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View Rights PortalThis book presents a global overview of the background to, and the current state of, crop protection and pest management in cotton crops. Cotton is one of the most economically important crops in the world and has been grown for centuries but maintaining high yields of good quality requires sophisticated approaches to pest management. The introduction and use of pesticides over the decades significantly increased cotton yields but lead to many adverse environmental impacts. Over time, new and alternative insecticides were developed but overuse has enabled pests to develop significant resistance. The development of genetically modified cotton varieties with toxins derived from Bacillus thuringiensis enabled much improved control of lepidopteran larvae, including bollworms, but as the toxins had no effect on sucking pests, farmers had no choice but to continue using insecticides. Also, some of the new cotton varieties developed in recent times have not adapted to different climatic conditions and the quality of cotton fibre declined as a result. This book shows the need for more research to select cotton varieties with high quality fibres suitable for different cotton growing areas and to develop integrated pest management strategies to minimise the use of pesticides. It also demonstrates the need for an inter-disciplinary approach bringing together plant breeders, entomologists, plant pathologists, agronomists and agricultural engineers to achieve high yields of high quality cotton. In the future, farmers will need to adopt new technology to determine when and how pesticides are used in conjunction with cultural and biological control strategies. · Emphasises the importance of research on growing cotton in a world experiencing climate change · Demonstrates how crucial crop protection is in achieving high yields of high quality cotton · Shows how new technology will bring major changes in how cotton is grown in the future
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) bacteria use Cry proteins to kill their insect larval hosts. The expression of certain Cry toxins in transgenic crops has been widely used to achieve efficient control of insect pests. This book describes the use of Bt crops and the emerging problem of resistance, recent progress in understanding the mechanism of action of Bt toxins, different resistance mechanisms and strategies to cope with resistance in the field. It describes resistant insects found in the field in different countries, particularly in the developing world, and ways to counter resistance such as gene stalking, refuges, modified toxins and gene discovery of novel toxins with different mode of action.
Aiming at the current situation and problems of cotton production, this book introduces a series of light Simplified Cultivation Techniques of cotton, including the characteristics of cotton growth period, overview of light Simplified Cultivation of cotton, key techniques and modes of light Simplified Cultivation of cotton, management measures of different growth periods of cotton, technical regulations of light Simplified Cultivation of cotton, etc.
This is the first full-length history of the Scottish cotton industry, from its beginnings in the late eighteenth century to its premature decline in the years leading up to the First World War. The book examines the industry chronologically and through themes such as precursors, technology, capital and employers, markets, labour and work, placed within their broader economic and scoial contexts. Its account of the cotton industry is set within important historiographical debates such as proto-industrialisation, the speed of industrial change, the diffusion of technology, the labour process, paternalism, workplace control, entrepreneurship and theories of industrial decline. Cotton was Scotland's premier industry during the Industrial Revolution and this book will be wlecomed by specialists, students and interested readers alike. ;
Within Vietnam, the environmental risks of transgenic plants, managing transgenic products safely, and building modern labs to assess their safety has received increased investment and research. This book is the first scientific effort to synthesize information relevant to GM crops in Vietnam, taking Bt cotton as an example. It can be used as a technical manual to enable Vietnamese scientists to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of Bt cotton varieties prior to commercialization, and provides guidance for environmental risk assessment of any transgenic crop.
Throughout the world cotton is broadly adapted to growing in temperate, sub-tropical, and tropical environments, but growth may be challenged by future climate change. Production may be directly affected by changes in crop photosynthesis and water use due to rising CO2 and changes in regional temperature patterns. Indirect effects may result from a range of government regulations aimed at climate change mitigation. While there is certainty that future climate change will impact cotton production systems; there will be opportunities to adapt. This review begins to provide details for the formation of robust frameworks to evaluate the impact of projected climatic changes, highlight the risks and opportunities with adaptation, and details the approaches for investment in research. Ultimately, it is a multi-faceted systems-based approach that combines all elements of the cropping system that will provide the best insurance to harness the change that is occurring, and best allow cotton industries worldwide to adapt. Given that there will be no single solution for all of the challenges raised by climate change and variability, the best adaptation strategy for industry will be to develop more resilient systems. Early implementation of adaptation strategies, particularly in regard to enhancing resilience, has the potential to significantly reduce the negative impacts of climate change now and in the future.
Covering all aspects of practical plant nematology in subtropical and tropical agriculture, the third edition of this definitive global reference work is fully revised and in full colour throughout. It covers the presence, distribution, symptomology and management of all economically important plant parasitic nematodes damaging the world's major food and cash crops. This includes: rice, cereals, solanum and sweet potatoes (and other root and tuber crops), food legumes, vegetables, peanut, citrus, fruit tree crops, coconut and other palms, coffee, cocoa, tea, bananas, sugarcane, tobacco, pineapple, cotton, other tropical fibres, spices and medicinal plants. New content for this edition includes: - A chapter on nematode soil biodiversity and soil health. - Reflections on the future impact of nematodes and nematology on food security. - The importance of climate change, emerging threats, and new management technologies for large and small subsistence growers. - Significant revisions to the IPM chapter and chapters on vegetables, citrus, legumes, tuber crops, cotton, peanut and banana where major advances in nematode management have occurred. This book is highly illustrated, with up-to-date practical guidance on methods of extraction, processing and diagnosing of different plant and soil nematodes and on integrated pest management. It remains an invaluable resource for those studying and working in the area of crop protection.
