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      • Rights Expert

        Rights Expert Literary and Licensing Agency is representing in Romania, directly or through other agents, more than 45 publishing houses and imprints (mainly from UK and USA). Part of the publishers represented in Romania agreed to give us the international representation for other CEE territories: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Bulgaria. Rights Expert Literary and Licensing Agency is having a portfolio of creative, independent and flexible publishers from domains like: Children and Young Adult books (non-fiction): activity books, color and stickers books. Children and Young Adult books (fiction): picture books (trendy in all the markets); story books; novels; comic magazines and books. Adult non-fiction: Self-help, Health, Body, Mind & Spirit etc. Adult fiction

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        Indie Experts Publishing and Author Services

        Publishing 3.0 and Author services for non-fiction specialists who care about influencing with high quality content.

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        September 2015

        Marte Meo Method in Nursing

        by Claudia Berther, Therese Niklaus Loosli

        The Marte-Meo Method, developed by the Dutch educational counselor Maria Aarts, is a resource and solution focused communication- and video-analysis-method that supports care takers as well as patients in their daily (challenging) interactions. The method uses short film clips from real life situations and analyses these together with the participants. Using this method, inter personal skills as well as the quality of nursing improve and participants learn how to strengthen the emotional competence of those in need of their care. Target Group: Nurses, Nurse Educators

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        Popular culture
        July 2015

        Experimental British television

        by Martin Hargreaves

        Throughout its history, British television has found a place, if only in its margins, for programmes that consciously worked to expand the boundaries of television aesthetics. Even in the present climate of increased academic interest in television history, its experimental tradition has generally either been approached generically or been lost within the assumption that television is simply a mass medium. Avaible for the first time in paperback, Experimental British television uncovers the history of experimental television, bringing back forgotten programmes in addition to looking at relatively more privileged artists or programme strands from fresh perspectives. The book therefore goes against the grain of dominant television studies, which tends to place the medium within the flow of the 'everyday', in order to scrutinise those productions that attempted to make more serious interventions within the medium.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2015

        Experimental British television

        by Laura Mulvey, Martin Hargreaves, Jamie Sexton

        Throughout its history, British television has found a place, if only in its margins, for programmes that consciously worked to expand the boundaries of television aesthetics. Even in the present climate of increased academic interest in television history, its experimental tradition has generally either been approached generically or been lost within the assumption that television is simply a mass medium. Avaible for the first time in paperback, Experimental British television uncovers the history of experimental television, bringing back forgotten programmes in addition to looking at relatively more privileged artists or programme strands from fresh perspectives. The book therefore goes against the grain of dominant television studies, which tends to place the medium within the flow of the 'everyday', in order to scrutinise those productions that attempted to make more serious interventions within the medium. ;

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        Losing Weight and Keeping it off

        A Method With Lasting Results

        by Tatjana van Strien

        In this book Tatjana van Strien, the author of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ), presents a scientific alternative for all the ‘miracle solutions’ to lose weight. Based on more than 25 years of scientific research, she offers a self-test-method which enables readers to explore what is the cause of their eating problem, what they can do about it, and ultimately lose weight and keep it off.   Target Group: people who want to lose weight, dieticians, doctors, psychologists.

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        June 2021

        Applied Plant Science Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis Using SAS® OnDemand for Academics

        by Edward Durner

        The correct design, analysis and interpretation of plant science experiments is imperative for continued improvements in agricultural production worldwide. The enormous number of design and analysis options available for correctly implementing, analysing and interpreting research can be overwhelming. SAS® is the most widely used statistical software in the world and SAS® OnDemand for Academics is now freely available for academic institutions.This is a user-friendly guide to statistics using SAS® OnDemand for Academics, ideal for facilitating the design and analysis of plant science experiments. It presents the most frequently used statistical methods in an easy-to-follow and non-intimidating fashion, and teaches the appropriate use of SAS® within the context of plant science research. This book:- Covers experimental designs and data analysis protocols- Is presented as a how-to guide with many examples- Includes freely downloadable data sets- Examines key topics such as merging data frames, multivariate analysis and linear regressionAuthored by an experienced teacher of applied plant science statistics, this book assumes no prior background in statistics and guides users through the appropriate methodologies in research. It is an invaluable tool for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, in addition to researchers, extension consultants, faculty and technicians.

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        January 2015

        Corpus Lexicography: Theory, Method, and Applications

        by Li Junde

        Corpus Lexicology, starting from the lexical turn of language research, discusses the theoretical basis and future research direction of corpus lexicology. The corpus lexicodicon has interdisciplinary features, which discusses the existing problems and solutions while discussing the state of the art in detail. In addition, the author introduces how to develop a corpus-based lexicographic system using computer high-level languages. This book not only can be studied by teachers and students in the field of linguistics and lexicography, but also is a valuable reference book in the field of language engineering such as natural language processing and machine translation.

