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Promoted ContentNature, the natural world (Children's/YA)March 2020
Earth Takes a Break
by House, Emily
From children's book author Emily House comes a wonderful story that re-connects us with our planet. A modern fable inspired by recent events, Earth Takes a Break is a touching picture book jam-packed with fun illustrations and woven together with a message of hope. When Earth feels unwell, she goes to the doctor to ask for help. What the doctor prescribes seems impossible to Earth, until she wakes the next day to find a surprising change!
Promoted ContentJune 2018
Mount Caravan
Die fantastische Fahrt im Nimmerzeit-Express
by Ruhe, Anna
Jake war sein Leben lang Außenseiter. Dass er jetzt noch in ein Internat für Schwererziehbare gesteckt wird, ist echt das Letzte. Doch das seltsame Mount Caravan ist nicht das, was es vorgibt zu sein. Insgeheim beschützt die Schule ein uraltes Buch, und in diesem steht nichts Geringeres als die Zukunft der Menschheit! Plötzlich ist es an Jake und seinen Freunden Ava und Finley es vor den machthungrigen Feinden der Schule zu beschützen …
Trusted PartnerTechnology, Engineering & AgricultureNovember 2020
Sweet Cherries
by Lynn Long, Gregory Lang, Clive Kaiser
This new book provides comprehensive coverage of the history, genetic improvements, production physiology of growth and cropping, orchard establishment and management, and harvest considerations for sustainable cherry production. Sweet cherries are a specialty crop, subject to significant production risks for growers, yet with high potential market returns due to strong consumer demand for the fruit's intensely enjoyable flavour and nutraceutical benefits. Written by a renowned team of experts, this book emphasises the scientific principles underlying cherry production practices. It acts as a resource for a scientific foundational understanding of plant growth and cropping, providing the key to both reasoned choice of orchard practices and the solution of future problems. The book: - Covers improved sweet cherry fruiting varieties and rootstocks. - Describes state-of-the-art tree training and production systems. - Considers production risk management technologies and decisions. Heavily illustrated and presented in full colour throughout, Sweet Cherries is written with practical details and underlying physiological concepts for use by beginning and established fruit growers, consultants, and advisors, with a primary focus on fresh market sweet cherries, in addition to students and professionals in horticulture.
Trusted PartnerMarch 2019
A Slow Train
by Mei Zihan
The writer's classic work is an excellent reading template for children. As the leading figure in promoting mass reading in China, Mei Zihan enjoys a high reputation and appeal in the minds of Chinese teachers and children. The Mei Zihan's Little Red Sail Phonetic Series is aimed at students from grades one to three in primary school. It is a simple, readable and humorous child growth story with a pinyin-assisted for helping self-reading. The story is well written and closely related to the rich and interesting elementary school life. All four books in the series differ in their difficulty levels, from easy to more challenging in order to nuture an advanced reading ability. The first and second volumes focus on the children's life and emotional experience, pay attention to the language rhythm, increase the proportion of poetry content, control the number of words and the length of the story, and focus on the short reading. Volumes three and four focus on imagination and expression, the content theme is set deeper. Reading instructions are available after each book.
Trusted PartnerJanuary 2020
Ansel Adams, Updated Edition
by Krista West
At the young age of 14, Ansel Adams found his life's work. Growing up in San Francisco in the early 1900s, Adams traveled with his family to Yosemite National Park in 1916 and fell in love with the breathtaking scenery. After exploring the natural wonders of the park, Adams began to study the art of photography—thereby influencing generations of people who would view his work. His striking images of the American West, including Yosemite's mountains, valleys, and waters, raised awareness of the natural beauty of America and the need to conserve and protect it. In this eBook, readers will explore the beautiful images of this photographer who encouraged a nation to cherish the natural wonders it possessed.
