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      • May 2016

        Los enfermos

        by Rozenblum, Natalia

        Los Enfermos is Natalia Rozenblum's first, remarkable novel: a stark account of intense violence and at the same time tremendously poetic, which seems to hang by a thread like the lives of that woman and her son, and of the few characters who appear on the scene. A voice in the first person that sometimes dialogues with the immobile son, unable to respond, and sometimes is a desperate monologue.

      • July 2020

        Miguel y los coronavirus

        ¡Mantenerse sano es la mitad de la batalla!

        by Mercedes Musetano

        Podría ser solo una gripe, o quizás el coronavirus. Con este libro los niños comprenderán qué son y qué hacen los virus, y aprenderán cómo mantenerse sanos. Lavarse las manos y toser en un pañuelo de papel pronto será lo normal para su hijo. El héroe de esta pequeña historia, Miguel, también es solo un niño que quiere jugar con sus amigos y divertirse. Además, este breve cuento perfecto para relajarse antes de ir a la cama.

      • November 2007

        Herencia de milagros

        by Mario Salazar Montero

        Kurzinformation ISBN 978-3-9525331-2-3 Titel “Herencia de milagros”. Mario Salazar Montero. Novela Un anhelo de descendencia termina por enfrentar dos hombres y sus respectivos territorios geográficos. Para C. Abarca, un mulato suramericano que aterriza en Suiza con el propósito de cumplir su parte como macho reproductor estipulada en un contrato, esa descendencia futura, sus genes trasteando un apellido y una nacionalidad ajenos, contribuirá sin él poderlo impedir a perpetuar la desigualdad que le permitió a otro negociar aventajado su simiente.  Para F. Spinelli, descartada por enfermedad su capacidad de reproducirse, el resultado esperado, un ser humano, planeado como un recurso hábil y negociable para salvar su matrimonio, esa misma descendencia representa incluso antes de concretarse una hormiga miserable y aventajada con una tendencia congénita al abuso, un subdesarrollado irresponsable sin redención posible. Para Adela, la futura madre, el anhelo legítimo de tener una descendencia es el detonador de una fantasía que la lleva a revivir su primer amor, C. Abarca, en su país de orígen, a enquistarlo adrede en la mente de su marido enfermo como el único semental permitido, a convencerlo de traerlo a Suiza como una compensación a otro tipo de abuso con ella como víctima.  Sin embargo, al momento de horizontalizar el negocio, ella ya no es más la mujer linda y joven, su marido resulta siendo un suizo falsificado y el macho reproductor ya no reproduce. C. Abarca anda atareado sumando milagros y amuletos para dejar tras él una Herencia de milagros. Mario Salazar Montero. Geboren in Kolumbien, Südamerika. Lebt seit vielen Jahren in der Schweiz. Schriftsteller und Ingenieur. Hat mehrere Romane und Kurzgeschichten veröffentlicht. Spanisch und Deutsch. Mehr zum Autor und seinem literarischen Werk unter

      • Children's & YA
        January 2023

        Los Mil y un Dias

        Cuentos Juveniles Cortos

        by Ann A Guerra/Author,Daniel Guerra/Co-Author, Art of Winning Rock, Inc.

        This book contains a compilation of 12 juvenile shorts stories.  Is stories made from different parts of the world. Different races and culture.  Moral, cultural, values and adventures.

      • Children's & young adult: general non-fiction


        Learn How People Celebrate in America

        by Ángeles Quinteros, Ángeles Vargas

        This book wants to celebrate the cultural richness that comes from the native people and from different migration processes that vitalize our whole continent. Along with an attractive design, based on illustrations and images, the objective is to encourage children to have a positive attitude towards reading a text of greater difficulty, and thus contribute to a comprehensive education, developing reading skills and the cultural heritage of little readers. At the same time you will discover shared experiences that unite us as one great nation—like slavery or the cycles of Mother Earth—which are remembered and celebrated in ways you would never have imagined. Find out and celebrate the most interesting and beautiful festivals in America, a continent full of colors!

