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      • Manilla Press

        Manilla Press is a home for novelists, journalists, memoirists, thinkers, dreamers, influencers. Our reach is international, our range broad, we publish with focus, passion and conviction, and we seek to find and publish underrepresented voices.

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      • Mandalas for the Soul

        Mandalas for the Soul is a transformation, it has no gender or age, it has no race, it is for the soul, it is for spiritual beings, it is finding balance in your life as we all came here to live an earthly experience. Mandalas Books, Journals and messages from the universe were  all created to offer  an experience that let people  connect with their most sublime, wise and spiritual part at any time, this part of us that knows everything  and is always in a state of calm and freedom.

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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2011

        Über das befremdliche Überleben des Neoliberalismus

        Postdemokratie II

        by Colin Crouch, Frank Jakubzik

        Spätestens als Lehman Brothers im September 2008 Insolvenz anmelden mußte, hatte es für einen kurzen Moment den Anschein, als habe die letzte Stunde des Neoliberalismus geschlagen: Nachdem das Mantra vom Markt und von der Privatisierung seit den siebziger Jahren in aller Munde war, sollten nun die Regierungen eingreifen, um systemrelevante Banken zu retten. Die Kompetenz der Wirtschaftsführer stand massiv in Frage. Heute, nur drei Jahre später, bekommen die Manager wieder riesige Boni. Zur Refinanzierung der Rettungspakete werden Sozialleistungen gekürzt. Die Logik des radikalen Wettbewerbs und des unternehmerischen Selbst prägt nach wie vor unsere Mentalität. Wie ist das möglich? Diese Frage stellt Colin Crouch in seinem großen neuen Essay. Der Autor des vielbeachteten Bestsellers »Postdemokratie« zeichnet die Ideengeschichte des Neoliberalismus nach und betont, daß der Konflikt Staat vs. Markt zu kurz greift: Es sind die gigantischen transnationalen Konzerne, unter denen die Demokratie »und« das Marktmodell leiden. Doch wir können uns wehren, indem wir uns auf unsere Werte und unsere Macht als Verbraucher besinnen. Das ist Crouchs optimistische Vision einer sozialen und demokratischen Marktwirtschaft.

      • Trusted Partner
        Mind, Body, Spirit


        Profound Experiences with Chanting, Toning, Music and Healing Frequencies

        by Drs. JJ and Desiree Hurtak

        Sing the Sacred Song of Your Soul You are a musical instrument in the great song of a living universe. Join social scientists and futurists Drs. J.J. and Desiree Hurtak as they show you how sound is an integral part of who you are and how you got here-in fact, it is the sacred song of your soul.Witness the science of frequency and timeless art of sound as an instrument of-and entry point to-the Divine as Drs. J.J. and Desiree Hurtak, along with selected sacred storytellers, share their mystical experiences with sound. Sound is alive in everything, and it is tuning humanity to a brighter future. Discover how plants create music and how space is a symphony of creation. Understand archeo-acoustics and how sound is used in sacred temples. Raise your vibration as you chant mantras composed of sacred names, thoughts, and expressions. Create harmony in your life as you embrace the world of musical experience and come in tune with your truest vibrational nature.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2011

        Aus dem Guru Granth Sahib und anderen heiligen Schriften der Sikhs

        Ausgewählt, übersetzt und kommentiert von Tilak Raj Chopra und Heinz Werner Wessler

