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        Children's & YA

        Pode me chamar de Dodô (You can call me Dodo)

        by Daniella Michelin

        Coexistence, harmony, respect, existence and resistance are central themes of the book Pode me chamar de Dodô, written by Daniella Michelin and illustrated by Elisa Carareto.

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        Children's & YA

        Castelos de areia (Sand castles)

        by Márcia Leite

        Humans, who hold the power and exercise it for their own benefit, do not see the other beings of that universe. The invisibility and the political and social relations of micro and macro powers are intertwined in the maximum of coexistence and coexistence between different beings in a common territory.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Britain in China

        by Robert Bickers

        This is a study of Britain's presence in China both at its peak, and during its inter-war dissolution in the face of assertive Chinese nationalism and declining British diplomatic support. Using archival materials from China and records in Britain and the United States, the author paints a portrait of the traders, missionaries, businessmen, diplomats and settlers who constituted "Britain-in-China", challenging our understanding of British imperialism there. Bickers argues that the British presence in China was dominated by urban settlers whose primary allegiance lay not with any grand imperial design, but with their own communities and precarious livelihoods. This brought them into conflict not only with the Chinese population, but with the British imperial government. The book also analyzes the formation and maintenance of settler identities, and then investigates how the British state and its allies brought an end to the reign of freelance, settler imperialism on the China coast. At the same time, other British sectors, missionary and business, renegotiated their own relationship with their Chinese markets and the Chinese state and distanced themselves from the settler British.

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        Children's & YA

        A oficina do Cambeva (Cambeva's workshop)

        by Lido Loschi

        Cambeva's workshop is the first of four books of the collection "Presente de Vô" in partnership with Grupo Ponto de Partida. The book is a mixture of colours and elements that highlight the memory of the world, in which seekers of memories have the mission of bringing light and life to objects found in the travels of two characters: Zalém and Calunga. Cambeva is a restorer who, when the world lost its embrace, tried to reinvent it; he is the grandfather who mends dreams, forgotten things and lost emotions, to whom the seekers ask for help to fix something. In a magical universe, full of children, grandchildren, stories and memories of his lineage of restorers, when faced with this request for restoration, he makes room to bring back an emblematic figure who can no longer sing. A story about memories, care and affection...

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        Children's & YA


        by Felipe Valério

        The name of this book is Oikoá, which means life in the language of the Guarani Mbya people. This name was chosen because the indigenous peoples have been the guardians of life on planet Earth: it is in their territories that there are more types of trees and plants, animals, fish, birds, insects, and where the rivers and forests are best preserved.

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        April 2008

        Sommer war es


        by Iselin C. Hermann, Regine Elsässer

        Ein Sommertag in den sechziger Jahren, eine verschwundene Zeit. Die fünfjährige Zwetsche sitzt mit ihrer Großmutter im Auto, sie sind unterwegs zum großelterlichen Gutshof, wo Zwetsche bleiben soll, bis ihre Eltern von ihrer Urlaubsreise zurückkommen. Auf dem Hof warten der Großvater, ihre drei studierenden Onkel und die Haushälterin Nea. Der Hof ist ein großer Abenteuerspielplatz, ein Paradies mit Kühen, Pferden und kurzen Ausflügen in die Stadt. Aber werden die Eltern wiederkommen? Die Bornholmer Uhr in der Diele mißt die Zeit, sie ist merkwürdig elastisch, wenn man erst fünf Jahre alt ist. Ein Tag währt ein ganzes Leben und das Abenteuer wartet in einer sich blähenden Sommergardine und den Glasaugen der ausgestopften Eule auf dem Schrank. Sommer war es ist die Erinnerungsphantasie einer Frau aus dem Land der Kindheit. Aus einer Zeit, in der die Erwachsenen riesige Nasenlöcher haben und merkwürdige Dinge sagen, die man nur halb versteht. Vielleicht haben wir es vergessen, aber genau so war es.

