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      • Longleaf Rights Management

        Representing rights for Duke University Press, Syracuse University Press, University of Georgia Press,University of Nebraska Press,University of New Mexico Press, University of North Carolina Press, Vanderbilt University Press and University of West Indies Press

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      • Peter Lang Group

        Peter Lang Group specializes in the Humanities and Social Sciences, covering the complete publication spectrum from monographs to student textbooks.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2017

        Clive Barker

        by Sorcha Fhlainn

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2013

        The Papal Reform of the Eleventh Century

        Lives of Pope Leo IX and Pope Gregory VII

        by I. Robinson

        The eleventh-century papal reform transformed western European Church and society and permanently altered the relations of Church and State in the west. The reform was inaugurated by Pope Leo IX (1048-54) and given a controversial change of direction by Pope Gregory VII (1073-85). This book contains the earliest biographies of both popes, presented here for the first time in English translation with detailed commentaries. The biographers of Leo IX were inspired by his universally acknowledged sanctity, whereas the biographers of Gregory VII wrote to defend his reputation against the hostility generated by his reforming methods and his conflict with King Henry IV. Also included is a translation of Book to a Friend, written by Bishop Bonizo of Sutri soon after the death of Gregory VII, as well as an extract from the violently anti-Gregorian polemic of Bishop Benzo of Alba (1085) and the short biography of Leo IX composed in the papal curia in the 1090s by Bishop Bruno of Segni. These fascinating narrative sources bear witness to the startling impact of the papal reform and of the 'Investiture Contest', the conflict of empire and papacy that was one of its consequences. An essential collection of translated texts for students of medieval history.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2016

        The annals of Lampert of Hersfeld

        by I. Robinson

        This is a translation of the eleventh-century Latin Annals of Lampert, monk of Hersfeld, with detailed commentary and introduction. No translation has hitherto been published in English, despite the fact that it is one of the best known of all the narrative sources of the Middle Ages, constantly mentioned in the English secondary literature. Lampert produced the most detailed account of the events of 1056-77 (the minority of Henry IV of Germany and the first decade of his personal rule), a period of crisis and rebellion culminating in the conflict between the king and Pope Gregory VII. He is widely regarded as 'the unrivalled master among medieval historians' and 'a superb story-teller', noted for his vivid characterisation and narrative. An English translation of this work is of the greatest value to teachers and students of medieval history and also of interest to the general reader of European literature.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2005

        Wo Engel zögern

        Unterwegs zu einer Epistemologie des Heiligen

        by Gregory Bateson, Mary Catherine Bateson, Hans-Ulrich Möhring

        Nach Geist und Natur. Eine notwendige Einheit hat Gregory Bateson an dem vorliegenden Buch gearbeitet, das er zu Lebzeiten aber nicht mehr zum Abschluß bringen konnte und das von seiner Tochter Mary Catherine fertiggestellt wurde.Ausgehend von dem, was wir über die biologische Welt wissen, sowie davon, was wir über das »Erkennen« zu begreifen vermögen, möchte Bateson erklären, was unter »dem Heiligen« zu verstehen sein könnte. Neben dem »Heiligen« spielen zwei weitere »integrative Erfahrungsdimensionen« eine wichtige Rolle: die des »ästhetischen« und die des »Bewußtseins«. Es ist diese Konstellation von Problemen, der man sich, so Bateson, widmen muß, wenn man zu einer Theorie des Handelns in der lebendigen Welt gelangen will – zu einer kybernetischen Ethik.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2002

        Ireland and the Great War

        'A war to unite us all'?

        by Adrian Gregory, Senia Paseta

        As the twentieth century drew to a close, people in all parts of Ireland began to recover the memory of the First World War as the last great common experience of the island as a whole. Brings together research whilst re-evaluating older assumptions about the immediate and continuing impact of the war on Ireland. Explores some lesser-known aspects of Ireland's war years as well as including studies of more traditional areas: military, social, cultural, political and economic aspects. Analyses how the experience and memory of the War have contributed to identity formation and the legitimisation of political violence. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2022

        Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 98/1

        The Artist of the Future Age: William Blake, Neo-Romanticism, Counterculture and Now

        by Douglas Field

        This special issue of the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library is devoted to William Blake. It explores the British and European reception of Blake's work from the late nineteenth century to the present day, with a particular focus on the counterculture. Opening with two articles by the late Michael Horovitz, an important figure in the 'Blake Renaissance' of the 1960s, the issue goes on to investigate the ideological struggle over Blake in the early part of the twentieth century, with particular reference to W. B. Yeats. This is followed by articles on the artistic avant-garde and underground of the 1960s and on Blake's significance for science fiction authors of the 1970s. The issue closes with an article on the contemporary Belgian art collective maelstrÖm reEvolution.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2009