Trusted PartnerMarch 2019
Biting off the Tail of the Cow
by Mei Zihan
The writer's classic work is an excellent reading template for children. As the leading figure in promoting mass reading in China, Mei Zihan enjoys a high reputation and appeal in the minds of Chinese teachers and children. The Mei Zihan's Little Red Sail Phonetic Series is aimed at students from grades one to three in primary school. It is a simple, readable and humorous child growth story with a pinyin-assisted for helping self-reading. The story is well written and closely related to the rich and interesting elementary school life. All four books in the series differ in their difficulty levels, from easy to more challenging in order to nuture an advanced reading ability. The first and second volumes focus on the children's life and emotional experience, pay attention to the language rhythm, increase the proportion of poetry content, control the number of words and the length of the story, and focus on the short reading. Volumes three and four focus on imagination and expression, the content theme is set deeper. Reading instructions are available after each book.
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerMarch 2019
Cucumber Fairy Tales
by Mei Zihan
The writer's classic work is an excellent reading template for children. As the leading figure in promoting mass reading in China, Mei Zihan enjoys a high reputation and appeal in the minds of Chinese teachers and children. The Mei Zihan's Little Red Sail Phonetic Series is aimed at students from grades one to three in primary school. It is a simple, readable and humorous child growth story with a pinyin-assisted for helping self-reading. The story is well written and closely related to the rich and interesting elementary school life. All four books in the series differ in their difficulty levels, from easy to more challenging in order to nuture an advanced reading ability. The first and second volumes focus on the children's life and emotional experience, pay attention to the language rhythm, increase the proportion of poetry content, control the number of words and the length of the story, and focus on the short reading. Volumes three and four focus on imagination and expression, the content theme is set deeper. Reading instructions are available after each book.
Trusted PartnerMarch 2019
My Swan
by Mei Zihan
The writer's classic work is an excellent reading template for children. As the leading figure in promoting mass reading in China, Mei Zihan enjoys a high reputation and appeal in the minds of Chinese teachers and children. The Mei Zihan's Little Red Sail Phonetic Series is aimed at students from grades one to three in primary school. It is a simple, readable and humorous child growth story with a pinyin-assisted for helping self-reading. The story is well written and closely related to the rich and interesting elementary school life. All four books in the series differ in their difficulty levels, from easy to more challenging in order to nuture an advanced reading ability. The first and second volumes focus on the children's life and emotional experience, pay attention to the language rhythm, increase the proportion of poetry content, control the number of words and the length of the story, and focus on the short reading. Volumes three and four focus on imagination and expression, the content theme is set deeper. Reading instructions are available after each book.
Trusted PartnerMarch 2021
Bonbon and Blanket
by Emily House
A new children's picture book by author Emily House (of Earth Takes a Break) brings us the heartwarming tale of Bonbon and Blanket and the lengths we'll go to hold onto those we love. A great pick for a kids' bedtime storybook! Bonbon and Blanket’s friendship is full of fun and adventure, but the pair very soon discover that not every adventure is of their own choosing!
Trusted PartnerLifestyle, Sport & LeisureNovember 2024
Other Everests
One mountain, many worlds
by Paul Gilchrist, Peter Hansen, Jonathan Westaway
A hundred years after the tragic 1924 British Everest expedition, this collection explores the wider social and cultural history of the mountain. Mount Everest looms large in the popular imagination. Since the deaths of mountaineers George Mallory and Andrew Irvine in 1924, histories of the mountain have overwhelmingly focused on the mythologies of western male adventure and conquest. But there are many more stories waiting to be told. Other Everests brings together new voices and perspectives on the historical and cultural significance of Everest in the modern world. The book shines a light on the overlooked role of local people and high-altitude workers, while also revealing the significant contributions women have made to climbing the mountain and writing its history. It explores the depiction of Everest in a range of media and investigates how the forces of nationalism and commercialism have shaped many different 'Everests'. After years of exploitation, Indigenous people are now reclaiming Mount Everest in the twenty-first century. Other Everests re-examines the past and present of the world's highest peak, presenting an exciting vision of what Everest might become in the future.