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        Agricultural science
        October 2010

        Experimental Statistics for Agriculture and Horticulture

        by Clive Ireland

        Providing practical training supported by a sound theoretical basis, this textbook introduces students to the principles of investigation by experiment and the role of statistics in analysis. It draws on the author’s extensive teaching experience and is illustrated with fully worked contextualized examples throughout, helping the reader to correctly design their own experiments and identify the most appropriate technique for analysis. Subjects covered include sampling and determining sample reliability, hypothesis testing, relationships between variables, the role and use of computer packages such as Genstat, and more complex experimental designs such as randomized blocks and split plots.

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        Animal husbandry
        September 1999

        Experimental Design and Analysis in Animal Sciences

        by Trevor R Morris

        Many students and even researchers often make the mistake of using too few or too many animals in their experiments. This can lead to misleading results or waste of animal resources. Drawing on examples from animal experiments this book illustrates the general principles of experimentation and analysis.Unlike other textbooks on statistics, this title will enable the student to better judge which tool might be appropriate to particular circumstances:An essential textbook for advanced undergraduates and graduate studentsA user-friendly guide for the design and analysis of experiment in animal scienceThe only textbook of its kind.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2015

        Experimental British television

        by Martin Hargreaves

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        June 2021

        The origin of Bianque's medicine-the method of four clocks

        by Fan Jiaru, Lu Junzhi

        Four-clock pulse method is an ancient pulse method that has been lost. In the "Huangdi Neijing", only its name and a simple description of the four-clock pulse state are left. In the "Historical Records of Bianque Cang Biography", there are many diagnosis cases of Cang Gong They all use the four-clock pulse method, even Zhang Zhongjing's "The Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" mentions this pulse method, but how to use it has been lost. Now through the concerted efforts of the two authors Fan Jiaru and Lu Junzhi, combined with theoretical construction and clinical verification, we finally took a crucial step in restoring the four-clock pulse method and found the correct way to use it. This book is a perfect combination of traditional Chinese medicine theory and clinical cases. It allows everyone to have both theoretical understanding and case proofs when learning Chinese medicine. Learning to understand the four-clock pulse method can help you understand the precious medical records of ancient Chinese medicine, and it can also help you Have a deeper understanding of "internal difficulties" and open the door to correctly learn "internal difficulties".

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        OTC Questions: Contraception

        Pill, ring, condoms and more

        by Cornelia Schweizer

        Does the coil interfere with MRI? Is a latex allergy the reason for condom intolerance? Does the contraceptive patch stay on whilst swimming? The subject of contraception raises far more questions in the pharmacy than those about the price of a particular contraceptive pill. This book brings together questions from customers about the basic principles, problems and risks of the different methods of contraception: ■ Natural family planning ■ Barrier methods ■ Intrauterine devices (IUD) ■ Hormonal contraceptives ■ Morning after pill (emergency pill) With the aid of patient- and customer-friendly formulated answers and a clarification of the pharmacological and medical background, all questions about the pill, ring, condoms and more can be faced without any problems!

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        August 2016

        Evidence-based Nursing and Caring

        by Johann Behrens, Gero Langer

        Evidence-based-nursing and caring, a method that relies on scientifically verifiable data from an outside perspective (“external evidence”) as well as the individual needs of those cared for as well as the caretakers (“internal evidence”). This title offers a detailed insight into external and internal evidence in nursing care and shows in a 6-step-approach how to • make shared decision • analyse and describe problems • find literature and relevant studies • critically evaluate nursing studies and their quality • change nursing practice and • evaluate nursing care.   Target Group: Nursing Students, Nurse Educators.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        April 2017

        Research Methods for Leisure, Recreation and Tourism

        by Ercan Sirakaya-Turk, Muzaffer Uysal, William E Hammitt, Jerry J Vaske

        Praise for the previous edition: 'To write a good textbook is only possible with pedagogic sensitivity, significant educational experiences, and research practice. This book is evidence that the editors possess all three qualifications. A student-friendly publication introducing plenty of examples and case studies (and) encouraging students to acquire the skills needed... this book (is) a winner.' Annals of Tourism Research 39(3), 2012. Describing the fundamental elements of research methods for leisure, recreation and tourism, this new edition of a popular textbook is updated throughout. It covers the measurement of variables, sampling, questionnaire design and evaluation methods, and also a wider discussion of writing proposals, communicating research findings, cross-cultural research, and the use of new technologies in conducting research. This new edition includes: - new and expanded material on visual research methods, nonparametric tests and sampling to encompass growing areas of research interest; - pedagogical features and extra citations to create a cohesive learning experience for students; and - numerous examples from tourism and recreation literature in every chapter, tying theory into scenarios students could face in their careers. Written by internationally renowned researchers in an accessible style, this book introduces both undergraduate and graduate students to the vital skills they will need to succeed in the leisure, recreation, tourism and hospitality industries. ; A new edition of a proven textbook, this title covers the measurement of variables, questionnaire design, evaluation methods, writing proposals, cross-cultural research, and the use of new technologies. Featuring pedagogical features throughout, it introduces students to the vital skills they will need to succeed. ; PART I: An Overview of Leisure, Recreation and Tourism Research 1: Research Methods for Leisure, Recreation and Tourism PART II: ABCs of Leisure, Recreation and Tourism Research 2: Leisure, Recreation and Tourism Research Design 3: Finding and Summarizing Research Literature 4: Measurement of Variables 5: Proposal Writing PART III: Research Methods and Data Collection 6: Survey Research: Sampling and Questionnaire Design 7: Qualitative Research in Leisure, Recreation and Tourism 8: Grounded Theory Methodology in Research 9: Evaluation Research Methods in Leisure, Recreation and Tourism Research 10: Experimental Research 11: Cross-cultural and Visual Research: Issues and Concerns PART IV: Analysing the Data and Testing Hypotheses 12: Summarizing Data 13: Inferential Analysis of Data 14: Relationship Analysis: t-Tests, Analysis of Variance, Cross Tabulations and Non-parametric Tests 15: Describing Linear Bivariate Relationships: Correlation Analysis 16: Factor Analytical Procedure and Scale Reliability PART V: Research Write Ups: Reporting the Results 17: Communicating Research Results

