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      • E.Q. Plus Group Co., Ltd.

        E.Q. Plus is the first publisher which makes educational comics for children, created by 100% Thai people and established for 14 years. There are various kinds of knowledge inside for instance, international culture, international history, food science and cooking, medicine science, wild animal, theory and Science, Coding, etc. Our characters are really strong and easy to remember. We have sold copyrights more than 200 titles to Malaysia already and some contents to Taiwan, Hong Kong, and South Korea.

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      • Bearport Publishing

        Bearport Publishing specializes in creating high-interest, visually appealing books that focus on fun and unusual topics that young readers love.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        In Search of Winter Sleep

        by Tetiana Rumenko (Author), Tetyana Yatsura (Illustrator)

        Kvitochka is a small brown bear. She is convinced that the world is arranged for the comfort and happiness of all animals. But winter came, and the quiet life of the residents of the Rehabilitation Center for Brown Bears was filled with anxiety - someone stole the sleep from the bears! Kvitochka decided to find out who the thief was and find their sleep back. So now the little bear has a long journey ahead of her, full of unexpected encounters and many discoveries. Let’s go with her - and find out where the bears' sleep has gone and how to get it back!   From 3 to 8 years, 1480 words. Rightsholders: Rumenko Tetiana,;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Mio, the Brown Bear

        by Isabell Müller, Hannah Schmiedel, Noah Willmann, Simon Zerth

        “Whenever I see my uncle, he gets really close to me”, Mio the brown bear tells his friend Rami the raven. At Tara’s (Mio’s mom’s) birthday party, he talks to Rami about the bad feeling in his bear belly whenever he sees his uncle Oskar. From Rami, Mio learns to listen to his gut instinct. The next morning, when the bears go fishing together, Oskar touches Mio in a way that he doesn’t want. Mio summons all his courage and fights off his uncle. The book makes children aware of the subject of sexualized violence. It encourages those affected to set boundaries and to talk to people they trust. Moreover, the book provides practical tasks and exercises and offers important information on the topic for parents, relatives and therapists. For:• children of elementary school age(between 6 and 12) who haveexperienced sexualized violence• their relatives and acquaintances• therapists

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2016

        Evidence-based Nursing and Caring

        by Johann Behrens, Gero Langer

        Evidence-based-nursing and caring, a method that relies on scientifically verifiable data from an outside perspective (“external evidence”) as well as the individual needs of those cared for as well as the caretakers (“internal evidence”). This title offers a detailed insight into external and internal evidence in nursing care and shows in a 6-step-approach how to • make shared decision • analyse and describe problems • find literature and relevant studies • critically evaluate nursing studies and their quality • change nursing practice and • evaluate nursing care.   Target Group: Nursing Students, Nurse Educators.

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        Insecticide & herbicide technology
        July 1995

        Host Plant Resistance to Insects

        by Niranjan Panda, Gurdev S Khush

        The overuse and misuse of insecticides some four decades ago created major environmental problems and was followed by the development of an ‘integrated pest management’ approach to crop pests. This approach utilizes a combination of host plant resistance and cultural, biological and chemical control methods. Crop improvement programs emphasize the breeding of crop varieties with multiple resistance to pests, and resistant varieties developed in recent years represent some of the greatest achievements of modern agriculture. This book presents a broad overview of host plant resistance to insect pests. It shows how plants can defend themselves naturally and how insects have adapted to overcome these mechanisms through coevolution. It also describes screening and breeding for insect resistance.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        Birth controlled

        Selective reproduction and neoliberal eugenics in South Africa and India

        by Amrita Pande

        This book analyses the world of selective reproduction by a critical analysis of three modes of controlling birth, namely contraception, reproductive violence, and repro-genetic technologies. All population control policies target and vilify women (Black women in particular), and coerce them into subjecting their bodies to state and medical surveillance; Birth controlled argues that assisted reproductive technologies and repro-genetic technologies employ a similar and stratified burden of blame and responsibility based on gender, race, class and caste. The book draws on gender studies, sociology, medical anthropology, politics, science and technology studies, theology, public health and epidemiology to provides a critical, interdisciplinary and cutting-edge dialogue around the interconnected issues that shape reproductive politics in an ostensibly 'post-population control' era.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Bear Chasers at the Reindeer Camp

