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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2022

        Love in the Big City


        by Sang Young Park, Jan Henrik Dirks

        Young flippert zwischen Bude, Hörsaal und den Betten seiner letzten Tinder-Matches hin und her. Er studiert in Seoul, zusammen mit Jaehee, seiner BFF und Mitbewohnerin, zieht er durch die glitzernden Bars und queeren Clubs der Stadt. Mit noch einem Glas Soju in der Hand und eisgekühlten Marlboro Reds zwischen den Lippen beschwören sie die Euphorie, jede Nacht. Gegen die Ängste, gegen die Liebe, gegen die Ansprüche der Familie und die Not mit dem Geld. Doch als auch Jaehee endlich ankommen will, bleibt Young allein zurück im Partymodus. Mit seiner altgewordenen Mutter, mit dutzenden Liebhabern, von denen kaum einer seinen Namen kennt, mit der Leidenschaft fürs Schreiben und einer Frage: Ist in diesem Land für einen wie mich überhaupt eine Zukunft vorgesehen? Kann ich sie erreichen? Love in the Big City ist eine Heldengeschichte von gewaltiger Zärtlichkeit und Lässigkeit. Sang Young Park erzählt von Chaos, Freude, Leichtigkeit des Jungseins, und seinen schmerzhaften Grenzen, in einer Gesellschaft, deren Vergangenheit trotz allem Blitzen, Blinken, Träumen seltsam mächtig bleibt … Das Kultbuch aus Südkorea, Porträt einer Generation, Psychogramm eines faszinierenden Landes.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2011

        Ihre Hoheit

        by Herman Bang, Ulrich Sonnenberg

        Ihre Hoheit Maria Carolina in Bangs Erzählung ist eine unglückliche Prinzessin im goldenen Käfig. Von Kindheit an wird sie auf die ihr vorgezeichnete Rolle als adlige Repräsentatin gedrillt. Die aufkeimende Liebe zu einem jungen Schauspieler bleibt unerfüllt. Vorbild für Maria Carolina ist Prinzessin Marie Elisabeth aus der thüringischen Residenzstadt Meiningen, deren ritualisiertes öffentliches Leben Bang 1886 beobachtet hat. Zum 100. Todestag von Herman Bang am 29. Januar 2012 erscheint "Ihre Hoheit" in einer neuen, aktuellen Übersetzung.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2012

        Big Bang

        by Dong Yuexi

        The 2013 Most Beautiful Books of China The 2013 Red Dot Design Award The Art Directors Club 92nd Annual Awards Bronze The 12th “Taurus Cup” Execllent Art Books Bronze The 2013 GDC Nomination Awards The 8th National Exhibition of Book Design in China

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1978

        Das graue Haus

        Aus dem Dänischen und mit einem Nachwort von Walter Boehlich

        by Herman Bang, Walter Boehlich, Walter Boehlich

        Herman Bang (1857–1912), als Pfarrerssohn in der dänischen Provinz aufgewachsen, versuchte sich als Schauspieler, Regisseur und Feuilletonist, ehe er sich ganz der Literatur zuwandte. Lesereisen führten ihn durch ganz Europa. Bang gilt als Vollender der impressionistischen Erzählkunst, stilistisch wie thematisch gehört er zur künstlerischen Avantgarde seiner Zeit. »Bang war ein Zauberer impressionistischer Tableaus.« Neue Zürcher Zeitung

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2005

        Big Bang

        Der Ursprung des Kosmos und die Erfindung der modernen Naturwissenschaft

        by Singh, Simon / Übersetzt von Fritz, Klaus

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2022


        by Cat S.

        Are you going somewhere, Big Bear? Way Way Out There is where big things reside. They're so big - they cast shadows impossible to ignore. It's a long way away, but sometime big things come to shore on White Cliff to watch fascinating little things. Jules is an aspiring Big Bear born in White Cliff. He's been dreaming big from an early age, but has yet to figure it out. How does one grow Big? Where does one find directions? Who do you listen to? Can one so small really get There? To take one giant's advice--you'd have to see it for yourself. Way Way Out There.A wonderful fable told from the point of view of a small mind mapping out a path that would lead to something beautiful, good and true.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2023

