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      • Rights Expert

        Rights Expert Literary and Licensing Agency is representing in Romania, directly or through other agents, more than 45 publishing houses and imprints (mainly from UK and USA). Part of the publishers represented in Romania agreed to give us the international representation for other CEE territories: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Bulgaria. Rights Expert Literary and Licensing Agency is having a portfolio of creative, independent and flexible publishers from domains like: Children and Young Adult books (non-fiction): activity books, color and stickers books. Children and Young Adult books (fiction): picture books (trendy in all the markets); story books; novels; comic magazines and books. Adult non-fiction: Self-help, Health, Body, Mind & Spirit etc. Adult fiction

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        Indie Experts Publishing and Author Services

        Publishing 3.0 and Author services for non-fiction specialists who care about influencing with high quality content.

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        January 1990

        Der dankbare Patient

        by Ernst Penzoldt, Ernst Penzoldt

        Ernst Penzoldt wurde am 14. Juni 1892 in Erlangen geboren und starb am 27. Januar 1955 in München. Er studierte an den Kunstakademien von Weimar und Kassel und war zunächst als Bildhauer, Maler und Grafiker tätig. Nach dem 1. Weltkrieg, in dem er - wie auch von 1939 bis 1940 - als Sanitäter verwendet wurde, fand er zur Schriftstellerei, die er als seine » Kriegsverletzung« bezeichnet hat. Zu seinen erfolgreichsten Büchern zählen: Der arme Chatterton (1928), der Schelmemroman Die Powenzbande (1930), Kleiner Erdenwurm (1934), Der dankbare Patient (1937), so wie die Erzählungen Idolino (1935), Korporal Mombour (1941), und Squirrel (1954).   Ernst Penzoldt wurde am 14. Juni 1892 in Erlangen geboren und starb am 27. Januar 1955 in München. Er studierte an den Kunstakademien von Weimar und Kassel und war zunächst als Bildhauer, Maler und Grafiker tätig. Nach dem 1. Weltkrieg, in dem er - wie auch von 1939 bis 1940 - als Sanitäter verwendet wurde, fand er zur Schriftstellerei, die er als seine » Kriegsverletzung« bezeichnet hat. Zu seinen erfolgreichsten Büchern zählen: Der arme Chatterton (1928), der Schelmemroman Die Powenzbande (1930), Kleiner Erdenwurm (1934), Der dankbare Patient (1937), so wie die Erzählungen Idolino (1935), Korporal Mombour (1941), und Squirrel (1954).

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        September 2024

        Customer Experience Management in the Caribbean

        Concepts, Case Studies and Challenges

        by Leslie-Ann Jordan, Anne P. Crick, Paul Anderson, Elaine Commissiong, Noel M. Cowell, G. Anthony Ferguson, Koen Hietbrink, Jacqueline Huggins, Michelle McLeod, Candice Petgrave, Juliana Samuel, Trevor A. Smith, Tiersa Smith-Hall, Evora Mais Thompson, Sumit Verma, Nadane Y. Wright

        Diving into the evolution of Customer Experience this text offers an insightful exploration of the paradigm shift from customer service to Customer Experience (CX) within the Caribbean context. Unveiling the dynamics of CX's influence on satisfaction, loyalty, and business profitability, this book delves into strategic planning, employee development, data-driven decisions, and emerging technological trends, and it fills a crucial gap in the literature with: - An array of Caribbean case studies; - Enhanced theoretical concepts and a deep appreciation of customer experience management in the Caribbean; - References of best practices to address critical issues affecting the delivery of a quality customer experience. Scholars and practitioners within customer service, services marketing, customer experience management and customer relationship marketing in the retail hospitality and tourism, financial, health care and education sectors will find this a valuable resource on CX's transformative power in this region and beyond.