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        En manos de otros

        Infancia y abandono en la Barcelona del siglo XV

        by Ximena Illanes Zubieta

        Este libro explica cómo fue el abandono de niñas y niños en la Barcelona del siglo XV, deteniéndose en tres etapas esenciales: la escena del abandono, el cuidado de los lactantes en manos de nodrizas y el aprendizaje en casas ajenas. En cada fase se revisan las condiciones de integración y marginación, la presencia de lo femenino y los relatos de amores y desamores. Las historias que aquí se recogen permiten comprender las diferentes dimensiones del abandono, acto que involucraba no solo a los infantes expuestos, sino también a su entorno. Los niños en su mayoría eran abandonados en las puertas del Hospital de la Santa Creu de Barcelona durante las horas menos transitadas para evitar el juicio social. Las cartas que acompañaban a los infantes reflejan el drama de la pobreza y, por ende, la incapacidad forzosa de las madres para asumir el rol de la crianza. Al reconstruir el contexto de la época, el lector tiene la posibilidad de realizar un ejercicio de empatía que vuelve el foco de atención al presente. Es inevitable percibir las duras realidades que se mantienen a lo largo del tiempo y el casi irreparable sufrimiento que causa la soledad en los primeros años de vida.

      • Health & Personal Development
        November 2019

        How to make good things happen to you

        Understand your brain, manage your emotions, improve your life.

        by Marian Rojas

        The author offers a deep reflection, sprinkled with useful advice with an edifying aim, on the application of our abilities to achieve a full and happy existence. To this end, she brings together scientific, psychological and human points of view. This full and happy existence is achieved in the knowledge and optimization of certain areas of the brain. With this book we will learn to set goals and objectives, exercise our will, activate emotional intelligence, develop assertiveness, avoid excessive self-criticism and self-demands, and affirm our optimism.

      • Fiction
        June 2020

        Drawings of Hiroshima

        by Marcelo Simonetti

        “The sky was covered with grey clouds. The drizzle was lighter than normal, almost pious. The Japanese were advancing through the streets with short, fast steps. Satoru was ahead of them. He pedaled at a good pace. From his bicycle seat, the city revealed itself to his eyes as a sequence of frames. It was strange to be there, in his grandfather's city, and to ride through it as he had probably never done before: on two wheels. Even so, the possibility that the route he was taking would intersect with the routes that his grandfather had taken when he was a child, provoked an intimate emotion in him. Those landscapes were over eighty years old, including an atomic bomb, but it was the land where Ryu Nakata had learned to walk, to speak, to read”. The death of his grandfather, awakens in the young Yasuhiro Nakata the desire to know the family history, especially after finding a letter in which he discovers another side of the old man whose last words were: 'Hiroshima, Hiroshima', warning of the existence of a secret. As a result, Yasuhiro embarks on a journey that will take him from Valparaiso to Hiroshima, where his grandfather emigrated ten years before the atomic disaster. This is the beginning of Drawings of Hiroshima— a charming story that allows readers to follow the protagonist on a journey in which he not only reconnects with his Japanese origins, but also questions his present, his interpersonal relationships and his interest in writing, deepening the unconscious desire to understand the role that he plays in a story that is not his own but yet challenges him directly. With this new release, Marcelo Simonetti addresses issues such as migration and identity, connecting the historic Chilean port of Valparaiso with the memory of the tragedy occured in the Japanese city.

      • Children's & YA

        The Guest and Other Sinister Stories

        by Dávila, Amparo

        Through a selection of thrilling and exciting illustrated stories, Mexican author, Amparo Dávila, and Argentinian illustrator, Santiago Caruso, create a fascinating reading spectrum for young audiences. This set combines classic tales of the author: “Petrified trees” and “Concrete music”, alongside with fantastic stories as “The guest”, the story of an ordinary woman hunted by an unknown creature; “High kitchen”, a short story where miniature beings confront their inevitable fate, among others.