        Love and revolution

        A politics for the deep commons

        by Matt York

        Based on award-winning research, Love and revolution brings classical and contemporary anarchist thought into a mutually beneficial dialogue with a global cross-section of ecological, anti-capitalist, feminist and anti-racist activists - discussing real-life examples of the loving-caring relations that underpin many contemporary struggles. Such a (r)evolutionary love is discovered to be a common embodied experience among the activists contributing to this collective vision, manifested as a radical solidarity, as political direct action, as long-term processes of struggle, and as a deeply relational more-than-human ethics. This book provides an essential resource for all those interested in building a free society grounded in solidarity and care, and offers a timely contribution to contemporary movement discourse.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2007

        Das weiße Haus/Das graue Haus

        Zwei Romane

        by Herman Bang, Walter Boehlich, Walter Boehlich

        Herman Bang, der große dänische Erzähler, wurde 1857 als Sohn eines Pfarrers geboren. Seine Kindheit im weißen Haus verklärt sich in seiner Erinnerung zum Zustand reinen, lichtdurchfluteten Glücks, eng verbunden mit der Beziehung zur Mutter. Das graue Haus hingegen steht für Alter, Verfall und Unglück und ist mit der Person des Großvaters verknüpft. Man kann die beiden autobiographischen Romane, es sind Bangs bekannteste Werke, jeden für sich lesen, aber sie gehören zusammen.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2007

        Exzentrische Existenzen

        Erzählungen und Reportagen

        by Herman Bang, Ulrich Sonnenberg, Ulrich Sonnenberg, Ulrich Sonnenberg

        Furios war Herman Bangs Start ins literarische Leben: Bereits als Fünfundzwanzigjähriger hatte er acht Bücher und 140 Feuilletons geschrieben und einen Pornographieskandal überstanden. Tatsächlich kam der 1857 geborene Pastorensohn eher notgedrungen zum Schreiben. Nach dem Tod seiner Eltern war er gezwungen, sich einen Broterwerb zu suchen, um sein dandyhaftes Leben aufrechterhalten zu können. Innerhalb kurzer Zeit wurde er zu einem der bekanntesten Journalisten Kopenhagens – aber auch zu einem der umstrittensten. Denn seine exzentrische Lebensweise und seine offen gelebte Homosexualität provozierten die bürgerliche Gesellschaft. Der vorliegende Band versammelt Erzählungen aus allen Schaffensperioden in einer neuen, der kraftvollen Sprache Bangs gerecht werdenden Übersetzung, so die psychologische Studie Irene Holm, das Eifersuchtsdrama Die vier Teufel oder die bissige Satire Ein schöner Tag. Ergänzt wird der Band durch Reportagen, unter anderem über den Brand von Schloß Christiansborg oder den Besuch im belgischen Gheel, der »Stadt der Wahnsinnigen«. Herman Bang, der mit seinen Romanen Das graue Haus und Das weiße Haus berühmt wurde, entwirft in seinen Erzählungen genaue Porträts von Menschen, oft am Rande der Gesellschaft. In seinen Reportagen, die hier großenteils zum ersten Mal in deutscher Übersetzung erscheinen, erweist sich Bang als kritischer Beobachter seiner Zeit.

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        Kizere Wets The Bed

        by Safari Jean Marie Vianney

        Many children wet the bed.  This comic storybook takes us on the journey of Kizere trying to overcome it. Gladly, with the help from parents and friends, she overcame it.

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        October 2016

        Big Data’s Big Potential in Developing Economies

        Impact on Agriculture, Health and Environmental Security

        by Nir Kshetri

        Big data involves the use of sophisticated analytics to make decisions based on large-scale data inputs. It is set to transform agriculture, environmental protection and healthcare in developing countries. This book critically evaluates the developing big data industry and market in these countries and gives an overview of the determinants, performance and impacts. It provides a detailed analysis of technology creation, technology infrastructures and human skills required to utilize big data while discussing novel applications and business models that make use of it to overcome healthcare barriers. The book also offers an analysis of big data's potential to improve environmental monitoring and protection where it is likely to have far-reaching and profound impacts on the agricultural sector. A key question addressed is how gains in agricultural productivity associated with big data will benefit smallholder farmers relative to global multinationals in that sector. The book also probes big data's roles in the creation of markets that can improve the welfare of smallholder farmers. Special consideration is given to big data-led transformation of the financial industry and discusses how the transformation can increase small-holder farmers' access to finance by changing the way lenders assess creditworthiness of potential borrowers. It also takes a look at data privacy and security issues facing smallholder farmers and reviews differences in such issues in industrialized and developing countries. The key ideas, concepts and theories presented are explored, illustrated and contrasted through in-depth case studies of developing world-based big data companies, and deployment and utilization of big data in agriculture, environmental protection and healthcare. ; Big Data has the power to change all aspects of agriculture, environmental protection and healthcare, especially in developing countries, by allowing new levels of analysis and tailoring of impacts. The capacity to develop infrastructure and the practical implications of data security are examined in depth ; Chapter 1: Big Data in Developing Countries: Current Status, Opportunities and ChallengesChapter 2: Big Data Ecosystem in Developing CountriesChapter 3: Big Data in Environmental Protection and Resources ConservationChapter 4: Big Data in Healthcare Delivery and OutcomesChapter 5: Big Data in AgricultureChapter 6: Big Data’s Roles in Increasing Smallholder Farmers’ Access to FinanceChapter 7: Data Privacy and Security Issues Facing Smallholder Farmers and Poor Communities in Developing CountriesChapter 8: Lessons Learned, Implications and the Way Forward