International forums have identified the need for comprehensive, transparent, scientific methods, for the pre-release testing and post-release monitoring of transgenic plants to ensure environmental safety. There is also wide recognition that the regulatory and scientific capacity for conducting these types of assessments needs to be strengthened.In response to these requirements, a GMO Guidelines Project was established - under the aegis of the International Organization for Biological Control - to develop biosafety testing guidelines for transgenic plants. This book is one of the first outputs from this project. The book aims, using the case study of Bt maize, to detail generic approaches to the evaluation of environmental impact of GM technologies. This book focuses on transgenic maize in Kenya. This maize includes genetic material derived from the bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), which naturally produces proteins that are toxic to some insects. The book explores both the environmental and agricultural impacts of transgenic plants. It draws out general risk assessment guidelines, and demonstrates the need for case-by-case analysis. Although focused on Kenya and Bt Maize, the book's findings and recommendations are relevant and applicable to a multitude of nations and GM crops.
This fully updated second edition covers all aspects of practical plant nematology in subtropical and tropical agriculture. It covers the major food and cash crops including; rice, cereals, solanum and sweet potatoes and other root and tuber crops, food legumes, vegetables, peanut, citrus, tree and fruit crops, coconut and other palms, coffee, cocoa, tea, bananas, sugarcane, tobacco, pineapple, cotton, other tropical fibres, spices, condiments and medicinal plants. It provides practical guidance on methods of extraction, processing and diagnosing of different plant and soil nematodes and on integrated pestmanagement.
There are a number of controversial issues that surround agricultural biotechnology and genetically modified products. International trade and policies are at the forefront of these controversies. This book addresses these issues and has been developed from a meeting of the International Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology Research, held in Revello, Italy, in July 2004. It covers five themes: analytical studies; empirical trade studies; spillover dimensions; intellectual property rights; and applied general equilibrium trade models. ; International Trade and Policies for Genetically Modified Products has been developed from the International Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology Research. It covers five themes: analytical studies; empirical trade studies; spillover dimensions; intellectual property rights; and applied general equilibrium trade models. ; 1: Editors' Overview, R E Evenson and V SantanielloPart 1: Analytical Studies2: Biotechnology Risks and Project Interdependence, O K Knudsen, The World Bank, USA and P L Scandizzo, Facoltà de Economia Università, Italy3: Restricted Monopoly R & D Pricing: Uncertainty, Irreversibility and Non-Market Effect, R D Weaver, Pennsylvania State University, USA and J Wesseler, Wageningen University, The Netherlands4: Biotechnology and the Emergence of Club Behavior in Agricultural Trade, M Tothova and J F Oehmke, Michigan State University, USA5: The Labelling of Genetically Modified Products in a Global Trading Environment, S Scandizzo, Corporacion Andina de Fomento, VenezuelaPart 2: Empirical Trade Studies6: Tree Biotechnology: Regulation and International Trade, R A Sedjo, Resources for the Future, USA7: Commercialized Products of Biotechnology and Trade Pattern Effects, S Smyth, W A Kerr and K A Davey, University of Saskatchewan, CanadaPart 3: Spillover Dimensions8: The Coexistence of GM and non-GM Arable Crops in the EU: Economic and Market Considerations, G Brookes, Canterbury, UK9: Research Spillovers in Biotech Industry: The Case of Canola, R S Gray, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, S Malla, University of Lethbridge, Canada and K Tran, University of Saskatchewan, Canada10: Mergers, Acquisitions and Flows of Agbiotech Intellectual Property, D Schimmelpfennig and J King, USDA, Washington, USA11: The Impact of Regulation on the Development of New Products in the Food Industry, K Menrad, University of Applied Sciences of Weihenstephan and K Blind, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI), GermanyPart 4: Intellectual Property Rights12: Patents Versus Plant Varietal Protection, D Eaton and F van Tongeren, Wageningen University and Research Centre, The Netherlands13: Governing Innovative Science: Challenges Facing the Commercialization of Plant-Made Pharmaceuticals, S Smyth, G G Khachatourians and P W B Phillips, University of Saskatchewan, Canada14: Are GURTs Needed to Remedy Intellectual Property Failures and Environmental Problems with GM Crops? G Budd, Grains Research and Development Corporation, AustraliaPart 5: Applied General Equilibrium Trade Models15: Economic Effects of Producing or Banning G.M. Crops, J Flatau and P M Schmitz, University of Giessen, Germany16: Opposition to Genetically Modified Wheat and Global Food Security, F Haggui, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, P W B Phillips and R S Gray17: International Impacts of Bt Cotton Adoption, G B Frisvold, R Tronstad, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA and J M Reeves, Cotton Incorporated, USA
Nach dem New-York-Times-Bestseller Die Klarheit schreibt Leslie Jamison einen großen Roman über Sucht und Ausweglosigkeit, über echte Verzweiflung und die flüchtigen hellen Augenblicke, die so schnell wieder verschwinden, wie sie gekommen sind. Als junge Frau läuft Tilly von zu Hause weg und landet in der schäbigen Unterwelt Nevadas, wo sie statt des großen Glücks nur Drogen, Alkohol und die falschen Männer findet. Eines Tages, nachdem Tilly beinahe dreißig Jahre lang keinen Kontakt zu ihrer Familie hatte und sich in einem Trailerpark in der Wüste fast zu Tode getrunken hat, steht ihre Nichte Stella vor der Tür ihres Wohnwagens und zwingt sie zu einem Neuanfang. Der Gin-Trailer erzählt die Geschichte der eigentümlichen Beziehung, die zwischen den beiden entsteht.