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        September 1980

        Psychoanalyse und Unterschicht

        Soziale Herkunft - ein Hindernis für die psychoanalytische Behandlung? Herausgegeben von Klaus Menne und Klaus Schröter

        by Klaus Schröter, Klaus Menne

        Angehörige der sozialen Unterschicht sind in der Klientel der Psychoanalyse deutlich unterrepräsentiert. Dies wurde vielfach durch ein Krankheitsverständnis dieser sozialen Gruppe zu erklären versucht, das in erster Linie an körperlichen Beschwerden orientiert ist. Da ein organisches Krankheitsverständnis die notwendige Mitarbeit im therapeutischen Prozeß erschwert, konnte gefolgert werden, daß diese Patienten nicht psychoanalytisch behandelbar seien. Auch ihre psychische Struktur und ihr Sprachgebrauch erschienen als kaum überwindbare Hindernisse. Eine aus Psychoanalytikern und Soziologen bestehende Arbeitsgruppe am Frankfurter Sigmund-Freud-Institut hat psychoanalytische Erstinterviews und Behandlungen von Patienten aus der sozialen Unterschicht untersucht, um zu klären, welche spezifischen Probleme im therapeutischen Prozeß auftreten und ob diese eine Behandlung mit den Mitteln der psychoanalytischen Technik verhindern. Als wesentlich erwies sich das Verhältnis von innerpsychischer und gesellschaftlicher Realität. Arbeitsteilung und gesellschaftliche Herrschaftsverhältnisse treten hier als »soziale Distanz« zwischen Patient und Arzt in Erscheinung. Dies kann dazu führen, daß die psychische Situation des Patienten durch äußere Gegebenheiten verdeckt wird: so etwa, weil der Patient seine Realität (die er eng mit den eigenen Phantasien verknüpft) als schwer durchschaubaren Widerstand gegen die Therapie benutzt, oder, weil der Analytiker diese für ihn ungewohnte soziale Realität nicht hinterfragt. Ein therapeutisch wirksames Gespräch setzt voraus, daß der Patient die Welt seines inneren Erlebens zum Ausdruck bringen kann, aber es setzt nicht voraus, daß dies in der Sprache der Mittelschicht geschieht. Gelingt es dem Analytiker, mit den besonderen Problemen, die sich in der Arbeit mit dieser Klientel ergeben, angemessen umzugehen, so unterscheiden sich die zutage tretenden psychischen Konflikte und die sich daraus ergebenden Konstellationen des psychoanalytischen Pr

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2024

        Brexit and citizens’ rights

        History, policy and experience

        by Djordje Sredanovic, Bridget Byrne

        The book offers interdisciplinary analyses of the impact of Brexit on the rights of EU27 citizens in the UK, Britons in the UK and the EU, and third-country nationals. It combines a historical examination of citizenship and migration between the UK, Europe and the Commonwealth with the analysis of policies and of the experiences of the different groups impacted by Brexit. The book discusses Brexit within the larger history and dynamics of UK and EU citizenship and migration. The individual chapters look at how Brexit is transforming the citizenship rights of different groups, including issues of loss of citizenship and experiences of naturalisation. They further examine the fears of the groups impacted, and larger issues of belonging, marginalisation, political orientations and mobilisations that cross legal status, nationality, ethnicity, race and class.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        Children’s rights in crisis

        Multidisciplinary, transnational, and comparative perspectives

        by Salvador Santino F. Regilme Jr.

        This book rigorously investigates the contemporary state of children's rights and the multifaceted challenges facing children, uncovering the complexities at their core. In 1989, the United Nations introduced the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), ratified by 196 nations, promising a world where children's rights would reign supreme. In practice, however, realising these rights proves intricate and often precarious. Policies may shine on paper, but their implementation grapples with the challenges posed by global governance structures, national strategies, and local factors. Over three decades since the CRC's inception, this book scrutinises the true efficacy of international commitments, shedding light on underexplored issues and revealing shortcomings in both discourse and actions. With diverse, interdisciplinary perspectives, it recognises the profound influence of global and transnational forces in generating outcomes that impact children's rights and welfare.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2016

        Hold Your Heart

        by Yang Jinyuan

        The book is mainly based on the author's own life experience and mental journey to discuss the experience and perception of life along with the wisdom and art of life. The stories shows that the author keeps his sincerity, does not forget his original heart, adheres to his beliefs, and keeps his mission in mind.

