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      • Petra Schier

        Petra Schier, Jahrgang 1978, lebt mit Mann und Hund in einer kleinen Gemeinde in der Eifel. Sie studierte Geschichte und Literatur an der Fernuniversität Hagen und arbeitet seit 2003 freie Autorin. Ihre sehr erfolgreichen historischen Romane erscheinen u.a. im Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, ihre ebenfalls sehr beliebten Weihnachts- sowie Liebesromane bei Rütten Loening, MIRA Taschenbuch, HarperCollins und Weltbild.Unter dem Pseudonym Mila Roth veröffentlicht die Autorin verlagsunabhängig verschiedene erfolgreiche Buchserien.

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2014

        Attachment to Pets

        by Henri Julius, Andreas Beetz, Kurt Kotrschal, Dennis C. Turner, Kerstin Uvnäs-Moberg

        In recent years, the ancient symbiosis between humans and their pets has entered a new phase, marked by the burgeoning clinical specialty of human-animal therapy. This approach uses the relationship between humans and their (mainly) mammalian pets to support the growth of emotion regulation, social skills, and mental health in children, adolescents, and adults. But how are humans and animals able to develop close bonds at all? What makes it possible for animals to have a therapeutic effect on humans? And how can we best use this understanding in animal-assisted therapy? In this unique book, a team of expert biologists and psychologists integrate and combine sophisticated biological and psychological knowledge to answer these questions. Together they have created a comprehensive, scientific foundation for human-animal therapy, a foundation that will facilitate the development, implementation, and evaluation of effective new interventions.   Target Group: For Clinical psychiatrists, psychiatrists, mental health counselors, school psychologists, and other professionals interested in using pets and animals in therapy.

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        January 2018

        Parasites and Pets

        A Veterinary Nursing Guide

        by Hany Elsheikha, Ian Wright, John McGarry

        This book, primarily focussing on parasitic diseases of cats and dogs, is designed specifically for veterinary nurses and students and adopts an enquiry based approach essential for consolidating knowledge and a deep practical understanding of this important subject. The book goes beyond the conventional discourse of parasitology books, with each chapter addressing questions commonly posed by clients. It is illustrated throughout with colour figures and readers can assess their knowledge and areas for development by completing the end of chapter self-assessment questions. In this way, the veterinary nurse will be fully equipped to professionally support veterinary surgeons in achieving optimal strategies for management of parasitic diseases of companion animals. Provides a unique enquiry-based approach to assist veterinary nurses and technicians in gaining essential knowledge and practical understanding of parasites Contains self-assessment MCQ sections designed to encourage the reader to question their practice, rationales, and the evidence base of parasitology care delivery they provide to patients Focuses on the dog and cat, the most commonly seen pets

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        February 2014


        Zwischen Studium und Strip-Club

        by Darling, Juliana

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        October 2024

        The Impact of Therapy and Pet Animals on Human Stress

        by Lori Kogan

        Stress can have a deleterious effect on people's mental, physical, and psychological health. There is a growing body of evidence, however, that suggests animals, both as pets and therapy partners, can help mitigate people's stress levels. This book showcases a rich collection of research papers from Human-Animal Interactions. It highlights research pertaining to pets as well as animal-assisted therapy in both school and professional settings. The book also includes a scene-setting introduction and wrap-up conclusion from the editor. Providing comprehensive information on the impact of animals on human stress, this book is a useful resource for anyone interested in human health or human-animal relationships.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2010

        The Emperor's Favourite

        by Siobhan Keenan

        The Emperor's Favourite, which appears in print for the first time, is one of the four anonymous seventeenth-century plays bound in a single volume in the library of the Newdigate family of Arbury Hall, Nuneaton. Tentatively attributed to John Newdigate III (1600-1642), the play uses the story of the rise and fall of Crispinus, favourite of the Emperor Nero, to mount a critique of the influence of George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham (1592-1628) at the courts of James I and Charles I. The volume is illustrated with ten color plates from the manuscript and from John Newdigate's 1628 Parliamentary Diary. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2021

