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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2023

        Love and revolution

        A politics for the deep commons

        by Matt York

        Based on award-winning research, Love and revolution brings classical and contemporary anarchist thought into a mutually beneficial dialogue with a global cross-section of ecological, anti-capitalist, feminist and anti-racist activists - discussing real-life examples of the loving-caring relations that underpin many contemporary struggles. Such a (r)evolutionary love is discovered to be a common embodied experience among the activists contributing to this collective vision, manifested as a radical solidarity, as political direct action, as long-term processes of struggle, and as a deeply relational more-than-human ethics. This book provides an essential resource for all those interested in building a free society grounded in solidarity and care, and offers a timely contribution to contemporary movement discourse.

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        Love Amateurs

        by Aleksandar Prokopiev

        Anti-hero, and a would-be lover whose longing turns him into a buffoon: Prokopiev’s book is, surprisingly, a very English type.  Heir to Shakespeare’s Bottom, Henry Fielding’s trickster Tom Jones, and even Kingsley Amis’s Lucky Jim, he could also share a pint or two with the deprecating genii loci of today’s British poetry: Alan Brownjohn’s Ludbrooke, Christopher Reid’s Mr Mouth or one of Hugo Williams’s frank self-portraits. But Peeper also belongs to the wider family of “the little man”, struggling under a weight of circumstance he has no notion how to negotiate. Living among, without managing to live by, conventions, the Peeper is a descendent of that wry Everyman who has suffered and been compromised since mediaeval times. He is a Good Soldier Svejk, a Charlie Chaplin, more than he is a Humbert Humbert or an Alexander Portnoy.

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        Genealogy, heraldry, names & honours
        May 2015

        Anne Clifford's Great Books of Record

        by Jessica L. Malay

        In her Great Books of Record Anne Clifford places herself within the dynamic history of the ancient Clifford family, providing an unbroken view into medieval and early modern life for nearly six centuries. In this annotated edition, we glimpse the lives of simple widows, traders, farmers, and labourers juxtaposed with the adventures of soldiers, lords and ladies, princes and princesses. Throughout, Anne Clifford asserts the centrality of women to the success of noble families, including the monarchy. Her Great Books draws upon medieval traditions and early modern scholarship and builds upon these through biographies of the Clifford lords and ladies, along with an extended biography of her mother Margaret Russell and her own autobiographical 'Life of Mee'. Those interested in the lives of medieval and early modern women, changes in culture, the effect of the political upon individuals, and the inspiring life of Anne Clifford will find this a rich and rewarding book.

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        Health & Personal Development

        Kizere Wets The Bed

        by Safari Jean Marie Vianney

        Many children wet the bed.  This comic storybook takes us on the journey of Kizere trying to overcome it. Gladly, with the help from parents and friends, she overcame it.

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        August 2014

        The First Year of the Love Calendar

        by Wang Yuewen

        Sun Li, the protagonist of the novel, is a bestseller writer and his wife Xizi is the head of a university library. Their son Sun Yichi has been rebellious and unruly since childhood, remaining distant from his mother. Afraid of the exhaustion of his creativity, the middle-aged Sun Li begins to question the meaning of his writings. He thus suffers from serious insomnia and anxiety. Just at this time, his wife Xizi begins to have her own amorous secrets. Sun Li also finds himself unable to leave Li Qiao, director of New Evening Paper. These affairs have pushed their seemingly peaceful family life to the verge of collapse. The love calendar refers to the calendar that belongs only to Sun Li and his wife Xizi for their love. But such turbulent life experience has caused them to temporarily betray their love calendar … They eventually begin again the first year of their love calendar. Through the depiction of the love, marriage, and family life of Sun Li and Xizi, the novel becomes a retrospection of the spiritual tendency, emotional development and love pattern of the Chinese over the past 20 to 30 years. It also vividly outlines the changes of social mores in China over the past years in a figurative way. Even amorous entanglements are not devoid of elements of the officialdom, with honest and corrupt officials still on the scene. According to Wang Yuewen, this is an element of reality rather than of officialdom – “after all nobody can live in a vacuum space”.