Trusted Partner
Comme, Quoi ?
by Gideon Bar-Sinai
Comme, Quoi ? Casse-têtes Graphiques pour Jeunes Lecteurs par Gideon Bar-Sinai Comme beaucoup d’adultes, les enfants sont curieux de nature. Ils assimilent facilement les principes, découvrent les défis et adorent le affronter ; mais comment allez-vous encourager leur curiosité ? Lorsqu’ils trouvent un livre original de ce genre, c’est comme une mine de surprises : stimulant, intelligent et fascinant. Il s’agit d’un concept unique, destiné avant tout à distraire les lecteurs, jeunes ou adultes. L’exploitation et l’encouragement de leur curiosité naturelle accroissent le plaisir que procure le livre. L’ensemble de la série comprend 81 casse-têtes graphiques multicolores qui couvrent un univers d’événements riches et variés. Chaque casse-tête renferme une énigme, dont la découverte constitue un défi par soi-même. En essayant de déchiffrer le mystère, le lecteur développe des capacités de créativité et d’esprit investigateur, ainsi que des dons d’abstraction, de perception spatiale et d’imagination. L’auteur Gideon Bar-Sinai explique : « Ce livre fait davantage que de stimuler la curiosité du lecteur et son désir de chercher, que de le confronter avec la complexité du monde où nous vivons. Il prouve que le monde n’est pas aussi simple et structuré que le suggèrent tous les livres de psychométrie qui constituent l’antithèse dogmatique et unidimensionnelle de Comme, quoi ? » Cette brillante série déploie l’imagination du lecteur par le pittoresque et l’humour qui y ont été investis ; bien qu’il ne contienne que peu de mots, il procure aux jeunes lecteurs – et à leurs parents qui n’ont pas encore perdu leur curiosité naturelle – à la fois de l’amusement, de l’instruction, de l’intuition et du plaisir. En tant que livre universel sans mots, il transcende les barrières de l’âge, du langage et de la culture, et cela en fait un cadeau idéal. Un prochain livre, avec 27 autres casse-têtes graphiques, va bientôt être publié. Gideon Bar-Sinai, 49 ans, marié et père de trois enfants, ancien pilote et licencié en informatique, a travaillé durant de nombreuses année dans le développement de logiciel et a tenu des postes supérieurs de direction dans plusieurs entreprises hi- tech. Comme, quoi ? est le premier volume de cette série originale de livres de casse-têtes graphiques.
Trusted PartnerJanuary 2012
Wolfsblut. Mit einem Vorwort von Richard Adams
Arena Kinderbuch-Klassiker
by London, Jack / Vorwort von Adams, Richard
Trusted Partner
Desert Passions – Wilde Liebe im Sinai
by Robert Bettelheim
Desert Passions – Wilde Liebe im Sinai Robert Bettelheim Desert Passions erzählt Geschichten von wilden, dramatischen Veränderungen, die Menschen im Sinai in einer Mischung aus Lust, sexueller Leidenschaft, Spontaneität, Liebe, Verzückung, Hoffnungen und Träumen erleben können – widersprüchlichen Energien, die oft in unserem Leben keinen Platz finden. Neue Motivationen tauchen auf, Verhaltensmuster können sich ändern oder vollständig umkehren, Sex und Romantik finden Raum, frei von alten Hemmungen. Dies erklärt, warum Suchende, die versuchen, sich in dieser verwirrten, verrückten Welt zurechtzufinden, in die Sinai-Wüste reisen, wo geheime Leidenschaften, verborgene sexuelle Phantasien und Gelüste, die seit langem unterdrückt sind, plötzlich an die Oberfläche kommen und ausgelebt werden. Seit jeher ist die Sinai-Wüste ein Ort der spirituellen und mentalen Verwandlung, die ihre mächtige Wirkung auf jeden ausübt, der sie aufsucht. Als westliche Ideen und Gewohnheiten nach dem Sechs-Tage-Krieg 1967 zum ersten Mal auf die Kultur traditioneller Stammes-Beduinen trafen, entstand eine einzigartige kulturelle Diversität. Viele westliche Besucher wurden tief von der unverstellten Natur berührt, die ihnen dort offenbart wurde. Robert Bettelheim wurde in Wien geboren. Nachdem seine Eltern nach dem Anschluss Österreichs vor den Nazis nach China geflohen waren, wuchs er während des Zweiten Weltkriegs im Getto von Shanghai unter japanischer Herrschaft auf. Bettelheim diente später bei der IDF als Fallschirmjäger und wurde bald ein begeisterter Taucher an den bezaubernden Ufern der Sinai-Wüste. Der studierte Musikwissenschaftler und Lehrer lebt mit seiner Frau im Kibbuz Zikim, der nicht selten unter Beschuss steht. Er hat sechs Enkelkinder. Eine englischsprachige eBook Edition wurde im Sommer 2018 veröffentlicht. 326 Seiten, 14 x 20,5 cm.