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        May 2022

        In the Shadow of War

        Diary notes from Ukraine

        by Christoph Brumme

        "What can you learn in war? Do you become numb, do you get used to it at some point? Does war make you "hard", uncaring, above pain? No. These are just clichés. Every day brings new horrors. At best, one learns for some time to suppress strong feelings, because to give in to them would weaken one's life instinct." In a very stirring and shocking, but sometimes humorous language, Christoph Brumme tells of the situation in Ukraine, the everyday life of his family and friends, of fears, longings and political assessments. The diary entries of the war and the resistance of the Ukrainians, starting from the first signs of the impending war in mid-January 2022 until the printing of this book, 1st May 2022, impressively bear witness to the brutality of these events.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Air power and colonial control

        by David Omissi

        Air policing was used in many colonial possessions, but its most effective incidence occurred in the crescent of territory from north-eastern Africa, through South-West Arabia, to North West Frontier of India. This book talks about air policing and its role in offering a cheaper means of 'pacification' in the inter-war years. It illuminates the potentialities and limitations of the new aerial technology, and makes important contributions to the history of colonial resistance and its suppression. Air policing was employed in the campaign against Mohammed bin Abdulla Hassan and his Dervish following in Somaliland in early 1920. The book discusses the relationships between air control and the survival of Royal Air Force in Iraq and between air power and indirect imperialism in the Hashemite kingdoms. It discusses Hugh Trenchard's plans to substitute air for naval or coastal forces, and assesses the extent to which barriers of climate and geography continued to limit the exercise of air power. Indigenous responses include being terrified at the mere sight of aircraft to the successful adaptation to air power, which was hardly foreseen by either the opponents or the supporters of air policing. The book examines the ethical debates which were a continuous undercurrent to the stream of argument about repressive air power methods from a political and operational perspective. It compares air policing as practised by other European powers by highlighting the Rif war in Morocco, the Druze revolt in Syria, and Italy's war of reconquest in Libya.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2023

        Civil war London

        Mobilizing for parliament, 1641–5

        by Jordan S. Downs

        This book looks at London's provision of financial and military support for parliament's war against King Charles I. It explores for the first time a series of episodic, circumstantial and unique mobilisations that spanned from late 1641 to early 1645 and which ultimately led to the establishment of the New Model Army. Based on research from two-dozen archives, Civil war London charts the successes and failures of efforts to move London's vast resources and in the process poses a number of challenges to longstanding notions about the capital's 'parliamentarian' makeup. It reveals interactions between London's Corporation, parochial communities and livery companies, between preachers and parishioners and between agitators, propagandists and common people. Within these tangled webs of political engagement reside the untold stories of the movement of money and men, but also of parliament's eventual success in the English Civil War.

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        The Arts
        September 2024

        The renewal of post-war Manchester

        Planning, architecture and the state

        by Richard Brook

        A compelling account of the project to transform post-war Manchester, revealing the clash between utopian vision and compromised reality. Urban renewal in Britain was thrilling in its vision, yet partial and incomplete in its implementation. For the first time, this deep study of a renewal city reveals the complex networks of actors behind physical change and stagnation in post-war Britain. Using the nested scales of region, city and case-study sites, the book explores the relationships between Whitehall legislation, its interpretation by local government planning officers and the on-the-ground impact through urban architectural projects. Each chapter highlights the connections between policy goals, global narratives and the design and construction of cities. The Cold War, decolonialisation, rising consumerism and the oil crisis all feature in a richly illustrated account of architecture and planning in post-war Manchester.