        by Gerelchimeg Blackcrane

        The story in the book happens deep inside the Daxing'anling mountains. For thousands of years, the Ewenkis made living by hunting and raising reindeer in the vast forest. They raised ferocious dogs to assist in hunting and camp guard. As time goes by and the world changes, the Ewenkis today are no longer hunting and the bloodline of their hunting dogs has ended. Instead, the tall, ferocious Mongolian shepherds who are able to chase away and kill wolves become the new camp guard responsible for protecting the reindeers. They drive off bears coveting the camp and grow into real bear chasers.   Blackcrane is one of the few children's book authors who come from minority groups in China, which makes him special in China's literati. His works always offer a glimpse into "the call of the wild" from the forest in the north of China. In this original full-length children's novel published for the first time, Blackcrane not only focuses on the beauty of wildlife but also emphasizes the emotional connections between humans and animals, allowing children to not only be nourished by literature but gain authentic and accurate information on the broadness of nature.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2019

        Gästebuch Baby Shower

        Unsere Wünsche für dich

        by Illustriert von Krupinski, Janna

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2015

        We Will Have Bread

        by Miao Wei

        “We will have bread, and we will have everything.” This is a motto that helps David Young survive hardship. As his food import company develops, he is wealthy, contented, and has plenty of time to try the best cuisine around the world. During a gourmet travel, he entered into relationship with Helen, a relationship built on shared passion for wining and dining and full of fascinating tasting trips. However, a sudden illness deprived David of his appetite and also his lover. Relying on an utterly healthy diet, David experiences changes not only in his daily routines, but also in his life desires.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2022

        Birth controlled

        by Amrita Pande, Srila Roy, Nicky Falkof

      • Trusted Partner
        Social issues & processes

        Flowers Blossoming

        by Gao Jing

        Flowers Blossoming is a picture book created in the context of poverty alleviation through education in China. In the Shiwan Mountain area of Guangxi where the outdated notion "women are not supposed to receive education" still prevails, Ah Mei, a girl of the Yao ethnic group, cherishes the hope that "knowledge can change fate". She leaves the mountain to receive education and work with the support of government. Having experienced a broader world outside, she returns to the mountain to plant seeds of hope for other girls.   The delicate and healing pictures in this book carry great power. The stretching mountain and the lush forests trigger boundless imaginations, embodying the thirst of girls deep in the mountain for learning knowledge and exploring the outside world. While the problems with girls' education in impoverished areas as reflected by the book have great realistic implications, the book applauds selfless educators for their finite contribution to the infinite educational cause, empowering more girls to live more open and brighter lives.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        December 2017

        Gallop on Horseback

        by Bao’erji Yuanye

        The prose works of the grassland and the life of the Mongol nationality noticeably stand out among all the brilliant works of Bao’erji Yuanye. The famous writer Zhang Xiaofeng once said after reading the works:” When I read his work, I feel like that I have been in his hometown and entered his house, and I have chatted with every inhabitant with arm in arm, seen their tear stains, listened to their whispers and felt the wild wind from the grassland. ” Since 2015, Bao’erji Yuanye has been to Chifeng City, Tongliao City and Hulunbeier City in Inner Mongolia, and lived in eight stock-raising Banners belonging to Xilin Gol League and Alxa League. He has gained much both in spirit and literary materials, and created a large number of works during the two years, including a large part of the collection of prose works. Featured with novelty, charm, sincerity and profoundness, these prose works act as lavish gifts of the author to the readers who love his works, and can be regarded as the pinnacle of present prairie literature.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2018

        Stirb zuerst


        by Kodiak, Frank

      • Trusted Partner

        Amissa. Die Vermissten

        Thriller | Bestsellerautor Andreas Winkelmann schreibt als Frank Kodiak

        by Kodiak, Frank

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2022

        Amissa. Die Überlebenden


        by Kodiak, Frank

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2017

        Nummer 25


        by Kodiak, Frank

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2020

        Amissa. Die Verlorenen


        by Kodiak, Frank

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