        An Introduction to Pet Dental Care

        For Veterinary Nurses and Technicians

        by Kathy Istace

        Periodontal disease is one of the most common diseases observed by small animal practitioners, and it is not uncommon for the veterinary technician to be the first line in oral health assessment and treatment. Despite this, current dentistry training for veterinary technicians and nurses is often very limited. This book explains the causes, consequences, prevention and treatment of pet dental diseases including periodontal disease, fractured teeth, tooth resorption, dental malocclusions, oral masses, jaw fractures, and other oral conditions. It covers: · Instruction in essential skills such as dental cleaning, charting, radiography, and equipment maintenance. · Advanced skills such as the administration of regional nerve blocks and periodontal treatments. · The aetiology and treatment of common oral conditions. Improving competence in veterinary dental skills benefits technicians, veterinary practices, owners and their pets. Explaining pet dental diseases in a relatable way, this book allows veterinary staff to relay important dental information to pet owners in a way they understand. Providing solutions to help prevent and manage pet dental diseases, it outlines treatment options, outcomes, and post-operative dental care.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2017

        Darling Days

        Mein Leben zwischen den Geschlechtern

        by iO Tillett Wright, Clara Drechsler, Harald Hellmann

        Mit sechs will iO kein Mädchen mehr sein. Im New Yorker East Village Ende der 80er sind unorthodoxe Entscheidungen Trumpf: Also gibt sich iO als Junge aus. Und wächst auf in einem rauen, grenzenlosen Wunderland, zwischen Drag Queens, Performancekünstlern und den Freunden seiner [sic!] Patentante Nan Goldin … Darling Days erzählt von der Suche nach Authentizität an einem verlorenen Ort – ein unwiderstehliches, ein heftiges Buch. Als eine Gruppe Jungs im Central Park die sechsjährige iO ausgrenzen, ist die Entscheidung gefallen: iO ist jetzt ein Junge. Die Mutter unterstützt den Schritt, schließlich leben die beiden in einem Brownstone, in dem Anderssein gelebt wird, in dem ungarische Filmemacher, alt gewordene Pornostars und Künstler zusammen mit all den anderen Freaks die Gegenkultur feiern. Für iO beginnt ein Leben zwischen den Geschlechtern, befreit von starren Kategorien, am Rande des Chaos und an der Seite einer Mutter, deren Fürsorge außer Kontrolle gerät …

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2017

        Darling Days

        Mein Leben zwischen den Geschlechtern

        by iO Tillett Wright

        Mit sechs will iO kein Mädchen mehr sein. Im New Yorker East Village Ende der 80er sind unorthodoxe Entscheidungen Trumpf: Also gibt sich iO als Junge aus. Und wächst auf in einem rauen, grenzenlosen Wunderland, zwischen Drag Queens, Performancekünstlern und den Freunden seiner [sic!] Patentante Nan Goldin … Darling Days erzählt von der Suche nach Authentizität an einem verlorenen Ort – ein unwiderstehliches, ein heftiges Buch. Als eine Gruppe Jungs im Central Park die sechsjährige iO ausgrenzen, ist die Entscheidung gefallen: iO ist jetzt ein Junge. Die Mutter unterstützt den Schritt, schließlich leben die beiden in einem Brownstone, in dem Anderssein gelebt wird, in dem ungarische Filmemacher, alt gewordene Pornostars und Künstler zusammen mit all den anderen Freaks die Gegenkultur feiern. Für iO beginnt ein Leben zwischen den Geschlechtern, befreit von starren Kategorien, am Rande des Chaos und an der Seite einer Mutter, deren Fürsorge außer Kontrolle gerät …

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2016

        Kill your Darling!

        13 Trennungsstorys, die Geschichte machten

        by Jennifer Wright, Jenny Merling

        Stell dir vor, du sitzt mit einer Packung Eiscreme in der einen, einer Flasche Gin in der anderen Hand auf dem Sofa, Tränen rinnen deine Wangen hinab und du wiederholst mantrahaft, wie sehr du deinen Ex geliebt hast. Lass dir gesagt sein: Es könnte viel schlimmer sein! Du könntest beispielsweise von deinem Verflossenen enthauptet werden, aus Rache fremde Männer kastrieren oder das Leben mit einer Sexpuppe verbringen. In Kill your Darling! präsentiert die New Yorker Journalistin Jennifer Wright die dreizehn skurrilsten und blutigsten Schlussmachepisoden der Geschichte – vom Massenmörder Nero bis hin zu Oskar Kokoschka –, boshaft-ironisch und doch mit der richtigen Dosis Empathie. Ein Buch für alle, die geliebt haben und verlassen wurden; für alle, die spätnachts zu viele Wut-E-Mails an ihre Verflossenen geschickt haben. Mit diesen Storys wird schnell klar: Was auch immer passiert ist, es hätte noch viel, viel schlimmer kommen können …