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        by Li Pan

        Ukiyo-e is a print art popular during the Edo period (1601-1867) in Japan. It is known as the "encyclopedia of Japanese folklore". It features oiran beauty, Kabuki actors, erotic charms, scenery, flowers, birds, and social customs, representing the lifestyles and fashions of all classes of society at that time. Pan Li, an authority on Ukiyo-e research, clearly described the 300-year history of the rise and fall of Ukiyo-e. The ins and outs of 7 major genres including Torii School and Utagawa School, the life stories and artistic achievements of 31 masters including Kitagawa Utamaro, Katsushika Hokusai, Utagawa Hiroshige, etc., more than 200 classic works such as "One Hundred Views of Edo" "Three Beauties of the Present Day" "Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji" are perfectly displayed and fully analyzed in the book. Every Ukiyo-e picture carries a wealth of Japanese folk culture codes. Only by unlocking this information in detail can we say that we truly understand Ukiyo-e and have a more accurate understanding of Japanese culture. ——Pan Li 浮世绘是流行于日本江户时代(1601-1867)、出自民间画工的版画艺术,被誉为“日本民俗的百科全书”,它以花魁美人、歌舞伎演员、春宫魅惑、民俗风景、花鸟虫鱼等社会风俗为主要题材,表现当时社会各阶层的生活百态和流行时尚。 中国浮世绘研究权威潘力清晰地讲述了浮世绘300年的兴衰史。鸟居派、歌川派等7大流派的来龙去脉,喜多川歌麿、葛饰北斋、歌川广重等31位大师的生平故事与艺术成就,《歌撰恋之部》《富岳三十六景》《名所江户百景》等200多幅经典作品的风格解析,都在书中得到了完美展现。 每一幅浮世绘都承载着丰富的日本民俗文化密码,只有巨细无遗地解锁这些信息,才能说是真正看懂浮世绘,也才能对日本文化有更准确的认识。——潘力

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        September 2012

        Es war einmal ein Mann

        by Hans Traxler

        Am Anfang steht der alte Kinderreim: »Es war einmal ein Mann, der hatte einen Schwamm.« Dann aber machen sich Reim und Handlung selbständig, und der Mann mit dem Kindergemüt und der seltsamen Kleidung geht auf anarchisch-witzige Weltreise. Er trifft einen Biber mit Ottilie, ein Schiff, das auf sechs Füßen läuft, und ein Hemd, "das war ihm seltsam fremd". Auf dem Mond schließlich begegnet ihm ein Mann, "der hatte einen Schwamm / und so fängt die Geschichte von vorne an." Hans Traxler, Autor und Illustrator dieses Kultbuchs, war Mitarbeiter der legendären Zeitschrift »pardon« und Gründungsmitglied des Satiremagazins »Titanic«. Gemeinsam mit Robert Gernhardt, F. W. Bernstein u. a. schrieb er als "Neue Frankfurter Schule" ein Kapitel deutsche Philosophiegeschichte ("Die schärfsten Kritiker der Elche / waren früher selber welche"). Nach »Die Wahrheit über Hänsel und Gretel« erschien 1979 im Insel Verlag mit »Es war einmal ein Mann« ein Buch, das zum Familienklassiker wurde. Wir legen dieses lange vergriffene Standardwerk der Nonsense-Literatur als schöne, gebundene Ausgabe zum Schenken und Wiederlesen neu vor. - illustriert und mit einem Nachwort von Hans Traxler

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        March 2009

        Es war einmal eine Familie

        by Lizzie Doron, Mirjam Pressler

        Tel Aviv, Anfang der neunziger Jahre: Helena, Elisabeths Mutter, ist gestorben. Während der Schiva, der sieben Trauertage, ist Elisabeth wieder in dem kleinen Viertel, in dem sie in den fünfziger und sechziger Jahren aufgewachsen ist, ein Viertel, in dem Überlebende der Shoah versuchten, sich ein neues Leben aufzubauen. Alle Kinder, mit denen sie groß geworden ist, haben wie Elisabeth schon vor vielen Jahren dieses Viertel verlassen. Sie wollten die Ängste und Alpträume ihrer Eltern hinter sich lassen, ein normaleres Leben führen, ein Großteil von ihnen jedoch gehörte zu jenen, die in den ersten Tagen des Jom-Kippur-Krieges fielen. Nun kommen die Nachbarinnen und Nachbarn von einst zu Besuch, um Helena die letzte Ehre zu erweisen, allen voran die zwei alten Schiva-Expertinnen Sonia und Genia. Durch die Trauergäste und ihre Erinnerungen wird für Elisabeth noch einmal die versunkene Welt ihrer Kindheit gegenwärtig, mit Müttern und Vätern, die in der israelischen Gegenwart nie heimisch wurden. Elisabeth, die keine anderen Verwandten hatte als ihre Mutter, erkennt am Ende der Trauerwoche, daß sie doch nicht ohne Familie aufgewachsen ist: Das Viertel hier, es war einmal eine Familie, das machen ihr die sieben Trauertage klar, die Sonia folgendermaßen zusammenfaßt: »Es war richtig gelungen, nur schade, daß Helena nicht dabei war.«

