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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2015

        Color atlas of large scale healthy breeding of goat

        by Luo Dongsheng

        This book introduces the advanced and practical technologies in modern scale goat production, such as pig farm planning and construction, environmental sanitation and biosafety, breed and breeding, feed and ration preparation, feeding management, pig disease prevention and control, fecal treatment and management. It is a practical technical guide book on goat scale healthy breeding, which is also complete It is a national color atlas book with large-scale farms as reference.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2024

        Arthropod Management and Landscape Considerations in Large-Scale Agroecosystems

        by Michael J Brewer, Gary L. Hein, Kristen Baum, Mahendra Bhandari, Haley Butler, Hannalene du Plessis, Norman C. Elliott, Peter C Ellsworth, Sarah Elzay, Isaac L. Esquivel, Ashleigh M. Faris, Aaron J. Gassmann, Kristopher L Giles, Maura Hall, Louis S. Hesler, Anders S. Huseth, William D. Hutchison, Ian MacRae, Robert L. Meagher, Jr, Lance J. Meinke, Steven E. Naranjo, Matthew O'Neal, Shannon L. Osborne, Pankaj Pal, Katherine A. Parys, Dominic Reisig, Tom A Royer, Nina Rudin, Thomas W. Sappington, Gregory A. Sword, Ashley E. Tessnow, Paul A. Umina, Johnnie van den Berg

        For large-scale agroecosystems, patterns of pest population increases (graded increases or abrupt outbreaks) and declines (graded suppression or abrupt crashes) vary considerably and are influenced by factors within crop fields and across broader landscape scales. Better understanding of pest population dynamics and the implications of spatial interactions on the function and development of pest management approaches are the main themes of this important book. The book builds from a 60+ year history of field-based pest management by focusing on the drivers of pest management in large-scale agroecosystems and the landscape-scale processes that affect these drivers and contribute to variation in pest outbreaks and suppression. These drivers include abiotic and biotic influences such as weather, spatial composition and arrangement of landscape elements, and widely applied managed inputs such as planting and crop rotation schedules, crop varietal selection, and land and soil conservation efforts. The book introduces general concepts, opportunities, and challenges of arthropod management in large-scale agroecosystems. Case studies from major field crop-based agroecosystems are used to present research approaches and improve understanding and management of pest and beneficial insects in large-scale agroecosystems. Specific research findings are provided on multi-trophic interactions within the system as influenced by climate, landscape, and other ecological, agricultural, and social/economic components of the agroecosystem. The book concludes with a synthesis of these concepts and prospectus for future research and developments in arthropod management in large-scale, plant-based agroecosystems. The book is essential reading for researchers in applied entomology and ecology and for pest management practitioners.

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        The Arts

        Ukraine from above (in English)

        by Bogdan Logvynenko (idea), Volodymyr Gavrysh (design)

        Over several years of expeditions, the Ukraїner team took thousands of photos of Ukraine from a drone. Many different screens have already seen our footage: from Ukrzaliznytsia (Ukrainian Railways) to city buses in Warsaw. With the help of these images, we aim to share the beauty of Ukraine with the world. This photo book shows Ukraine from a bird's eye view. Fields, forests, coasts, snow-capped mountains, patterns of city streets – all these shots show amazing diversity and cause aesthetic awe. Despite the fact that enemy shells are still flying in the Ukrainian sky, we are already trying to make the whole world fall in love with it. The book is published only in English and is called “Ukraine from above”.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2015

        Color atlas of pig scale healthy breeding

        by Yin Yulong

        This book introduces the advanced practical techniques in modern scale pig production, such as pig farm planning and construction, environmental hygiene and biosafety, breed and breeding, feed and ration preparation, feeding management, pig disease prevention and control, manure treatment and operation management. It is a practical technical guide book on pig scale healthy breeding, and is also widely used in China.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2015