        Selected Poems of Gregory of Nazianzus

        I.2.17; II.1.10, 19, 32: A Critical Edition with Introduction and Commentary

        by Simelidis, Christos

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2017

        Long Poems: Death in a Stone Cell and Floating Wood

        by Lofu

        Lofu is widely acknowledged as a great poet in contemporary Chinese poetic circles. He has made great contributions through his long poems, which have served to promote the development of contemporary Chinese poetry. His collection of long poems includes “Death in a Stone Cell” and“Floating Wood”. Lofu was a nominee for the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2001 for his long poem “Floating Wood”.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2024

        Manchester minds

        A university history of ideas

        by Stuart Jones

        A bicentennial celebration of brilliant thinkers from The University of Manchester's history. The year 2024 marks two centuries since the establishment of The University of Manchester in its earliest form. The first of England's civic universities, Manchester has been home and host to a huge number of influential thinkers and generated world-changing ideas. This book presents a rich account of the remarkable contribution that people associated with The University of Manchester have made to human knowledge. A who's who of Manchester greats, it presents fascinating snapshots of pioneering artists, scholars and scientists, from the poet and activist Eva Gore-Booth to the economist Arthur Lewis, the computer scientist Alan Turing and the physicist Brian Cox.

      • Trusted Partner
        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        November 2024

        Other Everests

        One mountain, many worlds

        by Paul Gilchrist, Peter Hansen, Jonathan Westaway

        A hundred years after the tragic 1924 British Everest expedition, this collection explores the wider social and cultural history of the mountain. Mount Everest looms large in the popular imagination. Since the deaths of mountaineers George Mallory and Andrew Irvine in 1924, histories of the mountain have overwhelmingly focused on the mythologies of western male adventure and conquest. But there are many more stories waiting to be told. Other Everests brings together new voices and perspectives on the historical and cultural significance of Everest in the modern world. The book shines a light on the overlooked role of local people and high-altitude workers, while also revealing the significant contributions women have made to climbing the mountain and writing its history. It explores the depiction of Everest in a range of media and investigates how the forces of nationalism and commercialism have shaped many different 'Everests'. After years of exploitation, Indigenous people are now reclaiming Mount Everest in the twenty-first century. Other Everests re-examines the past and present of the world's highest peak, presenting an exciting vision of what Everest might become in the future.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2024

        The Legacy of John Polidori

        The Romantic Vampire and its Progeny

        by Sam George, Bill Hughes

        John Polidori's novella The Vampyre (1819) is perhaps 'the most influential horror story of all time' (Frayling). Polidori's story transformed the shambling, mindless monster of folklore into a sophisticated, seductive aristocrat that stalked London society rather than being confined to the hinterlands of Eastern Europe. Polidori's Lord Ruthven was thus the ancestor of the vampire as we know it. This collection explores the genesis of Polidori's vampire. It then tracks his bloodsucking progeny across the centuries and maps his disquieting legacy. Texts discussed range from the Romantic period, including the fascinating and little-known The Black Vampyre (1819), through the melodramatic vampire theatricals in the 1820s, to contemporary vampire film, paranormal romance, and science fiction. They emphasise the background of colonial revolution and racial oppression in the early nineteenth century and the cultural shifts of postmodernity.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        May 2017

        Mass Tourism in a Small World

        by David Harrison, Richard Sharpley, Hazel Andrews, Julio Aramberri, Gregory Ashworth, Raoul Bianchi, Sue Bleasdale, Kelly Bricker, Jim Butcher, Erik Cohen, David T. Duvall, Martin Farr, John Heeley, Andrew Holden, Stanislav Ivanov, Heather Jeffrey, Gabriele Manella, Chris Ryan, Asterio Savelli, Hongdi Shen, John E Tunbridge, David Weaver, Paul F Wilkinson

