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      • Trusted Partner
        January 1989

        Haschisch - Abhängigkeit?

        Lebensgeschichten von Drogenkonsumenten

        by Tossmann, H Peter

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2003

        Die Lust am Rauchen

        Geschichten und Gedichte vom blauen Dunst

        by Mario Leis

        Diese Anthologie bietet eine Zusammenstellung von Rauchzeichen und Tabakspuren in der Literatur: vom Lob des blauen Dunstes bis zur Einführung in die Kunst, sich das Rauchen abzugewöhnen. Thematisch gegliedert in unterschiedliche Kapitel, werden alle Aspekte des lustvollen Lasters augegegriffen - nicht zuletzt geht es dabei um das oft beschworene Verhältnis zwischen Tabakkonsum und Kreativität. Berücksichtigt werden ferner die verschiedenen Formen des Tabakgenusses: Zigarre und Zigarette, Pfeife, Haschisch und Schnupftabak. Und natürlich fehlt auch nicht die Streitschrift des flammenden Nichtrauchers. Mit Texten von Charles Baudelaire, Walter Benjamin, Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Günter Grass, Mechtilde Lichnowsky, Thomas Mann, Francis Ponge, Joachim Ringelnatz, Einar Schleef, Italo Svevo, Friedrich Torberg, Thaddäuas Troll, Kurt Tucholsky, Mark Twain und vielen anderen.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 1972

        Gesammelte Schriften

        IV: Kleine Prosa. Baudelaire-Übertragungen. 2 Teilbände

        by Walter Benjamin, Tillman Rexroth, Rolf Tiedemann, Hermann Schweppenhäuser, Walter Benjamin, Theodor W. Adorno, Gershom Scholem

        Charles Baudelaire: Tableaux Übertragungen aus anderen Teilen der »Fleurs du mal«. Berliner Kindheit um Neunzehnhundert. Zwei Träume. Marseille. Karl Wolfskehl zum sechzigsten Geburtstag. Der destruktive Charakter. Ibizenkische Folge. (Miszellen). Revue oder Theater. Antoine Wiertz: Gedanken und Gesichte eines parisiens. Deutsche Übertragung von Walter Benjamin mit einem Vorwort über die Aufgabe des Übersetzers. Aus dem Französischen übersetzt von Walter Benjamin. Einbahnstraße. Deutsche Menschen. Eine Folge von Briefen. Auswahl und Einleitungen von Detlef Holz. (Denkbilder). Neapel. Moskau. Der Weg zum Erfolg in dreizehn Thesen. Weimar. Paris, die Stadt im Spiegel. San Gimignano. Kurze Schatten I. Essen. Kriminalromane, auf Reisen. Nordische See. Ich packe meine Bibliothek aus. Der enthüllte Osterhase oder Kleine Versteck-Lehre. Ausgraben und Erinnern. Traum. Haschisch in Marseille. In der Sonne. Selbstbildnisse des Träumenden. Kurze Schatten II. Denkbilder. Einmal ist keinmal. Schönes Entsetzen. Noch einmal. Kleine Kunst-Stücke. (Satiren, Polemiken, Glossen). Acta Muriensa. Nichts gegen die »Illustrierte«. Baedeker bedankt sich-. Skandal im Théatre Français. Pariser Theaterskandale II. Rainer Maria Rilke und Franz Blei. Journalismus. Glozel and Atlantis. Staatsmonopol für Pornographie. Ein internationales Gesellschaftsspiel. Vaterherz, kalt garniert. Nochmals: Die vielen Soldaten. Aus dem internationalen Antiquariat. Der grüne Postillon. Kavaliersmoral. Ade mein Land Tirol. Kleiner Briefwechsel mit der Steuerbehörde. (Berichte). Die Waffen von morgen. Studio »L'assaut«. Möbel und Masken. Paul Valéry in der École Normale. Disputation bei Meyerhold. Les Cahiers du Sud. Phantasie über Kiki. Verein der Freunde des neuen Rußland - in Frankreich. Für die Diktatur. Soll die Frau am politischen Leben teilnehmen? Dagegen: Die Dichterin Colette. Ein bedeutender französischer Kritiker in Berlin. André Gide und Deutschland. Gespräch mit André Gide.... Altes Spielzeug........