        Color atlas of healthy large scale breeding of Broilers

        by Yin Yulong

        This book introduces the site selection and construction of broiler farms, broiler varieties and breeding technology, feed and ration preparation, broiler feeding management and technical regulations, prevention and control of epidemic diseases in broiler farms, production and operation management and marketing of broiler farms, etc.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2015

        Color atlas of beef cattle large scale healthy breeding

        by Yin Yulong

        This book introduces the site selection and construction of beef cattle farm, breed and breeding technology, feed and ration preparation, feeding management and technical regulations, disease prevention and control, production management and marketing, etc.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2015

        Color atlas of large scale healthy breeding of laying hens

        by Yin Yulong

        This book introduces the site selection and construction, breed and breeding technology, feed and ration preparation, feeding management and technical regulations, disease prevention and control, production and operation management and marketing, etc.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2015

        Color atlas of large scale healthy breeding of meat duck

        by Yin Yulong

        This book introduces the site selection and construction of meat duck, chicken breeds and breeding technology, feed and ration preparation, feeding management and technical regulations, disease prevention and control, production management and marketing, etc.

      • Trusted Partner
        Aquaculture & fish-farming: practice & techniques
        January 2011

        Small-scale Fisheries Management

        Frameworks and Approaches for the Developing World

        by Edited by Robert S Pomeroy, Neil Andrew.

        Small-scale fisheries make up a large proportion of world's fisheries, both by catch and participation. Effective management is essential to ensure access to fish for food and income. Covering social and economic aspects of the fishery management and governance challenge, this book provides guidance on innovative and alternative management measures and methods for small-scale fisheries. The book covers key topics such as rights, policy, co-management, communications and trade, and is an important reference for researchers and students in fisheries science and management as well as fisheries research organizations and policymakers.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2015

        Great Courage

        Zedong Mao at the Great Divide of the Long March

        by Jianjun YE

        This series of books divided into 4 volumes.In chronological order,this series record Mao’s life in 4 different period of time and different activity places in the form of stories,which embody the fobsimon and the ability to stabilize the nation of the great man.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2025

        England’s military heartland

        Preparing for war on Salisbury Plain

        by Vron Ware, Antonia Dawes, Mitra Pariyar, Alice Cree

        A considered investigation of a long-standing army base's impact on the British countryside. What is it like to live next door to a British Army base? Beyond the barracks provides an eye-opening account of the sprawling military presence on Salisbury Plain, drawing on a wide range of voices from both sides of the divide. Targeted for expansion under government plans to reorganise the UK's global defence estate, the Salisbury 'super garrison' offers a unique opportunity to explore the impact of the military footprint in a particular place. But this is no ordinary environment: as well as being the world-famous site of Stonehenge, the grasslands of Salisbury Plain are home to rare plants and wildlife. How does the army take responsibility for conserving this unique landscape as it trains young men and women to use lethal weapons? Are its claims that its presence is a positive for the environment anything more than propaganda? Beyond the barracks investigates these questions against the backdrop of a historic landscape inscribed with the legacy of perpetual war.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        May 2017

        Mass Tourism in a Small World

        by David Harrison, Richard Sharpley, Hazel Andrews, Julio Aramberri, Gregory Ashworth, Raoul Bianchi, Sue Bleasdale, Kelly Bricker, Jim Butcher, Erik Cohen, David T. Duvall, Martin Farr, John Heeley, Andrew Holden, Stanislav Ivanov, Heather Jeffrey, Gabriele Manella, Chris Ryan, Asterio Savelli, Hongdi Shen, John E Tunbridge, David Weaver, Paul F Wilkinson