Trusted PartnerTravel & TransportJanuary 2018
Exploring Paths in Nanyue Mountain
by Tan Minzheng
Nanyue Mountain, one of the Five Great Mountains in China, enjoys a long history. The ancient paths in Nanyue Mountain are main spots for transportation and sightseeing with profound culture. In this book, the author has carried out a systematic and comprehensive study of these trails, and vividly presented natural scenery, places of interest, customs, along with ancient and modern changes of the Nanyue Mountain in a readable way. Eleven travel notes about ten main ancient paths are selected with corresponding pictures to show the beauty of Nanyue Mountain.
Trusted PartnerJuly 2016
The Last Love
by Can Xue
This novel by Can Xue presents a whole range of characters with strong personality, such as Joe, Maria, Vincent, Lisa, Reagan and Ida. They are full of vitality and are accordingly unsatisfied with their present status. They actively explore unknown field of life and firmly embark on the journey of spiritual exploration. The novel focuses the complicated and intertwining relationship between husbands, wives and lovers to uncover the hidden inner desire of each character. Boiling wild nature and advanced civilization collide with each other before they finally become one unity. For the readers, entering the world of these characters is like entering their own inner world.
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Trusted PartnerJuly 2016
Mount Caravan
Die fantastische Fahrt im Nimmerzeit-Express
by Ruhe, Anna / Illustriert von Meinzold, Max
Trusted PartnerJanuary 2020
John James Audubon, Updated Edition
by Patrice Sherman
Artist, writer, naturalist, and frontiersman John James Audubon explored America's wilderness during the early 19th century, observing and recording the wonders he found there. From the Kentucky frontier to the Mississippi bayou to the icy coast of Labrador, he took his sketchbook and journal with him wherever he went. His collected paintings, Birds of America, became one of the nation's greatest works of art and natural history. His journals document an era when America's forests still teemed with ivory-billed woodpeckers, Carolina parrots, passenger pigeons, and other species now extinct. Audubon was the first to sound the alarm over the destruction of the wilderness. Today, the Audubon Society, founded in his name, serves as his legacy, educating people about the value of biological diversity throughout the world. Readers will explore the illustrated world of John James Audubon in this colorful eBook.
Trusted PartnerJanuary 2021
Cells, Tissue, and Skin, Third Edition
by Donna Bozzone, Ph.D. and Douglas B. Light, Ph.D.
Cells are the smallest units capable of sustaining life, and they make up virtually every aspect of the human body. From the strands of hair at the top of the head to the nails on fingers and toes, every structure of the human body is composed of cells. Groups of cells form tissues and organs, which allow the body to function as an organized system. Skin, the body’s largest organ, forms a waterproof barrier that provides protection against invading microorganisms and acts as a sensory and thermoregulatory structure. Cells, Tissues, and Skin, Third Edition explores the properties of each of these components in our bodies. Packed with full-color photographs and illustrations, this absorbing book provides students with sufficient background information through references, websites, and a bibliography.