        by Martin Kämpchen, Heinz Werner Wessler, Tilak Raj Chopra

        Die Sikh-Religion (vom sanskritischen Wort für „Schüler, Belehrungsbedürftiger”) ist eine im 15. Jahrhundert entstandene konfessions- und religionsübergreifende Form indischer Mystik, die auf den charismatischen Gemeindeführer Guru Nanak (1469-1539) und seine neun Nachfolger zurückgeht. (1708 wurde der letzte Guru, der keinen Nachfolger ernannt hat, Opfer eines Attentats.) Die Literatur des Sikhismus setzt mit den Liedern Guru Nanaks ein. Nach dessen Tod begannen seine Nachfolger mit der Traditionsbildung: Nichtauthentische Lieder wurden ausgesondert, das zunächst mündlich tradierte Liedgut verschriftlicht. Diese Entwicklung mündete 1604 in das Guru Granth Sahib (auch bekannt unter dem Namen „Adi Granth”), das „Ursprüngliche Buch” oder genauer: der „Lehrer Hoher Herr Buch”, eine kanonische Liedsammlung, die heute in jedem Sikh-Heiligtum im Zentrum der Liturgie steht. Die Sikhs sind in der Gegenwart eine kleine (23 Millionen Anhänger), aber wirtschaftlich erfolgreiche Minderheit in Indien. Ihr prominentester Vertreter ist der amtierende indische Premierminister. Die Gurus sprechen in ihren Versen über eine grundsätzliche menschliche Haltung dem Leben gegenüber, die durchdrungen ist von Nächstenliebe, Hingabe und Aufrichtigkeit. Die Lehren legen daher großen Wert auf gegenseitigen Respekt. Im Abschlußgebet der Sikhs wird für das Wohl der gesamten Schöpfung gebetet. Dieser Gedanke drückt sich auch in den Gebetsstätten (Gurdwara) der Sikhs aus: Jeder Mensch, ungeachtet seiner Herkunft und Religion, ist eingeladen, an den Gottesdiensten und Veranstaltungen teilzunehmen. Bekanntester Einzeltext ist das „Mul-Mantar” oder „Wurzel-Mantra”, das quasi den Rang eines Glaubensbekenntnisses hat.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2015


        Was sie bedeuten, wie man sie einsetzt, warum sie helfen

        by Stecher, Christine

      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        June 2017

        Decentralized Governance of Adaptation to Climate Change in Africa

        by Esbern Friis-Hansen

        Based on fieldwork carried out in Uganda, Zambia, Tanzania and Ghana, this book shows how local governance institutions change the way that they work as they engage with climate change adaptation initiatives, and how the tendency of power and finance to be centralised at national level reduces the effectiveness and efficiency of real change on the ground. The evidence of these studies is that central government and international projects are neither cost effective nor institutionally sustainable; what is needed is devolution of power and resources to the local level. It's time to turn the old mantra on its head - to think globally but act locally.

      • Trusted Partner


        by J.P. Vaswani

        Do you find things getting out of control? Do you feel that it is too much for you to handle? This mantra will help: “Change your Attitude: Change your Life!” The heart-warming stories in this book will give you an extra dose of motivation. Fear, worry, anxiety, depression and nega-tive emotions can be swept away when you approach life with the right attitude.Dada J.P. Vaswani (1918-2018) was a universally acclaimed humanitarian, phi-losopher, educator, acclaimed writer, powerful orator and non-sectarian spiritu-al leader helping readers learn the princi-ples to live a good life.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2023


        On the benefits of doing nothing

        by Bernd Imgrund

        — Against the mantra of always having to be doing something — A compact cultural history of laziness — Anecdotes and aphorisms In a world that is characterised by the idea of achievement, laziness is considered a mortal sin. This has a long tradition. "If anyone will not work, let him not eat," wrote Paul the Apostle. So laziness, we are led to believe, is considered punishable by death in the Bible. But there is more to laziness than the mortal sin of inertia. It also includes idleness and contemplation, which no one finds reprehensible. Laziness can even be sexy. Its most charming variant is nonchalance: nothing upsets me; I take things as they come. A very readable essay about the need for idleness in our stressful times.

      • Ignite Your Heart

        77 Rituals

        by Cynthia Zak

        What is the temperature of your heart? Do you feel it? There is a melodic synchrony between breathing, emotions, and the brain; a rhythm that will allow you to turn each breath into a genuine act of gratitude. In this book, you will find 77 rituals, 77 powerful and simple practices to observe your mind, honor your name, change the narrative, connect with the elements, choose what you ingest at subtle and physical levels, manage your rest spaces, and fine-tune your vibratory frequency. 77 answers that invite you to action and conscious practice to recalibrate and awaken. Identify your heartbeat, find your pulse, awaken the unparalleled intelligence of the heart.