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        January 2018

        Love & Beyond (1). Über den Tod hinaus

        by Verday, Jessica

        ***Eine verzweifelte Suche, ein dunkles Geheimnis und die ganz große Liebe*** Als ihre beste Freundin Kirsten vermisst gemeldet und kurze Zeit später für tot erklärt wird, bricht für Abbey eine Welt zusammen. Alles deutet darauf hin, dass Kirsten von der Brücke in den Crane River gestürzt und ertrunken ist. Doch Abbey ist nicht bereit, sie einfach so aufzugeben, solange ihre Leiche nicht gefunden wurde. Sie muss herausfinden, was in dieser Nacht geschehen ist, erfährt aber weder in der Schule noch von Kirstens Eltern Unterstützung. Dann ist da plötzlich dieser unbekannte Junge, Caspian, mit den strahlend grünen Augen, der auf Kirstens Beerdigung auftaucht und behauptet, nur wegen Abbey dort zu sein. Er bietet ihr an, herauszufinden, was mit Kirsten geschehen ist. In ihrer Verzweiflung geht sie auf das Angebot ein, fasst langsam Vertrauen zu dem mysteriösen Fremden. Die beiden kommen sich während der gemeinsamen Suche näher. Bis Abbey in Kirstens Tagebuch ein dunkles Geheimnis und erfahren muss, dass auch Caspian nicht der ist, der er zu sein vorgibt. Wem kann Abbey jetzt noch trauen? Caspians Erklärung an Abbey, warum er sie immer Astrid nennt: »Weißt du, was der Name Astrid bedeutet?« Schon wieder wechselte er das Thema und ich kam einfach nicht mehr mit. »Nein.« »Er bedeutet ›Stern‹. Das fällt mir immer zu dir ein, Abbey. Eines Tages habe ich nach oben geschaut und da warst du. Ein gleißendes Licht, umgeben von Dunkelheit. Du gibst mir das Gefühl, dass alles möglich ist. Digitale Originalausgabe. Die deutsche gedruckte Originalausgabe ist unter dem Titel "The Hollow. Wahre Liebe ist unsterblich" 2010 im Arena Verlag erschienen.

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        September 2018

        Gun Love

        by Jennifer Clement, Nicolai von Schweder-Schreiner

        Seit ihrer Geburt lebt Pearl im Auto, sie vorne, ihre Ausreißer-Mutter auf der Rückbank. Vierzehn Jahre stehen die beiden jetzt schon am Rande eines Trailerparks irgendwo in Florida. Draußen vor der Windschutzscheibe ist die Welt den Waffen verfallen: Kinder wachsen mit Pistolen statt Haustieren auf, Schießübungen immer und überall, mal Alligatoren, mal den Fluss, mal Polizisten im Visier, und sonntags sitzt man beim Gottesdienst mit der geschulterten Schrotflinte in der ersten Reihe. Doch im Ford Mercury wirken andere Kräfte, hier lernt Pearl das Träumen. Bis ein schöner Mann und seine Pistolen alles verändern … Gun Love handelt vom Zauber zwischen Mutter und Tochter inmitten des Irrsinns. In strahlenden Bildern erzählt Jennifer Clement eine Geschichte, in der Liebe und Hass, Fantasie und Wirklichkeit haltlos ineinanderfallen. Das literarische Stimmungsbild einer ganzen Nation.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2024

        ‘Survival Capitalism’ and the Big Bang

        Culture, contingency and capital in the making of the 1980s financial revolution

        by Emma Barrett

        This book about the Thatcher government and the City of London tells the compelling human story of the people and processes that made Britain's 1980s financial revolution. Fusing insider testimony with new archival discoveries, it examines high stakes and networked solutions, and uncovers new objectives that drove reforms. In so doing it demystifies a major shift in capitalism. This has implications for our understandings of government and capitalism, from the way we think about the origins of subsequent financial crises to today's growing inequalities. Survival Capitalism offers new insights into the last major restructuring of the City, disrupts myths surrounding the logics of the market, and pays attention to people and processes at a time when the City of London again faces major change as Britain seeks to find its place outside the European Union in the wake of Brexit.