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2023

        An Interprofessional Approach to Veterinary Nutrition

        by Rachel Lumbis, Tierney Kinnison

        In veterinary practice, the interface between veterinarians, veterinary nurses or technicians, and paraprofessional team members is crucial. It influences patient care, the incidence of medical errors, client satisfaction, the success of the veterinary practice and revenue generation. Ensuring a coherent approach to the maintenance of the animal health and wellbeing is of paramount importance, yet challenges such as interprofessional prejudice, contrasting motivations, and a lack of recognition, respect, empowerment or trust, can prevent best practice. Nutrition is one of the most important considerations in the maintenance of health, and plays a critical role in disease management, patient recovery and hospital outcome. Owners are increasingly aware of nutrition's role in optimising pet health, yet considerable misinformation can make this one of the most difficult aspects of pet ownership. Playing a central role as a source of expert information, the veterinary healthcare team must rise to the challenge of optimising pet nutrition. This book: - Provides evidence-based theory in an accessible and practical way to help veterinary healthcare teams implement interprofessional approaches to nutritional care and support; - Demonstrates how robust interprofessional practice and teamwork help to overcome challenges; - Emphasises collaborative working across the healthcare team. With effective interprofessional communication and collaboration considered a key factor in the successful implementation of nutritional assessment, forming a positive team environment founded on respect, trust and mutual support helps to overcome challenges and provide the best outcome for both pets and their owners.

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        Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        The New Girl Code

        by Niki Smit

        Tumi Letsatsi is a 13-year old melanin kween living in Rondebosch, Cape Town. Her favourite colour is yellow, she's still trying to figure out how not to dent her afro on the bus, and how one goes about (ahem!) “french kissing”. She’s a little awkward and a lot uncertain about her future, friendships and how to put together a cool outfit! But then she stumbles across the magic of coding and creates an app called “Project Prep” that goes viral and rockets her and her friends to fame. Then everything starts to fall apart, as she deals with a catfish who befriends her and steals her code, nasty rumours at school and the newfound attention of a crush. The New Girl Code (by Niki Smit, locally edited by Buhle Ngaba) is about the wonders of working in tech, aimed at girls and young women aged 9-15. The project is an initiative of Inspiring Fifty and based on an idea by Janneke Niessen.

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        Children's & YA


        by Richa Jha and Neeti Banerji

        Duster the dog is more a cat. He loves the naps, the flaps, and the fish. And he doesn’t like to announce arrivals, to play fetch, and to dig for bones. Especially, certainly, not the bones.  His human craves dog love. Will the two ever be right for each other? Richa Jha brings forth a tiny tale of love and companionship and strikes a chord in the hearts of all the pet-lovers in the world. Neeti Banerji breathes life into the world of Duster and her illustrations reflect the love and understanding Duster needs in his journey to forge a bond with his human.

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        April 2022

        Rabbit Production

        by Steven D Lukefahr, James I McNitt, Peter Robert Cheeke, Nephi M Patton

        Rabbits are versatile animals, farmed for their meat and fur, as laboratory animals, and also as pets. This well-established book continues to provide an overview of domesticated rabbit production, covering topics such as breeding, husbandry, feeding and health. Now in its fully updated tenth edition, it includes an expanded consideration of important issues such as animal welfare and sustainable methods of production. With chapters relating specifically to meat production, pet rabbits, rabbit shows, and angora wool production, this new edition: - Includes new information on the latest methods of artificial insemination, estrous synchronization, embryo transfer, cloning and molecular genetics; - Tackles globally prevalent health issues such as enteritis complex (EC) rabbit enterocolitis (REC), and viral hemorrhagic disease; - Reviews up-to-the-minute developments such as the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on food production, as well as new projects addressing poverty alleviation and food security. Providing updates on worldwide production trends, figures and new feed additive products, this book is an essential resource for anyone involved in rabbit production - from novice to experienced breeders, veterinarians and industry professionals.

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