      • Health & Personal Development

        Release the Wound

        Una oportunidad de vida

        by Gina Goldfeder

        Release the Wound is about letting go of our primal wounds as a path towards building a new identity. The result of many years of practice, this book teaches readers how to overcome the challenge and succeed in rebuilding their selves. It invites readers to let go of the role of the victim and resignify who we really are. For many, unresolved trauma develops an existence of their own and converses with us, becoming our accomplice in the practice of justifying why we cannot live a fulfilling life, no matter how much we want to Release the Wound is an invitation to defeat the victim and start anew. Using examples from many cases from her private practice, and building from the deep understanding taught by experts and professionals, Dr. Golfeder's book includes three main sections: Part One describes the meaning of the primal emotional wound, its origin, and how we identify ourselves with it. Part Two offers specific tools to release the wound and strenghten the creation of a new personal identity. Part Three is about practices and disciplines to enjoy life from a new point of view. This book is centered on the process of knowing, honoring, and learning to release the wound and turn it into a new opportunity for life. The tools devised and described by the author are a compilation of different therapeutic approaches and years of work in the field.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2016

        La mujer de la guarda

        by Sara Bertrand, Alejandra Algorta

        Jacinta wants to know how her mother is able to breathe inside the coffin, but her aunts tell her it’s better if she concentrates in taking care of her brothers. Jacinta remembers some things about her mum, like the sound of the spoon in the cup when she stirred the milk until it was smooth. When her father arrives early, Jacinta and her brothers eat together and laugh at dessert time when he draws milk toffees and chewing gum from behind their ears. Jacinta is a weirdo in a world where other children have a mother. Jacinta has no guardian angel, but a woman traveling on a blue horse watches over her.

      • Health & Personal Development


        by Fer Broca

        In these times of change and transformation, we have faced, individually and collectively, our deepest fears, discovering how vulnerable and fragile we are. The technological revolution that has drastically altered our way of communicating, the risks of climate change, the ongoing pandemic, and the resurgence of fear from a continental-scale war remind us of the illusory nature of control and the fragility of our sense of security. "Encuentro" is a response to our new vulnerability: a voice that speaks, shouts, or whispers what the ancient memory of peoples has passed down to us. Through shamanic practices applicable to daily life and a simple yet profound presentation of the basic principles of this ancestral wisdom, Fer Broca teaches us how to merge our personal experiences and face our fears with the help of a living tradition that is constantly evolving. This book is both personal and social, informative and inspiring, practical and introspective, designed to help us find meaning in times of crisis.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2024

        A Place Beyond the Heart

        by Irehobhude O. Iyioha

        A Place Beyond the Heart is a collection of short stories exploring issues at the intersection of war and love, terror and (dis)order, as well as identity, gender, and sexuality. The stories capture the lives of people facing personal, societal and transcultural challenges that define, transform, and ultimately create shifts in the way they see and experience the world.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        The Gospel of Prosperity

        Literary and critical perspectives about the science of getting right quick

        by Luis Miguel Estrada

        In 2020, amidst the whirlwind of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ideas from books about the science of becoming a millionaire returned to Luis Miguel Estrada whom, since he left a financial job, has dedicated himself fully to literature. In this book, he thinks  some of the key questions raised by bestsellers from Napoleon Hill to Kiyosaki. Do we stop seeking money just because we pursue art? More importantly: regardless of what we do, how do we seek money? Why have narratives like positive thinking and the law of attraction become a universal language that gains strength during each economic crisis? Is there a link between bestsellers about the science of getting rich and great universal literature? This book attempts to answer these questions, beginning with the origins of books on becoming a millionaire, which delve into the agile 19th-century United States, transition through the fast-paced turn of the century, and explode in the years after the Great Depression. The journey continues with examples of wild successes (real-life fraudsters like Elizabeth Holmes or fictional criminals like Walter White from Breaking Bad) that prompt us to question the influence of success-at-any-cost ideas on popular culture, as well as their ethical limits. How can one reconcile readings, cultural products, and experiences that seem so distant? The broader reading audience responds more to "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill than to "The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck. Is there a way to read them alongside each other and emerge renewed from the experience? This book invites you on that adventure.