      • Health & Personal Development
        August 2014

        Orientación inicial


        by Guadalupe Baeza Gómez, Rafael Enríquez Raya

        Did you know that the brain is the most important organ in the human body? as the center of the nervous system it controls all the functions of the organism, both executive and autonomous, and all bodily processes are based on its proper functioning. For this reason, it is necessary to preserve it in the best possible way, since with the passing of time it tends to deteriorate and, therefore, to diminish its faculties. At the moment guide we will explain everything about this wonderful organ, we will deepen in the knowledge of its different functions; we will also indicate how to use the CDs that are part of the system and that contain the didactic exercises for hone your mental processes related to memory, attention, reasoning as well as skills increase verbal and visuospatial. Exercise in each of cognitive areas with exercises shows that here They offer, in addition to a guide to nutritional care to nurture good your brain. It is convenient that, as an introduction, do a preconception assessment (what you think about something or know of a certain topic), to achieve a greater understanding how this system works brain training, for that we will use a didactic material called table C-Q-A, which a Here we introduce you.

      • Fiction


        by Selection and editing by Marta Mearin and Juan Francisco Bascuñán Illustrations: Joanna Styrylska-Gałażyn

        Historical is a journey through the lives of 15 women who made history, based on illustrations of them by Polish artist Joanna Styrylska-Gałażyn. These graphic representations are accompanied by texts of diverse literary genres, written especially for this edition by young writers of different nationalities: Chilean, Latin American, Catalan. For each character, a brief biography and a text is included that seeks to connect the reader to the woman being honored, mixing real information with fictitious events: some occur in the future, others explore the most intimate dimension of the protagonist or personify her through poetry. The illustrations and stories that make up this book seek to make visible the importance of women in the immense number of areas from which they have been systematically excluded: science, art, technology, sports, activism and academia, among others. In this way, the book concentrates different aspects of feminist struggles capable of transcending time and space.

      • Family & home stories (Children's/YA)


        by Nacho Golfe

        What would you be willing to do for your grandparents? Discover this adventure through time. This crazy gang of friends will travel to the Great Wall China or the mysterious Egypt to get their dream comes true: TO BE ROCK STARS! Fun, friendship, Alzheimer's and family. The story of a new superhero. The story of a grandson and his grandfather.

      • Asfixia

        by Alex Mírez

        Planet Earth. Population: 1 We cannot understand how it happened. On September 1, 2019, it happened. We were all fine and from one moment to the next people began to suffocate. Little by little, the world fell into an astonishing silence. I survived that mysterious and catastrophic incident thanks to my father. When I woke up, I was faced with the horrifying panorama of millions of corpses. They were all dead. Soon after, I discovered that there were actually seven survivors left, and I joined them. Some dedicated themselves to investigating what had happened, the reason for the extinction of the human race; but they died in a strange way in a short time. Those of us left behind struggled to survive, but even so, the others also passed away after a few months. Now only I inhabit the world, I am the only one left on the planet ... Or at least, I believed.

      • July 2016

        Santo de palo

        by Mario Salazar Montero

        Kurzinformation ISBN 978-3-9525331-1-6 Titel “Santo de palo”. Mario Salazar Montero. Novela Existe sin duda alguna gente honesta en este mundo y en esta vida; gente admirable en quien confiar las vicisitudes íntimas y las incertidumbres, gente reconocible sin necesidad de alharaca de su parte, mortales comunes y corrientes, guiados por su propia experiencia, intuición y sufrimiento. Existe también desde luego otro tipo de consejeros, siempre en busca de reconocimiento, urgidos y ansiosos por obtener una aureola de bienhechores certificados, cueste lo que cueste, carentes de escrúpulos. A algunos entre estos últimos la suerte y la vida les sonrien, encuentran cómplices y adeptos, viven y mueren apestando a santidad comprada: son los inútiles “Santos de palo”; otros, menos afortunados, reciben a tiempo un merecido. Si el lugar geográfico donde los personajes que encarnan estas dos opciones de ayuda al prójimo es un pueblo a orillas del Océano Pacífico donde viven y conviven con sus protegidos o sus sometidos, un rincón perdido en las selvas tropicales de Suramérica, empobrecido y abusado, la selva no tiene en cuenta detalles de nacionalidad a la hora de castigar a su manera una santidad falsificada. Mario Salazar Montero. Geboren in Kolumbien, Südamerika. Lebt seit vielen Jahren in der Schweiz. Schriftsteller und Ingenieur. Hat mehrere Romane und Kurzgeschichten veröffentlicht. Spanisch und Deutsch. Mehr zum Autor und seinem literarischen Werk unter