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        The Cancer Patient in the Pharmacy

        Advisory knowledge for pharmacy practice

        by Edited by Dr. Dorothee Dartsch

        The decision for cancer treatment has been taken and now a difficult time begins for the cancer patient: complex treatment regimens, side effects, fear. As a trusted confidant and competent point of contact in primary care, the pharmacist is called upon to play a key role. This collection of up-to-date articles provides support in the management of side effects from nausea to cardiotoxicity, gives assistance in interpreting warning signs of complications and highlights particular groups of patients such as pregnant women, geriatric, cachectic or palliative patients.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2023

        Critical theory and human rights

        From compassion to coercion

        by David McGrogan

        This book describes how human rights have given rise to a vision of benevolent governance that, if fully realised, would be antithetical to individual freedom. It describes human rights' evolution into a grand but nebulous project, rooted in compassion, with the overarching aim of improving universal welfare by defining the conditions of human well-being and imposing obligations on the state and other actors to realise them. This gives rise to a form of managerialism, preoccupied with measuring and improving the 'human rights performance' of the state, businesses and so on. The ultimate result is the 'governmentalisation' of a pastoral form of global human rights governance, in which power is exercised for the general good, moulded by a complex regulatory sphere which shapes the field of action for the individual at every turn. This, unsurprisingly, does not appeal to rights-holders themselves.

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        The Arts
        November 2020

        Stage rights!

        The Actresses’ Franchise League, activism and politics 1908–58

        by Naomi Paxton

        Stage rights! explores the work and legacy of the first feminist political theatre group of the twentieth century, the Actresses' Franchise League. Formed in 1908 to support the suffrage movement through theatre, the League and its membership opened up new roles for women on stage and off, challenged stereotypes of suffragists and actresses, created new work inspired by the movement and was an integral part of the performative propaganda of the campaign. Introducing new archival material to both suffrage and theatre histories, this book is the first to focus in detail on the Actresses' Franchise League, its membership and its work. The volume is formulated as a historiographically innovative critical biography of the organisation over the fifty years of its activities, and invites a total reassessment of the League within the accepted narratives of the development of political theatre in the UK.

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        April 2021

        The Patient Catchers

        How we are talked into illness

        by Michelle Hildebrandt

        The health market seems to have been unleashed, more and more actors, indications, methods compete for attention. Dr. Michelle Hildebrandt shows how companies, but also doctors and alternative medicine are “catching” patients out of economic interests – and how we are happy to put up with that. So more and more people are being treated unnecessarily or incorrectly with medicine and therapies, while at the same time rogue providers are propagating sometimes dangerous methods instead of calling for life-saving diagnostics. Knowledge is needed in order for patients to overcome their self-inflicted immaturity. Michelle Hildebrandt‘s book makes an important contribution to this.

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        Introduction to Patient Counselling

        Practise counselling interactively

        by Dr. Bettina Stollhof, Andrea Erdal, Janine Ziemann and Dr. Joachim Framm

        Starting to work after the completion of studies or training? Returning to pharmacy practice after a break? This book provides new inspiration, repeats the essentials and can make you confident and fit to give advice. In addition to helpful tips, the book provides: - Classic role-playing templates to practise - Assessment sheets to evaluate the practice discussions. Now get started and give competent advice as never before.

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        December 2016

        Great Power Speed: The Road to the Rise of China's High-speed Rail

        by High-speed rail experience

        This topic takes as a sample the glorious development history of high-speed rail, which is highly concentrated and represents China’s manufacturing industry catching up with the world’s advanced level. This vivid portrayal of characters reflects the spirit and core values of Chinese railway people's minds of the motherland, tenacious struggle, and brave climbing, fully interpreting China's democracy, independence and self-reliance, and realizing the Chinese dream of making the country and the people rich.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2013

        The Black Death

        by Rosemary Horrox

        This series provides texts central to medieval studies courses and focuses upon the diverse cultural, social and political conditions that affected the functioning of all levels of medieval society. Translations are accompanied by introductory and explanatory material and each volume includes a comprehensive guide to the sources' interpretation, including discussion of critical linguistic problems and an assessment of recent research on the topics covered. From 1348 to 1350 Europe was devastated by an epidemic that left between a third and one half of the population dead. This source book traces, through contemporary writings, the calamitous impact of the Black Death in Europe, with a particular emphasis on its spread across England from 1348 to 1349. Rosemary Horrox surveys contemporary attempts to explain the plague, which was universally regarded as an expression of divine vengeance for the sins of humankind. Moralists all had their particular targets for criticism. However, this emphasis on divine chastisement did not preclude attempts to explain the plague in medical or scientific terms. Also, there was a widespread belief that human agencies had been involved, and such scapegoats as foreigners, the poor and Jews were all accused of poisoning wells. The final section of the book charts the social and psychological impact of the plague, and its effect on the late-medieval economy.

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        April 2001

        Patient Familie

        Entstehung, Struktur und Therapie von Konflikten in Ehe und Familie

        by Richter, Horst E

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