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Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesJuly 2024
British Bangladeshi Muslims in the East End
The changing landscape of dress and language
by Fatima Rajina
Drawing on the everyday experiences of 43 British-Bangladeshi Muslims living in East London, this book explores stories of migration and belonging vis-à-vis dress and language. In narrating those stories, the book is framed within the broader socio-political conversations happening regarding Muslims in Britain and their 'place' in this society. Recent work on Muslims focuses on their religious identity and its formation, not paying attention to the role of dress and language. With the former, much of it tends to, obsessively, focus on Muslim women only. This book, alternatively, explores religious identity formation in addition to examining the British-Bangladeshi Muslim community's relationship with their ethnic identity vis-à-vis dress and language. As such, the analysis provides a rich, bottom-up analysis of the community, and readers will be able to understand a community holistically, away from the over-sensationalised community within broader socio-political context.
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Trusted PartnerBusiness, Economics & LawDecember 2018
Islamic Tourism
Management of Travel Destinations
by Ahmad Jamal, Kevin Griffin, Razaq Raj
Islamic tourism is tourism primarily undertaken by its followers within the Muslim world. It is not just motivated by religious feeling - it also includes participants pursuing similar leisure experiences to non-Muslims but within the parameters set by Islam, and destinations are therefore not necessarily locations where Shari'a or full Islamic law is enacted. Demand for Islamic tourism destinations is increasing as the Muslim population expands worldwide, with the market forecast to be worth US$238 billion by 2019. This book bridges the ever-widening gap between specialists within the religious, tourism, management and education sectors through a collection of contemporary perspectives. It provides practical applications, models and illustrations of religious tourism and pilgrimage management from a variety of international perspectives and introduces theories and models in an accessible structure. The book: - Includes a range of contemporary case studies of religious and pilgrimage activity - Covers ancient, sacred and emerging tourist destinations - Reviews new forms of pilgrimage, faith systems and quasi-religious activities A timely re-assessment of the increasing linkages and interconnections between Muslim consumers, this book provides an important overview of the subject for researchers of religious tourism, pilgrimage and related subjects.
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by Mohd Sani bin Badron, Suzana binti Md. Samsudi, Haji Mohammad Rohaizad bin Mohamad Rasid
This volume is part of The Khayra Ummah series, being itself the culmination of a sequence of colloquium of several themes organised by IKIM. The issues addressed in this series are: Islamic economics; Islamophobia; governance; moral deterioration; disruptive technology; the Islamic state and society; enviromental degradation; and the Islamic mind.
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by Nik Roskiman, Haji Mohammad Rohaizad
This volume is part of the Khayra Ummah series, being itself the culmination of a sequence of colloquium of several themes organised by IKIM. The issues in this series are: Islamic economics; Islamophobia; governance; moral deterioration; disruptive technology; the Islamic state and society; enviromental degradation; and the Islamic mind.
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by Siti Fatimah binti Abdul Rahman, Haji Mohammad Rohaizad bin Haji Mohamad Rasid
This volume is part of The Khayra Ummah series, being itself the culmination of a sequence of colloquium of several themes organised by IKIM. The issues addressed in this series are: Islamic economics; Islamophobia; governance; moral deterioration; disruptive technology; the Islamic state and society; enviromental degradation; and the Islamic mind.