        This new book reviews all aspects of the phenomenon of mass tourism. It covers theoretical perspectives (including political economy, ethics, sustainability and environmentalism), the historical context, and the current challenges to domestic, intra-regional and international mass tourism. As tourism and tourist numbers continue to grow around the world, it becomes increasingly important that this subject is studied in depth and best practice applied in real-life situations. This book: - Is the first to address a range of theoretical issues relating to mass tourism; - Uses a wide selection of case studies to translate theory into practice, covering the historical rise and fall of UK seaside resorts, the increase in Chinese tourism, conflict between different mass tourism groups, destination transformation from mass to niche tourism, and specific problems facing cruise ships; - Is written by a range of international, established authors to give a global perspective on the subject. Finishing with a speculative chapter identifying potential future trends and challenges, this book forms an essential resource for all researchers and students within tourism studies. ; Section 1: Introduction1: Introduction: Mass Tourism in a Small WorldSection 2: Theoretical Approaches to Mass Tourism2: Mass Tourism Does Not Need Defending3: The Morality of Mass Tourism4: The Political Economy of Mass Tourism and its Contradictions5: A Theoretical Approach to Mass Tourism in Italy6: Sustainability and Mass Tourism: A Contradiction in Terms?7: Mass Tourism and the Environment: Issues and DilemmasSection 3: Historical Studies of Tourism Development8: The Dynamics of Tourism Development in Britain: The Profit Motive and that ‘Curious’ Alliance of Private Capital and the Local State9: From Holiday Camps to the All-inclusive: the ‘Butlinization’ of Tourism10: Decline Beside the Seaside: British Seaside Resorts and Declinism11: Mass Tourism and the US National Park Service System12: Transport and Tourism: The Perpetual LinkSection 4: Case Studies in Modern Mass Tourism13: Mass Tourism and China14: Mass Tourism in Thailand: The Chinese and Russians15: Mass Tourism in Bulgaria: The Force Awakens16: Mass Tourism in Mallorca: Examples from Calivià17: Tunisia: Mass Tourism in Crisis?18: From Blue to Grey? Malta’s Quest from Mass Beach to Niche Heritage Tourism19: Cruise Ship Tourism in the Caribbean: The Mess of Mass TourismSection 5: The Future20: Conclusion: Mass Tourism in the Future

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Popular imperialism and the military, 1850-1950

        by John M. MacKenzie

        Colonial war played a vital part in transforming the reputation of the military and placing it on a standing equal to that of the navy. The book is concerned with the interactive culture of colonial warfare, with the representation of the military in popular media at home, and how these images affected attitudes towards war itself and wider intellectual and institutional forces. It sets out to relate the changing image of the military to these fundamental facts. For the dominant people they were an atavistic form of war, shorn of guilt by Social Darwinian and racial ideas, and rendered less dangerous by the increasing technological gap between Europe and the world. Attempts to justify and understand war were naturally important to dominant people, for the extension of imperial power was seldom a peaceful process. The entertainment value of war in the British imperial experience does seem to have taken new and more intensive forms from roughly the middle of the nineteenth century. Themes such as the delusive seduction of martial music, the sketch of the music hall song, powerful mythic texts of popular imperialism, and heroic myths of empire are discussed extensively. The first important British war correspondent was William Howard Russell (1820-1907) of The Times, in the Crimea. The 1870s saw a dramatic change in the representation of the officer in British battle painting. Up to that point it was the officer's courage, tactical wisdom and social prestige that were put on display.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        Small Animal Veterinary Psychiatry

        by Sagi Denenberg, Ali Thompson

        Problem behaviours are often the result of how an animal thinks and feels, genetics, and environmental influences. Steering away from just description diagnoses and focusing instead on emotional and cognitive causes, this book provides a practical approach to diagnosing, treating, and managing behaviour pathologies in dogs and cats. Beginning by addressing cases in the first opinion practice, this book then considers physical disorders that may lead to or exacerbate abnormal behavior. From there, the focus shifts to mental and emotional health, from an assessment of normal behavior and giving juveniles an optimal start in life, to diagnosing mental and emotional disorders, addressing emotions such as anxiety and frustration, and how to manage these issues - by modifying behavior, managing the animal's environment, training, and, when necessary, the use of medications. The second half of the book then addresses owner concerns, including management problems, aggression, affective disorder, elimination disorder, abnormal and repetitive behaviours and ageing-related problems. With an emphasis on helping first line veterinarians identify common presentations and offer help to owners, this book: - Addresses both normal and abnormal behaviour in cats and dogs from an emotion and cognition perspective; - Provides behaviour modification protocols, and drug doses and indications; - Includes handouts to be used both within the practice and with clients to help the veterinary surgeon manage the case. Written by international experts, the book translates their insights and experience into approaches taken in behavioural medicine. Also including the most up-to-date drugs, it is an important resource for both small animal veterinarians and students of veterinary medicine or animal behaviour.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2025