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2022

        Exiting war

        The British Empire and the 1918–20 moment

        by Romain Fathi, Margaret Hutchison, Andrekos Varnava, Michael Walsh, Alan Lester

        Exiting war explores a particular 1918-20 'moment' in the British Empire's history, between the First World War's armistices of 1918, and the peace treaties of 1919 and 1920. That moment, we argue, was a challenging and transformative time for the Empire. While British authorities successfully answered some of the post-war tests they faced, such as demobilisation, repatriation, and fighting the widespread effects of the Spanish flu, the racial, social, political and economic hallmarks of their imperialism set the scene for a wide range of expressions of loyalties and disloyalties, and anticolonial movements. The book documents and conceptualises this 1918-20 'moment' and its characteristics as a crucial three-year period of transformation for and within the Empire, examining these years for the significant shifts in the imperial relationship that occurred and as laying the foundation for later change in the imperial system.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        March 2022

        Vietnam Tourism

        Policies and Practices

        by Huong T. Bui, Giang T. Phi, Long H. Pham, Huong H. Do, Andrew Le, Binh Nghiem-Phu, Quynh N. Bui, He T. Bui, Phuong-Anh Dang, Thuy T. Duong, Thomas E. Jones, Thu G. Hoang, Phuong M. Ngo, Tuan Q. Pham, Thanh D. Tran, Hang T.B. Tran, Le-Anh Trinh, Hai Q. Truong

        Vietnam has experienced rapid growth within its tourism industry during the past decades. This growth is part of Vietnam's opening economy allowing a wide range of forms of tourism. Vietnam Tourism: Policies and Practices provides a comprehensive review of tourism development in Vietnam. Part I outlines the history of tourism, the role and involvement of public and private sectors in governance and planning, and the markets for tourism. Part II offers analysis and assessment of various types of tourism in Vietnam, including marine and island, eco, heritage, dark and community-based tourism. Part III centres on current operational issues of tourism, hotels and events. The book provides an up-to-date analysis on Vietnamese tourism policy, structure, governance, and operations as well as various forms of tourism from both a theoretical and practical perspective by: providing a comprehensive review in a single resource; outlining public and private sector tourism; addressing Vietnamese structure, governance and planning of tourism; examining special interest tourism; · addressing current issues of industry's operations and management; embracing local and global perspectives; principles and practices applicable to Southeast Asia. Written by scholars with extensive research experience on tourism in Vietnam this book is a reliable source of reference for students, researchers and industry practitioners who are interested modern tourism specifically in Vietnam and Southeast Asia.

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        The Psychologist’s Role in Disaster Risk Reduction

        Theory and Practice

        by Olavo Sant’Anna Filho / Daniela da Cunha Lopes (Eds.)

        The book introduces the psychology of disaster scenarios, taking into account national and international research. The title outlines different concepts, like anguish, stress, and resilience, and highlights the importance of psychosocial attention to minimize the consequences of disastrous situations and maintaining good mental health.   The book consists of a foreword and four chapters, which include a technical note from the Federal Counsel of Psychology, the main concepts of risk and disaster management, and information on the official agencies and nonprofit organizations that work with disaster risks reduction.   Target Group: clinical psychologists, mental health professionals, psychiatrists, students, and teachers

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