        Tradition and secret practices of mystical marriage and revival


        This book reveals the heart of an ancient spiritual universal and natural revival and healing. This has reached us thanks to the oral transmission of passing down frommaestro to disciple through the centuries, but for the first time in this book the main points are in a written form.All great esoteric paths, the path to self-development and personal growth, psychology of the profound and alchemy, if they are truly effective, are so as they preserve in their heart the extraordinary key of the reabsorption of reality. Freeing oneself of the burden of objective matter, from eventual inevitable events of which one can be nothing more than a victim. The tradition of the Mantra Mother is, for excellence, the tradition that conveys such reabsorption of the real (or “withdrawal of projections”) in the purest and original manner, without superstructures, that have traveled in the circuits of shamanic-tantric yoga and alchemy, in the East as well as in the West, for many centuries.

      • Hinduism
        June 2011

        Mantras for Peace of Mind

        by J.P. Vaswani

        In the pages of this book, Rev. Dada has chosen to share with you some of his own favourite mantras, with his characteristically lucid and eloquent expositions on the significance of each. Also included in the book are answers to questions on the use of mantras and their effects.

      • Health & Personal Development

        Flow Birthing

        Born from a wave of pleasure

        by Kristina Rumpel

        The birth of a child is the most joyful experience we can ever have – it’s an experience of fundamental importance that makes us grateful and humble regarding the miracle of life. But today many women are afraid of giving birth – of the pain, the circumstances, the consequences – instead of relying on their natural strength and gift. How could it happen that women feel alienated from their female primal force at the moment of greatest proximity to them- selves? FlowBirthing is more than a birth manual – it is the beginning of a new birth culture: FlowBirthing creates awareness that again sees femininity and the ability to give birth as a gift. In tune with themselves women experience the birth process as a source of unexpected inner strength and inspiration. FlowBirthing combines ancient female knowledge with the latest scientific findings and fo- cuses on the wellbeing of pregnant women. All women who are looking for a self-determined and natural birth and everyone who wants to support them and look at the beginning of life in a new light will find valuable suggestions in this book.

      • Science & Mathematics
        July 2012

        Gayatri’s Maths Mantra

        by Gayatri Lodha

        Generally school going children find it difficult to understand mathematics. This book explains simple techniques of basic mathematical calculations such as multiplication and division. With the help of these techniques one can improve the speed of calculation as well as accuracy.

      • Health & Personal Development
        July 2017

        It's Buddha Time: An evening yoga ritual for parents and children; finding peace at last

        An evening yoga ritual for parents and children; finding peace at last

        by Daniela Heidtmann, Teresa Heilmann, Maren Engel, Lara Schmelzeisen

        It’s Bed Time - It’s Buddha Time  An evening spent mindfully, content children who are happy to go to bed,a calm end to the day and some relaxi ng time to yourself.Out of reach?  Not at all, thanks to your evening yoga ritual.    “Muuuuum, where are you?!”  A standard afternoon with my three kids: arguments over mathshomework, the older two are bickering, the little one didn’t nap, the cathas a fev er. We have to visit the orthodontist, the vet and take my eldestto scouts, but my “real work” begins when they’re all in bed. I’m a yogateacher and every day, I practice strategies to prevent the chaos fromengulfing me and to help myself reach my inner sanctuary. Would you liketo join me?  With the help of yoga, Buddha’s wisdom, and meditation, you too canbetter weather the whirlwinds of your life and find the calm in the eye ofthe storm. With a smile on your lips and hand in hand with yourchildren .  This book will show you how!

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