      • Libelo de Sangre

        by Sandra Aza

        Madrid, winter of 1620. The happiness of the marriage formed by Sebastián Castro, a renowned clerk of the Villa, and Margarita Carvajal staggers when both become the main suspects of a blood libel: lawsuits that blame the Jews for sacrificing Christian children to collect their blood and whose jurisdiction belongs to the Holy Inquisition. With the bonfire hanging over them, their son Alonso, a thirteen-year-old boy, begins a desperate search for a way to save them, a purpose that tears her out of her warm existence and shows her the ice of life. In spite of everything, three headlights turn on light in the shadows of her misfortune: friendship, hope and a dream. Friendship is provided by Juan and Antonio, two rogue vagabonds. Hope beats in a bag full of money that seems to be pulling the strings of destiny. And the dream awaits him in college, where he plans to study law, become a lawyer, and exercise a law capable of preventing innocent people like his parents from suffering the rigors of injustice. Blood Libel is a fascinating story of love and friendship set in Madrid during the Golden Age, a vibrant but bleak time in which, while faith in God lit hearts, crimes against it lit bonfires.

      • Literary studies: from c 1900 -
        November 2002


        by MONTEJO GURRUCHAGA, Lucía; et al.

        En esta obra se reúnen ocho estudios que recorren la historia de la literatura española desde la Edad Media hasta la actualidad, mostrando que una parte importante de nuestro pasado, la que representa a la mitad femenina de la población, debe tener cabida en los manuales, porque también tiene historia. A la crítica sobre el pasado, este libro suma la reflexión de dos escritoras presentes: Rosa Regás y Belén Gopegui. Ambas ponen el contrapunto de la conciencia creadora femenina en una actualidad.

      • Fiction
        April 2018

        My old guerrilla

        by Álvaro Filho

        A narrative full of time, memories on the shoulders, rusty bodies smelling of sea air, a testimony of uncertain memories of stories. The novel 'My old guerrilla' tells the story of a exiled writer abroad who returns to hometown (Olinda), mother's request, to try to dissuade the father of the idea of ​​killing the president, who took power after a coup. Alvaro Filho teaches us that we must "silence to hear the wind," time to understand the affection of places and things, calmly swallowing discomfort, and wisdom to understand our ancestry. 'My old guerrilla' is like a reef solid melts into air, and the wind sweeping "flesh, bone, blood, paper and ink."

      • May 2020

        Antropología del astronauta cotidiano

        by José Alejandro Polanco Contreras

        Desde la perspectiva de la antropología médica, este libro describe las condiciones de vida de las personas que llevan dispositivos médicos al cuerpo que pueden hacerlos parecer en cierto modo cyborgs, debido a esa simbiosis entre el ser humano y la tecnología. El lector encontrará historias de vida de personas de diversas condiciones sociales y económicas que tienen en común su condición de "astronauta de la vida diaria", término adoptado por el autor para nombrar a aquellas personas que, por circunstancias de su vida, fueron "lanzadas" en la complejidad de vivir con una ostomía. El libro describe la perspectiva médica del problema, así como las tecnologías y dispositivos que se han desarrollado para el cuidado de las ostomías y que han ayudado a esas personas a llevar una vida plenamente funcional.

      • October 2020

        Seven Words of Jesus to You With activities and illustrations for coloring

        by Virginia Chaves Muñoz

        Esta interesante cartilla presenta las Siete palabras que Jesús pronunció en la cruz. Trae una historia inicial y actividades que le ayudarán al niño a aprender cada palabra y a encontrar en ellas una invitación a la reflexión, al amor y la solidaridad.

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