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        Jiu-Jitsu brésilien – Techniques de base et avancées

        by Fabio Duca Gurgel do Amaral

        Jiu-Jitsu brésilien – Techniques de base et avancées Par Fabio Duca Gurgel do Amaral Le jiu-jitsu, qui signifie littéralement « l’art doux », est une forme populaire d’autodéfense qui ne repose pas nécessairement sur la force physique et sur la puissance. Fabio Gurgel, sept fois champion du monde, nous présente une série complète en deux volumes (Techniques de base et Techniques avancées) qui introduit la simplicité dans les mouvements complexes de cet art martial, lorsqu’il nous révèle étape par étape les secrets du Jiu-Jitsu. Ces livres sont pleinement illustrés et simplifient les expressions techniques de la forme artistique, de façon à permettre à chaque étudiant d’apprendre et de s’améliorer. Au départ, le jiu-jitsu avait été développé pour les samurai, d’anciens guerriers qui n’avaient que peu d’armure, ou pas du tout, pour se défendre contre un ennemi plus puissant et mieux armé. Ainsi, le jiu-jitsu est le père des arts martiaux japonais, y compris le judo et l’aïkido, et il a influencé le karaté et d’autres styles d’arts martiaux. Il utilise des techniques de coups, de prises, de clés, de projections et d’esquives. Du point de vue mental, le jiu-jitsu enseigne la confiance en soi, accroît l’estime de soi-même, relâche le stress et augmente les facultés de concentration. Le jiu-jitsu emploie la physique et la science par les applications des moments et la connaissance de l’anatomie humaine pour venir à bout de tout agresseur en utilisant aussi peu d’effort et de force physique que possible. Le jiu-jitsu brésilien diffère du jiu-jitsu traditionnel par le fait qu’il a été développé dans un environnement et des lieux différents en réponse à des besoins différents. Cela a occasionné le développement de techniques supplémentaires qui correspondent mieux au combat sur le terrain et certaines nécessités appropriées pour affronter la violence dans la vie moderne. Aujourd’hui, le jiu-jitsu brésilien est réputé pour son excellent combat sur le terrain, le haut niveau de ses compétitions et de ses athlètes, ainsi que pour ses tactiques de pensée et de manœuvres. Sept fois champion du monde, Fabio Duca Gurgel do Amaral a commencé à pratiquer le jiu-jitsu à l’âge de 13 ans et a reçu sa ceinture noire à l’âge de 19 ans. Avec son maître, Romero Jacaré, il a fondé l’équipe Alliance Team, deux fois champion du monde, avec 40 académies à travers le monde – du Venezuela jusqu’à New York, et de la Finlande à l’Allemagne. Gurgel continue à enseigner dans sa propre académie à São Paulo et organise des séminaires à travers le monde. Il est le président de la Ligue Professionnelle du Jiu-jitsu. L'édition en anglais pour l'Amérique du Nord a été publiée en septembre 2008. L'édition tchèque a été publiée en septembre 2009. 176 pages ; 16.5 x 24 cm.

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        Fertilizers & manures
        October 2002

        Methods in Agricultural Chemical Analysis

        A Practical Handbook

        by Nigel T Faithfull

        This reference manual contains information on the most suitable procedures for the analysis of agricultural materials. It describes the analysis of soils and composts, plant materials, feeds, plant components (e.g. cellulose, lignin, trace elements), fertilizers, and biological substances. The book is designed as a laboratory sourcebook, complete with useful Internet addresses, and contains over 60 different practical methods. Each method is described by a step-by-step approach, and contains details of apparatus required, chemical reaction equations, formulae and calculations, and meticulous descriptions of experimental results. Most methods use standard equipment and instruments commonly found in the practical lab. The aim is that scientists with little experience in analytical techniques should be able to safely carry out these procedures and obtain acceptable results.

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