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by Muhammd Hisyam bin Mohamad, Nur Syahidah binti Abdul Jalil, Haji Mohammad Rohaizad bin Haji Mohamad Rasid
This volume is part of The Khayra Ummah series, being itself the culmination of a sequence of colloquium of several themes organised by IKIM. The issues addressed in this series are: Islamic economics; Islamophobia; governance; moral deterioration; disruptive technology; the Islamic state and society; enviromental degradation; and the Islamic mind.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesMay 2020
Media discourses, Muslims, and non-Muslims in the United Kingdom
by Laurens de Rooij
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by Azrina binti Sobian, Haji Mohammad Rohaizad bin Haji Mohamad Rasid (Illustrator)
This volume is part of The Khayra Ummah series, being itself the culmination of a sequence of colloquium of several themes organised by IKIM. The issues addressed in this series are: Islamic economics; Islamophobia; governance; moral deterioration; disruptive technology; the Islamic state and society; enviromental degradation; and the Islamic mind.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesNovember 2013
Foreigners, minorities and integration
The Muslim immigrant experience in Britain and Germany
by Sarah Hackett
This book explores the arrival and development of Muslim immigrant communities in Britain and Germany during the post-1945 period through the case studies of Newcastle upon Tyne and Bremen. It traces Newcastle's South Asian Muslims and Bremen's Turkish Muslims from their initial settlement through to the end of the twentieth century, and investigates their behaviour and performance in the areas of employment, housing and education. At a time at when Islam is sometimes seen as a barrier to integration and harmony in Europe, this study demonstrates that this need not be the case. In what is the first comparison of Muslim ethnic minorities in Britain and Germany at a local level, this book reveals that instances of integration have been frequent. It is essential reading for both academics and students with an interest in migration studies, modern Britain and Germany, and the place of Islam in contemporary Europe. ;
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social Sciences2021
Women Emirate? The Female Politicians of Muslim World
by Natalia Malynovska
If you ask someone the name of a famous politician, you will probably hear a European or American name. And this will once again confirm how little we know about women in politics from other parts of the world. In our book you will find stories of famous politicians and statesmen from different Muslim countries. These women not only became the first parliamentarians, prime ministers, ministers, speakers of parliament in their countries, but went through a thorny path, became influential and famous both at home and abroad. The book will help to understand the Muslim world and the nature of women’s rights in Islam, the contradictions and combinations of feminism in the conventional «West» and «East». The author examines social movements and organizations public campaigns and protests in Muslim countries that have influenced women’s political rights and led to significant changes in the Middle East and beyond.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesJune 2013
Islam and identity politics among British-Bangladeshis
A leap of faith
by Ali Riaz
This book probes the causes of and conditions for the preference of the members of the British-Bangladeshi community for a religion-based identity vis-à-vis ethnicity-based identity, and the influence of Islamists in shaping the discourse. The first book-length study to examine identity politics among the Bangladeshi diaspora delves into the micro-level dynamics, the internal and external factors and the role of the state and locates these within the broad framework of Muslim identity and Islamism, citizenship and the future of multiculturalism in Europe. Empirically grounded but enriched with in-depth analysis, and written in an accessible language this study is an invaluable reference for academics, policy makers and community activists. Students and researchers of British politics, ethnic/migration/diaspora studies, cultural studies, and political Islam will find the book extremely useful. ;
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Trusted PartnerApril 2001
Goethe und der Islam
by Katharina Mommsen, Peter Anton Arnim, Peter Anton Arnim
Katharina Mommsen hat sich intensiv mit dem Einfluß des Islam auf Goethes Leben und Werk auseinandergesetzt und ist dabei zu Ergebnissen gelangt, die dem Leser neue Perspektiven eröffnen.
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by Shaikh Mohd Saifuddeen bin Shaikh Mohd Salleh
This volume is part of The Khayra Ummah series, being itself the culmination of a sequence of colloquium of several themes organised by IKIM. The issues addressed in this series are: Islamic economics; Islamophobia; governance; moral deterioration; disruptive technology; the Islamic state and society; enviromental degradation; and the Islamic mind.
Trusted PartnerMarch 1988
Religiöse Entwicklungen im Islam
Beobachtet in Marokko und Indonesien
by Clifford Geertz, Brigitte Luchesi, Bassam Tibi
Clifford Geertz formuliert zunächst einen allgemeinen Rahmen für die vergleichende Erforschung von Religion und wendet sein anthropologische, soziologische und historische Perspektiven integrierendes Konzept bei der Untersuchung der Entwicklung vermeintlich ein und desselben Glaubenssystems - des Islam - in zwei ziemlich gegensätzlichen Zivilisationen - Indonesien und Marokko - an. Eine Sozialgeschichte der Vorstellungskraft bietet Clifford Geertz für Marokko und Indonesien. Darauf aufbauend formuliert er im letzten Kapitel einige allgemeinere Bemerkungen zur gesellschaftlichen Rolle der Religion.
Trusted PartnerOctober 2007
Islam in Europa
Eine internationale Debatte
by Thierry Chervel, Anja Seeliger, Thierry Chervel
Wen soll der Westen unterstützen: gemäßigte Islamisten wie Tariq Ramadan oder islamische Dissidenten wie Ayaan Hirsi Ali? Der französische Philosoph Pascal Bruckner sorgte Anfang 2007 für Aufsehen, als er in einer polemischen Streitschrift den vermeintlichen liberalen Konsens im Umgang mit dem Islam attackierte. Beweglicher und schneller, als das in den traditionellen Medien möglich gewesen wäre, entwickelte sich auf den Seiten der Internetplattformen und eine kontroverse Debatte, die den aktuellen Stand der Diskussion um Multikulturalismus in Europa markiert – und darüber hinausweist.