        This new book reviews all aspects of the phenomenon of mass tourism. It covers theoretical perspectives (including political economy, ethics, sustainability and environmentalism), the historical context, and the current challenges to domestic, intra-regional and international mass tourism. As tourism and tourist numbers continue to grow around the world, it becomes increasingly important that this subject is studied in depth and best practice applied in real-life situations. This book: - Is the first to address a range of theoretical issues relating to mass tourism; - Uses a wide selection of case studies to translate theory into practice, covering the historical rise and fall of UK seaside resorts, the increase in Chinese tourism, conflict between different mass tourism groups, destination transformation from mass to niche tourism, and specific problems facing cruise ships; - Is written by a range of international, established authors to give a global perspective on the subject. Finishing with a speculative chapter identifying potential future trends and challenges, this book forms an essential resource for all researchers and students within tourism studies. ; Section 1: Introduction1: Introduction: Mass Tourism in a Small WorldSection 2: Theoretical Approaches to Mass Tourism2: Mass Tourism Does Not Need Defending3: The Morality of Mass Tourism4: The Political Economy of Mass Tourism and its Contradictions5: A Theoretical Approach to Mass Tourism in Italy6: Sustainability and Mass Tourism: A Contradiction in Terms?7: Mass Tourism and the Environment: Issues and DilemmasSection 3: Historical Studies of Tourism Development8: The Dynamics of Tourism Development in Britain: The Profit Motive and that ‘Curious’ Alliance of Private Capital and the Local State9: From Holiday Camps to the All-inclusive: the ‘Butlinization’ of Tourism10: Decline Beside the Seaside: British Seaside Resorts and Declinism11: Mass Tourism and the US National Park Service System12: Transport and Tourism: The Perpetual LinkSection 4: Case Studies in Modern Mass Tourism13: Mass Tourism and China14: Mass Tourism in Thailand: The Chinese and Russians15: Mass Tourism in Bulgaria: The Force Awakens16: Mass Tourism in Mallorca: Examples from Calivià17: Tunisia: Mass Tourism in Crisis?18: From Blue to Grey? Malta’s Quest from Mass Beach to Niche Heritage Tourism19: Cruise Ship Tourism in the Caribbean: The Mess of Mass TourismSection 5: The Future20: Conclusion: Mass Tourism in the Future

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        June 2017


        Botany, Production and Uses

        by José Quero Garcia, Amy Lezzoni, Joanna Pulawska, Gregory A Lang

        Sweet and sour cherries (Prunus avium and Prunus cerasus) are important fruit crops for which demand is high and growing. A significant number of new varieties, rootstocks and training systems have been released or developed in recent years in order to improve the efficiency and profitability of cherry orchards. Cherries: Botany, Production and Uses covers the genetics, ecophysiology, production, protection and uses of cherries. Presenting up-to-date scientific data and applied information, this book is invaluable for researchers, teachers and all professionals working in the cherries value chain.

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        The Arts
        February 2024

        John Ford's America

        by Jeffrey Richards

      • Trusted Partner
        April 1993

        Das Bacon-Projekt

        Von der Erkenntnis, Nutzung und Schonung der Natur

        by Lothar Schäfer

        "Das »Bacon-Projekt« definiert einen Grundzug der Moderne; während in der Antike die Erkenntnis der Natur als Selbstzweck galt, betrachtet sie die Neuzeit als ein Mittel zur Mehrung des allgemeinen Menschenwohls. Die Naturforschung soll die Entwicklung einer Technik ins Werk setzen und damit dem Menschen Machtmittel zur Verfügung stellen, durch die er sich aus materieller Not und Naturabhängigkeit befreien kann. Francis Bacon (1551-1626) war der Propagandist der neuen Zielbestimmung der Naturforschung. Die in den modernen Industrieländern praktizierte technische Form der Naturnutzung ist infolge der jetzt offenkundig werdenden Schädigungen an der Natur zunehmend unter Kritik geraten. Mit den Befunden der »ökologischen Krise« wird nicht nur auf die Bedrohlichkeit der Technikfolgeschäden hingewiesen, sondern es wird zugleich die neuzeitliche Art der Naturforschung für die absehbare Katastrophe verantwortlich gemacht. Hans Jonas hat deshalb verlangt, daß wir das »Baconsche Ideal« aufgeben und uns dem Gedanken der Bewahrung der Natur verschreiben. Nicht länger sollten Ziele und Zwecke des Menschen die Grundlage unseres Handelns gegenüber der Natur sein; das »Prinzip Verantwortung« gebiete vielmehr, die in der westlichen Zivilisation dominant gewesene »Anthropozentrik« zu verabschieden und die Eigenrechte der Natur in unserem Handeln zu respektieren. Gegen diese pauschale Beschuldigung der Moderne ist die vorliegende Studie gerichtet. Schäfer sieht durch die ökologische Krise nicht die Aufkündigung des Baconschen Ideals geboten - wohl aber eine drastische Revision des »Baconschen Programms«, d.h. der Mittel und Methoden, mit denen das Ideal seither verfolgt wurde."

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