: progress and challenges Part VII: Biotic interactions and the management of ecosystems invaded by non-native plants Chapter 20: How can progress in the understanding of antagonistic interactions be applied to improve biological control of plant invasions? Chapter 21: Restoration of pollination interactions in communities invaded by non-native plants Chapter 22: Restoration of seed dispersal interactions in communities invaded by non-native plants Chapter 23: Multiple feedbacks due to biotic interactions across trophic levels can lead to persistent novel conditions that hinder restoration
This book comprehensively reviews current pest management practices and explores novel integrated pest management strategies in Brassica oilseed crops. It is essential reading for pest management practitioners and researchers working on pest management in canola and other Brassica crops worldwide. Canola, mustard, camelina and crambe are the most important oilseed crops in the world. Canola is the second largest oilseed crop in the world providing 13% of the world's supply. Seeds of these species commonly contain 40% or more oil and produce meals with 35 to 40% protein. However, its production has declined significantly in recent years due to insect pest problems. The canola pest complexes are responsible for high insecticide applications on canola. Many growers rely on calendar-based spraying schedules for insecticide applications. The diamondback moth Plutella xylostella and flea beetles Phyllotreta spp. (P. cruciferae and P. striolata)cause serious damage to canola. In the Northern Great Plains, USA, for instance, P. xylostella is now recorded everywhere that canola is grown. Severe damage to canola plants can be caused by overwintering populations of flea beetles feeding on newly emerged seedlings. Cabbage seed pod weevil (Ceutorhynchus obstrictus), swede midge (Contarinia nasturtii), and tarnished plant bug (Lygus lineolaris) are also severe pests on canola. Minor pests include aphids (cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae and turnip aphid, Hyadaphis erysimi) and grasshopper, Melanoplus sanguinipes. This book: · is the only single compiled source of information on integrated management of canola and other Brassica oilseed pests · presents the biology and management of all the major and minor pests of Brassica oilseed crops · is an essential source of information for applied entomologists, crop protection researchers, extension agents and stakeholders ; This book reviews current pest management practices and explores new biological and chemical control methods, and integrated pest management strategies in this important crop. It is essential reading for pest management practitioners and researchers working on pest management in canola crops worldwide. ; 1: Flea Beetles (Phyllotreta spp.) and Their Management2: Diamondback Moth (Plutella xylostella) Management3: The Challenge of Swede Midge Management in Canola4: Biology and Management of Sucking Insect Pests of Canola5: Cabbage Seedpod Weevil Management6: Biology, Ecology and Management of Pollen Beetle Brassicogethes viridescens (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae)7: Noctuid (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Pests of Canola in North America8: Biology and Management of the Generalist Herbivore, the Bertha Armyworm, Mamestra Configurata (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), on Canola in Western Canada9: Entomopathogenic Nematodes for Management of Insect Pests of Canola and Other Oilseed Crops10: The OKANOLA Project: Challenges in Managing Insect Pests of Canola in the Southern Plains11: Integrated Pest Management in Canola: How Far Have We Come and What Is Still Needed12: Canola Insect Pest Management in the South-eastern USA13: Integrated Management of Insect Pests of Rapeseed (Canola) in China14: Integrated Control of Insect Pests of Canola and Other Brassica Oilseed Crops in Pakistan15: Cover Crops as a Tool for Insect Pest Management on Oilseed Brassicas16: Detection and Symptomatology of Aster Yellows17: Pestiferous Insects of Mustard: Biology and Integrated Management18: Volatile Organic Compounds in Integrated Pest Management of Brassica Oilseed Crops19: Impact of Genetically Modified Herbicide-resistant Oilseed Rape on Non-target Organisms: Natural Enemies of Oilseed Rape Pests20: Insect-transmitted Viruses in Canola21: Present and Potential Impacts of Insects on Camelina and Crambe22: Integrated Pest Management and Pollination Services in Brassica Oilseed Crops23: Role of Glucosinolates in Resistance and Attraction to Insects: Applications in Trap Cropping and Pest Management in Brassica Oilseed Crops24: Arthropod Pests of Australian Canola During Crop Emergence: IPM and Future Directions25: Use of Entomopathogenic Fungi in the Insect Pest Management of Brassica Oilseed Crops
Oil palm is the world's most important oil crop and crossing is used extensively in the production of commercial seed, breeding and genetic studies. This book illustrates crossing techniques to maximise success and safeguard purity, enabling the production of high quality seeds to grow-on as planting material and in breeding superior cultivars. Presenting sound practices based on scientific innovation in plant breeding, this guide provides techniques integrated with expertise and application of sustainable aspects of agronomy and crop protection, alongside information and imaging technology. Promoting green, eco-friendly agriculture, this book covers: biology and genetics, germplasm, target traits and commercial crossing; health and safety considerations in the field and laboratory; pollen collection and storage, pollen viability testing, and pollination; isolation of the female inflorescence; and commercial tenera production. Based on experience and protocols, this is an invaluable manual for students and researchers in agriculture, plant breeders, growers and end users interested in the practicalities of oil palm crossing for breeding and commercial seed production
Kiwifruit is one of the few fruit crops that has been successfully introduced to the marketplace and for which commercial production in several countries has expanded rapidly over the last 50 years. Kiwifruit science and production has advanced significantly during this time, with multiple new green-, yellow- and red-fleshed cultivars being commercialized while moving into the era of genomics, sustainability, digital technology and automation. This book reviews the scientific and technical information published on kiwifruit, their biology and management. It provides a comprehensive reference on kiwifruit, including their history, genetic material, culture, physiology, pest and disease control, and fruit consumption. Particular attention is given to recent threats and opportunities, including environmental issues, the disease Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae, new genetics, new growing areas and technology advances. Contributions from a wide range of international specialists ensure coverage of key aspects of kiwifruit and their culture in different environments. Of particular interest to academic researchers in horticulture, the book is also suitable for a wider audience including extension personnel, growers, consultants, and professional and technical staff associated with the kiwifruit industry.