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        Business, Economics & Law
        September 2020

        Religious Tourism and the Environment

        by Kiran A Shinde, Daniel H Olsen

        The remarkable growth in religious tourism across the world has generated considerable interest in the impacts of this type of tourism. Focusing here on environmental issues, this book moves beyond the documentation of environmental impacts to examine in greater depth the intersections between religious tourism and the environment. Beginning with an in-depth introduction that highlights the intersections between religion, tourism, and the environment, the book then focuses on the environment as a resource or generator for religious tourism and the environment as a recipient of impacts of religious tourism. Chapters included discuss such important areas as disease, environmental responsibility and host perspectives. Covering as many cultural and environmental regions as possible, this book provides: An in-depth, yet holistic view of the relationships between religious tourism and the environment; A conceptual framework that goes beyond listing potential environment impacts; A strong focus on explaining the universality of the deeper environmental issues surrounding sacredness and sacred places. From a global writing team and featuring case studies spanning Europe and Asia, this book will be of great interest to researchers and students of tourism and religious studies, as well as those studying environmental issues.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2019

        Tourism Information Technology

        by Pierre J Benckendorff, Zheng Xiang, Pauline J Sheldon

        This third edition of 'Tourism Information Technology' provides a contemporary update on the complexities of using information technology in the tourism industry. It examines IT applications in all sectors including airlines, travel intermediaries, accommodation, foodservice, destinations, attractions, events and entertainment. Fully updated throughout and organised around the stages of the visitor journey, the book reviews how tourists are using technologies to support decision making before their trip, during their travels and at the destination. It: · Provides comprehensive and up to date coverage of all key topics in tourism information technologies · Covers new areas such as (among others) augmented and virtual reality, robotics, smart destinations, disruptive innovation and the collaborative economy, crowdsourcing for sustainability, online reputation management and big data · Incorporates a wealth of pedagogic features to aid student learning, including key models and concepts, research and industry insights, case studies, key terms, discussion questions, and links to useful websites. Accompanied online by instructor PowerPoint slides, multiple choice questions and further case studies, this book provides a comprehensive and learning-focused text for students of tourism and related subjects.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2004

        Trans-global readings

        Crossing theatrical boundaries

        by Maria M. Delgado, Caridad Svich, Maggie B. Gale, Peter Lichtenfels

        Gathers the voices of unique artists from the worlds of theatre, music and performance to discuss process and the making of interdisciplinary work.|Gathers the voices of unique artists from the worlds of theatre, music and performance to discuss process and the making of interdisciplinary work. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2018

        Temperament of Public Opinion

        by Zhao Qiang

        What is public opinion? What does public opinion do with you? Does public opinion have a temper? The author joined hands with "public opinion" for more than two decades, and integrated many years of observation experience into the hotspots of public opinion, and wrote "How much is a catty for" false public opinion "," Who sacrificed for public opinion "," You liar "," Wu Hezhong ", etc. Twenty notes, using smooth texts to tell people: Public opinion is everywhere, no one can hide. These twenty notes are both academic and readable, and strive to be targeted and systematic. They will comment on public opinion events, popular science phenomena, analyze public opinion strategies, and discuss public opinion safety in as easy-to-understand manner as possible. These 20 notes, from shallow to deep, from the surface to the inside, can be ordinary readers to understand the phenomenon of public opinion, can also be used by public opinion workers to take stock of public opinion work, or experts and scholars to discuss the safety of public information.

      • Business, Economics & Law
        April 1905

        Creating Capital

        Money-making as an aim in business

        by Fredrick L. Lipman

        The object of this paper is to discuss money-making; to examine its prevalence as an aim among people generally and the moral standards which obtain among those who consciously seek to make money.

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        The Art of Sculptures and Murals in Mogao Grottoes

        by Zhao Shengliang

        This book is one of Dunhuang Stories for Teenagers. By analyzing the typical examples of sculptures and murals from prosperous times in Mogao Grottoes,the writer detaily discuss the formation,development and change of the art in Mogao Grottoes.