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        Children's & YA


        by Jessica Bosworth Smith

        From the illustrator of The Straw Giant & The Crow comes a new picture book, Liefie. Explore the wonders and worries of having a surprise new child with this heart-melting family of otters! 'Liefie' by Jessica Bosworth Smith is an incredibly heart-warming and humorous take on a family of otters, who have a surprise laat-lammetjie (Afrikaans term — "the late lamb" — which is a South African phrase for a surprise child born long after their siblings).

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2011

        Ihre Hoheit

        by Herman Bang, Ulrich Sonnenberg

        Ihre Hoheit Maria Carolina in Bangs Erzählung ist eine unglückliche Prinzessin im goldenen Käfig. Von Kindheit an wird sie auf die ihr vorgezeichnete Rolle als adlige Repräsentatin gedrillt. Die aufkeimende Liebe zu einem jungen Schauspieler bleibt unerfüllt. Vorbild für Maria Carolina ist Prinzessin Marie Elisabeth aus der thüringischen Residenzstadt Meiningen, deren ritualisiertes öffentliches Leben Bang 1886 beobachtet hat. Zum 100. Todestag von Herman Bang am 29. Januar 2012 erscheint "Ihre Hoheit" in einer neuen, aktuellen Übersetzung.

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        The Arts
        May 2024

        The Family of Love

        By Lording Barry

        by Sophie Tomlinson

        The Family of Love charts a successful love intrigue between the cash-strapped Gerardine, and Maria, the sequestered niece of the mercenary Doctor Glister. Their romance unfolds against the dissection of two citizen marriages, the Glisters' and the Purges'. Mistress Purge attends Familist meetings independently, arousing her husband's suspicions about her marital fidelity. Two libertines, Lipsalve and Gudgeon, go in search of sex and solubility (freedom from constipation), receiving more than they bargain for in respect of the latter. This scholarly edition of Family of Love marks the first occasion on which the comedy is attributed to Lording Barry in print. It brings together literary and historical discussion with a thorough analysis of the play's disputed authorship. Tomlinson highlights Barry's rich vein of burlesque humour in a comedy that combines magic, a trunk, and a mock-court session with vigorous colloquial language.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2022

        The Family of Love

        By Lording Barry

        by Helen Ostovich, Sophie Tomlinson

        The Family of Love charts a successful love intrigue between the cash-strapped Gerardine, and Maria, the sequestered niece of the mercenary Doctor Glister. Their romance unfolds against the dissection of two citizen marriages, the Glisters' and the Purges'. Mistress Purge attends Familist meetings independently, arousing her husband's suspicions about her marital fidelity. Two libertines, Lipsalve and Gudgeon, go in search of sex and solubility (freedom from constipation), receiving more than they bargain for in respect of the latter. This scholarly edition of Family of Love marks the first occasion on which the comedy is attributed to Lording Barry in print. It brings together literary and historical discussion with a thorough analysis of the play's disputed authorship. Tomlinson highlights Barry's rich vein of burlesque humour in a comedy that combines magic, a trunk, and a mock-court session with vigorous colloquial language.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2008

        The Passion Collection

        by Natalka Sniadanko

        You are about to see the passion collection of a girl "from a decent Galician family" during her coming-of-age years. It contains not only common passions in Ukrainian and Russian but also more exotic ones, in Italian and German and a few aristocratic passions as well. Every time the girl tries to understand whether it is passion or love? And whether you can distinguish passion from love is up to you.

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