Until recently, the production of fruits by plants, their consumption by animals (frugivory) and the relevance of these to seed dispersal have attracted less attention than topics such as pollination biology. However, since the 1970s they have started to gain more prominence and now give rise to more research funding, seminal papers and international symposiums. This book contains chapters adapted from the Third International Symposium-Workshop on Frugivores and Seed Dispersal held in August 2000 in Rio Quente, Brazil.
A practical coverage of the principles of producing seeds for the main agricultural crops, this book emphasises producing optimal quality seed, and applies to small and large scale farms worldwide. Cereals such as wheats, rice, barley, rye and maize are covered along with pulses, legumes, oil seed rape and soybean. Coverage includes principles of production such as pollination, agronomy issues such as site selection and cultivar purity, seed processing, drying and storage. A focus on global food security is maintained throughout.
Most food and fiber crops are produced from seed. This means that the world's population is dependent on annual seed production for its food supply. Vegetable seed production is much different and more challenging than production of grain crops. This book explains the biology and technology behind producing, maintaining, and enhancing the quality of vegetable seeds from breeding through to the marketed product. It begins with six chapters on a broad range of seed-related topics: the importance of seeds, reproductive biology of plants, genetic improvement strategies, quality assurance of seed production, post-harvest seed enhancement, and organic production. The remaining chapters cover seed production in eleven important vegetable families. Each chapter provides a description of the botany, types and cultivars, genetic improvement, pollination, soil fertility management, pest management, crop production, harvesting, post-harvest handling, and seed yields. The aim of this book is to educate how to produce high-quality vegetable seeds. Incorporating both current methodologies and recent research results, it is suitable for students, researchers, and professionals in the seed industry.
Organic cattle farming is on the increase, with consumer demand for organic milk and meat growing yearly. Beginning with an overview of the aims and principles behind organic cattle production, this book presents extensive information about how to feed cattle so that the milk and meat produced meet organic standards, and provides a comprehensive summary of ruminant digestive processes and nutrition. Since the publication of the first edition, global consumers have increasingly become concerned with the sustainability of meat production. Here, Robert Blair considers the interrelationships of sustainable practices and profitability of organic herds, reviewing how to improve forage production and quality, and minimizing the need for supplementary feeding using off-farm ingredients. This new edition also covers: - Managing a recurrent shortage of organic feed ingredients, due to increased GM feed crop cultivation worldwide - Current findings on appropriate breeds and grazing systems for forage-based organic production - Diet-related health issues in organic herds and the effects of organic production on meat and milk quality. Required reading for animal science researchers, advisory personnel that service the organic milk and beef industries and students interested in organic milk and meat production, this book is also a useful resource for organic farming associations, veterinarians, and feed and food industry personnel.
In the past twenty years there has been a revolution in plant sciences, as new methods of molecular biology and biophysics have been applied to investigate environmental stress, particularly desiccation tolerance. Today, there is a good level of understanding of how plant cells cope with extreme water stress. This book is divided into four sections, dealing with 1) the technical background to desiccation tolerance studies; 2) the frequency and levels of dehydration stress tolerance in biological systems; 3) mechanisms of damage and tolerance, and 4) a brief prospect and retrospect. It covers orthodox and recalcitrant seeds, pollen and spores, vegetative parts, and other plant tissues.
Climate change is a reality that affects all aspects of agriculture, and is also impacted by agriculture. This collection of articles looks at a range of topics including: Impact on pollinators, key crops, farming systems, animal welfare and on humans, role of farmer organisations in extending use of climate-smart practices, genetic resources able to cope with climate change, including wild relatives and breeding for improved tolerance, how rhizobacteria can improve resilience, mitigation of livestock greenhouse gas emissions and the push for climate neutrality in the dairy industry and carbon storage in grasslands and seaweed. These articles have been published in the journal CABI Reviews.