        England’s military heartland

        Preparing for war on Salisbury Plain

        by Vron Ware, Antonia Lucia Dawes, Mitra Pariyar, Alice Cree

        What is it like to live next door to a British Army base? England's military heartland provides an eye-opening account of the sprawling military presence on Salisbury Plain, drawing on a wide range of voices from both sides of the divide. Targeted for expansion under government plans to reorganise the UK's global defence estate, the Salisbury 'super garrison' offers a unique opportunity to explore the impact of the military footprint in a particular place. But this is no ordinary environment: as well as being the world-famous site of Stonehenge, the grasslands of Salisbury Plain are home to rare plants and wildlife. How does the army take responsibility for conserving this unique landscape as it trains young men and women to use lethal weapons? Are its claims that its presence is a positive for the environment anything more than propaganda? This book investigates these questions against the backdrop of a historic landscape inscribed with the legacy of perpetual war.

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        October 2016

        Big Data’s Big Potential in Developing Economies

        Impact on Agriculture, Health and Environmental Security

        by Nir Kshetri

        Big data involves the use of sophisticated analytics to make decisions based on large-scale data inputs. It is set to transform agriculture, environmental protection and healthcare in developing countries. This book critically evaluates the developing big data industry and market in these countries and gives an overview of the determinants, performance and impacts. It provides a detailed analysis of technology creation, technology infrastructures and human skills required to utilize big data while discussing novel applications and business models that make use of it to overcome healthcare barriers. The book also offers an analysis of big data's potential to improve environmental monitoring and protection where it is likely to have far-reaching and profound impacts on the agricultural sector. A key question addressed is how gains in agricultural productivity associated with big data will benefit smallholder farmers relative to global multinationals in that sector. The book also probes big data's roles in the creation of markets that can improve the welfare of smallholder farmers. Special consideration is given to big data-led transformation of the financial industry and discusses how the transformation can increase small-holder farmers' access to finance by changing the way lenders assess creditworthiness of potential borrowers. It also takes a look at data privacy and security issues facing smallholder farmers and reviews differences in such issues in industrialized and developing countries. The key ideas, concepts and theories presented are explored, illustrated and contrasted through in-depth case studies of developing world-based big data companies, and deployment and utilization of big data in agriculture, environmental protection and healthcare. ; Big Data has the power to change all aspects of agriculture, environmental protection and healthcare, especially in developing countries, by allowing new levels of analysis and tailoring of impacts. The capacity to develop infrastructure and the practical implications of data security are examined in depth ; Chapter 1: Big Data in Developing Countries: Current Status, Opportunities and ChallengesChapter 2: Big Data Ecosystem in Developing CountriesChapter 3: Big Data in Environmental Protection and Resources ConservationChapter 4: Big Data in Healthcare Delivery and OutcomesChapter 5: Big Data in AgricultureChapter 6: Big Data’s Roles in Increasing Smallholder Farmers’ Access to FinanceChapter 7: Data Privacy and Security Issues Facing Smallholder Farmers and Poor Communities in Developing CountriesChapter 8: Lessons Learned, Implications and the Way Forward

      • Trusted Partner

        The Painting Series of Chinese Folk Tales: The Snail Girl

        by The Editorial Board

        This series contains 31 titles of picture books. It is a collection of traditional Chinese classic tales, including fables, myths, idioms and folk legends. It’s playful and readable with attractive illustrations and concise text.

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