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2009

        Governance as social and political communication

        by Henrik Bang, Martin Hargreaves

        Governance is among the most used of new ideas in the social sciences, most notably in the fields of political science, public administration, sociology, social and political theory. As ever, debates within disciplines rarely transcend disciplinary boundaries. This volume, newly available in paperback, brings together authors from these fields to elaborate on the development of governance analysis in new conceptions of political and democratic communication. It not only seeks to identify, describe and evaluate the contribution of each discipline to a theory of communicative governance, but also lays the foundation of a multidisciplinary framework for studying the mediation in communicative governance of societal concerns for effectiveness, order and participation. The book is theoretical and comparative, drawing on authors and research in Britain, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands and the US. It adopts an anti-foundational approach to deconstruct the essentialist discourses endemic in each discipline and the disciplinary traditions of each country. Notions such as steering and control in public administration, identities and domination in sociology, and the community and self in social and political theory are analysed in depth. The book will demonstrate clearly how the distinctive traditions of each discipline lead them to construct overlapping, loosely coupled, and sometimes incommensurable ideas about the institutions, politics and policies of governance. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2021

        The Big Belly of A Bread Wolf

        by Pi Zhaohui

        In "The Big Belly of A Bread Wolf", many interesting stories happened. In a small bakery in Story Alley, Pete accidentally “eats” a mouse; Granny Goat’s cat got into Pete’s stomach to catch the mouse; Granny Goat walked in the same way into Pete's belly in order to save the kitten. The building of Granny Goat's house was also "eaten" into the belly... Eventually Pete's belly was broken by swallowing two many things. The grandpa had to help him fix his belly.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Big Big Banana Rides a Dog

        by Mei Zihan

        An argument happens in the kindergarten: Big Banana said that he dares to ride a puppy down the street. Meanwhile, teacher kitty said that he once rode a tiger on the street. However, all this happens in their dreams. As a result, kids begin talking about all of their dreams…These lovely “nonsenses” are not lies, but really fairy tales in the eyes of a person who loves kids a lot. The book is written by famous children’s literature writer-Mei Zihan, and its stories are humorous and slightly naughty, and full of vivid illustrations. The book is painted by youthful painter-Bu Jiamei, and she deftly uses color to distinguish reality from imagination, which makes the book colorful and strongly expressive.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2016

        Big design that adults and children can understand

        by Pao Ba

        Big design is a very important work of Hawking after the brief history of time. The theme is to understand the existence and relationship of life, all things and universe. The author of big design, which can be understood by both adults and children, takes it as a blueprint. Through the smooth narrative of story, children and parents can understand the science of universe, realize that the whole universe or all things are controlled by rules Its evolution is not only a history, but also a myriad of possibilities. Make it easier for children to understand science and enjoy the pleasure of knowledge.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Big Book of Curiosities

        by Julia Kislitsyna (Author), Hanna Nekrasova (Author), Stanislav Dvornitskyi (Author), Julia Budnik (Author), Iryna Rutylo (Illustrator)

        This book is a real treasure for young readers, who are constantly asking “why?” and are curious about absolutely everything that surrounds them. This visually astonishing volume takes children on a journey through different facts about our World. - Who can hold its breath for the longest time under water? - Why is plastic dangerous? - Which tree is the biggest on the Earth? - Who are the members of a symphony orchestra? - When will we be able to fly into space? Young readers can find answers to all these questions — and more — in The Big Book of Curiosities.   From 5 to 12 years, 9000 words Rightsholders: Olga Popovych,

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