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        Medical parasitology
        February 2009

        Giardia and Cryptosporidium

        by Edited by M G Ortega-Pierres, S Cacciò, R Fayer, T Mank, H Smith, R C A Thompson

        Giardia and Cryptosporidium are both parasites of considerable global interest due to the gastrointestinal problems the organisms can cause in humans as well as domestic and wild animals. This book presents a comprehensive overview of recent research. Chapters discuss topics from taxonomy, nomenclature and evolution to molecular epidemiology, advances in diagnostics and zoonotic, human and animal health issues.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2016

        Hold Your Heart

        by Yang Jinyuan

        The book is mainly based on the author's own life experience and mental journey to discuss the experience and perception of life along with the wisdom and art of life. The stories shows that the author keeps his sincerity, does not forget his original heart, adheres to his beliefs, and keeps his mission in mind.

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        Tourism industry
        June 2010

        Tourism and Visual Culture, Volume 2

        Methods and Cases

        by Edited by Peter M Burns, Jo-Anne M Lester, Lyn Bibbings.

        The study of tourism as a complex social trend is growing in importance as it receives recognition as a force far more significant than economic, environmental, and social analyses convey. This volume explores tourism as a significant phenomenon in both generating and receiving societies, examining methods and cases that demonstrate, develop, and affirm tourism's essentially visual nature. Tourism-related methodologies such as photographs, souvenirs and advertising material are used to discuss findings.

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        Pest control
        September 2014

        Urban Insect Pests

        Sustainable Management Strategies

        by Edited by Partho Dhang.

        A companion to 'Urban Pest Management', this book builds on the issues of insect pests in urban settings to discuss control strategies that look beyond products. From an environmental and health perspective, it is not always practical to spray chemicals indoors or in urban settings, so this work discusses sustainable control and best practice methods for managing insects that are vectors of disease, nuisance pests and the cause of structural damage.

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        September 2019

        Urban Insect Pests

        Sustainable Management Strategies

        by Gregory J Baumann, Partho Dhang, Zia Siddiqi, Ed Vargo, Rajeev Vaidyanathan, Julian Entwestle, John Cooksey, Chow Yang Lee, Michael Rust, Changlu Wang, Frantisek Rettich, David Liszka, Eli Shaava

        A companion to 'Urban Pest Management', this book builds on the issues of insect pests in urban settings to discuss control strategies that look beyond products. From an environmental and health perspective, it is not always practical to spray chemicals indoors or in urban settings, so this work discusses sustainable control and best practice methods for managing insects that are vectors of disease, nuisance pests and the cause of structural damage.

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        Agronomy & crop production
        November 2006

        Microbial Ecology of Aerial Plant Surfaces

        by Edited by Mark J Bailey, Andrew K Lilley, Tracey M Timms-Wilson, Peter T N Spencer-Phillips

        All aerial plant surfaces, including leaves, stems and flowers are inhabited by diverse assemblages of microorganisms, including filamentous fungi, yeasts, bacteria, and bacteriophages. These organisms have profound effects on plant health and thus impact on ecosystem and agricultural functions. This book is based on proceedings from the 8th International Symposium on the mircobiology of aerial plant surfaces, held in Oxford 2005. This is a five yearly conference which brings together international scientists and provides a unique opportunity to discuss developments in this field.

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        Animal breeding
        December 2011

        Goat Meat Production and Quality

        by Osman Mahgoub, Isam T Kadim, Edward Webb, Chris D Lu, J N. B. Shrestha, Mourad Rekik, Imène Ben Salem, Narjess Lassoued, Jorge R Kawas, N H Casey, L Simela, Bruce A McGregor, Jung Hoon Lee, Govind Kannan, Nur El Huda I. E. D. Osman, Anastasio Arguello, Noemi Castro, Davina Sanchez-Macias, Juan Capote, P Morand-Fehr, A Araba, P Bas, A El Aich, Gisele Alexandre. Edited by Osman Mahgoub, Isam T Kadim, Edward Webb.

        Written by some of the world's leading goat meat scientists, and drawing from the most recent publications in the field, this book comprehensively covers the most important areas of goat meat production. Chapters discuss the role of genetics, breeding, reproduction, and nutrition in producing good quality, profitable goat meat. The mineral, amino acid and fatty acid composition of goat meat is also addressed, along with a discussion of its nutritive value, aimed at highlighting its health benefits over other red meats.

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